Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ...

Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ... Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ...

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age and, subject to availability of funds, establish and provide for the operation ofcenters and facilities for said needy and disadvantaged persons;xv. Maintain jails and detention centers. Establish and provide for the maintenance andimprovement of jails and detention centers, institute sound jail management programs,and appropriate funds for the subsistence of detainees and convicted prisoners in themunicipality;xvi. Establish council for culture and the arts. Establish a municipal council whosepurpose is the promotion of culture and the arts, coordinate with government agenciesand non-governmental organizations and, subject to the availability of funds,appropriate funds for the support and development of the same; andxvii. Establish council for the elderly. Establish a municipal council for the elderly whichshall formulate policies and adopt measures mutually beneficial to the elderly and tothe community; provide incentives for non-governmental agencies and entities and,subject to the availability of funds, appropriate funds to support programs and projectsfor the benefit of the elderly; and(6) Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions as maybe prescribed by law or ordinance.50

Tool 10Checklist: Powers, Duties and Functions of the ng>Sangguniangng> BarangaySections 391 and 392 of the LGC define the powers and functions of the sangguniangbarangay as follows:(1) Enact ordinances to promote the general welfare. Enact ordinances as may benecessary to discharge the responsibilities conferred upon it by law or ordinanceand to promote the general welfare of the inhabitants therein;(2) Enact tax ordinances. Enact tax and revenue ordinances, subject to the limitationsimposed in the LGC;(3) Enact budgets. Enact annual and supplemental budgets in accordance with theprovisions of the LGC;(4) Construct and maintain barangay facilities. Provide for the construction andmaintenance of Barangay facilities and other public works projects chargeable to thegeneral fund of the Barangay or such other funds actually available for the purpose;(5) Recommend measures for barangay improvement. Submit to the ng>Sangguniangng>Panlungsod or ng>Sangguniangng> Bayan such suggestions or recommendations as itmay see fit for the improvement of the Barangay or for the welfare of the inhabitantsthereof;(6) Assist in establishment of cooperatives. Assist in the establishment,organization, and promotion of cooperative enterprises that will improve theeconomic condition and well-being of the residents;(7) Regulate use of barangay facilities. Regulate the use of multi-purpose halls,multi- purpose pavements, grain or copra dryers, patios and other post-harvestfacilities, Barangay waterworks, Barangay markets, parking areas or other similarfacilities constructed with government funds within the jurisdiction of the Barangayand charge reasonable fees for the use thereof;(8) Solicit funds for barangay public works. Solicit or accept monies, materials andvoluntary labor for specific public works and cooperative enterprises of theBarangay from residents, land owners, producers and merchants in the Barangay;monies from grants-in-aid, subsidies, contributions, and revenues made available tothe Barangays from national, provincial, city or municipal funds; and monies fromother private agencies and individuals: Provided, however, That monies or51

age and, subject to availability of funds, establish and provide for the operation ofcenters and facilities for said needy and disadvantaged persons;xv. Maintain jails and detention centers. Establish and provide for the maintenance andimprovement of jails and detention centers, institute sound jail management programs,and appropriate funds for the subsistence of detainees and convicted prisoners in themunicipality;xvi. Establish council for culture and the arts. Establish a municipal council whosepurpose is the promotion of culture and the arts, coordinate with government agenciesand non-governmental organizations and, subject to the availability of funds,appropriate funds for the support and development of the same; andxvii. Establish council for the elderly. Establish a municipal council for the elderly whichshall formulate policies and adopt measures mutually beneficial to the elderly and tothe community; provide incentives for non-governmental agencies and entities and,subject to the availability of funds, appropriate funds to support programs and projectsfor the benefit of the elderly; and(6) Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions as maybe prescribed by law or ordinance.50

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