Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ...

Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ... Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ...

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i. Fix service fees. Fix and impose reasonable fees and charges for all servicesrendered by the municipal government to private persons or entities;ii. Regulate business. Regulate any business, occupation, or practice of profession orcalling which does not require government examination within the municipality and theconditions under which the license for said business or practice of profession may beissued or revoked;iii. Determine terms for use or lease of public utilities. Prescribe the terms andconditions under which public utilities owned by the municipality shall be operated bythe municipal government or leased to private persons or entities, preferablycooperatives;iv. Fix license fees for signs and billboards. Regulate the display of and fix the licensefees for signs, signboards, or billboards at the place or places where the profession orbusiness advertised thereby is, in whole or in part, conducted;v. Regulate cockfighting activities. Any law to the contrary notwithstanding, authorizeand license the establishment, operation, and maintenance of cockpits, and regulatecockfighting and commercial breeding of gamecocks: Provided, That existing rightsshould not be prejudiced;vi. Grant tricycle operation franchises. Subject to the guidelines prescribed by theDepartment of Transportation and Communications, regulate the operation of tricyclesand grant franchises for the operation thereof within the territorial jurisdiction of themunicipality;vii. Grant franchises to operate wharves, markets or slaughterhouses. Upon approvalby a majority vote of all the members of the ng>Sangguniangng> Bayan, grant a franchise toany person, partnership, corporation, or cooperative to establish, construct, operateand maintain ferries, wharves, markets or slaughterhouses, or such other similaractivities within the municipality as may be allowed by applicable laws: Provided, That,cooperatives shall be given preference in the grant of such a franchise.(4) Regulate activities relative to the use of land, buildings and structures within themunicipality in order to promote the general welfare and for said purpose shall:i. Declare, prevent or abate any nuisance;ii. Establish sanitation regulations. Require that buildings and the premises thereofand any land within the municipality be kept and maintained in a sanitary condition;46

impose penalties for any violation thereof, or upon failure to comply with saidrequirement, have the work done and require the owner, administrator or tenantconcerned to pay the expenses of the same; or require the filling up of any land orpremises to a grade necessary for proper sanitation;iii. Regulate disposal of hospital wastes. Regulate the disposal of clinical and otherwastes from hospitals, clinics and other similar establishments;iv. Regulate establishment of restaurants and lodging houses. Regulate theestablishment, operation and maintenance of cafes, restaurants, beerhouses, hotels,motels, inns, pension houses, lodging houses, and other similar establishments,including tourist guides and transports;v. Regulate the sale of liquor. Regulate the sale, giving away or dispensing of anyintoxicating malt, vino, mixed or fermented liquors at any retail outlet;vi. Regulate the establishment of heat devices. Regulate the establishment andprovide for the inspection of steam boilers or any heating device in buildings and thestorage of inflammable and highly combustible materials within the municipality;vii. Regulate establishment and operation of amusement facilities. Regulate theestablishment, operation, and maintenance of entertainment or amusement facilities,including theatrical performances, circuses, billiard pools, public dancing schools,public dance halls, sauna baths, massage parlors, and other places of entertainmentor amusement; regulate such other events or activities for amusement orentertainment, particularly those which tend to disturb the community or annoy theinhabitants, or require the suspension or suppression of the same; or, prohibit certainforms of amusement or entertainment in order to protect the social and moral welfareof the community;viii. Regulate the keeping, sale and disposition of animals. Provide for the impoundingof stray animals; regulate the keeping of animals in homes or as part of a business,and the slaughter, sale or disposition of the same; and adopt measures to prevent andpenalize cruelty to animals; andix. Regulate establishment of funeral parlors. Regulate the establishment, operation,and maintenance of funeral parlors and the burial or cremation of the dead, subject toexisting laws, rules and regulations.47

impose penalties for any violation thereof, or upon failure to comply with saidrequirement, have the work done and require the owner, administrator or tenantconcerned to pay the expenses of the same; or require the filli<strong>ng</strong> up of any land orpremises to a grade necessary for proper sanitation;iii. Regulate disposal of hospital wastes. Regulate the disposal of clinical and otherwastes from hospitals, clinics and other similar establishments;iv. Regulate establishment of restaurants and lodgi<strong>ng</strong> houses. Regulate theestablishment, operation and maintenance of cafes, restaurants, beerhouses, hotels,motels, inns, pension houses, lodgi<strong>ng</strong> houses, and other similar establishments,includi<strong>ng</strong> tourist guides and transports;v. Regulate the sale of liquor. Regulate the sale, givi<strong>ng</strong> away or dispensi<strong>ng</strong> of anyintoxicati<strong>ng</strong> malt, vino, mixed or fermented liquors at any retail outlet;vi. Regulate the establishment of heat devices. Regulate the establishment andprovide for the inspection of steam boilers or any heati<strong>ng</strong> device in buildi<strong>ng</strong>s and thestorage of inflammable and highly combustible materials within the municipality;vii. Regulate establishment and operation of amusement facilities. Regulate theestablishment, operation, and maintenance of entertainment or amusement facilities,includi<strong>ng</strong> theatrical performances, circuses, billiard pools, public danci<strong>ng</strong> schools,public dance halls, sauna baths, massage parlors, and other places of entertainmentor amusement; regulate such other events or activities for amusement orentertainment, particularly those which tend to disturb the community or annoy theinhabitants, or require the suspension or suppression of the same; or, prohibit certainforms of amusement or entertainment in order to protect the social and moral welfareof the community;viii. Regulate the keepi<strong>ng</strong>, sale and disposition of animals. Provide for the impoundi<strong>ng</strong>of stray animals; regulate the keepi<strong>ng</strong> of animals in homes or as part of a business,and the slaughter, sale or disposition of the same; and adopt measures to prevent andpenalize cruelty to animals; andix. Regulate establishment of funeral parlors. Regulate the establishment, operation,and maintenance of funeral parlors and the burial or cremation of the dead, subject toexisti<strong>ng</strong> laws, rules and regulations.47

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