Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ...

Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ... Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ...

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11. I like to ensure the continuity of work in the sanggunian despite changes inleadership as a result of elections and ensure the sanggunian staff has adequatecapacities to provide technical support needed in legislative work.12. I like to enhance the knowledge and skills, and orientations of my constituents forperforming community problem-solving and community development activities andprojects.13. I like to review the performance of my local government unit and identifystrengths and weaknesses as well as propose reforms and improvements.14. I like to engender satisfaction among constituents and be willing to listen to theirproblems and concerns through face-to-face meetings and other consultativemechanisms.15. I am committed to work on a broad and long-term program of action with otherlegislators in the sanggunian.16. I like to be viewed as an asset to the government and the community and amodel to the rest of the citizenry.17. I like to engage in political discussion and if necessary negotiate with otherpoliticians to settle conflicts and arrive at a consensus on policy decisions.22

Tool 2Roles of a ng>Localng> LegislatorA local legislator is expected to perform multiple roles. 8 ng>Theng>se roles describe the desiredvalues and skills of a local legislator.1. Policy Maker – the extent to which the legislator determines strategies that will guidepresent and future actions to benefit the LGU.2. Policy Advocate – the extent to which the legislator is able to generate political supportfor policies and proposals deemed beneficial to constituents.3. Decision Maker – the extent to which the legislator is able to choose from among policyalternatives which will provide the most benefit to constituents.4. Facilitator – the extent to which the legislator fosters collective effort, helps solveproblems and ensures that committee meetings are productive, and managesinterpersonal and intergroup conflict.5. Enabler – the extent to which the legislator is able to make things possible, practical andeasier for others to perform their roles and responsibilities.6. Negotiator - the extent to which the legislator helps others reach an agreeable solutionwhen they have differing interests and needs.7. Leader – the extent to which the legislator initiates and mobilizes constituents in solvingproblems and undertaking community development activities and projects.8. Resource Mobilizer – the extent to which the legislator undertakes the task of revenuegeneration and allocation and legitimizes spending for his/her constituents’ collectivewelfare and development.8 Ibid.23

Tool 2Roles of a <stro<strong>ng</strong>>Local</stro<strong>ng</strong>> LegislatorA local legislator is expected to perform multiple roles. 8 <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>>se roles describe the desiredvalues and skills of a local legislator.1. Policy Maker – the extent to which the legislator determines strategies that will guidepresent and future actions to benefit the LGU.2. Policy Advocate – the extent to which the legislator is able to generate political supportfor policies and proposals deemed beneficial to constituents.3. Decision Maker – the extent to which the legislator is able to choose from amo<strong>ng</strong> policyalternatives which will provide the most benefit to constituents.4. Facilitator – the extent to which the legislator fosters collective effort, helps solveproblems and ensures that committee meeti<strong>ng</strong>s are productive, and managesinterpersonal and intergroup conflict.5. Enabler – the extent to which the legislator is able to make thi<strong>ng</strong>s possible, practical andeasier for others to perform their roles and responsibilities.6. Negotiator - the extent to which the legislator helps others reach an agreeable solutionwhen they have differi<strong>ng</strong> interests and needs.7. Leader – the extent to which the legislator initiates and mobilizes constituents in solvi<strong>ng</strong>problems and undertaki<strong>ng</strong> community development activities and projects.8. Resource Mobilizer – the extent to which the legislator undertakes the task of revenuegeneration and allocation and legitimizes spendi<strong>ng</strong> for his/her constituents’ collectivewelfare and development.8 Ibid.23

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