Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ...

Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ... Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ...

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Tool 1Legislative Oversight Techniquesng>Theng> following techniques may be used by the sanggunian in its oversight activities:1. ng>Theng> LLEDACng>Theng> ng>Localng> Legislative-Executive Development Advisory Council (LLEDAC) is essentially amechanism for legislative-executive cooperation. But it can also serve as an oversight toolof the sanggunian. Because the LLEDAC draws its membership from both the legislativebody and the local executive branch, oversight can be done in a congenial or “friendly” butsystematic manner. ng>Localng> executives may be less threatened or more candid in theirperformance reports if they are making a report before a joint legislative-executive body thanbefore a purely legislative body.LGUs planning to set up a LLEDAC, consider including oversight in its statement of dutiesas follows: “It shall be the responsibility of the LLEDAC to monitor and review theimplementation by the executive of all resolutions and ordinances approved by thesanggunian.”ng>Theng> LLEDAC can also serve as a venue for a joint review of the local budget before it isenacted as well as joint review and monitoring of the Executive-Legislative Agenda.2. Committee Meetings and HearingsEach sanggunian committee may invite their counterparts in the executive department tobrief its members on the status of a particular program that it wants to evaluate. Forinstance, the committee on trade and industry may invite the members of the local tourismboard to present a report on the implementation of its tourism program. Meetings of this typecan be scheduled on a monthly or quarterly basis.Sanggunian committees should also make a regular practice of getting resource personsfrom the local executive departments for its committee or public hearings. This way thecommittee gets the information it needs but at the same time provides an opportunity to the276

public attending the hearing to ask questions and make suggestions on how to improve theimplementation of government programs.3. Implementing rules and regulations (IRR)IRRs are formulated for the purpose of implementing an ordinance. By taking an active partin the drafting and review of the IRRs, the sanggunian, through its committees, can performtheir oversight duties.4. Sunset ProvisionsA “sunset provision” is a provision in an ordinance or law that places an expiration date onan entire ordinance or part of an ordinance. ng>Theng> purpose of a sunset provision is to force asystematic evaluation of an agency or program by establishing a specific date, e.g. fouryears, for the termination of a law creating the agency or program. For instance, thesanggunian can enact a sunset provision on an ordinance creating an Anti-Poverty Council.If the performance of the council is good, the sanggunian can reenact the authorizingstatute.5. Fiscal oversightng>Theng> sanggunian can utilize a number of oversight procedures during the appropriationsprocess. It can enact a statutory reporting requirement in the ordinance that makessubmission of performance or spending reports, of a local agency for example, to thesanggunian mandatory.ng>Theng> budget authorization process involves substantial interaction between legislators anddepartment heads. It provides the sanggunian a venue to carry out legislative oversightthroughout the hearings on the budget or appropriations ordinance. If done seriously, thebudget hearings can provide the sanggunian with valuable data on how a departmentspends its budget to implement its programs.277

Tool 1Legislative Oversight Techniques<stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> followi<strong>ng</strong> techniques may be used by the sa<strong>ng</strong>gunian in its oversight activities:1. <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> LLEDAC<stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> <stro<strong>ng</strong>>Local</stro<strong>ng</strong>> Legislative-Executive Development Advisory Council (LLEDAC) is essentially amechanism for legislative-executive cooperation. But it can also serve as an oversight toolof the sa<strong>ng</strong>gunian. Because the LLEDAC draws its membership from both the legislativebody and the local executive branch, oversight can be done in a co<strong>ng</strong>enial or “friendly” butsystematic manner. <stro<strong>ng</strong>>Local</stro<strong>ng</strong>> executives may be less threatened or more candid in theirperformance reports if they are maki<strong>ng</strong> a report before a joint legislative-executive body thanbefore a purely legislative body.LGUs planni<strong>ng</strong> to set up a LLEDAC, consider includi<strong>ng</strong> oversight in its statement of dutiesas follows: “It shall be the responsibility of the LLEDAC to monitor and review theimplementation by the executive of all resolutions and ordinances approved by thesa<strong>ng</strong>gunian.”<stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> LLEDAC can also serve as a venue for a joint review of the local budget before it isenacted as well as joint review and monitori<strong>ng</strong> of the Executive-Legislative Agenda.2. Committee Meeti<strong>ng</strong>s and Heari<strong>ng</strong>sEach sa<strong>ng</strong>gunian committee may invite their counterparts in the executive department tobrief its members on the status of a particular program that it wants to evaluate. Forinstance, the committee on trade and industry may invite the members of the local tourismboard to present a report on the implementation of its tourism program. Meeti<strong>ng</strong>s of this typecan be scheduled on a monthly or quarterly basis.Sa<strong>ng</strong>gunian committees should also make a regular practice of getti<strong>ng</strong> resource personsfrom the local executive departments for its committee or public heari<strong>ng</strong>s. This way thecommittee gets the information it needs but at the same time provides an opportunity to the276

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