Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ...

Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ... Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ...

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e. Orienting the people on the values of the ng>Localng> Environment Code for their greaterappreciation and acceptance.(iv) Public Information, Education and Communication (PIEC) Program Components.Hereunder are its components:a. ng>Theng> target clientele;b. ng>Theng> clientele’s needs and wants;c. Services and the benefits to be derived; andd. Methods of presentation.(v) Responsibility for Information, Education and Communication. ng>Theng> Office of theMunicipal Environment Officer shall take primary responsibility in designing andimplementing an Information, Education and Communication Program for publicdissemination of all provisions of this code.(vi) ng>Theng> Role of Citizens. Municipal residents shall take an active role in the planning andimplementation of public information, education and communication projects and activitiesSECTION 104. Review by the ng>Localng> Chief Executive. All actions and decisions ofthe Environment Management Officer are subject to review moto propio by the Mayor orupon appeal of any person on which the decision of the Municipal Mayor shall be final andexecutory.SECTION 105. Rules and Regulations. ng>Theng> Implementing Rules and Regulation(IRR) Committee, in consultation with the ng>Sangguniangng> Bayan and upon recommendation ofthe Environment Management Officer, shall promulgate the rules and regulations necessaryto implement effectively the provisions of the Code.SECTION 106. Environment Management Office Staff. For effectiveimplementation of Municipal Environment Management Program, there shall be createdrelevant staff employees, subject to availability of funds pursuant to the provisions ofaccounting and auditing rules and regulations in the Environment Management Office.CHAPTER XIFINAL PROVISIONSSECTION 107. Penal Provisions.a. Any person found guilty of violating sections 31, 32, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39 and 40 shallsuffer the penalty of fine of not less than ONE THOUSAND PESOS (P 1, 000.00) butnot more than TWO THOUSAND PESOS (P 2, 000.00) or an imprisonment of notless than 30 days or both fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the court withoutprejudice to administrative sanctions in case of business establishments, firms,corporations or the like.b. Any person found guilty of violating Sections 49, 50, 53, 54, 59, 60 and 63 items 1, 2,3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 and 11 shall be fined with FIVE HUNDRED PESOS (P 500.00) toTWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED PESOS (P 2, 500.00) or an imprisonment of 15to 30 days or both as ordered by the Court and Section 63 items 7 and 9 pursuant tothe provisions of R.A. 9003.c. Any person violating Sections 63, 64, 65, 66,67, 68, 69, 70 and 71 of this code shallbe fined Two Thousand Pesos (P 2, 000.00) or an imprisonment from 15 to 30 days272

or both fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the Court without prejudice tosanctions in case of business establishments, manufacturing firms, corporations orthe like.d. Any person who violating Section 84 shall be fined not less than TWO THOUSANDFIVE HUNDRED PESOS (P2, 500.00) or imprisonment of not less than 6 months orboth at the discretion by the Court.e. Any person found guilty of violating Section 88 shall suffer the penalty of fine of notless than Two Thousand Five Hundred Pesos (P 2,500.00) or an imprisonment of 15days, or both at the discretion of the Court.f. Any person found guilty of violating Sections 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, and100 shall suffer the penalty of not less than Two Thousand Five Hundred Pesos (P 2,500.00) imprisonment of 30 days or both fine and imprisonment at the discretion ofthe Court.SECTION 108. Applicability Clause. Provisions of such other laws and regulationsas they pertain to the subject matters included in this Code, applicable in the Municipalityare made integral parts of this Code.SECTION 109. Separability Clause. If, for any reasons, any part or provisions ofthis Code shall be declared unconstitutional or invalid by the court, or suspended or revokedby competent authorities, other parts of the provisions thereof which are not affected therebyshall continue to be in full force and effect.SECTION 110. Repealing Clause. All ordinances, executive orders, proclamationsand administrative regulations, or parts thereof, which are inconsistent with any provisions ofthis Code, are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.SECTION 111. Effectivity. This Code shall take effect after the lapse of ten (10)days from the date of publication in a newspaper of local circulation or after posting of thesame in three (3) conspicuous places in the Municipality.UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED: January 7, 2004I hereby certify to the correctness of the foregoing ordinance which was duly enactedby the ng>Sangguniangng> Bayan during its Regular Session on January 7, 2003.ATTESTED:(Sgd) Nemesio G. AlonsagaySecretary to the ng>Sangguniangng> Bayan(Sgd) Hon. Ricardo L. UretaVice Mayor/Presiding Officer273

or both fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the Court without prejudice tosanctions in case of business establishments, manufacturi<strong>ng</strong> firms, corporations orthe like.d. Any person who violati<strong>ng</strong> Section 84 shall be fined not less than TWO THOUSANDFIVE HUNDRED PESOS (P2, 500.00) or imprisonment of not less than 6 months orboth at the discretion by the Court.e. Any person found guilty of violati<strong>ng</strong> Section 88 shall suffer the penalty of fine of notless than Two Thousand Five Hundred Pesos (P 2,500.00) or an imprisonment of 15days, or both at the discretion of the Court.f. Any person found guilty of violati<strong>ng</strong> Sections 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, and100 shall suffer the penalty of not less than Two Thousand Five Hundred Pesos (P 2,500.00) imprisonment of 30 days or both fine and imprisonment at the discretion ofthe Court.SECTION 108. Applicability Clause. Provisions of such other laws and regulationsas they pertain to the subject matters included in this Code, applicable in the Municipalityare made integral parts of this Code.SECTION 109. Separability Clause. If, for any reasons, any part or provisions ofthis Code shall be declared unconstitutional or invalid by the court, or suspended or revokedby competent authorities, other parts of the provisions thereof which are not affected therebyshall continue to be in full force and effect.SECTION 110. Repeali<strong>ng</strong> Clause. All ordinances, executive orders, proclamationsand administrative regulations, or parts thereof, which are inconsistent with any provisions ofthis Code, are hereby repealed or modified accordi<strong>ng</strong>ly.SECTION 111. Effectivity. This Code shall take effect after the lapse of ten (10)days from the date of publication in a newspaper of local circulation or after posti<strong>ng</strong> of thesame in three (3) conspicuous places in the Municipality.UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED: January 7, 2004I hereby certify to the correctness of the foregoi<strong>ng</strong> ordinance which was duly enactedby the <stro<strong>ng</strong>>Sa<strong>ng</strong>gunia<strong>ng</strong></stro<strong>ng</strong>> Bayan duri<strong>ng</strong> its Regular Session on January 7, 2003.ATTESTED:(Sgd) Nemesio G. AlonsagaySecretary to the <stro<strong>ng</strong>>Sa<strong>ng</strong>gunia<strong>ng</strong></stro<strong>ng</strong>> Bayan(Sgd) Hon. Ricardo L. UretaVice Mayor/Presidi<strong>ng</strong> Officer273

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