Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ...

Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ... Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ...

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Beneficial use of water is the utilization of water in the right amount during the periodthat the water is needed for producing the benefits for which the water is appropriated.m. Article 21. Standards of beneficial use shall be prescribed by the Council for theappropriator of water for different purposes and conditions, and the use of waters which areappropriated shall be measured and controlled in accordance therewith.Excepting for domestic use, every appropriator of water shall maintain water controland measuring devices, and keep records of water withdrawal. When required by theCouncil, all appropriators of water shall furnish information on water use.n. Article 22. Between two or more appropriators of water from the same sources ofsupply, priority in time of appropriation shall give the better right, except that in times ofemergency the use of water for domestic and municipal purposes shall have a better rightover all other uses; Provided, That where water shortage is recurrent and the appropriatorfor municipal use has a lower priority in time of appropriation, then it shall be his duty to findan alternative source of supply in accordance with conditions prescribed by the Council.o. Article 23. Priorities may be altered on grounds of greater beneficial use, multipurposeuse, and other similar grounds after due notice and hearing, subject to payment ofcompensation in proper cases.p. Article 24. A water right shall be exercised in such a manner that the rights of thirdpersons or of other appropriators are not prejudiced thereby.q. Article 25. A holder of a water permit may demand the establishment of easementsnecessary for the construction and maintenance of the works and facilities needed for thebeneficial use of the waters to be appropriated subject to the requirements of justcompensation and to the following conditions:1. That he is the owner, lessee, mortgage, or one having real right over the landupon which he proposes to use water; and2. That the proposed easement is the most convenient and the least onerous tothe servient estate.Easements relating to the appropriation and use of waters may be modified byagreement of the contracting parties provided the same is not contrary to law or prejudicialto third persons.r. Article 26. Where water shortage is recurrent, the use of the water pursuant to apermit may, in the interest of equitable distribution of the benefits among legal appropriators,reduce after due notice and hearing.s. Article 27. Water users shall bear the diminution of any water supply due to naturalcauses or force majeure.t. Article 28. Water permits shall continue to be valid as long as water is beneficiallyused; however, they may be suspended on the grounds of non-compliance with approvedplans and specifications or schedules of water distribution; use of water for a purpose otherthan that for which it was granted; non-payment of water charges; wastage; failure to keeprecords of water diversion, when required; and violation of nay term or condition of anypermit or rules and regulations promulgated by the Council.Temporary permits may be issued for the appropriation and use of water for shortperiods under special circumstances.u. Article 29. Water permits may be revoked after due notice and hearing on grounds ofnon-use; gross violation of the conditions imposed in the permit; unauthorized sale of water;willful failure or refusal to comply with rules and regulations of any lawful order; pollution,public nuisance, or acts detrimental to public health and safety; when the appropriator isfound to be disqualified under the law to exploit and develop natural resources of thePhilippines; when, in the case, of irrigation, the land is converted to non-agriculturalpurposes; and other similar grounds.v. Article 30. All water permits are subject to modification or cancellation by the Council266

after due notice and hearing, in favor of a project of greater beneficial use or for multipurposedevelopment, and a water permittee who suffers thereby shall duly compensatedby the entity or person in whose favor the cancellation was made.SECTION 83. Illegal Construction along Waterways. No person shall constructany building or introduce any improvement within 3 meters from the creek sides inside themunicipal proper and residential areas and within 20 meters from riverbanks and similarwaterways in agricultural areas.SECTION 84. Well Drilling. No person shall drill without securing a permit from theNational Water Resources Board or the Municipal Government, which will determine theallowable depth, location spacing and the manner by which such wells may be dug orexcavated.CHAPTER VIIIAQUATIC RESOURCE MANAGEMENTSECTION 85. State of Resources. All rivers, streams, aquifers and MunicipalWaters within the Municipality are considered aquatic resources.SECTION 86. Measures to Mitigate Aquatic Pollution. ng>Theng> following precautionarymeasures are hereby adopted.a. Establishment of monitoring and regulatory system to control effluent dischargefrom the point sources with necessary technical assistance from governmentagencies and international cooperating bodies.b. Formulation of community-based anti-littering programs.c. Application of safety practices in the use of fertilizers in agricultural areas.d. Development approaches to reforest and preserve forest covers to control soilerosion and minimize excessive sediment discharge from dredging.SECTION 87. Buffer Strips Easement. In the utilization, development, conservationand protection of aquatic resources, the following setback and or easement along the entirelength of the banks of the rivers and streams, shores of the seas and lakes shall beobserved.a. Three meters setback for all urban uses;b. Twenty meters easement for all agricultural uses; andc. Forty meters easement for all forestng>Theng> above setbacks or easements shall be subject for public use such as forrecreation and other similar activities.SECTION 88. Cultivation of Riverbeds and Sandbars. No riverbed or sandbarshall be subject of cultivation or utilization except upon prior recommendation of theMunicipal Development Council and upon prior permission of the Department of PublicWorks and Highways. Provided further, that no permission shall be granted if it obstructs theflow of water or if it shall increase the flood level so as to cause damage to these areas.267

Beneficial use of water is the utilization of water in the right amount duri<strong>ng</strong> the periodthat the water is needed for produci<strong>ng</strong> the benefits for which the water is appropriated.m. Article 21. Standards of beneficial use shall be prescribed by the Council for theappropriator of water for different purposes and conditions, and the use of waters which areappropriated shall be measured and controlled in accordance therewith.Excepti<strong>ng</strong> for domestic use, every appropriator of water shall maintain water controland measuri<strong>ng</strong> devices, and keep records of water withdrawal. When required by theCouncil, all appropriators of water shall furnish information on water use.n. Article 22. Between two or more appropriators of water from the same sources ofsupply, priority in time of appropriation shall give the better right, except that in times ofemergency the use of water for domestic and municipal purposes shall have a better rightover all other uses; Provided, That where water shortage is recurrent and the appropriatorfor municipal use has a lower priority in time of appropriation, then it shall be his duty to findan alternative source of supply in accordance with conditions prescribed by the Council.o. Article 23. Priorities may be altered on grounds of greater beneficial use, multipurposeuse, and other similar grounds after due notice and heari<strong>ng</strong>, subject to payment ofcompensation in proper cases.p. Article 24. A water right shall be exercised in such a manner that the rights of thirdpersons or of other appropriators are not prejudiced thereby.q. Article 25. A holder of a water permit may demand the establishment of easementsnecessary for the construction and maintenance of the works and facilities needed for thebeneficial use of the waters to be appropriated subject to the requirements of justcompensation and to the followi<strong>ng</strong> conditions:1. That he is the owner, lessee, mortgage, or one havi<strong>ng</strong> real right over the landupon which he proposes to use water; and2. That the proposed easement is the most convenient and the least onerous tothe servient estate.Easements relati<strong>ng</strong> to the appropriation and use of waters may be modified byagreement of the contracti<strong>ng</strong> parties provided the same is not contrary to law or prejudicialto third persons.r. Article 26. Where water shortage is recurrent, the use of the water pursuant to apermit may, in the interest of equitable distribution of the benefits amo<strong>ng</strong> legal appropriators,reduce after due notice and heari<strong>ng</strong>.s. Article 27. Water users shall bear the diminution of any water supply due to naturalcauses or force majeure.t. Article 28. Water permits shall continue to be valid as lo<strong>ng</strong> as water is beneficiallyused; however, they may be suspended on the grounds of non-compliance with approvedplans and specifications or schedules of water distribution; use of water for a purpose otherthan that for which it was granted; non-payment of water charges; wastage; failure to keeprecords of water diversion, when required; and violation of nay term or condition of anypermit or rules and regulations promulgated by the Council.Temporary permits may be issued for the appropriation and use of water for shortperiods under special circumstances.u. Article 29. Water permits may be revoked after due notice and heari<strong>ng</strong> on grounds ofnon-use; gross violation of the conditions imposed in the permit; unauthorized sale of water;willful failure or refusal to comply with rules and regulations of any lawful order; pollution,public nuisance, or acts detrimental to public health and safety; when the appropriator isfound to be disqualified under the law to exploit and develop natural resources of thePhilippines; when, in the case, of irrigation, the land is converted to non-agriculturalpurposes; and other similar grounds.v. Article 30. All water permits are subject to modification or cancellation by the Council266

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