Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ...

Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ... Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ...

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5. Cover – two (2) forms of cover consisting of soil and geosynthetic materials toprotect the waste from long-term contact with the environment:a. A daily cover placed over the waste at the close of the day’s operations, andb. A final cover, or cap, which is the material placed over the completed landfillto control infiltration of water, gas emission to the atmosphere, and erosion.6. Closure Procedure – with the objectives of establishing low maintenance coversystems and final cover that minimizes the infiltration of precipitation into the waste.Installation of the final cover must be completed within six (6) months of the lastreceipt of wastes; and7. Post-closure procedure – During this period, the landfill owner shall be responsiblefor providing for the general upkeep of the landfill, maintaining all of the landfill’senvironmental protection features, operating monitoring equipment, remediatinggroundwater should it become contaminated and controlling landfill gas migration oremission.SECTION 60. Operating Criteria for Sanitary Landfills. ng>Theng> following are theminimum operating requirements for landfill site operators:a. Disposal site records of, but not limited to:1. Records accurate to within ten percent (10%) of weights or volumes andadequate for overall planning purposes and forecasting the rate of site filling.Such records shall be submitted to the DENR upon request.2. Records of excavations which may affect the safe and proper operation of thesite or cause damage to adjoining properties;3. Daily logbook or file of the following information: fires, landslides, earthquakedamage, unusual and sudden settlement, injury and property damage, accidents,explosions, receipt or rejection of unpermitted wastes, flooding, and otherunusual occurrences;4. Record of personnel training; and5. Copy of written notification to the DENR, local health agency, and fire authority ofnames, addresses and telephone numbers of site operators;b. Water quality monitoring of surface and ground waters and effluent, and gasemissions;c. Documentation of approvals, determinations and other requirements by the DENR;d. Signs1. Each point of access from a public road shall be posted with an easily visiblesign indicating the facility name and other pertinent information;2. If the site is open to the public, there shall be an easily visible road sign whichdirect traffic to the proper area where wastes will be deposited and the scheduleof charges.3. Signs to protect personnel and public health should be posted.e. Monitoring of quality of surface, ground and effluent waters, and gas emissions;f. ng>Theng> site shall be designed to discourage unauthorized access by persons andvehicles by using perimeter barriers. Areas within the site where open storage orpounding of hazardous materials shall be separately fenced.g. Roads within the permitted facility boundary shall be designed to minimize thegeneration of dust and trucking of materials onto adjacent roads. Such roads shall bewell maintained that vehicle access and unloading can be conducted duringinclement weather;h. Sanitary facilities such as toilet and hand washing facilities shall be available topersonnel at or in the immediate vicinity of the site;i. Safe and adequate drinking water supply for site personnel shall be available;256

j. Communication facilities shall be available to personnel to allow quick response toemergencies;k. Adequate lighting;l. Operating and maintenance personnel shall wear and use appropriate safetyequipment;m. Personnel assigned to operate the site shall be adequately trained in site operationand maintenance, hazardous materials recognition and screening, and heavyequipment operations, with emphasis on safety, health, environmental controls andemergency procedures.n. Adequate supervision of personnel by site operators to ensure proper operation incompliance with all pertinent laws;o. Any disposal site open to the public shall have an attendant present during publicoperating hours;p. Unloading of solid waste shall be confined to a small area as possible, at the toe ofthe fill, to ease traffic;q. Solid waste shall be spread and compacted in layers with repeated passages of thelandfill equipment to minimize voids within the cell and maximize compaction;r. Covered surfaces at the disposal site shall be graded to promote lateral run ofprecipitation and to prevent ponding. Grades shall be established of sufficient slopesto account for future settlement of the fill surface;s. Cover material or native material unsuitable for cover, stockpiled on the site for useor removal, shall be placed so as not to cause problem or interfere with unloading,spreading, compacting, access, safety, drainage, or other operations.SECTION 61. Prohibited Acts. ng>Theng> following acts are prohibited:1. Littering, throwing, dumping of waste matters in public places, such as roads,sidewalks, drainages, canals, esteros, rivers, seashores, public markets or parksand establishments within the Municipality (Mun. Ord. No. 02-96). Exceptgarbage intended for collection and disposal by the authorized garbagecollectors, shall be brought out of the residential houses or establishments to thedesignated area 30 minutes before collection schedule;2. ng>Theng> open burning of solid waste;3. Causing or permitting the collection of non-segregated or un-assorted waste;4. Squatting in open dumps and landfills;5. Open dumping, burying of biodegradable or non-biodegradable materials in floodprone areas;6. Mixing of source-separated material with other solid waste in any vehicle, box,container or receptacle used in solid waste collection or disposal;7. Establishment or operation of open dumps or closure of open dumps not inaccordance with R.A. 9003;8. Transport and dumping in bulk of collected domestic, industrial, commercial andinstitutional wastes in areas other than the designated centers or facilities;9. Site preparation, construction, expansion or operation of waste managementfacilities without an Environmental Compliance Certificate as required by P.D1586 and R.A. 9003 and not conforming with the municipal land use plan;10. ng>Theng> construction of any establishment within two hundred (200) meters fromopen dumps or controlled dumps, or sanitary landfills; and11. ng>Theng> construction or operation of landfills or any waste disposal facility on anyaquifer, groundwater reservoir or watershed area or any portions thereof.257

j. Communication facilities shall be available to personnel to allow quick response toemergencies;k. Adequate lighti<strong>ng</strong>;l. Operati<strong>ng</strong> and maintenance personnel shall wear and use appropriate safetyequipment;m. Personnel assigned to operate the site shall be adequately trained in site operationand maintenance, hazardous materials recognition and screeni<strong>ng</strong>, and heavyequipment operations, with emphasis on safety, health, environmental controls andemergency procedures.n. Adequate supervision of personnel by site operators to ensure proper operation incompliance with all pertinent laws;o. Any disposal site open to the public shall have an attendant present duri<strong>ng</strong> publicoperati<strong>ng</strong> hours;p. Unloadi<strong>ng</strong> of solid waste shall be confined to a small area as possible, at the toe ofthe fill, to ease traffic;q. Solid waste shall be spread and compacted in layers with repeated passages of thelandfill equipment to minimize voids within the cell and maximize compaction;r. Covered surfaces at the disposal site shall be graded to promote lateral run ofprecipitation and to prevent pondi<strong>ng</strong>. Grades shall be established of sufficient slopesto account for future settlement of the fill surface;s. Cover material or native material unsuitable for cover, stockpiled on the site for useor removal, shall be placed so as not to cause problem or interfere with unloadi<strong>ng</strong>,spreadi<strong>ng</strong>, compacti<strong>ng</strong>, access, safety, drainage, or other operations.SECTION 61. Prohibited Acts. <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> followi<strong>ng</strong> acts are prohibited:1. Litteri<strong>ng</strong>, throwi<strong>ng</strong>, dumpi<strong>ng</strong> of waste matters in public places, such as roads,sidewalks, drainages, canals, esteros, rivers, seashores, public markets or parksand establishments within the Municipality (Mun. Ord. No. 02-96). Exceptgarbage intended for collection and disposal by the authorized garbagecollectors, shall be brought out of the residential houses or establishments to thedesignated area 30 minutes before collection schedule;2. <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> open burni<strong>ng</strong> of solid waste;3. Causi<strong>ng</strong> or permitti<strong>ng</strong> the collection of non-segregated or un-assorted waste;4. Squatti<strong>ng</strong> in open dumps and landfills;5. Open dumpi<strong>ng</strong>, buryi<strong>ng</strong> of biodegradable or non-biodegradable materials in floodprone areas;6. Mixi<strong>ng</strong> of source-separated material with other solid waste in any vehicle, box,container or receptacle used in solid waste collection or disposal;7. Establishment or operation of open dumps or closure of open dumps not inaccordance with R.A. 9003;8. Transport and dumpi<strong>ng</strong> in bulk of collected domestic, industrial, commercial andinstitutional wastes in areas other than the designated centers or facilities;9. Site preparation, construction, expansion or operation of waste managementfacilities without an Environmental Compliance Certificate as required by P.D1586 and R.A. 9003 and not conformi<strong>ng</strong> with the municipal land use plan;10. <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> construction of any establishment within two hundred (200) meters fromopen dumps or controlled dumps, or sanitary landfills; and11. <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> construction or operation of landfills or any waste disposal facility on anyaquifer, groundwater reservoir or watershed area or any portions thereof.257

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