Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ...

Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ... Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ...

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4. Encouragement of cooperation and self-regulation among waste generatorsthrough the application of market-based instruments;5. Institutionalize public participation in the development and implementation ofnational and local integrated, comprehensive and ecological waste managementprograms;SECTION 42. Role of LGUs in Solid Waste Management. Pursuant to the relevantprovisions of R.A. 7160, otherwise known as the ng>Localng> Government Code of 1991, the LGUsshall be primarily responsible for the implementation and enforcement of the provisions ofR.A. 9003 and this Code within their respective jurisdictions. Segregation and collection ofsolid waste shall be conducted at the barangay level specifically for biodegradable,compostable, and reusable wastes. ng>Theng> collection of non-recyclable materials and specialwastes shall be the responsibility of the Municipal Government.SECTION 43. Municipal Solid Waste Management Board. ng>Theng> MunicipalGovernment shall create a Municipal Solid Waste Management Board (MSWMB) that shallprepare, submit and implement a plan for the safe and sanitary management of solid wastegenerated within the territorial jurisdiction of the Municipality of Sebaste.ng>Theng> MSWMB shall be composed of the Municipal Mayor as chairperson with thefollowing as members:1. One representative of the Sangguning Bayan preferably chairperson of eitherthe Committees on Environment or Health, who will be designated by thePresiding Officer;2. President of the Liga ng mga Barangay in the municipality3. President of the Municipal Federation ng ng>Sangguniangng> Kabataan4. A representative of NGOs whose principal purpose is to promote recyclingand the protection of air and water quality;5. A representative of the recycling industry;6. A representative of the manufacturing or packaging industry; and7. A representative of each concerned agency possessing relevant technicaland marketing expertise as may be determined by the MSWMB.ng>Theng> MSWMB may from time to time, call on any concerned agencies or sectors as itmay deem necessary. Provided, that representatives of the NGOs, recycling andmanufacturing or packaging industries shall be selected through a process designed bythemselves and shall be endorsed by the concerned government agencies.SECTION 44. Duties and responsibilities of the MSWMB. ng>Theng> MSWMB, as itsduties and responsibilities shall:1. Develop the Municipal Solid Waste Management Plan that shall ensure the long-termmanagement of solid waste, as well as integrate the various solid wastemanagement plans and strategies of the barangays in Sebaste. In the developmentof the Solid Waste Management Plan, it shall conduct consultations with the varioussectors of the community;2. Adopt measures to promote and insure the viability and effectiveness of theimplementation of solid waste management programs in component barangays;3. Monitor the implementation of Municipal Solid Waste Management Plan throughvarious Municipal political subdivisions and in cooperation with the private sector andthe NGOs;4. Adopt specific revenue-generating measures to promote the viability of its SolidWaste Management Plan;250

5. Convene regular meetings for purposes of planning and coordinating theimplementation of the solid waste management plans of the respective componentbarangays;6. Oversee the implementation of the Municipal Solid Waste Management Plan;7. Review every two (2) years or as need arises, the Municipal Solid WasteManagement Plan for purposes of insuring its sustainability, effectiveness andrelevance in relation to local and international developments in the field of solidwaste management;8. Develop guidelines and specific mechanics for the implementation of the MunicipalSolid Waste Management Plan;9. Recommend to appropriate local government authorities specific measures orproposals for franchise of build-operate-transfer agreements with duly recognizedinstitutions, pursuant to R.A. 6957 otherwise known as Authorizing the constructionof Infrastructure Project by the Private Sector, to provide either exclusive or nonexclusiveauthority for the collection, transfer, storage, processing, recycling ordisposal of municipal solid waste. ng>Theng> proposals shall take into considerationappropriate government rules and regulations on contracts, franchises and buildoperate-transferagreements;10. Access the necessary Municipal logistical and operational support in consonancewith subsection (f) of Section 17 of the ng>Localng> Government Code;11. Recommend measures and safeguards against pollution and for the preservationof the natural ecosystem; and12. Coordinate the efforts of component barangays in the implementation of theMunicipal Solid Waste Management Plan.SECTION 45. Solid Waste Management Plan. ng>Theng> Municipal Government throughits Solid Waste Management Board shall prepare its 10-year solid waste management planconsistent with the national solid waste management framework. ng>Theng> waste managementplan shall be for re-use, recycling, and composting of wastes, generated in the municipality.ng>Theng> solid waste management plan shall place primary emphasis on implementation of allfeasible re-use, recycling and composting while identifying the amount of landfill andtransformation capacity that will be needed for solid waste which cannot be re-used,recycled, or composted.ng>Theng> municipal solid waste management plan shall be reviewed and updated everyyear by the MSWMB.ng>Theng> Municipal Solid Waste Management Plan shall be subject to the approval of theNational Solid Waste Commission. ng>Theng> plan shall be consistent with the national frameworkand in accordance the provisions of R.A. 9003 and the policies set by the National SolidWaste Commission.SECTION 46. ng>Theng> Components of the Municipal Solid Waste Management Plan.ng>Theng> Municipal Solid Waste Management Plan shall include, but not limited to, the followingcomponents:a. Municipal Profile- ng>Theng> plan shall indicate the following background information ofthe Municipality and component barangays, covering important highlights of thedistinct geographic and other conditions:b. Estimated population of each barangay within the municipality and populationprojection for a ten-year period;c. Illustration or map of the Municipality, indicating locations of residential,commercial, and industrial centers, and agricultural areas, as well as dumpsites,251

5. Convene regular meeti<strong>ng</strong>s for purposes of planni<strong>ng</strong> and coordinati<strong>ng</strong> theimplementation of the solid waste management plans of the respective componentbara<strong>ng</strong>ays;6. Oversee the implementation of the Municipal Solid Waste Management Plan;7. Review every two (2) years or as need arises, the Municipal Solid WasteManagement Plan for purposes of insuri<strong>ng</strong> its sustainability, effectiveness andrelevance in relation to local and international developments in the field of solidwaste management;8. Develop guidelines and specific mechanics for the implementation of the MunicipalSolid Waste Management Plan;9. Recommend to appropriate local government authorities specific measures orproposals for franchise of build-operate-transfer agreements with duly recognizedinstitutions, pursuant to R.A. 6957 otherwise known as Authorizi<strong>ng</strong> the constructionof Infrastructure Project by the Private Sector, to provide either exclusive or nonexclusiveauthority for the collection, transfer, storage, processi<strong>ng</strong>, recycli<strong>ng</strong> ordisposal of municipal solid waste. <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> proposals shall take into considerationappropriate government rules and regulations on contracts, franchises and buildoperate-transferagreements;10. Access the necessary Municipal logistical and operational support in consonancewith subsection (f) of Section 17 of the <stro<strong>ng</strong>>Local</stro<strong>ng</strong>> Government Code;11. Recommend measures and safeguards against pollution and for the preservationof the natural ecosystem; and12. Coordinate the efforts of component bara<strong>ng</strong>ays in the implementation of theMunicipal Solid Waste Management Plan.SECTION 45. Solid Waste Management Plan. <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> Municipal Government throughits Solid Waste Management Board shall prepare its 10-year solid waste management planconsistent with the national solid waste management framework. <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> waste managementplan shall be for re-use, recycli<strong>ng</strong>, and composti<strong>ng</strong> of wastes, generated in the municipality.<stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> solid waste management plan shall place primary emphasis on implementation of allfeasible re-use, recycli<strong>ng</strong> and composti<strong>ng</strong> while identifyi<strong>ng</strong> the amount of landfill andtransformation capacity that will be needed for solid waste which cannot be re-used,recycled, or composted.<stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> municipal solid waste management plan shall be reviewed and updated everyyear by the MSWMB.<stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> Municipal Solid Waste Management Plan shall be subject to the approval of theNational Solid Waste Commission. <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> plan shall be consistent with the national frameworkand in accordance the provisions of R.A. 9003 and the policies set by the National SolidWaste Commission.SECTION 46. <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> Components of the Municipal Solid Waste Management Plan.<stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> Municipal Solid Waste Management Plan shall include, but not limited to, the followi<strong>ng</strong>components:a. Municipal Profile- <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> plan shall indicate the followi<strong>ng</strong> background information ofthe Municipality and component bara<strong>ng</strong>ays, coveri<strong>ng</strong> important highlights of thedistinct geographic and other conditions:b. Estimated population of each bara<strong>ng</strong>ay within the municipality and populationprojection for a ten-year period;c. Illustration or map of the Municipality, indicati<strong>ng</strong> locations of residential,commercial, and industrial centers, and agricultural areas, as well as dumpsites,251

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