Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ...

Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ... Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ...

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ng>Theng> Evaluation Committee shall draft criteria of evaluation to be submitted to theExecutive Committee for approval. ng>Theng> approved criteria shall be used in the evaluation onthe Search for the Cleanest and Greenest Barangay and other categories of competition asthe Executive Committee may create.ng>Theng> awarding for the Search for the Cleanest and Greenest Barangay and othercategories of competition shall be held during the Municipal Fiesta or other occasionscheduled by the Executive committee.SECTION 22. Comprehensive Land Use Plan and Municipal Zoning Ordinance.ng>Theng> Comprehensive Land Use Plan and its accompanying Zoning Ordinance which wereprepared before the enactment of this Code is hereby adopted. Its publication is a separatedocument that does not affect its effectivity in relation to this Code.SECTION 23. Building Permit. No permit of occupancy shall be issued by theMunicipal Government for buildings and the like unless there are provisions for planting oftrees and flowers and installation of plant boxes in the development plan duly implementedwith the exemption for meritorious cases when there is no area available for suchrequirements.SECTION 24. Abandoned Buildings. Owners or administrators of old andabandoned buildings are required to maintain their cleanliness and free them from squattersor totally demolish them to eliminate eye sores and to safeguard against accidents and otherhazards.SECTION 25. Prevention of Soil Erosion. Infrastructure support in the form of“riprapping” or the construction of creek, river, and shore protection walls shall beimplemented to prevent soil erosion.SECTION 26. Banning of Slash-and-Burn. ng>Theng> slash-and-burn system of farmingshall be banned.SECTION 27. Reclassification of Agricultural Lands. Sebaste, being a fastgrowing town, shall limit the reclassification of agricultural lands into other uses to tenpercent (10%), Sec. 20 of the ng>Localng> Government Code of 1991. Provided, that the subject ofreclassification is not a prime agricultural land, and provided, further, that the Department ofAgriculture issues a certification as to the agricultural productivity and provided, finally, thatthe Committee on Land Use endorses the favorable recommendation on the matter.Further, the issuance of a Development Permit for all kinds of subdivisions shall firstrequire a Certificate of Impact Assessment and an Environmental Compliance Certificatefrom the Department of Environment and Natural Resources.SECTION 28. Responsibility for Public Safety. Public safety shall be the primaryresponsibility of the Municipal Mayor, the Punong Barangay concerned, the Police Stationcommander and the festival organizer.SECTION 29. Squatting. ng>Theng> Municipal Government while recognizing its role in thealleviation of poverty, equitable and sustainable land use, further recognizes its social andmoral responsibility towards maintaining a sanitary and hygienic condition in humansettlements in order to achieve effective environmental management. It shall be the policy ofthe Municipality to contain and prevent the aggravation of squatter settlements within the246

Municipality. ng>Theng> squatting in roadsides, flood prone waterways and similar areas arebanned.SECTION 30. Municipal Canals and Drainage Systems. ng>Theng> canals and drainagesystems within the Municipality should be properly maintained to allow efficient flow of waterand effluence for sanitation purposes. ng>Theng> canals and drainage systems should be regularlydesilted and dredged. Dumping of solid wastes and garbage is punishable.SECTION 31. Piggeries & Poultry Farms.a. ng>Theng> structure of a piggery or poultry farm shall be situated with an area of gooddrainage system. Flood prone areas and other environmentally critical areasshall be avoided.b. ng>Theng> structure of a piggery or poultry shall be at least 500 to 1000 meters awayfrom the build up areas and 200 meters away from major roads or highways.c. Piggery and poultry must be certified on the level of their effluent. It should betested by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) for it tobe classified according to its level of pollution.d. Backyard piggery shall be regulated in the rural residential area with themaximum of three (3) heads but totally banned in the urban areas.SECTION 32. Tree Planting.a. Any person who wanted to or has already established a piggery or poultry farmand the like in an area of two (2) hectares and above are required to allot 10% ofhis or her total land area for growing trees and fruit bearing trees.b. Fifty percent (50%) of the required 10% of the area must be planted with treesand the remaining fifty (50%) with the fruit bearing trees.c. ng>Theng> Office of the Mayor through the Office of the Municipal Agriculturist (OMA)shall be in charged of fulfilling the provision of this Section.SECTION 33. R.A. 3571, otherwise known as Prohibiting Tree Cutting in CertainPlaces.Section 1. In order to promote and conserve the beauty of objects of scenic andornamental value along public places and help preserve cool, fresh and healthful climate, itis the policy of the government to cherish, protect, and conserve planted or growing trees,flowering plants and shrubs, or plants of ornamental value along public roads, in plazas,parks, school premises, or in any other public ground.Section 2. For the purpose of carrying out effectively the provisions of this Act, theDirector of the Parks and Wildlife shall have the power to create a committee in each andevery municipality in the Philippines and shall appoint any civic conscious and well-traveledcitizens as chairperson, and the municipal mayor, the municipal treasurer, the supervisingschool teacher, and the municipal health officer, as ex-officio members thereof. ng>Theng> Directorof Parks and Wildlife shall have the power to issue and promulgate rules and regulations asAct.ng>Theng> Chairperson shall receive one peso (P 1.00) per annum to be paid out of thefunds of the city or municipality concerned, and the members shall not receive extracompensation. ng>Theng> committee shall have the power to implement the rules and regulationsissued by the Director of Parks and Wildlife under the provisions of this Act.ng>Theng> committee shall coordinate with the Director of Parks and Wildlife in thebeautification of their respective locality and shall, under its supervision, require schoolchildren on Arbor Day to plant trees and flowering plants of useful and scenic value inplaces provided for in the preceding paragraph.247

Municipality. <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> squatti<strong>ng</strong> in roadsides, flood prone waterways and similar areas arebanned.SECTION 30. Municipal Canals and Drainage Systems. <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> canals and drainagesystems within the Municipality should be properly maintained to allow efficient flow of waterand effluence for sanitation purposes. <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> canals and drainage systems should be regularlydesilted and dredged. Dumpi<strong>ng</strong> of solid wastes and garbage is punishable.SECTION 31. Piggeries & Poultry Farms.a. <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> structure of a piggery or poultry farm shall be situated with an area of gooddrainage system. Flood prone areas and other environmentally critical areasshall be avoided.b. <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> structure of a piggery or poultry shall be at least 500 to 1000 meters awayfrom the build up areas and 200 meters away from major roads or highways.c. Piggery and poultry must be certified on the level of their effluent. It should betested by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) for it tobe classified accordi<strong>ng</strong> to its level of pollution.d. Backyard piggery shall be regulated in the rural residential area with themaximum of three (3) heads but totally banned in the urban areas.SECTION 32. Tree Planti<strong>ng</strong>.a. Any person who wanted to or has already established a piggery or poultry farmand the like in an area of two (2) hectares and above are required to allot 10% ofhis or her total land area for growi<strong>ng</strong> trees and fruit beari<strong>ng</strong> trees.b. Fifty percent (50%) of the required 10% of the area must be planted with treesand the remaini<strong>ng</strong> fifty (50%) with the fruit beari<strong>ng</strong> trees.c. <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> Office of the Mayor through the Office of the Municipal Agriculturist (OMA)shall be in charged of fulfilli<strong>ng</strong> the provision of this Section.SECTION 33. R.A. 3571, otherwise known as Prohibiti<strong>ng</strong> Tree Cutti<strong>ng</strong> in CertainPlaces.Section 1. In order to promote and conserve the beauty of objects of scenic andornamental value alo<strong>ng</strong> public places and help preserve cool, fresh and healthful climate, itis the policy of the government to cherish, protect, and conserve planted or growi<strong>ng</strong> trees,floweri<strong>ng</strong> plants and shrubs, or plants of ornamental value alo<strong>ng</strong> public roads, in plazas,parks, school premises, or in any other public ground.Section 2. For the purpose of carryi<strong>ng</strong> out effectively the provisions of this Act, theDirector of the Parks and Wildlife shall have the power to create a committee in each andevery municipality in the Philippines and shall appoint any civic conscious and well-traveledcitizens as chairperson, and the municipal mayor, the municipal treasurer, the supervisi<strong>ng</strong>school teacher, and the municipal health officer, as ex-officio members thereof. <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> Directorof Parks and Wildlife shall have the power to issue and promulgate rules and regulations asAct.<stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> Chairperson shall receive one peso (P 1.00) per annum to be paid out of thefunds of the city or municipality concerned, and the members shall not receive extracompensation. <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> committee shall have the power to implement the rules and regulationsissued by the Director of Parks and Wildlife under the provisions of this Act.<stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> committee shall coordinate with the Director of Parks and Wildlife in thebeautification of their respective locality and shall, under its supervision, require schoolchildren on Arbor Day to plant trees and floweri<strong>ng</strong> plants of useful and scenic value inplaces provided for in the precedi<strong>ng</strong> paragraph.247

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