Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ...

Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ... Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ...

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e. Effluent Standards. Restrictions established to limit levels of concentration,physical, chemical and biological constituents, which are discharged from pointsources.f. Fuel-Burning Equipment. Any equipment, device, or contrivance, and allappurtenances thereto, including ducts, breechings, fuel-feeding equipment, ashremoval equipment, controls, stacks, and chimneys, used primarily, notexclusively, to burn any fuel for the purpose of direct applications or indirectheating such as the production of hot air or hot water.g. Fugitive Particulate. ng>Theng> particulate matter, which escapes and becomesairborne from unenclosed industrial operation, or that which escapes fromincompletely or partially enclosed operation into the outside atmosphere withoutpassing or being conducted through a flue pipe stack or other structure.h. Greenhouse Effect. A warming occurs on the earth’s surface when the earth’satmosphere traps the sun’s heat. ng>Theng> greenhouse effect received its namebecause the earth’s atmosphere acts much like the glass or plastic roof and wallsof a greenhouse. ng>Theng> earth’s atmosphere allows most of the sunlight thatreaches it to pass through and heat the earth’s surface. ng>Theng> earth sends the heatenergy back into the atmosphere as infrared radiation. Much of this radiationdoes not pass freely into space because certain gasses in the atmosphereabsorb in. ng>Theng>se gasses include carbon dioxide.i. Particulates or Suspended Particulates. Any material other than uncombinedwater, which exists in a finely divided form as a liquid or solid.j. Smoke. Gas-borne particulates resulting from incomplete combustion, consistingpredominantly, but not exclusively, of carbon, ashes or other combustionmaterial.k. Standard or Limit. ng>Theng> concentration of any air contaminant which, in order toprotect the public health and welfare, shall not be exceeded at a particular regionor zone, and at a specified period of time. Standards are enforceable and mustbe complied with by the owner or person in charge of an industrial operationprocess or trade.l. Volatile Organic Compound. Any compound containing carbon and hydrogenin combination with any other element which has an absolute vapor pressure of0.10 kg./cm2 equivalent to 77.6 mm. Hg. or greater under actual storageconditions. Organic solvents include diluents and thinners and are defined aschemical compounds of carbon which are liquids at standard conditions andwhich are used as dissolvers viscosity reducers or cleaning agents.CHAPTER IIILAND RESOURCE MANAGEMENTSECTION 18. Statement of Policy and Management Directions. It is the policy ofthe Municipality to provide a rational, orderly and efficient acquisition, utilization andmanagement of land resources for the attainment of a better quality of life.SECTION 19. State of the Resource. ng>Theng> Municipality of Sebaste has a total landarea of 11,164.02 hectares. Presently, the Municipality has the following land uses:Residential– 98.4765 has.; Commercial– 3.3110 has.; Institutional– 7.7795 has.; Agricultural–4,418.6564 has.; Eco-tourism- 500.00 has.; Forest- 6,124.55 has.; Open Space – 2.4920has; Cemetery 8.6946 has.; and Dumpsite- 0.06 ha., Industrial – zero ha.244

SECTION 20. Inventory of Trees in the Municipality. ng>Theng>re shall be an inventoryof trees that shall be classified by specie, age, location, ownership and other related data tobe entrusted in the local Environment and Natural Resources Office to be created. All treesshall be numbered and entered into the registry for monitoring and management purposes.SECTION 21. Beautification and Greening Projects.All barangays shall implement beautification and greening projects in their respectivejurisdictions to include but not limited to the planting of green grasses on street shoulders,ornamental plants along the highways and flower plants in front of residential andcommercial houses.Institutionalizing ng>Theng> Clean and Green Program in the Municipality of Sebaste,Defining its Organization and prescribing its Mechanics in accordance with MunicipalOrdinance No. 04-98.This Clean and Green Program shall have the following purpose:a. Promoting and maintaining the good health of the people and sanitation of thecommunity;b. Instilling values of sanitation, cooperation, ecological stewardship, and concernfor the welfare of all;c. Instituting sustainable environment development, protection and regeneration.d. ng>Theng>re shall be an Executive Committee to the composed of the following:e. ng>Theng> Municipal Mayor as the Chairperson;f. ng>Theng> Municipal Vice Mayor, Municipal Health Officer and the District Supervisoras the Vice Chairperson;g. ng>Theng> Chairperson of Health and Sanitation, Fisheries and Agriculture, andTourism Committee of the ng>Sangguniangng> Bayan, the heads of Public and PrivateSchools in the Municipality of Sebaste, the Municipal Agriculturist, the Municipalng>Localng> Government Operations Officer, the Punong Barangays, and at least two(2) representatives of people’s organizations, as member.ng>Theng> Executive Committee shall be responsible for the formulation of plans andprograms and of the review of the implementation of the program. It shall meet regularlyonce in a semester.ng>Theng>re shall be a Technical Committee to advice and submit recommendations to theExecutive Committee such programs, projects and activities to be undertaken.It shall be composed of the Municipal Health Officer as Chairperson, and a Public HealthNurse, a Rural Health Midwife, a Sanitary Inspector, ng>Sangguniangng> Bayan Chairperson onHealth and Sanitation, Fisheries, Agriculture, and Tourism Committee, as Members.ng>Theng> Clean and Green Program shall cover regular programs such as inspecting ofhousehold drainages, toilets and waste disposal system, market places, planting ofvegetables and trees, and special program on the Search for the Cleanest and GreenestBarangay. It shall be regular year-round program.ng>Theng> Executive Committee may create other categories of competitions in the specialprogram.For the purposes of the provisions of this Section, the Clean and Green Program ofthe Municipality of Sebaste shall incorporate other matters contained in the guidelines of thenational Search for Clean and Green.For the purpose of conducting an evaluation in the Search for the Cleanest andGreenest Barangay and for other categories of competition as the Executive Committee tobe composed of the Municipal Health Officer as Chairperson, and the MunicipalAgriculturist, a Public Health Nurse and the District Supervisor as members. ng>Theng> committeeshall be assisted by a Sanitary Inspector and an Agricultural Technician.245

e. Effluent Standards. Restrictions established to limit levels of concentration,physical, chemical and biological constituents, which are discharged from pointsources.f. Fuel-Burni<strong>ng</strong> Equipment. Any equipment, device, or contrivance, and allappurtenances thereto, includi<strong>ng</strong> ducts, breechi<strong>ng</strong>s, fuel-feedi<strong>ng</strong> equipment, ashremoval equipment, controls, stacks, and chimneys, used primarily, notexclusively, to burn any fuel for the purpose of direct applications or indirectheati<strong>ng</strong> such as the production of hot air or hot water.g. Fugitive Particulate. <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> particulate matter, which escapes and becomesairborne from unenclosed industrial operation, or that which escapes fromincompletely or partially enclosed operation into the outside atmosphere withoutpassi<strong>ng</strong> or bei<strong>ng</strong> conducted through a flue pipe stack or other structure.h. Greenhouse Effect. A warmi<strong>ng</strong> occurs on the earth’s surface when the earth’satmosphere traps the sun’s heat. <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> greenhouse effect received its namebecause the earth’s atmosphere acts much like the glass or plastic roof and wallsof a greenhouse. <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> earth’s atmosphere allows most of the sunlight thatreaches it to pass through and heat the earth’s surface. <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> earth sends the heatenergy back into the atmosphere as infrared radiation. Much of this radiationdoes not pass freely into space because certain gasses in the atmosphereabsorb in. <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>>se gasses include carbon dioxide.i. Particulates or Suspended Particulates. Any material other than uncombinedwater, which exists in a finely divided form as a liquid or solid.j. Smoke. Gas-borne particulates resulti<strong>ng</strong> from incomplete combustion, consisti<strong>ng</strong>predominantly, but not exclusively, of carbon, ashes or other combustionmaterial.k. Standard or Limit. <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> concentration of any air contaminant which, in order toprotect the public health and welfare, shall not be exceeded at a particular regionor zone, and at a specified period of time. Standards are enforceable and mustbe complied with by the owner or person in charge of an industrial operationprocess or trade.l. Volatile Organic Compound. Any compound containi<strong>ng</strong> carbon and hydrogenin combination with any other element which has an absolute vapor pressure of0.10 kg./cm2 equivalent to 77.6 mm. Hg. or greater under actual storageconditions. Organic solvents include diluents and thinners and are defined aschemical compounds of carbon which are liquids at standard conditions andwhich are used as dissolvers viscosity reducers or cleani<strong>ng</strong> agents.CHAPTER IIILAND RESOURCE MANAGEMENTSECTION 18. Statement of Policy and Management Directions. It is the policy ofthe Municipality to provide a rational, orderly and efficient acquisition, utilization andmanagement of land resources for the attainment of a better quality of life.SECTION 19. State of the Resource. <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> Municipality of Sebaste has a total landarea of 11,164.02 hectares. Presently, the Municipality has the followi<strong>ng</strong> land uses:Residential– 98.4765 has.; Commercial– 3.3110 has.; Institutional– 7.7795 has.; Agricultural–4,418.6564 has.; Eco-tourism- 500.00 has.; Forest- 6,124.55 has.; Open Space – 2.4920has; Cemetery 8.6946 has.; and Dumpsite- 0.06 ha., Industrial – zero ha.244

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