Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ...

Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ... Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ...

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5. Detailed description of probable direct and induced impact of the proposed action onthe physical, biological and social environment6. Special emphasis on adverse effects, long-term effects, resource commitment andcost-benefit analysis.SECTION 13. Bases for Action. Considering the extent and complexity ofenvironmental initiatives, the following local and international policy measurements andaction programs are hereby considered to ensure an efficient, equitable and sustainableallocation, utilization, management and development of the municipality’s land resources, towit:a. ng>Theng> Constitution of the Philippines. ng>Theng> Constitution provides that: Article II,Section 16 “ng>Theng> State shall protect and advance the right of the people to abalance and healthful ecology in accordance with the rhythm and harmony ofnature”.b. Clean Air Act of 1999 states that: ng>Theng> State shall promote and protect the globalenvironment to attain sustainable development while recognizing the primaryresponsibility of local government units to deal with environmental problems. ng>Theng>State recognizes that the responsibility of cleaning the habitat and environment isprimarily area-based. Finally, the State recognizes that the clean and healthyenvironment is for the good of all and should therefore, be the concern of all.c. Section 484 of R.A. 7160 otherwise known as the ng>Localng> Government Code of1991 provides for the appointment of an Environment and Natural ResourcesOfficer (although optional) for the municipality, whose tasks include theformulation of measures for the consideration, assistance and support to themayor in carrying out measures to ensure the delivery of basic services andprovisions of adequate facilities relative to environment and natural resourcesservices as provided for under section 17 of the ng>Localng> Government Code.Section 458 (a)(1)(vi), R.A. 7160, directs the ng>Sangguniangng> Bayan to enactordinances that will “protect the environment and impose the appropriatepenalties for acts which endanger the environment and impose the appropriatepenalties, such as dynamite fishing and other forms of destructive fishing, illegallogging and smuggling of logs, smuggling of natural resources products and ofendangered species of flora and fauna, slash and burn farming, and such otheractivities which result in pollution, acceleration of eutrophication of rivers andlakes or of ecological imbalance”.d. Rio de Janeiro Declaration (U.N. Conference of Environment and Development)ng>Localng> Authorities Initiatives in Support of Agenda 21. ng>Localng> authorities shallconstruct operate and maintain economic and social environmentalinfrastructures, oversee planning processes, establish local environmentalpolicies and regulations and assist in implementing national and sub-nationalenvironmental policies. As the local government is close to the people, it plays apivotal role in educating and mobilizing them to promote sustainabledevelopment.CHAPTER IIDEFINITION OF TERMSSECTION 14. Terms As Used in Land Resources Management. ng>Theng> followingterms are conceptually and or operationally defined as follows:a. Agricultural Lands- Lands of public domain which are neither forest, nor minerallands and national parks.240

. Alienation, Disposition or Concession- any of the modes authorized by theLand Code of the Philippines for the acquisition, lease or use of the lands of thepublic domain other than forests, mineral lands or national parks.c. Buffer Zones- identified areas outside the boundaries of and immediatelyadjacent to designated protected areas that need special development control inorder to avoid or minimize harm to the protected area.d. Clean and Green Campaign- deals with the massive cleaning of themunicipality and the planning and maintenance of trees as well as intensivebeautification drive in consonance with the national government’s goal andobjectives.e. Commercial Lands- portion of alienable and disposable lands of the publicdomain classified as sustainable and intended for trading of goods and servicesby competent authority.f. Cover Crop Planning- process of conditioning denuded areas which are highlycogonal or rocky by planting erodible calopognium, stylosanthes, desmodium,lablab, bean, psophocarpus, patani, or by planting suitable non-legumes such asmorning glory vine, wild sunflower and kikuyu grass, in order to improve soilfertility, organic matter, and water holding capacity prior to or concurrent with theplanting of trees and other perennials in such areas.g. Farm Lands- lands intended for or actually devoted to the production of food,including plantations, except fishponds and other adjoining bodies of water.h. Industrial Lands- public lands within the zone established by the Municipality forthe manufacture and production of large quantities of goods and commodities.i. Land Classification- assessment, appraisal, and determination of landpotentials, which include survey and classification of land resource and the studyand mapping of the soil.j. Land Reclassification- subsequent classification, allocation, and disposition ofalienable and disposable lands of the public domain into specific uses.k. Land Resource – all terrestrial, subterranean, and all geological features andland masses of the public domain and private domain of the State, within therespective geographical jurisdiction of the Municipality, including all flora andfauna, minerals and aquatic resources that dwell or exist upon it.l. Land Use Planning – act of defining the allocation, utilization, development andmanagement of all lands within a given territory or jurisdiction according to theinherent qualities of the land itself and supportive of economic, demographic,socio-cultural and environmental objectives as in decision-making and legislation.m. Population, Resources and Environmental Balance – a condition where thereis a harmonious interaction between and among population, resources andenvironment towards sustainable development. This means that populationfactors such as size growth, age-sex structure, distribution, as well as theiractivities do not compromise the replenishment and conservation of resourcesand the preservation of the environment and vice versa.n. Population and Development Planning Approach – the development of amindset to look at all important socio-economic and demographicinterrelationships in formulating, implementing, monitoring and evaluating plansand programs.o. Protected Areas – identified portions of land and water set aside by reason oftheir unique physical and biological significance, managed to enhance biodiversityand protected against destructive human exploitation.p. Public Domain – lands which belong to the State, province and municipality inits proprietary capacity.241

. Alienation, Disposition or Concession- any of the modes authorized by theLand Code of the Philippines for the acquisition, lease or use of the lands of thepublic domain other than forests, mineral lands or national parks.c. Buffer Zones- identified areas outside the boundaries of and immediatelyadjacent to designated protected areas that need special development control inorder to avoid or minimize harm to the protected area.d. Clean and Green Campaign- deals with the massive cleani<strong>ng</strong> of themunicipality and the planni<strong>ng</strong> and maintenance of trees as well as intensivebeautification drive in consonance with the national government’s goal andobjectives.e. Commercial Lands- portion of alienable and disposable lands of the publicdomain classified as sustainable and intended for tradi<strong>ng</strong> of goods and servicesby competent authority.f. Cover Crop Planni<strong>ng</strong>- process of conditioni<strong>ng</strong> denuded areas which are highlycogonal or rocky by planti<strong>ng</strong> erodible calopognium, stylosanthes, desmodium,lablab, bean, psophocarpus, patani, or by planti<strong>ng</strong> suitable non-legumes such asmorni<strong>ng</strong> glory vine, wild sunflower and kikuyu grass, in order to improve soilfertility, organic matter, and water holdi<strong>ng</strong> capacity prior to or concurrent with theplanti<strong>ng</strong> of trees and other perennials in such areas.g. Farm Lands- lands intended for or actually devoted to the production of food,includi<strong>ng</strong> plantations, except fishponds and other adjoini<strong>ng</strong> bodies of water.h. Industrial Lands- public lands within the zone established by the Municipality forthe manufacture and production of large quantities of goods and commodities.i. Land Classification- assessment, appraisal, and determination of landpotentials, which include survey and classification of land resource and the studyand mappi<strong>ng</strong> of the soil.j. Land Reclassification- subsequent classification, allocation, and disposition ofalienable and disposable lands of the public domain into specific uses.k. Land Resource – all terrestrial, subterranean, and all geological features andland masses of the public domain and private domain of the State, within therespective geographical jurisdiction of the Municipality, includi<strong>ng</strong> all flora andfauna, minerals and aquatic resources that dwell or exist upon it.l. Land Use Planni<strong>ng</strong> – act of defini<strong>ng</strong> the allocation, utilization, development andmanagement of all lands within a given territory or jurisdiction accordi<strong>ng</strong> to theinherent qualities of the land itself and supportive of economic, demographic,socio-cultural and environmental objectives as in decision-maki<strong>ng</strong> and legislation.m. Population, Resources and Environmental Balance – a condition where thereis a harmonious interaction between and amo<strong>ng</strong> population, resources andenvironment towards sustainable development. This means that populationfactors such as size growth, age-sex structure, distribution, as well as theiractivities do not compromise the replenishment and conservation of resourcesand the preservation of the environment and vice versa.n. Population and Development Planni<strong>ng</strong> Approach – the development of amindset to look at all important socio-economic and demographicinterrelationships in formulati<strong>ng</strong>, implementi<strong>ng</strong>, monitori<strong>ng</strong> and evaluati<strong>ng</strong> plansand programs.o. Protected Areas – identified portions of land and water set aside by reason oftheir unique physical and biological significance, managed to enhance biodiversityand protected against destructive human exploitation.p. Public Domain – lands which belo<strong>ng</strong> to the State, province and municipality inits proprietary capacity.241

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