Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ...

Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ... Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ...

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quality measures and in response to the articulation of people’s interest and in meeting theemerging expectations of an empowered community.Section 123. Internal Rules of Procedure (will be published separately inaccordance with Section 5 of this Code).Section 124. ng>Theng> ng>Localng> Environment Code (will be published separately withSection 5 of this Code.Section 125. Posting of Ordinances – Ordinances with penal sanctions shall beposted in at least three (3) prominent places in the municipal hall for a 210minimum ofthree (3) consecutive weeks and such ordinances shall take effect at the end of the postingperiod.Section 126. Copies for Official Gazette – ng>Theng> secretary to the sanggunian shalltransmit official copies of ordinances with penal sanctions after approval to the chiefexecutive officer of the Official Gazette within seven (7) days following the approval of saidordinance for publication archival and reference purposes.Section 127. Copies for Offices/Barangay – All municipal offices and barangaysshall be furnished official copies of any approved municipal ordinance. ng>Theng> secretary to theSanggunian shall keep a record a receipt of ordnances.Section 128. Mandatory Review of Code – This code shall be reviewed once inevery three years. For purposes of this review an Oversight Committee shall be created inthe Sanggunian Bayan as an Ad Hoc Committee. At least two representatives from Non-Government Organizations operating in the municipality shall be included in the membershipof the Oversight Committee, representing the private sector.Section 129. Applicability of Laws – All national laws, department orders,provincial ordinances and other issuances pertaining to the municipal government areconsidered part of this code, to include executive orders promulgated by the local chiefexecutive.Section 130. Common Penalties – In the absence of a specific penalty attached toany provision of this code, any violation or prohibited acts shall be punished by a fine of fivehundred to two thousands pesos or by imprisonment from ten to sixty days or both fine andimprisonment at the discretion of the court. Any public officer or employee who violates anordinance may be meted administrative disciplinary action, without prejudice to the filing ofthe appropriate civil or criminal action.In case of violation of the revenue code, the fines shall not be less than onethousand pesos or more than five thousand pesos nor shall imprisonment be neither lessthat one month nor more than six months at the discretion of court.ng>Theng> ng>Sangguniangng> Bayan, however, may impose a fine of no less than one hundredpesos or more than one thousand pesos. No imprisonment shall be prescribed by theng>Sangguniangng> Barangay for violation of any barangay ordinance.Section 131. Printing and Dissemination of Information – ng>Theng> ng>Sangguniangng>Bayan shall appropriate funds for the printing of this Code. It is the joint responsibility of thelocal chief executive and the sangguniang bayan to disseminate information on the contentsof this code.210

CHAPTER VIIFinal ProvisionsSection 132. Amendatory Clause – All ordinance, rules and regulations or partsthereof in conflict or inconsistent with any provision of this Code are hereby repealed ormodified accordingly.Section 133. Separability Clause – Should any part of this code be declared nulland void by a Court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining parts not so affected therebyshall remain in full force and effect.Section 134. Effectivity – This code shall take effect after its posting in conspicuousplaces pursuant to law.UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED………………………………………………. JANUARY 7, 2004I hereby certify to the correctness of the foregoing ordinance which was duly adoptedby the ng>Sangguniangng> Bayan during its Regular Session held on January 7, 2004.Attested:(Sgd) MINDA T. BALEÑASecretary to the Sanggunian(Sgd) RIDGIE B. BARRETOSB Member, Temporary Presiding Officer(Sgd) ANGELICA T. JARANILLA(Sgd) JUAN B. FRANCO(Sgd) MARICEL T. ANGELES(Sgd) ERLINDA POMADO(Sgd) ANTONIO B. BALAIROS(Sgd) ISIDRO A. ENGADA, JR.(Sgd) NONITO L. BELACA-OL(Sgd) JP L. LORICAApproved:(Sgd) ULYSSES L. VALDEZ, M.D.Municipal Vice Mayor – OIC Mayor211

quality measures and in response to the articulation of people’s interest and in meeti<strong>ng</strong> theemergi<strong>ng</strong> expectations of an empowered community.Section 123. Internal Rules of Procedure (will be published separately inaccordance with Section 5 of this Code).Section 124. <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> <stro<strong>ng</strong>>Local</stro<strong>ng</strong>> Environment Code (will be published separately withSection 5 of this Code.Section 125. Posti<strong>ng</strong> of Ordinances – Ordinances with penal sanctions shall beposted in at least three (3) prominent places in the municipal hall for a 210minimum ofthree (3) consecutive weeks and such ordinances shall take effect at the end of the posti<strong>ng</strong>period.Section 126. Copies for Official Gazette – <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> secretary to the sa<strong>ng</strong>gunian shalltransmit official copies of ordinances with penal sanctions after approval to the chiefexecutive officer of the Official Gazette within seven (7) days followi<strong>ng</strong> the approval of saidordinance for publication archival and reference purposes.Section 127. Copies for Offices/Bara<strong>ng</strong>ay – All municipal offices and bara<strong>ng</strong>aysshall be furnished official copies of any approved municipal ordinance. <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> secretary to theSa<strong>ng</strong>gunian shall keep a record a receipt of ordnances.Section 128. Mandatory Review of Code – This code shall be reviewed once inevery three years. For purposes of this review an Oversight Committee shall be created inthe Sa<strong>ng</strong>gunian Bayan as an Ad Hoc Committee. At least two representatives from Non-Government Organizations operati<strong>ng</strong> in the municipality shall be included in the membershipof the Oversight Committee, representi<strong>ng</strong> the private sector.Section 129. Applicability of Laws – All national laws, department orders,provincial ordinances and other issuances pertaini<strong>ng</strong> to the municipal government areconsidered part of this code, to include executive orders promulgated by the local chiefexecutive.Section 130. Common Penalties – In the absence of a specific penalty attached toany provision of this code, any violation or prohibited acts shall be punished by a fine of fivehundred to two thousands pesos or by imprisonment from ten to sixty days or both fine andimprisonment at the discretion of the court. Any public officer or employee who violates anordinance may be meted administrative disciplinary action, without prejudice to the fili<strong>ng</strong> ofthe appropriate civil or criminal action.In case of violation of the revenue code, the fines shall not be less than onethousand pesos or more than five thousand pesos nor shall imprisonment be neither lessthat one month nor more than six months at the discretion of court.<stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> <stro<strong>ng</strong>>Sa<strong>ng</strong>gunia<strong>ng</strong></stro<strong>ng</strong>> Bayan, however, may impose a fine of no less than one hundredpesos or more than one thousand pesos. No imprisonment shall be prescribed by the<stro<strong>ng</strong>>Sa<strong>ng</strong>gunia<strong>ng</strong></stro<strong>ng</strong>> Bara<strong>ng</strong>ay for violation of any bara<strong>ng</strong>ay ordinance.Section 131. Printi<strong>ng</strong> and Dissemination of Information – <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> <stro<strong>ng</strong>>Sa<strong>ng</strong>gunia<strong>ng</strong></stro<strong>ng</strong>>Bayan shall appropriate funds for the printi<strong>ng</strong> of this Code. It is the joint responsibility of thelocal chief executive and the sa<strong>ng</strong>gunia<strong>ng</strong> bayan to disseminate information on the contentsof this code.210

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