Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ...

Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ... Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ...

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Section 72. Rallies and Demonstration. –a. Prohibition. – No person shall hold a rally or demonstration without firstsecuring the necessary permit from the Municipal Mayor.b. Requirements. – ng>Theng> application for a permit to hold a rally or demonstrationshould indicate the name and address of the head of the organization orgroup, purpose of the rally, and the time it is supposed to end.c. Denial of Permit. – ng>Theng> permit may be denied if such rally poses a clear orimmediate danger to public safety and order.ARTICLE IIIEDUCATIONSection 73. Statement of Policy. ng>Theng> ng>Localng> Government Unit of Barotac Viejo shallsupport the Department of Education policy to promote and enhance the quality of educationat all levels and to take appropriate steps to make such education accessible to all.ng>Theng> Municipal shall also recognize and complement the invaluable contributions ofprivate institutions in the enhancement of the educational system.Section 74. Creation of Municipal School Board - Pursuant to Section 89 of R. A.7160, the Municipal School Board shall be strengthened and shall be composed of thefollowing:Chairperson - Municipal Mayor of Barotac ViejoCo-Chairperson - District Supervisor of Department of EducationMembers: - Chairperson of the Committee onEducation of the ng>Sangguniangng> Bayan- Municipal Treasurer- Representative of the SK Municipal Federation- Duly elected President of the Teachers’Organization in the Municipality of Barotac Viejo- Duly Elected representative of Non-AcademicPersonnel of Public Schools in the MunicipalSection 75. Functions of the Municipal School Board. – ng>Theng> Municipal SchoolBoard shall:a. Determine the annual supplementary budgetary need for the operation andmaintenance of public schools within the Municipality of Barotac Viejo, andsupplementary local cost of meeting such needs, which shall be reflected in theform of an annual school board budget corresponding to its share of theproceeds of the special levy on real property constituting the special EducationFund and such other sources of revenue as this Code and other laws orordinance may provide;b. Authorize the Municipal Treasurer to disburse funds from the Special EducationFund pursuant to the approved budget;c. Serve as an advisory committee to the ng>Sangguniangng> Bayan on educationalmatters; and198

d. Recommend changes in the name of Public Schools.Section 76. Meetings and Quorum. – ng>Theng> ng>Localng> School Board shall meet at leastonce a month or as often as may be necessary. Any of the co-chairpersons may call ameeting. A majority of all its members shall constitute a quorum; however, when both cochairpersonsare present in meeting, the Municipal Mayor shall be given preference topreside over the meeting.Section 77. Scholarships. – ng>Theng> ng>Localng> Government Unit of Barotac Viejo throughthe “Eskolar Sang Banwa” program shall provide assistance to students who belong to lessfortunate but deserving pupils/students in public/private schools.ARTICLE 4HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICESSection 78. Statement of Policy. – ng>Theng> ng>Localng> Government of Barotac Viejo shallsafeguard, promote, enhance and protect the health of its people through an integratedhealth program with the active participation of the citizens themselves, their communityleaders and Non-Government Organizations.Section 79. Creation of the Municipal Health Board and its Composition.Pursuant to Section 102 R.A. 7160, the Municipal health Board shall be strengthened andshall be composed of the following:Chairperson - Municipal MayorVice Chairperson - Municipal HealthOfficerMembers: - Chairperson,Committee on Health, ng>Sangguniangng> Bayan- Representative from the private sector or nongovernmentalorganization involved in health services- Representative of the Department of Health in theMunicipalitySection 80. Function of the Municipal Health Board.a. To propose to the ng>Sangguniangng> Bayan annual budgetary allocations for theoperation and maintenance of health facilities and services within themunicipality’b. To serve as advisory committee to the ng>Sangguniangng> Bayan on health matters;andc. Create committee which shall advice local health agencies on matters suchas, but not limited to, personnel selection and promotion, bids and awards,grievance and complaints, personnel discipline, budget review, operationsreview and similar functions.Section 81. Meetings and Quorum.a. ng>Theng> Board shall meet at least once a month or as often as necessary; andb. A majority of the members of the Board shall constitute a quorum, but the199

Section 72. Rallies and Demonstration. –a. Prohibition. – No person shall hold a rally or demonstration without firstsecuri<strong>ng</strong> the necessary permit from the Municipal Mayor.b. Requirements. – <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> application for a permit to hold a rally or demonstrationshould indicate the name and address of the head of the organization orgroup, purpose of the rally, and the time it is supposed to end.c. Denial of Permit. – <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> permit may be denied if such rally poses a clear orimmediate da<strong>ng</strong>er to public safety and order.ARTICLE IIIEDUCATIONSection 73. Statement of Policy. <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> <stro<strong>ng</strong>>Local</stro<strong>ng</strong>> Government Unit of Barotac Viejo shallsupport the Department of Education policy to promote and enhance the quality of educationat all levels and to take appropriate steps to make such education accessible to all.<stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> Municipal shall also recognize and complement the invaluable contributions ofprivate institutions in the enhancement of the educational system.Section 74. Creation of Municipal School Board - Pursuant to Section 89 of R. A.7160, the Municipal School Board shall be stre<strong>ng</strong>thened and shall be composed of thefollowi<strong>ng</strong>:Chairperson - Municipal Mayor of Barotac ViejoCo-Chairperson - District Supervisor of Department of EducationMembers: - Chairperson of the Committee onEducation of the <stro<strong>ng</strong>>Sa<strong>ng</strong>gunia<strong>ng</strong></stro<strong>ng</strong>> Bayan- Municipal Treasurer- Representative of the SK Municipal Federation- Duly elected President of the Teachers’Organization in the Municipality of Barotac Viejo- Duly Elected representative of Non-AcademicPersonnel of Public Schools in the MunicipalSection 75. Functions of the Municipal School Board. – <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> Municipal SchoolBoard shall:a. Determine the annual supplementary budgetary need for the operation andmaintenance of public schools within the Municipality of Barotac Viejo, andsupplementary local cost of meeti<strong>ng</strong> such needs, which shall be reflected in theform of an annual school board budget correspondi<strong>ng</strong> to its share of theproceeds of the special levy on real property constituti<strong>ng</strong> the special EducationFund and such other sources of revenue as this Code and other laws orordinance may provide;b. Authorize the Municipal Treasurer to disburse funds from the Special EducationFund pursuant to the approved budget;c. Serve as an advisory committee to the <stro<strong>ng</strong>>Sa<strong>ng</strong>gunia<strong>ng</strong></stro<strong>ng</strong>> Bayan on educationalmatters; and198

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