Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ...

Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ... Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ...

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PoblacionBugnayCaliforniaDel PilarGeneral LunaLa FortunaSan MiguelLipataSan RoqueNatividadNueva InvencionNueva SevillaSan AntonioSan FernandoSan FranciscoSan GeronimoDela PeñaSan JuanSan LucasSantiagoUgasanVista AlegreRizalPuerto PrincesaSection 50. Legal Assistance to Barangay Officials. ng>Theng> Provincial Governmentthrough the Provincial Legal Officer and Municipal Government through the Office of theMayor shall render legal assistance to any Barangay Official charged administratively orcriminally in connection with or on the occasion of the discharge of his/her official duties.Section 51. Barangay Consultation and Interfacing. In the barangay level, thereshall be a barangay assembly compose of all persons who are actual residents of thebarangay for at least six (6) months, fifteen (15 ) years of age or over, citizen of thePhilippines, and duly registered in the list of barangay assembly members. ng>Theng> barangayshall meet at least twice a year to hear and discuss the semestral report of the BarangayCouncil concerning its activities and finances as well as problems affecting the barangay. Itsmeeting shall be held upon call of the Punong Barangay or of at least four (4) members ofthe Barangay Council or upon written petition of at least five percent (5%) of the assemblymembers. No meeting of the barangay assembly shall take place unless a written notice isgiven one (1) week prior to the meeting except on maters involving public safety or security,in which case notice within reasonable time shall be sufficient. ng>Theng> Punong Barangay or inhis/her absence, the Barangay Kagawad acting as Punong Barangay, or any assemblymember selected during the meeting, shall act as presiding officer in all the meetings of theassembly. ng>Theng> barangay secretary, or in his/her absence, any members designated by thepresiding officer to act as secretary, shall discharge the duties of secretary of the barangayassembly.Section 52. Review of Barangay Ordinances. Within ten (10) days after itsenactment, the Barangay Council shall furnish copies of all barangay ordinances to theng>Sangguniangng> Bayan of Barotac Viejo for review as to whether the ordinance is consistentwith law and municipal ordinances. If the ng>Sangguniangng> Bayan fails to take an action onbarangay ordinances within thirty (30) days from receipt thereof, the same shall be deemedapproved. If the ng>Sangguniangng> Bayan of Barotac Viejo finds the barangay ordinanceinconsistent with law or municipal ordinance the sangguniang bayan shall, within thirty (30)days from receipt thereof, return the same with its comments and recommendations to thebarangay council for adjustment, amendments, or modification; in which case, the effectivityof the barangay ordinance is suspended until such time as the revision called is effected.Section 53. Vacancies in Barangay Councils. Permanent vacancies in thesanggunian where automatic succession do not apply shall be filled by appointment of theMunicipal Mayor upon the recommendation of the sangguniang barangay concerned.192

CHAPTER VIIMUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT SERVICESSection 54. Management Direction. ng>Theng> delivery of basic and direct services to theconstituents shall be characterized by the judicious allocation of resources to meet theminimum requirement standard of services. ng>Theng> vesting duty, responsibility andaccountability on local officials shall be accompanied with provisions for reasonableadequate resources to carry out their functions and discharge their duties effectively. ng>Theng>transparency of public transactions shall not be diminished by the technicalities and thegreatest good for the greatest number will underline all government intentions.ARTICLE IPEACE, ORDER AND SECURITYSection 55. Statement of Policy. ng>Theng> promotion and maintenance of peace andorder and security shall be the joint responsibility of government and the populace everycitizen shall be a stakeholder in building a society that is free from fear, harassment andexploitation.Section 56. Municipal Disaster Coordinating Council. ng>Theng> existing MunicipalCoordinating Council is strengthened and revitalized through the legislative and executiveofficials of Barotac Viejo.Chairperson:Vice Chairperson/Action Officer:Executive Officer:Members:Municipal MayorBarotac Viejo Chief of PoliceMunicipal Civil Defense Deputized CoordinatorMunicipal AdministratorMunicipal AgriculturistMun. Health OfficerMun. Civil RegistrarMun. AssessorTreasurerMPDCLGOO IIMunicipal AccountantPrincipal II, ROVCMSMunicipal Budget officerCampus Dean, NIPSC-BVCMunicipal EngineerOIC, LTO, Barotac ViejoMSWDODistrict Engr. DPWHMunicipal Budget OfficerPresident, Civil Society Organization193

PoblacionBugnayCaliforniaDel PilarGeneral LunaLa FortunaSan MiguelLipataSan RoqueNatividadNueva InvencionNueva SevillaSan AntonioSan FernandoSan FranciscoSan GeronimoDela PeñaSan JuanSan LucasSantiagoUgasanVista AlegreRizalPuerto PrincesaSection 50. Legal Assistance to Bara<strong>ng</strong>ay Officials. <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> Provincial Governmentthrough the Provincial Legal Officer and Municipal Government through the Office of theMayor shall render legal assistance to any Bara<strong>ng</strong>ay Official charged administratively orcriminally in connection with or on the occasion of the discharge of his/her official duties.Section 51. Bara<strong>ng</strong>ay Consultation and Interfaci<strong>ng</strong>. In the bara<strong>ng</strong>ay level, thereshall be a bara<strong>ng</strong>ay assembly compose of all persons who are actual residents of thebara<strong>ng</strong>ay for at least six (6) months, fifteen (15 ) years of age or over, citizen of thePhilippines, and duly registered in the list of bara<strong>ng</strong>ay assembly members. <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> bara<strong>ng</strong>ayshall meet at least twice a year to hear and discuss the semestral report of the Bara<strong>ng</strong>ayCouncil concerni<strong>ng</strong> its activities and finances as well as problems affecti<strong>ng</strong> the bara<strong>ng</strong>ay. Itsmeeti<strong>ng</strong> shall be held upon call of the Puno<strong>ng</strong> Bara<strong>ng</strong>ay or of at least four (4) members ofthe Bara<strong>ng</strong>ay Council or upon written petition of at least five percent (5%) of the assemblymembers. No meeti<strong>ng</strong> of the bara<strong>ng</strong>ay assembly shall take place unless a written notice isgiven one (1) week prior to the meeti<strong>ng</strong> except on maters involvi<strong>ng</strong> public safety or security,in which case notice within reasonable time shall be sufficient. <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> Puno<strong>ng</strong> Bara<strong>ng</strong>ay or inhis/her absence, the Bara<strong>ng</strong>ay Kagawad acti<strong>ng</strong> as Puno<strong>ng</strong> Bara<strong>ng</strong>ay, or any assemblymember selected duri<strong>ng</strong> the meeti<strong>ng</strong>, shall act as presidi<strong>ng</strong> officer in all the meeti<strong>ng</strong>s of theassembly. <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> bara<strong>ng</strong>ay secretary, or in his/her absence, any members designated by thepresidi<strong>ng</strong> officer to act as secretary, shall discharge the duties of secretary of the bara<strong>ng</strong>ayassembly.Section 52. Review of Bara<strong>ng</strong>ay Ordinances. Within ten (10) days after itsenactment, the Bara<strong>ng</strong>ay Council shall furnish copies of all bara<strong>ng</strong>ay ordinances to the<stro<strong>ng</strong>>Sa<strong>ng</strong>gunia<strong>ng</strong></stro<strong>ng</strong>> Bayan of Barotac Viejo for review as to whether the ordinance is consistentwith law and municipal ordinances. If the <stro<strong>ng</strong>>Sa<strong>ng</strong>gunia<strong>ng</strong></stro<strong>ng</strong>> Bayan fails to take an action onbara<strong>ng</strong>ay ordinances within thirty (30) days from receipt thereof, the same shall be deemedapproved. If the <stro<strong>ng</strong>>Sa<strong>ng</strong>gunia<strong>ng</strong></stro<strong>ng</strong>> Bayan of Barotac Viejo finds the bara<strong>ng</strong>ay ordinanceinconsistent with law or municipal ordinance the sa<strong>ng</strong>gunia<strong>ng</strong> bayan shall, within thirty (30)days from receipt thereof, return the same with its comments and recommendations to thebara<strong>ng</strong>ay council for adjustment, amendments, or modification; in which case, the effectivityof the bara<strong>ng</strong>ay ordinance is suspended until such time as the revision called is effected.Section 53. Vacancies in Bara<strong>ng</strong>ay Councils. Permanent vacancies in thesa<strong>ng</strong>gunian where automatic succession do not apply shall be filled by appointment of theMunicipal Mayor upon the recommendation of the sa<strong>ng</strong>gunia<strong>ng</strong> bara<strong>ng</strong>ay concerned.192

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