Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ...

Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ... Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ...

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ARTICLE 3MUNICIPAL PRE-QUALIFICATION, BIDS AND AWARDS COMMITTEESection 40. Municipal Pre-qualification, Bids and Awards Committee. Pursuantto Section 37 of R.A. 7160, the Municipal Pre-qualification, Bids and Awards Committee(PBAC) shall be strengthened and which shall be primarily responsible for the conduct ofpre qualification of contractor, bidding, evaluation of bids and the recommendation ofawards concerning local infrastructure. (Note: This provision has to be amended forconsistency with Republic Act 9184 otherwise known as the Government ProcurementReform Law of 2003)Section 41. Composition of Pre-qualification, Bids ad Awards Committee(PBAC) - ng>Theng> Municipal Mayor shall act as the Chairperson with the following members:a. Chairperson, Committee on Appropriations of the ng>Sangguniangng> Bayanb. Representative of the minority-ng>Sangguniangng> Bayanc. ng>Theng> Municipal Treasurerd. Two (2) representatives from Non-Government Organizations that arerepresented in the Municipal Development Council, to be chosen by theorganization themselves.e. A practicing Certified Public Accountant from private sectors to be designated bythe local chapter of the Philippine institute of Certified Public Accountant.Section 42. Meetings . All meetings of the committee shall be held in the municipalhall. ng>Theng> minutes of such meetings of the committee and any decision made therein shall beduly recorded and posted at a prominent place in the Municipal Hall and delivered by themost expedient means to elective officials concerned.ARTICLE 4PUBLIC INFORMATION AND TECHNOLOGYSection 43. Statement of Policy. -Municipal Government shall introduce innovativeapproaches in local government administration in pursuit of productivity and efficiency. Itshall utilize the tools of information and technology to make informed executive and policydecisions and to disseminate information to the public. It shall be a priority to keep theconstituents well-informed on matters affecting public interest.Section 44. Time Limits to Act On Official Transaction. Official actions on publictransactions should be completed within seventy two (72) working hours as provided for inethics law. This requirement should be explicit in the Operations Manual.Section 45. Installation of Information System. Computers purchased shall havebundled therein the following, but not limited to system:A. For use of the ng>Sangguniangng> Bayan: Legislative Tracking SystemB. For use of the office of the Municipal Accountant:C. ng>Localng> Government Accounting system.190

D. For the Use of the Municipal Assessor and Treasurer on the assessment andcollection of land taxes: Real Property Assessment and collection TrackingSystem;E. For Use of the Municipal Planning and Development Office and engineeringOffices Management Information System and Barangay –Based Data Geo-Information System;F. For use of the office of Human Resource Management Office: Personnel ProfileSystem;G. For use of the Civil Registrar Office for Civil Registration System.H. For the use of Social Welfare and Development and Rural health Unit: ClientServices SystemI. For the Use of GSO: Outgoing Voucher for office supplies and equipmentJ. Budget Office: for the use of Supplementary BudgetK. Mayors office: For Outgoing communicants and minutes of meetingsCHAPTER VITHE BARANGAYSSection 46. Statement of Policy- ng>Theng> municipal Government shall strengthen thebarangays to make them more effective instruments of people empowerment. It shall be ourpolicy to support them in attaining genuine local autonomy thus making them self-propelling,self-reliant and empowered political units.Section 47. Role of Barangay. ng>Theng> barangay serves as the primary planning andimplementing unit of government policies, plans, programs, projects and activities in thecommunity. It is the forum where the collective views of the people may be expressed,articulated, crystallized and considered. It is the implementing arm of the KatarungangPambarangay Law.Section 48. Policy in the Creation of Barangay. A barangay may be created,divided, merged, abolished, or its boundary substantially altered, by law or by ordinance ofthe ng>Sangguniangng> Bayan, subject to approval by a majority of the votes cast in a plebiscite tobe conducted by the COMELEC in the local government unit directly affected within suchperiod of time as may be determined by the law or ordinance creating said barangay. It maybe created out of contiguous territory which has a population of at least two thousand(2,000) inhabitants as certified by the National Statistics Office.ng>Theng> territorial jurisdiction of the new barangay shall be properly identified by metersand bounds or by more or less permanent natural boundaries. ng>Theng> territory need not becontiguous; it may comprise two (2) or more islands. ng>Theng> Mayor may prepare aconsolidation plan for the barangay, based on the criteria prescribed in this section, withinhis/her territorial jurisdiction. ng>Theng> plan shall be submitted to sangguniang bayan forappropriate action.Section 49. Component of Barangays. ng>Theng> component barangays of BarotacViejo are the following:191

D. For the Use of the Municipal Assessor and Treasurer on the assessment andcollection of land taxes: Real Property Assessment and collection Tracki<strong>ng</strong>System;E. For Use of the Municipal Planni<strong>ng</strong> and Development Office and e<strong>ng</strong>ineeri<strong>ng</strong>Offices Management Information System and Bara<strong>ng</strong>ay –Based Data Geo-Information System;F. For use of the office of Human Resource Management Office: Personnel ProfileSystem;G. For use of the Civil Registrar Office for Civil Registration System.H. For the use of Social Welfare and Development and Rural health Unit: ClientServices SystemI. For the Use of GSO: Outgoi<strong>ng</strong> Voucher for office supplies and equipmentJ. Budget Office: for the use of Supplementary BudgetK. Mayors office: For Outgoi<strong>ng</strong> communicants and minutes of meeti<strong>ng</strong>sCHAPTER VITHE BARANGAYSSection 46. Statement of Policy- <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> municipal Government shall stre<strong>ng</strong>then thebara<strong>ng</strong>ays to make them more effective instruments of people empowerment. It shall be ourpolicy to support them in attaini<strong>ng</strong> genuine local autonomy thus maki<strong>ng</strong> them self-propelli<strong>ng</strong>,self-reliant and empowered political units.Section 47. Role of Bara<strong>ng</strong>ay. <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> bara<strong>ng</strong>ay serves as the primary planni<strong>ng</strong> andimplementi<strong>ng</strong> unit of government policies, plans, programs, projects and activities in thecommunity. It is the forum where the collective views of the people may be expressed,articulated, crystallized and considered. It is the implementi<strong>ng</strong> arm of the Kataru<strong>ng</strong>a<strong>ng</strong>Pambara<strong>ng</strong>ay Law.Section 48. Policy in the Creation of Bara<strong>ng</strong>ay. A bara<strong>ng</strong>ay may be created,divided, merged, abolished, or its boundary substantially altered, by law or by ordinance ofthe <stro<strong>ng</strong>>Sa<strong>ng</strong>gunia<strong>ng</strong></stro<strong>ng</strong>> Bayan, subject to approval by a majority of the votes cast in a plebiscite tobe conducted by the COMELEC in the local government unit directly affected within suchperiod of time as may be determined by the law or ordinance creati<strong>ng</strong> said bara<strong>ng</strong>ay. It maybe created out of contiguous territory which has a population of at least two thousand(2,000) inhabitants as certified by the National Statistics Office.<stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> territorial jurisdiction of the new bara<strong>ng</strong>ay shall be properly identified by metersand bounds or by more or less permanent natural boundaries. <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> territory need not becontiguous; it may comprise two (2) or more islands. <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> Mayor may prepare aconsolidation plan for the bara<strong>ng</strong>ay, based on the criteria prescribed in this section, withinhis/her territorial jurisdiction. <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> plan shall be submitted to sa<strong>ng</strong>gunia<strong>ng</strong> bayan forappropriate action.Section 49. Component of Bara<strong>ng</strong>ays. <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> component bara<strong>ng</strong>ays of BarotacViejo are the followi<strong>ng</strong>:191

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