Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ...

Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ... Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ...

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measures to ensure the delivery of basic services and provision of adequatefacilities relative to agricultural services as provided by R.A.7160;b. Develop plans and strategies and upon approval by the mayor, implementthe same, particularly those which have to do with agricultural programsand projects which the mayor is empowered to implement and which theSanggunian is empowered to provide for under R.A. 7160;c. In addition to the foregoing duties and functions, the Agriculturist shall:d. Ensure that maximum assistance and access to resources in theproduction, processing and marketing of agricultural and aqua-culturaland marine products are extended to farmers, fishermen and localentrepreneurs;e. Conduct or cause to be conducted location-specific agriculturalresearches and assist in making available the appropriate technologyarising out of and disseminating information on basic research on crops,prevention and control of plant diseases and pest, and other agriculturalmatters which will maximize productivity;f. Assist the mayor in the establishment and extension services ofdemonstration farm or aqua-culture and marine products;g. Enforce rules and regulation relating to agriculture and aqua-cultureh. Coordinate with the government agencies and non-governmentorganization which promote agricultural productivity through appropriatetechnology compatible with environmental integrityi. Be in the frontline of the delivery of basic agricultural services, particularlythose needed for the survival of the inhabitants during and in theaftermath of man-made and natural disaster and calamities;j. Recommend to the Sanggunian and advise the mayor on all other mattersrelated to agriculture and aqua-culture which will improve the livelihoodand living conditions of the inhabitants; andf. Exercise all the powers and perform such other duties and functions asmay be prescribe by law or ordinance.n. Office of the Municipal Social Welfare and Development - ng>Theng> MunicipalSocial Welfare and Development Office is headed by the Municipal SocialWelfare and Development Officer. ng>Theng> position of Municipal Social Welfare andDevelopment Agriculturist shall be optional. No person shall be appointed asMunicipal Social Welfare and Development Officer unless he/she is a citizen ofthe Philippines, a resident of the local government unit concerned, of good moralcharacter, a duly licensed social worker or a holder of a college degreepreferably in sociology or any other related course from recognized college oruniversity, and a first grade civil service eligible or its equivalent.He/She must have acquired experience in the practice of social work for at leastthree (3) years. ng>Theng> Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office shall:a. Formulate measure for the approval of the sanggunian and providetechnical assistance and support to the mayor in carrying out measures toensure the delivery of basic services and provision of adequate facilitiesrelative to social and development services as provided under R.A. 7160;b. Develop plans and strategies and upon the approval by the mayorimplement the same particularly those which have to do with socialwelfare programs and projects which the mayor is empowered toimplement and the sanggunian is empowered to provide for under R.A.184

7160;c. In addition to the foregoing duties, the social welfare and developmentoffice shall:i. Identify the basic needs of the needy, the disadvantaged and theimpoverished and develop and implement appropriate measures toalleviate their problems and improve their living conditions;ii. Provide relief and appropriate crisis intervention for victims of abuseand exploitation and recommend appropriate measures to deterfurther abuse and exploitation;iii. Assist the mayor in implementing the barangay level program for thetotal development and protection of children up to six (6) years of age;d. Facilitate implementation of welfare program for the disabled, elderly, andvictims of drug addiction, the rehabilitation of prisoners and paroles, theprevention of juvenile delinquency and such other activities which wouldeliminate or minimize the ill-effect of poverty;e. Coordinate with government agencies and non-governmentalorganizations which have for their purpose the promotion and theprotection of all needy, disadvantaged, underprivileged or impoverishedgroups or individuals, particularly those identified to be vulnerable andhigh risk to exploitation abuse and neglect;f. Be in the frontline of service delivery, particularly those which have to dowith immediate relief during and assistance in the aftermath of man-madeand natural disaster and calamities;g. Recommend to the Sanggunian and advise the mayor on all mattersrelated to social welfare and development services which will improve thelivelihood and living conditions of the inhabitants; andh. Exercise such other power and perform such other duties and functionsas may be prescribed by law or ordinance.Section 25. Municipal Executive Orders. ng>Theng> Mayor shall review all executiveorders promulgated by the Punong Barangay within his/her jurisdiction. Copies of suchorders shall be forwarded to the office of the mayor within three (3) days from their issuance.In all instances of review, the local chief executive concerned shall ensure that suchexecutive orders are within the powers granted by law and conformity with municipalordinances.Section 26. Inter-governmental Relations. ng>Theng> Municipal Mayor shall exercisegeneral supervision over component barangays to ensure that said barangays act within thescope of their prescribed powers and functions. ng>Theng> local government unit through anappropriate ordinance can coordinate with other neighboring municipalities to consolidateefforts, services and resources for purposes commonly beneficial to them. In support to thatundertakings, the LGU involved; upon approval by the sanggunian concerned after a publichearing conducted for the purpose, contribute funds, real estate, equipment and other kindsof property and appoint or assign personnel under such terms and condition as may beagreed upon by the participating local units through Memoranda of Agreement.185

measures to ensure the delivery of basic services and provision of adequatefacilities relative to agricultural services as provided by R.A.7160;b. Develop plans and strategies and upon approval by the mayor, implementthe same, particularly those which have to do with agricultural programsand projects which the mayor is empowered to implement and which theSa<strong>ng</strong>gunian is empowered to provide for under R.A. 7160;c. In addition to the foregoi<strong>ng</strong> duties and functions, the Agriculturist shall:d. Ensure that maximum assistance and access to resources in theproduction, processi<strong>ng</strong> and marketi<strong>ng</strong> of agricultural and aqua-culturaland marine products are extended to farmers, fishermen and localentrepreneurs;e. Conduct or cause to be conducted location-specific agriculturalresearches and assist in maki<strong>ng</strong> available the appropriate technologyarisi<strong>ng</strong> out of and disseminati<strong>ng</strong> information on basic research on crops,prevention and control of plant diseases and pest, and other agriculturalmatters which will maximize productivity;f. Assist the mayor in the establishment and extension services ofdemonstration farm or aqua-culture and marine products;g. Enforce rules and regulation relati<strong>ng</strong> to agriculture and aqua-cultureh. Coordinate with the government agencies and non-governmentorganization which promote agricultural productivity through appropriatetechnology compatible with environmental integrityi. Be in the frontline of the delivery of basic agricultural services, particularlythose needed for the survival of the inhabitants duri<strong>ng</strong> and in theaftermath of man-made and natural disaster and calamities;j. Recommend to the Sa<strong>ng</strong>gunian and advise the mayor on all other mattersrelated to agriculture and aqua-culture which will improve the livelihoodand livi<strong>ng</strong> conditions of the inhabitants; andf. Exercise all the powers and perform such other duties and functions asmay be prescribe by law or ordinance.n. Office of the Municipal Social Welfare and Development - <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> MunicipalSocial Welfare and Development Office is headed by the Municipal SocialWelfare and Development Officer. <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> position of Municipal Social Welfare andDevelopment Agriculturist shall be optional. No person shall be appointed asMunicipal Social Welfare and Development Officer unless he/she is a citizen ofthe Philippines, a resident of the local government unit concerned, of good moralcharacter, a duly licensed social worker or a holder of a college degreepreferably in sociology or any other related course from recognized college oruniversity, and a first grade civil service eligible or its equivalent.He/She must have acquired experience in the practice of social work for at leastthree (3) years. <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office shall:a. Formulate measure for the approval of the sa<strong>ng</strong>gunian and providetechnical assistance and support to the mayor in carryi<strong>ng</strong> out measures toensure the delivery of basic services and provision of adequate facilitiesrelative to social and development services as provided under R.A. 7160;b. Develop plans and strategies and upon the approval by the mayorimplement the same particularly those which have to do with socialwelfare programs and projects which the mayor is empowered toimplement and the sa<strong>ng</strong>gunian is empowered to provide for under R.A.184

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