Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ...

Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ... Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ...

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a. Install and maintain an internal audit system in the local government unitconcerned; prepare and submit financial audit statement to the governoror mayor as the case may be, and to the sanggunian concerned;b. Appraise the sanggunian and other local government officials on thefinancial condition and operations of the local government unit concerned;certify to the availability of budgetary allotment to which expenditure andobligations may be properly charged;c. Review supporting documents before preparation of voucher to determinecompleteness of requirements;d. Prepare statement of cash advances, liquidation, salaries, allowances,reimbursements and remittances pertaining to the local government unit;e. Prepare statements of journal vouchers and liquidation of the same andother adjustments to the subsidiary ledger and index cards;f. Maintain individual ledger for officials and employees of the localgovernment unit pertaining to payrolls and deductions;g. Record and post in index cards details of purchased furniture, fixture, andequipment, including disposal thereof, if any; account for all issuedrequests for obligations and maintain and keep all records and reportsrelated thereto;h. Prepare journals and the analysis of obligations and maintain and keep allrecords and reports related thereto; andi. Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functionsas may be provided by law or ordinance.h. Office of the Municipal Budget Officer- ng>Theng> appointment of the MunicipalBudget Officer is mandatory. No person shall be appointed budget officer unlesshe/she is a citizen of the Philippines, a resident of the local government unitconcerned, of good moral character, and a holder of a college degree preferablyin accounting, economics, public administration or any related course from arecognized college or university. He/She must have acquired experience ingovernment budgeting or in any related field for at least three (3) years in thecase of municipal accountant. ng>Theng> budget officer shall take charge of the budgetoffice and her office shall:a. Prepare forms, orders, and circulars embodying instructions on budgetand appropriation matters for the signature of the mayor;b. Review and consolidate the budget proposals of different departmentsand offices of Barotac Viejo LGU;c. Assist the mayor in the preparation of the budget and during budgethearing;d. Study and evaluate budgetary implications of proposed legislation andsubmit comments and recommendations thereon;e. Submit periodic budgetary reports to the Department of Budget andManagementf. Coordinate with the Treasurer, the Accountant, and the Planning andDevelopment Coordinator for the purpose of budgeting;g. Assist the Sanggunian concerned in reviewing the approved budgets ofcomponent local government unit;h. Coordinate with the planning and development coordinator in theformulation of Barotac Viejo Development Plan; andi. Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions180

as may be prescribed by law or ordinance.i. Office of the Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator-ng>Theng> appointment of the Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator ismandatory. No person shall be appointed MPDC unless he/she is a citizen of thePhilippines, a resident of the local government unit concerned, of good moralcharacter, and a holder of a college degree preferably in urban planning,development studies, economics, public administration or any related coursefrom a recognized college or university. He/She must have acquired experiencein development planning or in any related field for at least three (3) years. ng>Theng>Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator shall take charge of the MPDCOffice and shall:a. Formulate integrated economic, social, physical and other developmentplans and policies for considerations of the Barotac Viejo DevelopmentCouncil;b. Conduct continuing studies, researches, and training programsnecessary to evolve plans and programs for implementation;c. integrate and coordinate all sectoral plans and studies undertaken bythe different functions groups or agencies;d. Monitor and evaluate the implementation of the different developmentprograms, projects, and activities in the local government unit ofBarotac Viejo in accordance with the approved development plan;e. Prepare comprehensive plans and other development planningdocuments for the consideration of the Barotac Viejo ng>Localng>Development Council;f. Analyze the income and expenditure patterns, and formulate andrecommend fiscal plans and policies for consideration of the financecommittee of the LGU as provided in R.A. 7160;g. Promote people participation in development planning within the LGU;h. Exercise supervision and control over the secretariat of the BarotacViejo ng>Localng> Development Council andi. Exercise such other powers and perform such other functions andduties as may prescribed by law or ordinance.j. Office of the Municipal Engineer. ng>Theng> Municipal Engineering Office is headed bythe Municipal Engineer and his/her appointment is mandatory. No person shall beappointed Municipal Engineer unless he/she is a citizen of the Philippines, aresident of the local government unit concerned, of good moral character, and alicensed civil engineer. He/She must have acquired experience in the practice ofhis/her profession for at least two (2) years. ng>Theng> Municipal Engineer shall takecharge of the Engineering Office and shall:a. Initiate, review and recommend changes in policies and objectives, plansand programs, techniques, procedures and practices in infrastructuredevelopment and public works in general;b. Advise the Municipal Mayor on infrastructure, public works, and otherengineering mattersc. Administer, coordinate, supervise, and control the construction,maintenance, improvement and repair of roads, bridges, and theengineering and public works projects of Barotac Viejo;181

a. Install and maintain an internal audit system in the local government unitconcerned; prepare and submit financial audit statement to the governoror mayor as the case may be, and to the sa<strong>ng</strong>gunian concerned;b. Appraise the sa<strong>ng</strong>gunian and other local government officials on thefinancial condition and operations of the local government unit concerned;certify to the availability of budgetary allotment to which expenditure andobligations may be properly charged;c. Review supporti<strong>ng</strong> documents before preparation of voucher to determinecompleteness of requirements;d. Prepare statement of cash advances, liquidation, salaries, allowances,reimbursements and remittances pertaini<strong>ng</strong> to the local government unit;e. Prepare statements of journal vouchers and liquidation of the same andother adjustments to the subsidiary ledger and index cards;f. Maintain individual ledger for officials and employees of the localgovernment unit pertaini<strong>ng</strong> to payrolls and deductions;g. Record and post in index cards details of purchased furniture, fixture, andequipment, includi<strong>ng</strong> disposal thereof, if any; account for all issuedrequests for obligations and maintain and keep all records and reportsrelated thereto;h. Prepare journals and the analysis of obligations and maintain and keep allrecords and reports related thereto; andi. Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functionsas may be provided by law or ordinance.h. Office of the Municipal Budget Officer- <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> appointment of the MunicipalBudget Officer is mandatory. No person shall be appointed budget officer unlesshe/she is a citizen of the Philippines, a resident of the local government unitconcerned, of good moral character, and a holder of a college degree preferablyin accounti<strong>ng</strong>, economics, public administration or any related course from arecognized college or university. He/She must have acquired experience i<strong>ng</strong>overnment budgeti<strong>ng</strong> or in any related field for at least three (3) years in thecase of municipal accountant. <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> budget officer shall take charge of the budgetoffice and her office shall:a. Prepare forms, orders, and circulars embodyi<strong>ng</strong> instructions on budgetand appropriation matters for the signature of the mayor;b. Review and consolidate the budget proposals of different departmentsand offices of Barotac Viejo LGU;c. Assist the mayor in the preparation of the budget and duri<strong>ng</strong> budgetheari<strong>ng</strong>;d. Study and evaluate budgetary implications of proposed legislation andsubmit comments and recommendations thereon;e. Submit periodic budgetary reports to the Department of Budget andManagementf. Coordinate with the Treasurer, the Accountant, and the Planni<strong>ng</strong> andDevelopment Coordinator for the purpose of budgeti<strong>ng</strong>;g. Assist the Sa<strong>ng</strong>gunian concerned in reviewi<strong>ng</strong> the approved budgets ofcomponent local government unit;h. Coordinate with the planni<strong>ng</strong> and development coordinator in theformulation of Barotac Viejo Development Plan; andi. Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions180

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