Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ...

Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ... Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ...

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Section 5C.04. Penalty. If the offender is already of legal age, a fine of not less thanOne Hundred Pesos [P100.00] but not more than Five Hundred Pesos [P 500.00] or in lieuthereof, the performance of community service of not less than one [1] day but not morethan five [5] days at the discretion of the court shall be imposed. (Ord. No. 04 –s- 1997)Article D. Operation of Billiards, Pool Tables and Video GamesSection 5D.01. Definitions. As used in this Article -a) Billiards - a game played on a rectangular, cloth-covered six-pocket table withraised, cushioned edges. A long tapering cue stick is used to propel the cue ball inorder to hit and pocket the other balls.b) Pool - a Filipino game played on a four pocket square table with raised edges andusually with 12 plastic chips and a cue chip.c) One Hundred (100) Meters from the School Premises – refers to the distancestarting from a point on the school fence or the school lot boundaries, whichever isapplicable, and up to 100 meters from that point.d) Video Game - a computer based or stored electronic game usually played with theaid of hand held controllers or keyboard and with a video monitor.e) Time of Operations – for purposes of this Article shall be from 6:00 A.M. to 9:00P.M. daily.f) Class Hours - shall mean the time between 7:30 A.M. to 11:30 A.M. and 1:00 P.M.to 5:00 P.M. during which day classes are normally held. In the case of colleges,from 5:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. during which night classes are held.Section 5D.02. Rules and Regulations.a) No business establishment offering billiards, pools and video games shall beallowed to operate within 100 meters from the school premises in this municipality.b) No business establishment shall rent out video games, billiards or pools tostudents during class hours.Section 5D.03. Penalties.a) ng>Theng> penalty of one (1) day to three (3) days imprisonment or a fine ranging fromTwo Hundred (P200.00) Pesos to Five Hundred (P500.00) Pesos, or both such fine andimprisonment at the discretion of the Court, shall be imposed upon any person or owner ofbusiness establishment who violates any provisions of Section 5D.02 of this Article. (Ord.No. 5 –s- 1993)b) ng>Theng> business permit or Mayor’s Permit of any business establishment whoseowner has been convicted for the violation of any of the provisions of Section 5D.02 of thisArticle shall also be cancelled immediately. (Ord. No. 5 –s- 1993)Article E. Holding of Cockfights and Cockpit RegulationsSection 5E.01. Definitions of Terms. When used in this Article -a) Cockpit Manager - a person who oversees the total operations of the cockpit andhas overall supervision on all personnel therein.b) Promoter - refers to a person authorized by the ng>Sangguniangng> Bayan to engage inthe convening, meeting, holding and celebration of specially programmed andarranged cockfighting like local and international derbies or competitions, specialor matched set or encounters, pintakasi or ordinary cockfights inside a duly160

licensed cockpit.c) Gaffer - refers to a person knowledgeable in the art of arming fighting cocks withgaffs on one or both legs.d) Referee [Sentenciador] - refers to a person who watches and, oversees the propergaffing of fighting cocks, determines the physical condition of gamecocks whilecockfighting is in progress, the injuries sustained by the cocks and their capabilityto continue fighting, and decides and makes known his/her decision either by wordor gesture the result of the cockfight by announcing the winner or deciding a tie ina contest game.e) Bet Promoter [Montonan] - refers to an individual who calls and takes care of betsfrom owners of both gamecocks and those of other bettors before he/she orderscommencement of the cockfight and thereafter distributes won bets to the winnersafter deducting a certain commission.f) Bet Taker [Kristo] - refers to a person who participates in cockfights with the use ofmoney or other things of value, bets with other bet takers and wins or loses his/herbets depending upon the result of the cockfight as announced by the referee.g) Handler - refers to a person who personally takes physical custody and control ofa fitted gamecock inside the arena and who actually releases the same for actualfight and combat.Section 5E.02. Cockpits and Cockfighting: In General: (Ord. No. 01 –s- 1998)[a] Ownership, Operation and Management of Cockpits. - Only Filipino citizens nototherwise inhibited by existing laws shall be allowed to own, manage and operate cockpits.Cooperative capitalization is encouraged.[b] Establishment of Cockpits. - Only one cockpit shall be allowed in this municipality.[c] Cockpits Site and Construction. - ng>Theng> cockpit shall be constructed and operatedwithin the appropriate area as prescribed in the Zoning Ordinance and shall conform withthe National Building Code [NBC] of the Philippines.[d] Holding of Cockfights. - Cockfighting shall be allowed only in the licensed cockpitduring Sundays and legal holidays and during local fiestas for not more than three days. Itmay also be held during municipal, agricultural, commercial or industrial fair, carnival orexposition for a similar period of three days upon authorization by the ng>Sangguniangng> Bayan.No cockfighting shall be held on Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and on days prohibited by theCommission on Election [COMELEC].[e] Cockfighting for Entertainment of Tourists or for Charitable Purposes. - Subject tothe preceding subsection hereof, cockfighting may also be allowed for the entertainment offoreign dignitaries or for tourists, or for returning Filipinos, commonly known as “Balikbayan”,or for the support of national or local fund-raising campaigns for charitable purposes as maybe authorized by the ng>Sangguniangng> Bayan.[f] Other games during cockfights prescribed. - No gambling of any kind shall bepermitted on the premises of the cockpit or place of cockfighting during cockfights. ng>Theng>owner, manager or lessee of such cockpit and the violators of this prohibition shall be heldliable under this Article.Section 5E.03. Licensing of Cockpits. No person shall operate or maintain anycockpit in this municipality without first securing a license from the ng>Sangguniangng> Bayanunder the terms and conditions set forth in this Article. (Ord. No. 01 –s- 1998)Section 5E.04. Cockfighting Officials. No person shall officiate or take part in anykind of duly authorized cockfights either as promoter, cockpit manager, gaffer, referee, betmanager, bet taker and handler without first securing a permit from the Office of the Mayor.161

licensed cockpit.c) Gaffer - refers to a person knowledgeable in the art of armi<strong>ng</strong> fighti<strong>ng</strong> cocks withgaffs on one or both legs.d) Referee [Sentenciador] - refers to a person who watches and, oversees the propergaffi<strong>ng</strong> of fighti<strong>ng</strong> cocks, determines the physical condition of gamecocks whilecockfighti<strong>ng</strong> is in progress, the injuries sustained by the cocks and their capabilityto continue fighti<strong>ng</strong>, and decides and makes known his/her decision either by wordor gesture the result of the cockfight by announci<strong>ng</strong> the winner or decidi<strong>ng</strong> a tie ina contest game.e) Bet Promoter [Montonan] - refers to an individual who calls and takes care of betsfrom owners of both gamecocks and those of other bettors before he/she orderscommencement of the cockfight and thereafter distributes won bets to the winnersafter deducti<strong>ng</strong> a certain commission.f) Bet Taker [Kristo] - refers to a person who participates in cockfights with the use ofmoney or other thi<strong>ng</strong>s of value, bets with other bet takers and wins or loses his/herbets dependi<strong>ng</strong> upon the result of the cockfight as announced by the referee.g) Handler - refers to a person who personally takes physical custody and control ofa fitted gamecock inside the arena and who actually releases the same for actualfight and combat.Section 5E.02. Cockpits and Cockfighti<strong>ng</strong>: In General: (Ord. No. 01 –s- 1998)[a] Ownership, Operation and Management of Cockpits. - Only Filipino citizens nototherwise inhibited by existi<strong>ng</strong> laws shall be allowed to own, manage and operate cockpits.Cooperative capitalization is encouraged.[b] Establishment of Cockpits. - Only one cockpit shall be allowed in this municipality.[c] Cockpits Site and Construction. - <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> cockpit shall be constructed and operatedwithin the appropriate area as prescribed in the Zoni<strong>ng</strong> Ordinance and shall conform withthe National Buildi<strong>ng</strong> Code [NBC] of the Philippines.[d] Holdi<strong>ng</strong> of Cockfights. - Cockfighti<strong>ng</strong> shall be allowed only in the licensed cockpitduri<strong>ng</strong> Sundays and legal holidays and duri<strong>ng</strong> local fiestas for not more than three days. Itmay also be held duri<strong>ng</strong> municipal, agricultural, commercial or industrial fair, carnival orexposition for a similar period of three days upon authorization by the <stro<strong>ng</strong>>Sa<strong>ng</strong>gunia<strong>ng</strong></stro<strong>ng</strong>> Bayan.No cockfighti<strong>ng</strong> shall be held on Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and on days prohibited by theCommission on Election [COMELEC].[e] Cockfighti<strong>ng</strong> for Entertainment of Tourists or for Charitable Purposes. - Subject tothe precedi<strong>ng</strong> subsection hereof, cockfighti<strong>ng</strong> may also be allowed for the entertainment offoreign dignitaries or for tourists, or for returni<strong>ng</strong> Filipinos, commonly known as “Balikbayan”,or for the support of national or local fund-raisi<strong>ng</strong> campaigns for charitable purposes as maybe authorized by the <stro<strong>ng</strong>>Sa<strong>ng</strong>gunia<strong>ng</strong></stro<strong>ng</strong>> Bayan.[f] Other games duri<strong>ng</strong> cockfights prescribed. - No gambli<strong>ng</strong> of any kind shall bepermitted on the premises of the cockpit or place of cockfighti<strong>ng</strong> duri<strong>ng</strong> cockfights. <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>>owner, manager or lessee of such cockpit and the violators of this prohibition shall be heldliable under this Article.Section 5E.03. Licensi<strong>ng</strong> of Cockpits. No person shall operate or maintain anycockpit in this municipality without first securi<strong>ng</strong> a license from the <stro<strong>ng</strong>>Sa<strong>ng</strong>gunia<strong>ng</strong></stro<strong>ng</strong>> Bayanunder the terms and conditions set forth in this Article. (Ord. No. 01 –s- 1998)Section 5E.04. Cockfighti<strong>ng</strong> Officials. No person shall officiate or take part in anykind of duly authorized cockfights either as promoter, cockpit manager, gaffer, referee, betmanager, bet taker and handler without first securi<strong>ng</strong> a permit from the Office of the Mayor.161

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