Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ...

Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ... Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ...

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d) Videoke Operation in Open and Closed Establishments.1. Videoke machines located in open establishments such as bars, restaurants,sari-sari stores, carinderias and transportation terminals shall only be operatedfrom 8:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. ng>Theng> operation of these machines beyond thesehours shall already be construed as a violation of this Article. Further, theseestablishments shall meet the noise pollution standards set by competentauthorities like the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR).2. Closed or air-conditioned videoke bars or other videoke establishments mayentertain customers without time limits, provided that adequate sound-proofingmaterials shall have been installed in these establishments. ng>Theng> soundproofingof these establishments shall meet the noise pollution standards setby competent authorities like the Department of Environment and NaturalResources (DENR).Section 5A.03. Penal Provisions. Any person who violates any provision of Section5A.02 shall be penalized as follows: (Ord. No. 07 –s- 2002)a) In the case of establishments:a.1. For the First Offense – A fine of not less than Three Hundred Pesos(P300.00) but not exceeding Five Hundred Pesos (P500.00) at the discretion of the Court.a.2. For Each Succeeding – A fine of not less than Five Hundred Pesos(P500.00) but not exceeding Offense One Thousand Pesos (P1,000.00) or cancellation ofbusiness permit to operate for one year, or both fine and cancellation of business permit, atthe discretion of the court.b) In the case of students:Students found in videoke bars and other videoke establishments duringclass hours shall be entrusted to their respective school principals or authorities forappropriate action. Further, they shall render at least two (2) hours of community service.This community service shall be supervised by the Office of the Mayor or the MSWDO.c) In the case of non-student customers:All other customers found in videoke bars and similar establishments stillavailing of videoke services beyond the allowed operating hours shall be required to renderappropriate community service for at least four [4] hours. This community service shall besupervised by the Office of the Mayor.Article B. Operation of Video and Film Showing EstablishmentsSection 5B.01. Definition of Terms. As used in this Article:a) Places of Amusement - places catering to the public’s want for entertainmentthrough the viewing of Betamax/VHS, Video Compact Disk [VCD] and Digital Video Disk[DVD] film showings.b) Class Hours - shall apply to the period from 7:30 A.M. to 11:30 A.M. and 1:00P.M. to 5:00 P.M. in the case of primary and secondary schools students; and 5:00 P.M. to9:00 P.M. in the case of tertiary school students.c) Poblacion - shall include both Poblacion Sur and Poblacion Norte of theMunicipality of Sigma.d) One Hundred (100) Meters from the School Perimeter – refers to the distancestarting from a point on the school fence or the school lot boundaries, whichever isapplicable, and up to 100 meters from that point.158

Section 5B.02. Rules and Regulations. (Ord. No. 01 –s- 1997)a) It is hereby prohibited for any places of amusement to admit primary, secondaryor tertiary students in their establishments during class hours.b) All students enrolled in any school in the Municipality of Sigma who may be foundin places of amusements during their class hours shall be entrusted to their respectiveschool principals for disciplinary action or guidance.c) All establishments catering to this form of business are hereby required to postnotices within their respective business establishments with regards to the prohibition ofstudents from watching such shows during class hours.d) Places of amusements covered by this article that are situated within 100 metersfrom the school perimeters are permanently prohibited from engaging in this kind ofbusiness.e) All business establishments engaged in this kind of business located more than100 meters from the school perimeters are prohibited from admitting students to theirestablishments during class hours.Section 5B.03. Penal Provisions. Any person who violates any provision of Section5B.02 shall be penalized as follows: (Ord. No. 01 –s- 1997)a) Business establishments shall be fined Two Hundred Pesos [P200.00] to ThreeHundred Pesos [P300.00] for the first offense. For each succeeding offense, they shall befined Five Hundred Pesos [P500.00] to Six Hundred Pesos [P600.00] or their Mayor’sPermit to operate shall be cancelled for one year, or both fine and cancellation of Mayor’sPermit, at the discretion of the Court.b) Failure to comply with the requirements stated in paragraph c. of Section 5B.02[Posting of Notices] shall result in the immediate cancellation of the Mayor’s Permit of thesubject establishment.Article C. Playing of TaksiSection 5C.01. Definition of Terms. As used in this Article: (Ord. No. 04 –s- 1997)Taksi – a game played with coins wherein the objective is to eject as many coins as possiblefrom a square outline on the ground using another coin as a projectile. ng>Theng> coinssuccessfully ejected from the square outline belong to the player launching the projectile.Minor – persons below eighteen [18] years of age.Apprehending Authority – refers to the members of the Philippine National Police [PNP],local officials, school teachers and barangay officials or any responsible person or adult.MSWDO – Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office.Section 5C.02. Prohibited Acts. ng>Theng> playing of “taksi” in the Municipality of Sigmais prohibited. (Ord. No. 04 –s- 1997)Section 5C.03. Administrative Provisions. -a) Confiscation of Game Paraphernalia. When making an apprehension of minor offenders,the apprehending authority shall confiscate the game paraphernalia and turn these over infavor of the municipality.b) Handling of Minor Offenders. If the offender is a minor, the apprehending authorityshall refer him/her to the Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office [MSWDO] forcounseling. ng>Theng> MSWDO shall then invite the parents/guardian of the offending minor for aconference regarding the actuation of the said minor. (Ord. No. 04 –s- 1997)159

d) Videoke Operation in Open and Closed Establishments.1. Videoke machines located in open establishments such as bars, restaurants,sari-sari stores, carinderias and transportation terminals shall only be operatedfrom 8:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> operation of these machines beyond thesehours shall already be construed as a violation of this Article. Further, theseestablishments shall meet the noise pollution standards set by competentauthorities like the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR).2. Closed or air-conditioned videoke bars or other videoke establishments mayentertain customers without time limits, provided that adequate sound-proofi<strong>ng</strong>materials shall have been installed in these establishments. <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> soundproofi<strong>ng</strong>of these establishments shall meet the noise pollution standards setby competent authorities like the Department of Environment and NaturalResources (DENR).Section 5A.03. Penal Provisions. Any person who violates any provision of Section5A.02 shall be penalized as follows: (Ord. No. 07 –s- 2002)a) In the case of establishments:a.1. For the First Offense – A fine of not less than Three Hundred Pesos(P300.00) but not exceedi<strong>ng</strong> Five Hundred Pesos (P500.00) at the discretion of the Court.a.2. For Each Succeedi<strong>ng</strong> – A fine of not less than Five Hundred Pesos(P500.00) but not exceedi<strong>ng</strong> Offense One Thousand Pesos (P1,000.00) or cancellation ofbusiness permit to operate for one year, or both fine and cancellation of business permit, atthe discretion of the court.b) In the case of students:Students found in videoke bars and other videoke establishments duri<strong>ng</strong>class hours shall be entrusted to their respective school principals or authorities forappropriate action. Further, they shall render at least two (2) hours of community service.This community service shall be supervised by the Office of the Mayor or the MSWDO.c) In the case of non-student customers:All other customers found in videoke bars and similar establishments stillavaili<strong>ng</strong> of videoke services beyond the allowed operati<strong>ng</strong> hours shall be required to renderappropriate community service for at least four [4] hours. This community service shall besupervised by the Office of the Mayor.Article B. Operation of Video and Film Showi<strong>ng</strong> EstablishmentsSection 5B.01. Definition of Terms. As used in this Article:a) Places of Amusement - places cateri<strong>ng</strong> to the public’s want for entertainmentthrough the viewi<strong>ng</strong> of Betamax/VHS, Video Compact Disk [VCD] and Digital Video Disk[DVD] film showi<strong>ng</strong>s.b) Class Hours - shall apply to the period from 7:30 A.M. to 11:30 A.M. and 1:00P.M. to 5:00 P.M. in the case of primary and secondary schools students; and 5:00 P.M. to9:00 P.M. in the case of tertiary school students.c) Poblacion - shall include both Poblacion Sur and Poblacion Norte of theMunicipality of Sigma.d) One Hundred (100) Meters from the School Perimeter – refers to the distancestarti<strong>ng</strong> from a point on the school fence or the school lot boundaries, whichever isapplicable, and up to 100 meters from that point.158

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