Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ...

Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ... Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ...

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1993)b) In the case of a minor pedicab-for-hire driver, the owner of the pedicab unit shallbe liable for the fine or imprisonment, or both fine and imprisonment, that may be imposedby the court based on paragraph a) of this Section.2. For Other Violations. Unless specifically provided for in the particular Section, allother violations in relation to the operation of tricycles and pedicabs shall be penalized asfollows:a) For violation of Section 4A.17 [Noise Suppression] of this Article:First OffenseWarning (to be indicated in the Citation Ticket)Second Offense P 50.00 fineThird Offense and P 100.00 fine and impounding of tricycle unit until thefor every violationappropriate silencer has been attached to itsexhaust thereafter systemb) For violation of Section 4A.20 [Safety Devices for Pedicabs] of this Article:First OffenseWarning (to be indicated in the Citation Ticket)Second Offense P 50.00 fineThird Offense and P 75.00 fine and impounding of pedicab unit until thefor every violation required safety devices are installed thereinthereafterArticle B. Traffic Rules and RegulationsSection 4B.01. Scope. This Article shall govern and regulate traffic in theMunicipality of Sigma and provide penalties for violation thereof.Section 4B.02. Definition of Terms. For the purposes of this Article, the followingterms shall be understood in the sense indicated hereunder: (Ord. No. 1 –s- 2000)a) Vehicle - as used hereunder, shall be construed to include all motor vehiclespropelled by gasoline or diesel fuel engines, such as automobiles, passengerbuses, trucks, tractors, motorcycles, jeeps, jeepneys, station wagons, pick ups,ambulances, road rollers, cranes, bulldozers, trailers of any capacity, whetherprivate use or for hire or government owned, and motorized bicycles used asmeans of transportation or locomotion using the public streets of this Municipality.b) Out of Line - means a public utility vehicle operating outside of its authorizedfranchise area.c) Colorum/Unfranchised Operation - means a private vehicle operating as a publicutility vehicle and having no appropriate franchise.d) Required Motor Vehicle Parts and Accessories - as used hereunder, includesheadlights, signal lights, horns, mufflers/silencers and stop lights.e) Reckless Driver - any person not complying with the provisions of Sections 4B.09and 4B.10 of this Article.f) Over Speeding - means non-compliance with Section 4B.10 of this Article.g) Overloading - means having a load exceeding the authorized capacity as stated inthe vehicle’s franchise.h) Cargo - refers to sugar cane, gravel, sand and other aggregates or filing materialsand usually loaded on cargo trucks or similar vehicles.i) Vertical Clearance of Cargo - refers to the total height of the vehicle plus its cargo,154

measured from the road surface and not exceeding sixteen [16] feet.Section 4B.03. Traffic Routes. All streets and highways within the municipality aretwo-way streets, except for the following streets, to wit:a) ng>Theng> Provincial Road around the Public Market which shall be a one-way streetduring market days (Wednesdays and Saturdays from 8:00 AM to 12:00 Noon); andb) That portion of Villanoy Street from the direction and corner of the NationalHighway up to the corner of Juare Street which shall be a one-way street from Monday toSunday.Section 4B.04. Penalty for Violation of Section 4B.03. Any violation of Section4B.03 shall be punishable by a fine of One Hundred Pesos (P 100.00). (Ord. No. 2 –s-2000)Section 4B.05. Designation of Loading Areas for Tricycles and Pedicabs.a) ng>Theng> Office of the Mayor shall identify and designate the loading areas in thePoblacion for tricycles and pedicabs servicing the various routes in this municipality. If theirlocation so warrants, these loading areas may also serve as parking areas.b) ng>Theng> designated loading areas shall be situated at least six (6) meters from theroad intersections.c) ng>Theng> Office of the Mayor may also designate separate parking areas for tricycleand pedicab units while these are not on line for loading.Section 4B.06. No Parking, Loading and Unloading Area in Pob. Sur. ng>Theng>reshall be no parking, loading and unloading of passengers and/or cargoes for vehicles boundin the general directions of Kalibo, Iloilo and Roxas City within twenty (20) meters from thecenter of the crossroad located at Pob. Sur, this Municipality. ng>Theng> loading and unloadingareas in Pob. Sur for vehicles shall be beyond this twenty [20] meters from the center of thecrossroad and they are hereby designated as follows:a) In the general direction of Roxas City:a.1. Right lane of the highway and before the Mambusao River Bridge, ifIncoming from Iloiloa.2. Right lane of the highway and before the Mambusao River Bridge, ifIncoming from Kalibob) In the general direction of Iloilo:b.1. Right lane of the highway and after the Mambusao River Bridge, ifIncoming from Roxas City and Aklanc) In the general direction of Kalibo:c.1. Right lane of the highway and after the Mambusao River Bridge, ifIncoming from Iloilo and Roxas CitySection 4B.07. No Loading and Unloading During Market Days. ng>Theng>re shall beno loading and unloading of passengers and cargoes in front of the Public Market from 8:00A.M. to 12:00 Noon during market days. (Ord. No. 1 –s- 2000)Section 4B.08. Loading and Unloading Areas During Market Days. ng>Theng> loadingand unloading areas for all passenger jeeps passing thru this Municipality and for allvehicles bearing goods for the Public Market shall be at the back thereof during market daysfrom 8:00 A.M. to 12:00 Noon. ng>Theng> Provincial Road facing Ponsaran St. across the NationalHighway shall be the entrance for these vehicles. (Ord. No. 1 –s- 2000)155

measured from the road surface and not exceedi<strong>ng</strong> sixteen [16] feet.Section 4B.03. Traffic Routes. All streets and highways within the municipality aretwo-way streets, except for the followi<strong>ng</strong> streets, to wit:a) <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> Provincial Road around the Public Market which shall be a one-way streetduri<strong>ng</strong> market days (Wednesdays and Saturdays from 8:00 AM to 12:00 Noon); andb) That portion of Villanoy Street from the direction and corner of the NationalHighway up to the corner of Juare Street which shall be a one-way street from Monday toSunday.Section 4B.04. Penalty for Violation of Section 4B.03. Any violation of Section4B.03 shall be punishable by a fine of One Hundred Pesos (P 100.00). (Ord. No. 2 –s-2000)Section 4B.05. Designation of Loadi<strong>ng</strong> Areas for Tricycles and Pedicabs.a) <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> Office of the Mayor shall identify and designate the loadi<strong>ng</strong> areas in thePoblacion for tricycles and pedicabs servici<strong>ng</strong> the various routes in this municipality. If theirlocation so warrants, these loadi<strong>ng</strong> areas may also serve as parki<strong>ng</strong> areas.b) <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> designated loadi<strong>ng</strong> areas shall be situated at least six (6) meters from theroad intersections.c) <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> Office of the Mayor may also designate separate parki<strong>ng</strong> areas for tricycleand pedicab units while these are not on line for loadi<strong>ng</strong>.Section 4B.06. No Parki<strong>ng</strong>, Loadi<strong>ng</strong> and Unloadi<strong>ng</strong> Area in Pob. Sur. <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>>reshall be no parki<strong>ng</strong>, loadi<strong>ng</strong> and unloadi<strong>ng</strong> of passe<strong>ng</strong>ers and/or cargoes for vehicles boundin the general directions of Kalibo, Iloilo and Roxas City within twenty (20) meters from thecenter of the crossroad located at Pob. Sur, this Municipality. <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> loadi<strong>ng</strong> and unloadi<strong>ng</strong>areas in Pob. Sur for vehicles shall be beyond this twenty [20] meters from the center of thecrossroad and they are hereby designated as follows:a) In the general direction of Roxas City:a.1. Right lane of the highway and before the Mambusao River Bridge, ifIncomi<strong>ng</strong> from Iloiloa.2. Right lane of the highway and before the Mambusao River Bridge, ifIncomi<strong>ng</strong> from Kalibob) In the general direction of Iloilo:b.1. Right lane of the highway and after the Mambusao River Bridge, ifIncomi<strong>ng</strong> from Roxas City and Aklanc) In the general direction of Kalibo:c.1. Right lane of the highway and after the Mambusao River Bridge, ifIncomi<strong>ng</strong> from Iloilo and Roxas CitySection 4B.07. No Loadi<strong>ng</strong> and Unloadi<strong>ng</strong> Duri<strong>ng</strong> Market Days. <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>>re shall beno loadi<strong>ng</strong> and unloadi<strong>ng</strong> of passe<strong>ng</strong>ers and cargoes in front of the Public Market from 8:00A.M. to 12:00 Noon duri<strong>ng</strong> market days. (Ord. No. 1 –s- 2000)Section 4B.08. Loadi<strong>ng</strong> and Unloadi<strong>ng</strong> Areas Duri<strong>ng</strong> Market Days. <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> loadi<strong>ng</strong>and unloadi<strong>ng</strong> areas for all passe<strong>ng</strong>er jeeps passi<strong>ng</strong> thru this Municipality and for allvehicles beari<strong>ng</strong> goods for the Public Market shall be at the back thereof duri<strong>ng</strong> market daysfrom 8:00 A.M. to 12:00 Noon. <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> Provincial Road faci<strong>ng</strong> Ponsaran St. across the NationalHighway shall be the entrance for these vehicles. (Ord. No. 1 –s- 2000)155

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