Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ...

Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ... Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ...

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Section 4A.03. Powers, Duties and Functions of the Board. ng>Theng> Board shallexercise the following powers, duties and functions: (Ord. No. 04 –s- 1993)a) Accept, evaluate, process and recommend to the ng>Sangguniangng> Bayan theapproval or disapproval of applications for the issuance, amendment, revision,renewal, suspension, or cancellation of Motorized Tricycle Operator’s Permit(MTOP) and Pedicab Operator’s Permit (POP).b) Determine the number of allowable passengers for each tricycle or pedicab unitc) Identify the different routes within the Municipality of Sigma and to prescribe theappropriate fare rates thereon.d) Accept petitions for fare rate increase, conduct public hearings thereon andprescribe the appropriate fare rates thereafter.e) Formulate the proper documentary forms to enable it to execute its mandatedfunctions.f) Formulate additional rules and regulations pertaining to the operation of MotorizedTricycles and Pedicabs, with such rules and regulations subject to the approval ofthe ng>Sangguniangng> Bayan.g) Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions as maybe prescribed by law or ordinance.Section 4A.04. Secretariat. ng>Theng> Office of the Secretary to the ng>Sangguniangng> Bayanshall serve as the Secretariat of the Board and provide the latter with administrative, clericaland technical support services. ng>Theng> Secretariat shall accept all applications for the issuanceor renewal of MTOP’s/POP’s, including petitions for the amendment, revision, suspension orcancellation of the same, and submit them to the Board for deliberation and proper action. Inthis connection, this office shall be entitled to an appropriate annual budget to cover theexpenses brought about by its added duties and responsibilities. (Ord. No. 04 –s- 1993)Section 4A.05. MTOP and POP Service Fees. ng>Theng>re shall be collected thefollowing service fees from applicants of a Motorized Tricycle Operator’s Permit (MTOP) andPedicab Operator’s Permit (POP): (Ord. No. 04 –s- 1993)Rate of FeeI. Franchise Application Fee (To be paid upon filing of application)a) Motorized Tricycle Operator’s Permit (MTOP) P 100.00 per unitb) Pedicab Operator’s Permit (POP) 50.00 per unitII. Fare Adjustment Fee for Fare Rate Increase (To be paid upon filing of petition)a) Motorized Tricycle Operator’s Permit (MTOP) P 50.00 per unitb) Pedicab Operator’s Permit (POP) 25.00 per unitIII. Filing Fee for Amendment (To be paid upon filing of petition)a) Motorized Tricycle Operator’s Permit (MTOP) P 75.00 per unitb) Pedicab Operator’s Permit (POP) 30.00 per unitSection 4A.06. Validity of the Franchise Application Fee. ng>Theng> validity of thefranchise application fee shall be within 60 days from the time it was paid. Failure on thepart of the operator to file his/her complete franchise application with the Board Secretariatwithin this period shall invalidate that payment and result in its automatic forfeiture in favor ofthe municipality.150

Section 4A.07. Time of Payment. ng>Theng> fees imposed in this article shall be paid tothe Municipal Treasurer upon filing of application for the required permit.No application for MTOP, POP, Fare Rate Increase or Amendment shall be givendue course without the Official Receipt/s attached to it showing that the corresponding feeswere paid. (Ord. No. 04 –s- 1993)Section 4A.08. Adjustment of Fees. ng>Theng> ng>Sangguniangng> Bayan shall periodicallyreview, fix, impose and adjust but not oftener than once every three (3) years, the ServiceFees prescribed in this article. Before any fee adjustment is made, a public hearing shall firstbe conducted. (Ord. No. 04 –s- 1993)Section 4A.09. Fare Rates for Tricycles-for-Hire. ng>Theng> approved fare rates fortricycles-for-hire shall be in accordance with Resolution No. 1 –s- 2000 of the SigmaFranchising and Regulatory Board, unless otherwise adjusted by the Board in accordancewith existing ordinances, rules and regulations.ng>Theng> table of approved fare rates should be posted prominently at the tricycleterminals and in a conspicuous part of the tricycle. (Ord. No. 04 –s- 1993)Section 4A.10. Fare Rates for Pedicabs-for-Hire. ng>Theng> minimum fare rate forpedicabs-for-hire is P3.00 for the first 2 kms. and an additional P0.50 for each succeedingkilometer or a fraction thereof, unless otherwise adjusted by the Board in accordance withexisting ordinances, rules and regulations.ng>Theng> table of approved fare rates or notice of minimum fare rate should be posted in aconspicuous part of the pedicab.Section 4A.11. Qualification of Operators. Only Filipino citizens or corporationswith sixty percent (60%) Filipino equity are qualified to be operators of tricycles–for-hire andpedicabs-for-hire. (Ord. No. 04 –s- 1993)Section 4A.12. Illegal Operation. No tricycle-for-hire or pedicab-for-hire, either forpassenger or for cargo or both, shall be operated in this municipality without a MotorizedTricycle Operator’s Permit [MTOP] or Pedicab Operator’s Permit [POP] from theng>Sangguniangng> Bayan (Ord. No. 04 –s- 1993) and a corresponding permit from the Office ofthe Mayor under the Municipal Revenue Code.Section 4A.13. Application Forms and Venue of Filing. Application forms shall besecured from and filed with the Office of the Secretary to the ng>Sangguniangng> Bayan togetherwith the required supporting documents. (Ord. No. 04 –s- 1993)Section 4A.14. Valid LTO Registration Papers. No MTOP shall be granted unlessthe applicant is in possession of units with valid registration papers from the LandTransportation Office (LTO). (Ord. No. 04 –s- 1993)Section 4A.15. Qualification of Tricycle Drivers. Operators shall only employdrivers who are duly licensed by the LTO for tricycles–for-hire. (Ord. No. 04 –s- 1993)Section 4A.16. Time of Filing and Required Documents for a MTOP. Anapplication for a Motorized Tricycle Operator’s Permit [MTOP] may be filed any time of theyear using the appropriate franchising forms and submitted together with the otherdocuments listed hereunder:151

Section 4A.03. Powers, Duties and Functions of the Board. <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> Board shallexercise the followi<strong>ng</strong> powers, duties and functions: (Ord. No. 04 –s- 1993)a) Accept, evaluate, process and recommend to the <stro<strong>ng</strong>>Sa<strong>ng</strong>gunia<strong>ng</strong></stro<strong>ng</strong>> Bayan theapproval or disapproval of applications for the issuance, amendment, revision,renewal, suspension, or cancellation of Motorized Tricycle Operator’s Permit(MTOP) and Pedicab Operator’s Permit (POP).b) Determine the number of allowable passe<strong>ng</strong>ers for each tricycle or pedicab unitc) Identify the different routes within the Municipality of Sigma and to prescribe theappropriate fare rates thereon.d) Accept petitions for fare rate increase, conduct public heari<strong>ng</strong>s thereon andprescribe the appropriate fare rates thereafter.e) Formulate the proper documentary forms to enable it to execute its mandatedfunctions.f) Formulate additional rules and regulations pertaini<strong>ng</strong> to the operation of MotorizedTricycles and Pedicabs, with such rules and regulations subject to the approval ofthe <stro<strong>ng</strong>>Sa<strong>ng</strong>gunia<strong>ng</strong></stro<strong>ng</strong>> Bayan.g) Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions as maybe prescribed by law or ordinance.Section 4A.04. Secretariat. <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> Office of the Secretary to the <stro<strong>ng</strong>>Sa<strong>ng</strong>gunia<strong>ng</strong></stro<strong>ng</strong>> Bayanshall serve as the Secretariat of the Board and provide the latter with administrative, clericaland technical support services. <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> Secretariat shall accept all applications for the issuanceor renewal of MTOP’s/POP’s, includi<strong>ng</strong> petitions for the amendment, revision, suspension orcancellation of the same, and submit them to the Board for deliberation and proper action. Inthis connection, this office shall be entitled to an appropriate annual budget to cover theexpenses brought about by its added duties and responsibilities. (Ord. No. 04 –s- 1993)Section 4A.05. MTOP and POP Service Fees. <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>>re shall be collected thefollowi<strong>ng</strong> service fees from applicants of a Motorized Tricycle Operator’s Permit (MTOP) andPedicab Operator’s Permit (POP): (Ord. No. 04 –s- 1993)Rate of FeeI. Franchise Application Fee (To be paid upon fili<strong>ng</strong> of application)a) Motorized Tricycle Operator’s Permit (MTOP) P 100.00 per unitb) Pedicab Operator’s Permit (POP) 50.00 per unitII. Fare Adjustment Fee for Fare Rate Increase (To be paid upon fili<strong>ng</strong> of petition)a) Motorized Tricycle Operator’s Permit (MTOP) P 50.00 per unitb) Pedicab Operator’s Permit (POP) 25.00 per unitIII. Fili<strong>ng</strong> Fee for Amendment (To be paid upon fili<strong>ng</strong> of petition)a) Motorized Tricycle Operator’s Permit (MTOP) P 75.00 per unitb) Pedicab Operator’s Permit (POP) 30.00 per unitSection 4A.06. Validity of the Franchise Application Fee. <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> validity of thefranchise application fee shall be within 60 days from the time it was paid. Failure on thepart of the operator to file his/her complete franchise application with the Board Secretariatwithin this period shall invalidate that payment and result in its automatic forfeiture in favor ofthe municipality.150

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