Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ...

Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ... Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ...

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Tool 2Sample Fishbone Analysisng>Theng> ELA Manual Facilitator’s Guide, p. 20 provides a sample fishbone analysis.CORE PROBLEMCAUSESRampant practice ofkainginIllegal loggingDeterioratingForestConditionCommunity notaware ofconsequencesof kainginpracticesPoorenforcementpoliciesLimitedlivelihoodopportunitiesLimited forestManagementcapacityRampant small scaleminingLow awareness ofcommunityStep 2. Gathering research-based information.ng>Theng> next preliminary step in ordinance drafting is gathering research data, which canenhance the analysis of the policy problem and allow the generation of more alternativesfor choosing an appropriate solution to the problem.Common research methods include interviews, surveys and library research. However,before undertaking a time-consuming interview or before launching a survey that couldbe both expensive and time-consuming, it is best to seek data from statistical reports,management records and observation. ng>Theng> choice of research methods is determinedby the type of information needed, the time available for research, and the availability ofdata.106

Tool 3Basic Research Methodsng>Theng>re are many data sources that can be used to gather data for policy analysis. ng>Theng>seinclude:1. Statistical reports – provide demographic, economic and social data; includesformal statistical reports published regularly by government agencies, e.g. NationalCensus and Statistics Office, NEDA, etc; and occasional data and reports publishedby public and private organizations.2. Management data – includes agency files, e.g. tax collection reports that mayprovide historical or trend data.3. Journals – provide the latest information and developments on various subjectmatters, e.g. University of the Philippines Journal of Public Administration, and canbe searched from libraries.4. Indexes, abstracts and guides – are library search methods; indexes list thecontents of journals, abstracts provide summaries of articles, and guides areannotated bibliographies often with an introduction to the subject area.5. Newspapers – are major sources of information on current policy issues; use onlyreliable and credible newspapers.6. Government publications – include newsletters, annual reports and occasionalpapers published by government agencies.7. Legal searches – involves consulting a legal dictionary e.g. Black’s Law Dictionary,legal periodicals, casebooks, legal journals, etc.8. Policy or research papers – published by government agencies, academicinstitutions and private research institutions or think tanks.107

Tool 2Sample Fishbone Analysis<stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> ELA Manual Facilitator’s Guide, p. 20 provides a sample fishbone analysis.CORE PROBLEMCAUSESRampant practice ofkai<strong>ng</strong>inIllegal loggi<strong>ng</strong>Deteriorati<strong>ng</strong>ForestConditionCommunity notaware ofconsequencesof kai<strong>ng</strong>inpracticesPoorenforcementpoliciesLimitedlivelihoodopportunitiesLimited forestManagementcapacityRampant small scalemini<strong>ng</strong>Low awareness ofcommunityStep 2. Gatheri<strong>ng</strong> research-based information.<stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> next preliminary step in ordinance drafti<strong>ng</strong> is gatheri<strong>ng</strong> research data, which canenhance the analysis of the policy problem and allow the generation of more alternativesfor choosi<strong>ng</strong> an appropriate solution to the problem.Common research methods include interviews, surveys and library research. However,before undertaki<strong>ng</strong> a time-consumi<strong>ng</strong> interview or before launchi<strong>ng</strong> a survey that couldbe both expensive and time-consumi<strong>ng</strong>, it is best to seek data from statistical reports,management records and observation. <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> choice of research methods is determinedby the type of information needed, the time available for research, and the availability ofdata.106

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