Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ...

Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ... Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ...

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B. CRAFTING ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONSAfter the sanggunian has formulated the LA, the next step is to translate the LA intoconcrete ordinances and resolutions. At this stage of the local legislation cycle, it is timeto “walk the talk.”Crafting ordinances is essentially about giving substance or flesh and form to ideas.ng>Theng>se ideas are generally about how to solve problems that affect the community andthe search for lasting and effective solutions to community problems. ng>Theng>y will remainideas if they are not translated into ordinances. However, ideas need to be furtheranalyzed and discussed before they can result into action. Viewed in this manner, agood ordinance requires two basic ingredients: 1) sound policy analysis and research,and 2) form.Crafting ordinances may be done by the sanggunian member, secretary or staff of thesanggunian. It involves three major steps:Step 1. Identifying and analyzing the policy problem.Step 2. Gathering research-based information.Step 3. Drafting the ordinance.A basic rule in crafting legislative measures is to know the difference between anordinances and a resolution.• A resolution is a legislative action of a temporary nature; a mere expression ofthe opinion or sentiment of the sanggunian on matters relating to proprietaryfunction and to private concerns.• An ordinance is a local law prescribing rules of conduct of a general, permanentnature. It continues to be in force until repealed or superseded by a subsequentenactment.102

ng>Theng> following tools can help sanggunian in crafting ordinances and resolutions:Tool 1 -Tool 2 -Tool 3 -Tool 4 -Tool 5 -Tool 6 -Tool 7 -Tool 8 -Tool 9 -Tool 10 -Steps in Fishbone AnalysisSample Fishbone AnalysisBasic Research MethodsElements of an OrdinanceKinds of OrdinancesSample Format of an OrdinanceChecklist: Requisites of a Valid OrdinanceChecklist: Grammar and Usage in Ordinance DraftingA Final Checklist for Drafting OrdinancesRules on Gender-Neutral Writing103

<stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> followi<strong>ng</strong> tools can help sa<strong>ng</strong>gunian in crafti<strong>ng</strong> ordinances and resolutions:Tool 1 -Tool 2 -Tool 3 -Tool 4 -Tool 5 -Tool 6 -Tool 7 -Tool 8 -Tool 9 -Tool 10 -Steps in Fishbone AnalysisSample Fishbone AnalysisBasic Research MethodsElements of an OrdinanceKinds of OrdinancesSample Format of an OrdinanceChecklist: Requisites of a Valid OrdinanceChecklist: Grammar and Usage in Ordinance Drafti<strong>ng</strong>A Final Checklist for Drafti<strong>ng</strong> OrdinancesRules on Gender-Neutral Writi<strong>ng</strong>103

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