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✁PATIENT INFORMATIONCombating Fatigue and DrowsinessEveryone has felt tired or sleepy during the day.Undue tiredness may be caused by a number ofserious medical conditions, so if simple advice orOTC products containing caffeine do not help, it iswise to see a physician.© JUPITERIMAGESSteps YouCan TakeBefore you take anymedications for fatigueand drowsiness, youmay wish to try somerelatively easy solutions.You should not go tobed and arise at oddtimes or at differenttimes each day. Thebest advice is to set atime for going to bedand also for arising andtry to stick to them asmuch as possible.Everyone has experiencedthe “fun” of stayingup till 4 AM or laterand then sleeping inuntil noon the next day.Even 8 hours of sleepcannot fool your bodyinto normalcy, and youwill feel the effects ofyour altered schedulethe next day. In addition,strive to get atleast 7 to 8 hours ofsleep a night. Trying toget through the nextday without adequatesleep leads to daytimedrowsiness that is amajor cause of fatalautomobile accidents.Avoid stimulants suchas caffeine or oral nasaldecongestants (e.g.,Sudafed) too close tobedtime, as the stimulanteffect may notallow you to drop off tosleep at the right time,leaving you fatigued thefollowing day.You should alwayseat a healthy, balanceddiet and drink sufficientwater to keep fullyhydrated. Avoid allalcohol, nicotine, anddrugs of abuse. If youhabitually drink caffeine-containingsoftdrinks, coffee, or tea,try to reduce theamount or eliminatethem completely todetermine whether theyare responsible for atired feeling. Youshould also be aware ofany medications you aretaking that may causedrowsiness, such asantihistamines, antihypertensives,corticosteroids,diuretics, andsleep aids.PHARMACY STAMPOne method toreduce fatigue is toreduce life stresses. Itmay be necessary tochange from a job thatcauses severe stress toone that allows a morerelaxing day of work.When you have sparetime, do not spend itplaying high-stress videogames that require splitsecondtiming and fastreflexes. Instead, go for awalk, read a book, orhave a pleasant conversationwith family andfriends. If you are caughtin a relationship that isfraught with problems,deal with them directlyor end the relationship.NonprescriptionMedicationsThe only pharmacyproduct proven safe andeffective in helpingfight fatigue and drowsinessis caffeine, foundin such OTC productsas Vivarin and NoDoz.Each caplet or tabletcontains 200 mg of caffeine.Take one dosenot more often thanevery 3 to 4 hours.These products are onlysafe for those aged 12years and above. Theyare not a substitute forhealthy sleep andshould never be used tokeep you awake allnight. They should notbe used if you are pregnantor breastfeedingwithout speaking toyour physician first.Energy DrinksAvoid the use of thepopular energy drinks.Virtually all containingredients of unknownsafety and effectiveness,such as herbs anddietary supplements.One contains suchunproven ingredients asginkgo, guarana, inositol,L-carnitine, ginseng,and milk thistle.Using products such asthese is a risky gamblewith your health, sincethey can have adverseeffects and are notproven to provide a safeboost of energy.Remember, if you have questions, Consult Your <strong>Pharmacist</strong>.13U.S. <strong>Pharmacist</strong> • November 2009 • www.uspharmacist.com

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