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Product NewsValstar Reintroduction FillsBladder Cancer Treatment GapEndo Pharmaceuticals announcedthe reintroduction and availabilityof a reformulated version of Valstar.Widely used to treat anaggressive type of recurrent bladdercancer before it becameunavailable in 2002, the drug wasreapproved by the FDA in February2009 for bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine–refractorycarcinoma in situ of the urinarybladder. Valstar represents a newtreatment option for patients whomay otherwise have exhausted allother FDA-approved treatmentalternatives, including BCG.Medi-Dose/EPS AnnouncesThree New ProductsTo complement their popularButterfly labels for syringes,ampules, and small containers,Medi-Dose, Inc., has introducedButterfly labels in five new colorsto call attention to medicationrequiring special handling. Medi-Dose labels can be printed with aregular laser printer, and theirunique hourglass design providespractitioners with ample area formedication identification.To reduce the number oferrors in operating rooms due tomishandling of look-alike medications,EPS, Inc., has released twonew ShrinkSafe ID Bands forchemotherapy and high-alertdrugs. ShrinkSafe was designed toeasily wrap around various-sizedvials and is available in brightcolors to indicate medicationsrequiring special handling.In addition to its EnglishPharmacy Warning and InstructionLabels, Medi-Dose/EPS hasintroduced a line of SpanishPharmacy and Nursing AuxiliaryLabels. These labels call attentionto the same special informationand indications for medicationsas the company’s English versions.CBI AnnouncesTruTag TechnologyCellular Bioengineering, Inc.,announced the development of anovel technology that can helpprevent counterfeiting of medicineand pharmaceutical products. Tru-Tag is an edible, microscopic,nanoporous silica microtag thatcan be used to safely and directlymark medicine.Paddock LabsReleases New ProductPaddock Laboratories, Inc.,announced the addition of hyoscyaminesulfate extended-releasetablets to its product line. Availableby prescription only, hyoscyaminetablets come in bottles of100 in 0.375-mg strength.Bioniche andSynerx LaunchFomepizoleInjectionBioniche Pharmaand Synerx Pharma,LLC, announced thelaunch of fomepizoleinjection, thegeneric equivalent ofAntizol (PaladinLabs, Inc.). Fomepizoleis available in1.5-g/1.5-mL vials.Par Receives Approvalto Market StarlixPar Pharmaceutical Companies,Inc., has received FDA approvalfor nateglinide tablets. Nateglinideis a generic version of Starlix(Novartis) and is indicated as anadjunct to diet and exercise toimprove glycemic control inadults with type 2 diabetesmellitus.Perrigo Announces Approvalfor Polyethylene Glycol 3350Perrigo Company announcedFDA approval for OTC PolyethyleneGlycol 3350, Powder forSolution. The product is indicatedfor the treatment of occasionalconstipation and is comparableto MiraLax Products(Schering-Plough).82U.S. <strong>Pharmacist</strong> • November 2009 • www.uspharmacist.com

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