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Examination Answer SheetCredits: 2.0 hours (0.20 ceu)Expires: November 30, 2011This exam can be taken online at www.uspharmacist.com. Upon passing, you can printout your statement immediately and view your test history. Alternatively, you can mailthis answer sheet to the address below. Please contact CE Customer Service at (800)825-4696 or cecustomerservice@jobson.com with any questions.Emergency Contraception:An Update of Clinical and Regulatory ChangesDirections: Select one answer for each question in the exam and completely darkenthe appropriate circle. A minimum score of 70% is required to earn credit. An identifieris required to process your exam. This is used for internal processing purposes only.Mail to: U.S. <strong>Pharmacist</strong>–CE, PO Box 487,Canal Street Station, New York, NY 100131. A B C D2. A B C D3. A B C D4. A B C D5. A B C D6. A B C D7. A B C D8. A B C D9. A B C D10. A B C D11. A B C D12. A B C D13. A B C D14. A B C D15. A B C D16. A B C D17. A B C D18. A B C D19. A B C D20. A B C DSupported by an educational grant fromTeva Women’s Health.1 = Excellent 2 = Very Good 3 = Good 4 = Fair 5 = PoorRate the effectiveness of how well the activity:21. Met objective 1:*22. Met objective 2:*23. Met objective 3:*24. Met objective 4:*25. Met objective 5:*26. Related to your educational needs:27. The active learning strategies(questions, cases, discussions) wereappropriate and effective learning tools:28. Avoided commercial bias:29. How would you rate the overallusefulness of the material presented?30. How would you rate the quality of the faculty?31. How would you rate the appropriatenessof the examination for this activity?32. Comments on this activity:1111111111122222222222333333333334444444444455555555555* Also applies to pharmacy technicians.Please retain a copy for your records. Please print clearly.You must choose and complete ONE of the following three identifier types:1 SS # - -✁EMERGENCY CONTRACEPTION15. Which of the following may be barriersfor consumers to access EC?A. The requirement to keep EC behind thepharmacy counterB. Embarrassment about asking the pharmacy stafffor the productC. Misinformation about when to use ECD.All of the above16. Which of the following actions shouldbe taken when a woman requests EC, but thepharmacy is out of stock?A. Tell her you will order the medication and sheshould come back in a couple of daysB. Direct her to a nearby pharmacy where themedication is availableC. Tell her you are out of stockD.A and C only17. Which of the following emergencycontraceptive products contains a single doseof 1.5 mg levonorgestrel?A. Plan BB. Plan B One-StepC. Next ChoiceD.All of the above18. <strong>Pharmacist</strong>s can improve access to EC by:A. Placing emergency contraceptive products in aneasy to see location in the pharmacyB. Educating the pharmacy staff about ECC. Being available to answer consumer questionsD.All of the above2 Last 4 digits of your SS # and date of birth -3 State Code and License #(Example: FL12345678)First NameLast NameE-MailThe following is your: Home Address Business AddressBusinessNameAddressCityState19. In states with <strong>Pharmacist</strong> Accessprograms for EC, the participatingpharmacist is able to:A. Provide Plan B or Plan B One-Step to menof all agesB. Initiate a prescription for Plan B to those withoutproof of age or who need a prescription forinsurance purposesC. Provide women of any age with routine hormonalcontraceptionD.Test women for STIs in the pharmacyZIPTelephone # - -Fax # - -Profession: <strong>Pharmacist</strong> Pharmacy Technician OtherBy submitting this answer sheet, I certify that I have read the lesson in its entirety andcompleted the self-assessment exam personally based on the material presented.I have not obtained the answers to this exam by any fraudulent or improper means.SignatureDatePostgraduate Healthcare Education, LLC is accredited by theAccreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a providerof continuing pharmacy education.®0430-0000-09-027-H01-PLesson 106417 Type of Activity: Knowledge 0430-0000-09-027-H01-T20. Which of the following statement(s) areimportant for consumer education regardingthe use of EC?A. Taking EC as soon as possible may increase itseffectivenessB. EC is not intended to replace your other methodsof birth controlC. Taking EC reduces the risk of pregnancy but notthe risk of sexually transmitted infectionsD.All of the above79U.S. <strong>Pharmacist</strong> • November 2009 • www.uspharmacist.com

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