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EMERGENCY CONTRACEPTION: AN UPDATE4. Which of the following statements bestdescribes the effectiveness of levonorgestrelEC regimens?A. Efficacy is increased by initiating EC as soonas possible after unprotected intercourseB. Studies have shown a 30% reduction in the riskof pregnancy when EC is taken within 72 hoursof unprotected intercourseC. The products have demonstrated efficacy whentaken up to 7 days after unprotected intercourseD.The products are as effective as barrier methodsof contraception5. The FDA approved regimen forPlan B One-Step is:A. One tablet to be taken within 120 hours afterunprotected intercourseB. Two doses of one tablet taken 12 hours apart,started within 72 hours of unprotectedintercourseC. One tablet to be taken within 72 hours ofunprotected intercourseD.Two doses of one tablet taken 12 hours apart,started within 120 hours of unprotectedintercourse6. The most common side effects resulting fromthe use of levonorgestrel for EC include:A. Severe headache or eye painB. Mild nausea and fatigueC. Increased risk of blood clotsD.All of the above7. The use of levonorgestrel for EC between 72and 120 hours after unprotected intercourse:A. Has been shown to be ineffectiveB. Is less effective than when used within 72 hoursand has not been approved by the FDAC. Has been shown to cause more side effects thanuse within 72 hoursD.Is not permitted in the U.S.8. Medical contraindications to the use oflevonorgestrel-based emergency contraceptioninclude:A. A history of migraine headachesB. An established pregnancyC. Age over 35 yearsD.All of the above9. Outcomes reported in studies evaluatingadvanced provision of EC include:A. A reduction in the use of other contraceptivemethodsB. An increase in the frequency of unprotectedintercourseC. An increase in the use EC after unprotectedintercourseD.An increased rate of sexually transmittedinfections10. Which statement best describes requirementsfor nonprescription sales of EC in a pharmacy?A. Only one package can be sold at a time toconsumers without a prescriptionB. Plan B but not Plan B One-Step can besold to menC. EC can be provided to a 17-year-old withouta prescriptionD.EC products can be kept on shelves with otherOTC products for women11. Pharmacy staff members able to sellnonprescription EC to eligible consumersinclude:A. A licensed pharmacistB. A pharmacy technicianC. A pharmacy clerk working behind thepharmacy counterD.All of the above12. When selling EC without a prescriptionto a man, pharmacists:A. Need to check for proof that he is at least 17years of ageB. Must limit sales to one packageC. Must ask for the name and age of the womanwho will be taking the productD.Keep a log with his name and signature at thepoint of purchase13. Which of the following is appropriatefor a pharmacist to say to a woman askingto purchase nonprescription EC?A. Have you had unprotected intercourse?EC can only be sold after a contraceptiveemergencyB. It is important to take a pregnancy test beforeusing ECC. You may not purchase more than one packageat a timeD.Do you have any questions about the useof this product?14. Nonprescription sale of EC requires:A. The purchaser to present proof that he/she is atleast 17 years of ageB. The person who will be taking the medicationto come to the pharmacyC. The purchaser’s signature on a registry keptin the pharmacyD.Consultation by the pharmacist78U.S. <strong>Pharmacist</strong> • November 2009 • www.uspharmacist.com

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