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EMERGENCY CONTRACEPTION: AN UPDATE14. Creinin MD, Schlaff W, Archer DF, et al. Progesterone receptor modulatorfor emergency contraception. A randomized controlled trial. ObstetGynecol. 2006;108:1089-1097.15. Croxatto HB. Emergency contraception pills: how do they work? IPPFMed Bull. 2002;36:1-2.16. Gemzell-Danielsson K, Marions L. Mechanisms of action of mifepristoneand levonorgestrel when used for emergency contraception. HumReprod Update. 2004;10:341-348.17. Croxatto HB, Brache V, Pavez M, et al. Pituitary-ovarian function followingthe standard levonorgestrel emergency-contraception dose or a single0.75 mg dose given on the days preceding ovulation. Contraception.2004;70:442-450.18. Durand M, del Carmen Cravioto M, Raymond EG, et al. On the mechanismsof action of short-term levonorgestrel administration in emergencycontraception. Contraception. 2001;64:227-234.19. Davidoff F, Trussell J. Plan B and the politics of doubt. JAMA.2006;296:1775-1778.20. Baird DT. Emergency contraception: how does it work? Reprod BiomedOnline. 2009;18(suppl 1):32-36.21. Trussell J, Hedley A, Raymond E. Ectopic pregnancy following use ofprogestin-only ECPs. J Fam Plann Reprod Health Care. 2003;29:249.22. International Consortium for Emergency Contraception and the InternationalFederation of Gynecology & Obstetrics. How do levonorgestrelonlyemergency contraceptive pills work to prevent pregnancy? October2008. www.cecinfo.org. Accessed September 2009.23. WHO Fact Sheet 244. Emergency contraception. Revised October2005. www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs244/en/ index.html. AccessedOctober 2009.24. Piaggio G, Von Hertzen H, Grimes DA, Van Look PF. Timing of emergencycontraception with levonorgestrel or the Yuzpe regimen. Lancet.1999;353:721.25. Ellertson C, Evans M, Ferden S, et al. Extending the time limit for startingthe Yuzpe regimen of emergency contraception to 120 hours. ObstetGynecol. 2003;101:1168-1171.26. Rodrigues I, Grou F, Joly J. Effectiveness of emergency contraceptive pillsbetween 72 and 120 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse. Am J ObstetGynecol. 2001;184:531-537.27. Von Hertzen H, Piaggio G, Ding J, et al. Low dose mifepristone and tworegimens of levonorgestrel for emergency contraception: a WHO multicentrerandomized trial. Lancet. 2002;360:1803-1810.28. Arowojulu AO, Okewolw IA, Adekunle AO. Comparative evaluation ofthe effectiveness and safety of two regimens of levonorgestrel for emergencycontraception in Nigerians. Contraception. 2002;66:269-273.29. Hamoda H, Ashok PW, Stalder C, et al. A randomized trial of mifepristone(10 mg) and levonorgestrel for emergency contraception. Obstet Gynecol.2004;104:1307-1313.30. Raine TR, Harper CC, Rocca CH, et al. Direct access to emergency contraceptionthrough pharmacies and effect on unintended pregnancy and STIs:a randomized controlled trial. JAMA. 2005;293:54-62.31. GO2EC. Comparison of EC pharmacy access states. Models for EC pharmacies.www.go2ec.org/ModelsForECPharmacies.htm. Accessed September2009.32. International Consortium for Emergency Contraception. Emergency ContraceptivePills: Medical and Service Delivery Guidelines. 2nd ed. Washington,DC; 2004. www.cecinfo.org/publications/<strong>PDF</strong>s/resources/MedicalServiceDliveryGuidelines_Eng.pdf. Accessed September 2009.■ Disclosure Statements:Kathleen H. Besinque, PharmD, MSEd, has no real or apparent conflicts ofinterest in relation to this program.U.S. <strong>Pharmacist</strong> does not view the existence of relationships as an implicationof bias or that the value of the material is decreased. The content of theactivity was planned to be balanced, objective, and scientifically rigorous.Occasionally, authors may express opinions that represent their own viewpoint.Conclusions drawn by participants should be derived from objectiveanalysis of scientific data.■ Disclaimer:Participants have an implied responsibility to use the newly acquired informationto enhance patient outcomes and their own professional development. Theinformation presented in this activity is not meant to serve as a guideline forpatient management. Any procedures, medications, or other courses of diagnosisor treatment discussed or suggested in this activity should not be used by clinicianswithout evaluation of their patients’ conditions and possible contraindicationsor dangers in use, review of any applicable manufacturer’s productinformation, and comparison with recommendations of other authorities.EXAMINATIONSelect one correct answer for each question and recordyour responses on the examination answer sheet. Mail itto U.S. <strong>Pharmacist</strong>, address shown on the answer sheet(photocopies are acceptable). Please allow four weeks forprocessing. Alternatively, this exam can be taken online atwww.uspharmacist.com. Please contact CE Customer Serviceat (800) 825-4696 or cecustomerservice@jobson.comwith any questions.2 CE CreditsEmergency Contraception:An Update of Clinical andRegulatory Changes1. Which of the following statements accuratelydescribes emergency contraception (EC) withlevonorgestrel?A. A hormonal method of contraception afterintercourseB. A method of contraception that hasbeen studied since the 1970sC. A safe and effective method for preventingunintended pregnancyD.All of the above2. Which of the following describes whenEC is indicated?A. After a condom fails (dislodges/breaks) duringintercourseB. After a sexual encounter when a woman hasmissed one or more doses of her oralcontraceptiveC. When a contraceptive method was not usedduring intercourseD.All of the above3. Clinical studies have demonstrated thatlevonorgestrel-based emergency contraceptivesprevent pregnancy by which of the followingmechanisms?A. Inhibition or delay of ovulationB. Disruption of an implanted embryoC. Changes to endometrial lining of the uterusD.All of the above77U.S. <strong>Pharmacist</strong> • November 2009 • www.uspharmacist.com

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