manuals - Pragma ADE

manuals - Pragma ADE manuals - Pragma ADE
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ChineseIn many aspects, typesetting Chinese differsfrom typesetting Latin languages. Most noticablyare the pictographic characters, verticaltypesetting, multiple numbering systems, anda different way of handling labels. This manualcovers the specific font setups, encodingissues, and mixed Latin and Chinese typesetììììììììììììting.Chinesein ConT E Xt

TEXworkTEXwork is our local editing environment. It isa rewrite of the Modula~2 program TEXedit inPerl/Tk.T E XWORKexplained

TEXworkTEXwork is our local editing environment. It isa rewrite of the Modula~2 program TEXedit inPerl/Tk.T E XWORKexplained

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