Lehrermaterial - schule.bbs-haarentor.de www2.bbs-haarentor.de

Lehrermaterial - schule.bbs-haarentor.de www2.bbs-haarentor.de

Lehrermaterial - schule.bbs-haarentor.de www2.bbs-haarentor.de


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Zentralabitur 2006 Englisch <strong>Lehrermaterial</strong>Aufgabe II Leistungsfach HauptterminErwartungskatalogDie Bewertung <strong>de</strong>r sprachlichen Leistung erfolgt nach <strong>de</strong>n Regelungen <strong>de</strong>s Erlasses zurKorrektur von Prüfungsarbeiten im Fach Englisch vom 09.10.2003.Die Bewertung <strong>de</strong>r inhaltlichen Leistung basiert auf <strong>de</strong>m nachfolgen<strong>de</strong>n Erwartungskatalog.Positiv bewertet wer<strong>de</strong>n dabei auch Ausführungen, die über <strong>de</strong>n Erwartungskatalog hinausgeheno<strong>de</strong>r zu diesem eine sinnvolle Alternative bil<strong>de</strong>n.Negativ bewertet hingegen wer<strong>de</strong>n neben ein<strong>de</strong>utig falschen Aussagen auch solche, die irrelevanto<strong>de</strong>r unnötig weitschweifig ausfallen, wie z. B. in <strong>de</strong>r Aufgabenstellung nicht gefor<strong>de</strong>rteInhaltswie<strong>de</strong>rgabe.Insgesamt unterliegt die Bewertung <strong>de</strong>r inhaltlichen Leistung in beson<strong>de</strong>rer Weise <strong>de</strong>m fachlichenErmessen <strong>de</strong>s/<strong>de</strong>r Bewerten<strong>de</strong>n.Der folgen<strong>de</strong> Erwartungskatalog umreißt in etwa die Erwartungen für eine gute Leistung. Unterstreichungenkennzeichnen die Erwartungen für eine ausreichen<strong>de</strong> Leistung.Anfor<strong>de</strong>rungsbereich,GewichtungI II IIIAufgabe1.Erwartete SchülerleistungThe stu<strong>de</strong>nts are expected to produce a well-structured andcompressed text.• Factory owners of Milton once again threatened by a strikeof their workers.• Mrs. Thornton and her son try to explain current situation tothe Hale’s, a couple from the South.• According to Mrs Thornton Milton is a rough place to live in.• Factory owners and workers are real opponents.• Factory owners , the masters, must be brave and fearless,always confronted by an aggressive, violent, maliciouscrowd of workers.• An un<strong>de</strong>rlying hatred can always be sensed.• In Mr. Thornton’s opinion the workers are behaving foolishly.• The industrialists do not owe their workers any explanationswith regard to their <strong>de</strong>cisions.• It seems to be a master-slave relationship.• As Mr. Thornton.is well aware of the <strong>de</strong>terioration in thebusiness situation he and the other owners want to reducethe workers’ wages.• The factory owners are expecting a strike and hope for asmokeless Milton.25%2.Point of View• a third-person narrator with a limited point of view• the narrator looks at the event and the characters from theoutsi<strong>de</strong> as an observer• the narrator does not have access to the thoughts and feelingsof all the charactersStructure• Opening part• short introduction into the situation• Main part25%Nie<strong>de</strong>rsächsisches Kultusministerium 1 von 3

Zentralabitur 2006 Englisch <strong>Lehrermaterial</strong>Aufgabe II Leistungsfach Haupttermin• scenic presentation: dialogue between Margret Hale, herhusband Mr Hale, Mrs Thornton, Mr Thornton, owner of thefactoryUse of Language:• e.g. “a pack of ungrateful hounds” in l.4 shows that Mrs.Thornton does not regard the workers as humans.• The use of the personal pronouns in l.33 (“..let them. It suitsus well… They think.. We see..”) un<strong>de</strong>rlines the class distinctions,the inten<strong>de</strong>d effect is to polarize the workers andthe factory owners, it is unthinkable that anything couldchange.• The use of contrast .e.g. “masters and men” (l.8), “you mustlearn to have a brave heart (l.22)versus “..country peopleare often frightened” (l.25).• The use of aggressive vocabulary (e. g. l. 15, l.19).• Workers seem to be the property of the factory owners (e.g.l. 4, l. 36, l. 51)3.Milton’s factory ownersA strike is very convenient for them in this situation (l. 33).In contrast to the workers they are aware of the looming <strong>de</strong>terioration.The workers are given lower wages (l. 44). This would <strong>de</strong>finitelylead to a strike.Factory owners can even dismiss workers because of the economicsituation.The industrialists’ attitu<strong>de</strong> towards a strike shows that they havelearned from the failure of the <strong>de</strong>laying tactics employed by oneof the factory owners (ll.37-45).They don’t feel responsible for their workers.Mr. WilcoxMr Wilcox is against a strike.He is not the owner of the company, he is a managing director.If the walkout of the foundry workers en<strong>de</strong>d up in a real strike,the whole factory would be brought to a standstill.A strike could drag on for weeks.A strike would plunge the company <strong>de</strong>ep into the red.The Engineering and Foundry Division of Midland Amalgamatedcould close them down.All the workers would be dismissedHundreds of men would be ma<strong>de</strong> redundant without any hope ofgetting another job.In or<strong>de</strong>r to avoid a strike Wilcox forces Robyn to accompanyhim to a special meeting with the Asian foundry workers to tellDanny Ram in front of all of them that she misun<strong>de</strong>rstood thematter and that the i<strong>de</strong>a had been to give him special trainingand not to fire him.25%4.The stu<strong>de</strong>nts are expected to produce a well-structured andconsistent text without being superficial or repetitive. A convincingand effective argumentation is required.25%Nie<strong>de</strong>rsächsisches Kultusministerium 2 von 3

Zentralabitur 2006 Englisch <strong>Lehrermaterial</strong>Aufgabe II Leistungsfach HauptterminPossible i<strong>de</strong>as – without any claim to be exhaustive- are:• Globalization requires more mobility and flexibility.• Working life more <strong>de</strong>manding in view of the permanent<strong>de</strong>velopment of new technologies.• Life-long learning because of the changes at the place ofwork. Necessity for permanent vocational retraining.• Rising unemployment and social consequences of unemploymentfor the welfare state. On the other handmore rights for working people (tra<strong>de</strong> unions etc.) and toa certain extent social security.• To be personal responsible for one’s own life.• Extension of working hours, flexible working hours, lateretirementSummen: 25% 50% 25%Nie<strong>de</strong>rsächsisches Kultusministerium 3 von 3

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