MLC Monitor Load Control User's Guide - Alber

MLC Monitor Load Control User's Guide - Alber

MLC Monitor Load Control User's Guide - Alber


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11.11 Report Properties WindowProperties - Click the Properties button to display the Report Properties dialog box.Report GeneratorFigure 40. Report PropertiesChange - Use the Properties dialog box to edit site information, then click Change to cause thechanges to take effect. Click the · in the upper right to close the window. To close withoutsaving the changes, do not click Change. To make the changes permanent, save the file as a.BBR file.11.12 View Reports Form (Preview) WindowPreview - After all report parameters are selected, to view the report on the window, clickPreview. Each section of the report is displayed one page at a time. To change the size of thepage display, click Page, Width or Full. To view different pages in one section, click the first,previous, next or last page buttons at the top of the window.Figure 41. View Reports Form4200-020R2.0 34 9/25/2009

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