Program (PDF) - Teton Wellness Institute

Program (PDF) - Teton Wellness Institute

Program (PDF) - Teton Wellness Institute


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* (eay@cryptsoft.com). This product includes software written by Tim* Hudson (tjh@cryptsoft.com).**/Original SSLeay License-----------------------/* Copyright (C) 1995-1998 Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com)* All rights reserved.** This package is an SSL implementation written* by Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com).* The implementation was written so as to conform with Netscapes SSL.** This library is free for commercial and non-commercial use as long as* the following conditions are aheared to. The following conditions* apply to all code found in this distribution, be it the RC4, RSA,* lhash, DES, etc., code; not just the SSL code. The SSL documentation* included with this distribution is covered by the same copyright terms* except that the holder is Tim Hudson (tjh@cryptsoft.com).** Copyright remains Eric Young's, and as such any Copyright notices in* the code are not to be removed.* If this package is used in a product, Eric Young should be given attribution* as the author of the parts of the library used.* This can be in the form of a textual message at program startup or* in documentation (online or textual) provided with the package.** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions* are met:* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the copyright* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.* 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software* must display the following acknowledgement:* "This product includes cryptographic software written by* Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com)"* The word 'cryptographic' can be left out if the rouines from the library* being used are not cryptographic related :-).* 4. If you include any Windows specific code (or a derivative thereof) from* the apps directory (application code) you must include an acknowledgement:* "This product includes software written by Tim Hudson (tjh@cryptsoft.com)"** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY ERIC YOUNG ''AS IS'' AND4Open Source Used In T27LDSP32CP21 Eureka SDK

Area Maps 4Ticket Information 5Schedule of Events 6-7Keynote Speakers 9-11Presentations 15-24Hands-On Lounge 25Festival Marketplace 26-27Private Consultations 28COURTESY DREA CRAIGHEADMany thanks to the Sponsors and Donors of the<strong>Teton</strong> <strong>Wellness</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> & <strong>Teton</strong> <strong>Wellness</strong> FestivalSPEAKER SPONSORSKemmerer Family FoundationCharles Engelhard FoundationSt. John’s Medical CenterSt. John’s Medical Center FoundationCommunity Foundation of Jackson HoleJH Community Counseling CenterSummit InsuranceThe Herb Store & Living Green ProductsJackson Whole GrocerBabs Melka, Pharm D & Sue GronbergMargot Snowdon & Yves DesgouttesLiz MasekMimi SlaughterEdie Bennett, Oneness Jackson HoleDeidre BainbridgeJean JorgensenBUSINESS SPONSORSJH Chamber of CommerceBank of Jackson HoleTETON WELLNESS FESTIVALSPEAKER COMMITTEENancy AlfsBob ArndtMolly BagnatoMarcia CraigheadMichele DorseyConnie KemmererCarol MersereauLiza MilletPamela OfsteinDeb SpragueCOMMUNITY HEALTHINFORMATION(CHI) CENTERSt. John’s Medical CenterConnie KemmererJoe & Jane GiovanniIN-KIND DONATIONSChar-Ral FloralJones Boys PrintersHughes ProductionDidi ThunderJH WeeklyClay Preheim - Open End StudiosMarsha HoldenTETON WELLNESS INSTITUTE BOARDConnie Kemmerer - ChairBecky KimmelLiz MasekMike MenolascinoMark Menolascino - Vice ChairCarol Mersereau - TreasurerDawn SheueMargot SnowdonTWI STAFFMarcia Craighead, Executive DirectorPamela Ofstein, Director of EventsDrea Craighead, <strong>Program</strong> CoordinatorWWW.TETONWELLNESS.ORG 307.733.9355 3 JACKSON, WYOMING PLEASE RECYCLE

Tickets GS = General seating RS = Reserved seatingTickets are non-refundable.PURCHASE TICKETSOnline:www.tetonwellness.orgPhone: 307-733-9355Outlets:• The Herb Store & LivingGreen ProductsJackson, WY• Jackson Whole Grocer,Jackson, WY• Barrels & Bins NaturalFoods, Driggs, IDDuring Event:Tickets available on-siteTickets purchased bySeptember 15 will be mailed.Tickets purchased after September15 will be held at Will Call.LODGING PARTNERDiscounted accommodationsare available at Snow KingResort. Rates start at$85 per night.www.snowking.comwww.loveridge.comWEEKEND PASSESFESTIVAL PASS (all day Sat, all day Sun) $65Festival Pass includes admission to 90 minute Presentationsand Movement Studio ClassesSATURDAY PASS only $40SUNDAY PASS only $40SILVER PASS $140Festival Pass, GS Donna Eden w/David Feinstein, PhD,GS Len Saputo, MD, GS Joan Borysenko, PhDGOLD PASS $225Festival Pass, RS Donna Eden w/David Feinstein, PhD,RS Len Saputo, MD, RS Joan Borysenko, PhD & Speaker Reception*INDIVIDUAL KEYNOTE TICKETSDONNA EDEN w/David Feinstein, PhD - Friday, October 1, 7 pmGrand Room, Snow King ResortGeneral Seating $30Reserved Seating* $50General Seating Students (ID required)/Seniors over 65 $25LEN SAPUTO, MD - Saturday, October 2, 7 pmGrand Room, Snow King ResortGeneral Seating $35Reserved Seating* $50General Seating Students (ID required)/Seniors over 65 $25JOAN BORYSENKO, PhD – Sunday, October 3, 9 am - noonGrand Room, Snow King ResortGeneral Seating $40Reserved Seating* $50General Seating Students (ID required)/Seniors over 65 $25* Includes Speaker Reception, Saturday, October 2, 5:30 pm,The Lounge at Snow King ResortTRANSFORM YOUR LIFEexperience therapeutic bodyworkLicensed and Nationally CertifiedHealthcare PractitionerFrances Pollak307.732.0324more than 20 years clinical experienceWWW.TETONWELLNESS.ORG 307.733.9355 5 JACKSON, WYOMING PLEASE RECYCLE

SCHEDULE OF EVENTS - Friday and SaturdayPresentations 90 minutesFRIDAY, OCTOBER 17pm KEYNOTE SPEAKER The Power of Energy Medicine: Grand RoomDonna Eden withA Hands-on ExperienceDavid Feinstein, PhDSATURDAY, OCTOBER 2Free Exhibits and Hands-on-Practitioners open from 10 am - 6 pm8am Michele Dorsey Everyday Pilates for Everyone Rafferty Room& Pam Woodson9am Sherrill Sellman, ND What’s Going On with Our Hormones? <strong>Teton</strong> RoomRonelle Coburn Destiny at Your Fingertips: Timberline IStop Guessing, Start Living!Titanya Dahlin Energy Dance with Titanya: Rafferty RoomDance the Expression of Your Soul11am Spencer Sherman, MBA, CFP Seven Vitamins to Restore Your Financial Health: <strong>Teton</strong> RoomA Simple Strategy for a Stress-Free Financial LifeCara Liberatore Dance to Health: With Smooth Moves Timberline Iand Low Fat StepsAlesha Kientzler, PhD CEU Training the Mind to Maximize Well-Being Timberline III2pm David Feinstein, PhD CEU The Power of Energy Psychology <strong>Teton</strong> RoomVicki Saputo, RN Are Your Skin Care Products Killing You Softly? Timberline IManny Sanchez Zumba: Workout with Flavor Rafferty Room4pm Marc Domsky, DO Mind Over Matter: If You Don’t Mind, It Timberline IDoesn’t Matter – The Psychology of Chronic PainLauren Teller From Dream to Scheme: Your Living Plan to Timberline IIIGet from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be7pm KEYNOTE SPEAKER Return to Healing: A New Direction forLen Saputo, MD CME Sustainable Health and <strong>Wellness</strong> Grand RoomAudio recording of presentations will be available for purchase at the festival.Get your body moving … take a movement class!WWW.TETONWELLNESS.ORG 307.733.9355 6 JACKSON, WYOMING PLEASE RECYCLE


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PRESENTATIONS - Saturday, October 2Presentations 90 minutesKEYNOTE SPEAKERFriday, October 1, 7 pmGrand RoomSnow King ResortDonna Eden withDavid Feinstein, PhDAshland, ORTHE POWER OF ENERGY MEDICINE:A HANDS-ON EXPERIENCESee page 9 for details.Michele Dorsey& Pam WoodsonJackson, WYEVERYDAY PILATESFOR EVERYONESATURDAY, 8AM, Rafferty RoomExperience a Pilates mat class presented in a group format.Emphasis will be on proper breathing techniques and skillsdevoted to strengthening core muscle groups. Continuedpractice of this method can improve core strength andbalance, increase flexibility, prevent injury and enhancesports performance. Joseph H. Pilates was the originator ofthis method. His intention was for individuals to do ashort workout every day in order to move through dailylife with grace, strength and ease. This class is appropriatefor all skill levels. Bring your own yoga mat to class.Michele Dorsey and Pam Woodson own The Pilates Place,LLC, which has been serving the community of JacksonHole for 10 years. Together they have over 25 years ofexperience teaching healthy movement and exercise. BothMichele and Pam earned their Pilates Teacher Certificationsthrough the Pilates Center of Boulder, CO. Michelereceived her GYROTONIC ® certification from SanFrancisco GYROTONIC ®. Private consultations available:307-732-2292, pilatesplace@bresnan.net,www.pilatesplacejh.comSherrill Sellman, NDTulsa, OKWHAT’S GOING ON WITHOUR HORMONES?SATURDAY, 9AM, <strong>Teton</strong> RoomLiving in the 21st century has presented unprecedentedchallenges to hormonal balance for men, women andchildren. The impact of pollution, stress, andelectromagnetic fields directly affects hormones. Learnwhat is contributing to thyroid imbalances, insulinresistance, high stress hormones, low progesterone andtestosterone, excess estrogen levels, infertility, memory lossand depression. Most importantly, discover practicalstrategies to support hormonal balance and health.Sherrill Sellman is a naturopathic physician who is boardcertified in integrative medicine. She is a women’s naturalhealth expert, psychotherapist, journalist, internationallecturer, host of two weekly radio shows, as well as senioreditor and contributing writer to numerous healthpublications. Dr. Sellman is the author of Hormone Heresy:What Women MUST Know and What Women MUST Know toProtect Their Daughters from Breast Cancer. Privateconsultations available: 918-720-4865, drsellman@whatwomenmustknow.com,www.whatwomenmustknow.comSponsored by Babs Melka, Pharm D & Sue Gronberg – RoadrunnerApothecary / GIA <strong>Wellness</strong> Independent ConsultantsRonelle CoburnPortland, ORDESTINY AT YOUR FINGERTIPS:STOP GUESSING, START LIVING!SATURDAY, 9AM, Timberline IAre you searching in all the wrong places for your uniqueLife’s Purpose? The formula for fulfillment is written on yourbody in the form of unchangeable fingerprints. If you havethe courage to discover the answer to the question “who amI” once and for all; come discover how your life is literally inyour own hands. Learn how to interpret the language ofyour soul so you can change your life for the better!Ronelle Coburn has looked into the lives and hands of morethan 10,000 people over the past decade. Certified as aMaster Hand Analyst, she has worked with entrepreneurs,artists, life coaches, health professionals, therapists, andspiritual seekers as well as with the hosts of NBC’s TodayShow. Ronelle is the author of the best-selling book Destinyat Your Fingertips. Private consultations available: 971-255-1272, ronelle@ronellecoburn.com, www.ronellecoburn.comWWW.TETONWELLNESS.ORG 307.733.9355 15 JACKSON, WYOMING PLEASE RECYCLE

PRESENTATIONS - Saturday, October 2Presentations 90 minutesTitanya DahlinBig Bear City, CAENERGY DANCE WITH TITANYA:DANCE THE EXPRESSIONOF YOUR SOULSATURDAY, 9AM, Rafferty RoomEnergy Dance is a joyous whole-body workout that consists ofa combination of ancient inspired exercises set touplifting world beat music. It’s a form of movement basedupon the Energy Medicine exercises of holistic health pioneer,Donna Eden. Awaken your senses, strengthen self-esteem andbody-awareness, and envision your goals through guidedvisualization, movement, breath work, stretching and dance.Become creators of your own dance journey and help bringhealing to your body, mind, spirit and soul.Titanya Monique Dahlin is a multi-dimensional artist,story-teller, award-winning stage actress, and has been aprofessional Middle Eastern dancer for over 25 years. She isDonna Eden’s daughter and a graduate of her EnergyMedicine Certification <strong>Program</strong>. Titanya is part of the staff,assisting and teaching classes, and leads Energy Dance inmost of Donna’s worldwide workshops. Titanya alsoperforms and teaches her own workshops throughout theworld including The Body, Mind and Spirit Expo in Londonand The Omega <strong>Institute</strong> in New York. Private consultationsfor Life Color Readings available at the <strong>Teton</strong><strong>Wellness</strong> Festival vendor table.www.AwakenDivineEnergy.comSpencer Sherman, MBA, CFPSebastopal, CASEVEN VITAMINS TO RESTOREYOUR FINANCIAL HEALTH:A SIMPLE STRATEGY FOR ASTRESS-FREE FINANCIAL LIFESATURDAY, 11AM, <strong>Teton</strong> RoomThe American Psychological Association reports that 75percent of the population says that money is the No. 1source of stress in their lives. Stressful finances impact ourmental, physical and spiritual health. We all know weneed to eat well, rest well and relax to revive our spirits –and yet something often prevents us from doing so.Similarly, we all know to spend less than we earn, to buylow and sell high, to save money and yet we don’t alwaysdo it. Join financial healer Spencer Sherman, a top-rankedfinancial advisor, as he introduces a step-by-step plan forachieving greater prosperity and peace of mind – even intoday’s turbulent economy. Spencer will help participantsunderstand what is driving their unproductive moneyhabits and help them to develop a new and healthierrelationship with money.Spencer Sherman is named by Worth magazine as one ofthe country’s top wealth advisors. He earned his MBAfrom the Wharton School and is the CEO and co-founderof Abacus Wealth Partners. Spencer has over 20 years ofexperience as a certified financial planner and wealthadvisor. He combines his years of financial experience ininvestment management with a deep understanding of thespiritual and psychological dimensions of money. Spencerhas appeared as an expert on CNN, CNBC, NPR, and hasbeen quoted in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal andLos Angeles Times. He is the author of the best-selling bookThe Cure for Money Madness. Private consultationsavailable: 707-829-6190, spencer@abacuswealth.com,www.abacusweath.comSponsored by Summit InsuranceCara LiberatoreWilson, WYDANCE TO HEALTH:WITH SMOOTH MOVESAND LOW FAT STEPSSATURDAY, 11AM, Timberline IThe high fiber, low fat inherent in a plant-based wholefood diet serves to choreograph one’s movement towardsestablishing and maintaining a lifetime of health. In thislively and interactive presentation, participants will learnabout fat and fiber as vital health components; and therelationship between a plant-based whole foods diet anddisease prevention and reversal. Suggestions for workingwith children and a plant-based whole foods diet, as wellas diseases of affluence and lifestyle choices will also bediscussed. Witness first hand through vividdemonstrations and tasty foods samples - that nutritionalcomponents and scrumptious foods can take front andcenter stage in learning how to eat well. Once you’ve starteddancing, Cara will share tips and tactics to keep you andyour loved ones nutritionally on your toes!Cara Liberatore has always danced to the beat of her owndrum. She continues to do so as a nutrition educator,professional mountain guide and cancer survivor. Blendingscientific knowledge and personal experiences found in thehealing powers of a plant-based whole foods diet; shechoreographs a vibrant dance towards a lifetime of healthfor individuals, local communities and our globe.Sponsored by Jackson Whole GrocerGet your body moving… take a movement class!WWW.TETONWELLNESS.ORG 307.733.9355 16 JACKSON, WYOMING PLEASE RECYCLE

PRESENTATIONS - Saturday, October 2Presentations 90 minutesAlesha Kientzler, PhDMill Valley, CATRAINING THE MIND TOMAXIMIZE WELL-BEINGSATURDAY, 11AM, Timberline IIIVicki Saputo, RNOrinda, CAARE YOUR SKIN CAREPRODUCTS KILLING YOU SOFTLY?SATURDAY, 2PM, Timberline IThe mental aspect of well-being is often over-shadowed byphysical manifestations of stress, general physiologicalfeedback and our cultural emphasis on the body. It is equallyimportant to examine the mind-body connection from thepsychological perspective and understand the impact of ourmental processes on health and overall wellness. Thispresentation will provide an overview of the philosophy andresearch behind the power of the mind and provide mentaltraining tools for everyday life. The presentation will invitediscussion and reflection pertaining to how elements of yourown life – including physical training – can benefit fromgreater attention to “training the mind”.Alesha Kientzler, PhD, is a health, wellness and strategyconsultant with over 18 years of leadership experience appliedacross a variety of industries, including: architectural firms,health resorts, non-profit organizations, and institutionsof both secondary and higher education. She is adept atdeveloping, implanting and assessing health and wellnesseducation programs grounded by specific attention to theinterface between “people, programs and place”. info@aleshakientzler.com,www.aleshakientzler.comCEUOur skin is our body’s largest organ, and more than 60% ofwhat we put on our skin is absorbed into our blood stream. TheFDA does not regulate 15,000 chemicals allowed in our personalcare products – many of which are hormone disruptors,carcinogens and/or neurotoxins. Vicki Saputo had a lifethreatening condition over 20 years ago, and the chemicals inskin care products played a large role. To save her life, she didextensive research and became an expert in this field. Her goal isto educate and guide others in order to prevent illness and makehealthy choices. In this informative presentation, participantswill learn about common toxins in skin care products, how toread and understand ingredient lists, and what we need to knowabout sunscreens and toxins in baby products. Healthy skin carealternatives and how to make safe skin care products in yourown kitchen will also be covered.Vicki Saputo, RN, SAG and AFTRA, is the co-founder of theHealth Medicine Forum. She is also the co-host of Prescriptionsfor Health radio and What’s New in the News in Medicinetelevision show with her husband, Len Saputo, MD, author of AReturn to Healing. www.nursevicki.netSponsored by The Herb Store & Living Green ProductsDavid Feinstein, PhDAshland, ORTHE POWER OFENERGY PSYCOLOGYSATURDAY, 2PM, <strong>Teton</strong> RoomEnergy Psychology helps people quickly change unwantedbehaviors, thought patterns and emotional responses.Combining the stimulation of acupuncture points (by tappingthem) with other psychological procedures, it changes the brainchemistry that maintains psychological problems. Thispresentation will give you an overview of the field, show youpoignant video clips of its application, and instruct participantsin how to begin to use this technique to manage everydaychallenges such as anxieties, excess anger or irrational jealousy.David Feinstein, PhD, a clinical psychologist, is the author orco-author of seven books and more than 80 professionalarticles. His books have won eight national awards, includingthe U.S. Book News Best Psychology/Mental Health Book of2007. He is one of the leading spokespersons forEnergy Psychology. energy@innersource.net,www.EneryPsychEd.comCEUManny SanchezJackson, WYZUMBA:WORKOUT WITH FLAVORSATURDAY, 2PM, Rafferty RoomDitch the workout, join the party! The Zumba® program fuseshypnotic Latin rhythms with easy-to-follow moves to create aone-of-a-kind fitness program that delivers a “feel happy”workout. The goal is simple: we want you to work out, to loveworking out, and to get hooked. Zumba® participants achievelong-term benefits while experiencing an absolute blast in oneexciting hour of calorie-burning, body-energizing,awe-inspiring movements meant to engage and captivate forlife. Get ready to “join the party”!Manny Sanchez was born and raised in Mexico City where hewas surrounded by dance, music and passion. He startedteaching dance at age 15 and later taught Latin dance andvarious fitness classes such as spinning, slide workout andcardio jam. Manny also worked as a choreographer, dancer andperformer for Club Med and other prestigious resorts. Timespent in many counties including Canada, DominicanWWW.TETONWELLNESS.ORG 307.733.9355 17 JACKSON, WYOMING PLEASE RECYCLE

PRESENTATIONS - Saturday, October 2Presentations 90 minutesRepublic, Brazil, Cuba, Colombia, Puerto Rico and Europe,gave him experience with different cultures, customs and people.Manny has resided in Jackson Hole since 2006, enjoyingthe community’s response to his knowledge,creativity and passion.mannydance@yahoo.com, www.zumba.comKEYNOTE SPEAKERSaturday, October 2, 7 pmGrand RoomSnow King ResortMarc Domsky, DOJackson, WYMIND OVER MATTER: IF YOUDON’T MIND, IT DOESN’T MATTER- THE PSYCHOLOGY OFCHRONIC PAINSATURDAY, 4PM, Timberline 1Everyone perceives pain differently. Physiology plays aninitial role in transmission of the injury: however psychologydetermines the long term sequel of chronic pain. Significantpsycho-social consequences can result from chronic pain andit is important to understand the role of the mind inmanagingsuccessful outcomes. In this informative presentation,participants will gain a better understanding of the psychologyand physiology of pain, and well as the psychologicalinterventions being used to manage pain.Marc Domsky is a graduate of the Philadelphia College ofOsteopathic medicine and Board Certified in Anesthesiology.He has practiced Anesthesiology and Pain Management forover 20 years; most recently in Jackson, WY.Lauren TellerHull, MAFROM DREAM TO SCHEME:A LIVING PLAN TO GET FROMWHERE YOU ARE TO WHEREYOU WANT TO BESATURDAY, 4PM, Timberline IIIPropel your dreams into schemes. In this presentation,participants will learn practical and inspiring actions that willhelp everyone get from where they are now to where they wantto be in the future. Learn to define personal objectives byidentifying the market-place “want”; stay focused on your coregenius by building a personal success team; and empoweryourself by setting measureable goals and action steps. This is aninteractive process, so be sure to bring your dreams and a pencil.Lauren Teller, artist and entrepreneur, has successfully broughtthree home-studio based businesses to the marketplace. She isa wife, mother, daughter, inspired artist and spiritual seeker.Her motto is “Welcome the dream, for then you can make thedream come true.” Private consultations available: 617-230-7692, lauren@silverlininghandags.com, www.silverlininghandbags.comCMELen Saputo, MDOrinda, CARETURN TO HEALING: A NEWDIRECTION FOR SUSTAINABLEHEALTH AND WELLNESSSee page 10 for details.The CHI Center is a freecommunity service for JacksonHole aimed at helping you becomean involved participant in yourown health care.Whether you are dealing withan illness, want to learn aboutprevention, or have any otherhealth or wellness questions, weare here to help.COMMUNITY HEALTHINFORMATION CENTERa service ofTETON WELLNESS INSTITUTEand ST. JOHN’S MEDCIAL CENTERSt. John’s Medical Center, Main Lobby625 E. Broadway, Jackson, WY(307) 739-7244info@jhchicenter.orgOpen Monday - Friday, 11am - 5pmpage 20…WWW.TETONWELLNESS.ORG 307.733.9355 18 JACKSON, WYOMING PLEASE RECYCLE

Fresh Flavors fromaround the WORLD••••Something for everyone:meats, vegetarian, vegan,live/raw & gluten-free choices!••••Open daily 7am -9:30pmbreakfast, lunch & dinner307.734.0882145 N. Glenwood St.www.tetonlotuscafe.com$1 OFF any item from our newlyexpanded juice/tonic/elixir barValid September 29 - October 6Providing Beautiful Flowersto Jackson Hole Residentssince 1965307.733.2500 / 800.950.3877180 N. Center Street, Jackson Hole, WYwww.charralfloral.comreflexologytraditional shiatsulomi lomisports recoveryenhancementthaitrigger pointzone therapyFAT LOSS MADE SIMPLEKick Start Your Metabolism by EatingClean, whole foods...this is NOT a diet!Learn to Fuel Your BodyTo burn fat as it is naturally designed to do.Make the Lifestyle ChangesNecessary to be healthy and fit.Left:Sheri, 42lost 32 lbs.Right:Lisa, 42lost over117 lbs.Rena Trail Massage (307) 203-8005For more information contactGenesis Transformation CoachesJayne Ottman, RN MS37 Years Practicing RN10 Years Intergrative Health Educator733-1777Michele John, ACE CPTGT CoachACE Certified Personal Trainer699-0845WWW.TETONWELLNESS.ORG 307.733.9355 19 JACKSON, WYOMING PLEASE RECYCLE

PRESENTATIONS - Sunday, October 3Presentations 90 minutesCHARLES BUSHCEUKEYNOTE SPEAKERSunday, October 39 am - noonGrand RoomSnow King ResortJoan Borysenko, PhDBoulder, COTHE PROMISE OF CHANGE ANDTHE POWER OF RESILIENCESee page 11 for details.Chelsie Tubman, CMTDriggs, IDYOGA: ALIGNINGWITH GRACESUNDAY, 8AM, Rafferty RoomFocus on opening to a greater power within by allowing yourbody to move forward from that space. Using Anusara yogaprincipals of alignment, participants will move throughvarious poses with intention and grace. Bring awakening tothe body and enliven your mind. Bring your own yoga mat toclass.Chelsie is a certified massage therapist and yoga instructor.She has been practicing yoga for the last 6 years, focusingprimarily on the Anusara method. Chelsie grew up inColorado, and moved to <strong>Teton</strong> Valley two years ago. Shecurrently teaches yoga at Yoga Tejas Studio in Driggs, andcontinues training towards becoming an AnusaraInspired Teacher. ctubman_85@yahoo.comElisabeth ManningSan Anselmo, CACONSCIOUS CREATION:BIRTHING YOURHIGHEST POTENTIALSUNDAY, 9AM, Timberline ICreation has a mind of its own, and if we understand itfrom an energetic level, we have the powerful ability tocreate what we desire in life. Whether it be a baby, abusiness or attracting abundance, the question becomes, atwhat level of Creator do I want to operate - and am I livingin that field of potentiality? Am I a match with what I wantto call forth and how can I allow it by moving through whatmight be holding me back? In this inspiring and expansiveexploration, participants will discover what to look for inorder to begin to understand their “divine innertechnologies”. Listen, create and manifest what wants to beborn and what is in alignment for you.Elisabeth Manning is a Certified Spirit Coach who helpsfacilitate the Divine Potential in her clients. Elisabeth ispassionate about speaking on the necessity of a “fertile lifein all areas” for people to manifest their highest potential.She is currently writing a book called Fertile Universe andlives in northern California with her dog Elliot. Privateconsultations available: 415-306-3079, elisabeth@consciousconception.net,www.consciousconception.netJennifer NewburyJackson, WYBEGINNING GYROKINESIS ® :REVITALIZE, ENERGIZEAND BALANCESUNDAY, 9AM, Rafferty RoomGyrokinesis® maximizes the flow of energy through thebody to leave you feeling energized, balanced andgrounded. The class begins with self-massage and simplebreathing patterns that stimulate and awaken the senses,and progresses through a series of motions that mobilizethe spine and pelvis through arching, curling, bending,twisting and spiraling. These movement patterns arerepeated over areas of the body to provide greater jointmobility. Participants will learn various movements tostrengthen and tone, increase stamina with minimalimpact to joints, and improve balance, coordination andneuromuscular control. This class is appropriate for allskill levels. Bring your own yoga mat to class.Jennifer Newbury is the owner of Jackson Hole Gyrotonic,a studio specializing in the instruction of Gyrotonic andGyrokinesis. She received her Gyrotonic Certification in2005, working directly with Gryotonic teacher, JuliuHorvath, and is also certified in Gyrokinesis and allGyrotonitic specialized equipment. Jennifer is anauthorized Gyrotonic Pre-trainer and teaches onlyGyrotonic and Gyrokinesis methodology.jacksonholegyrotonic@gmail.com,www.jacksonholegyrotonic.comWWW.TETONWELLNESS.ORG 307.733.9355 20 JACKSON, WYOMING PLEASE RECYCLE

PRESENTATIONS - Sunday, October 3Presentations 90 minutesCharlotte Tomaino, PhDWhite Plains, NYTHE BRAIN AND AWAKENING:THE NEUROPSYCHOLOGY OFMEDITATION, GRACEAND CONSCIOUSNESSSUNDAY, 11AM, <strong>Teton</strong> RoomFor those who are fascinated with understanding how ourspiritual experience manifests physically, join Dr CharlotteTomaino as she explores the functional and physicaldimensions of The Brain and Awakening. As a ClinicalNeuropsychologist, Dr Tomaino works with people who areintent on expanding their brain function. People come to herto address the need for better cognitive skills and,consequently, expanded their options and effectiveness in life.In the process of this clinical work, she has been able toobserve the power of spirit, faith, belief, energy, to sustain andenhance their efforts. This presentation is focused on what DrTomaino has learned from inspiring believers in the seemingimpossible - those who stepped forward into the unknown,expanding their brain function and expanding their life.The focus of this presentation is on meditation, grace andconsciousness through which participants will explore thepower of spiritual dimensions of human experience forenhancing the effectiveness of neuroplasticity, the capacity foradaptability and growth in the brain. For decades we havebeen seeking the key to the brain’s ability to enable thedyslexic to read, the silent to speak, the injured to remember,the wandering to focus and the immobile to walk. As thefields of Neuropsychology and Neuroscience have uncoveredthe structures and magnificent functions of the human brain,we are beginning to understand how to live in alignment withour goals in a way that most effectively enhances brainfunction. Admittedly, we have only just begun on thisexploration which will likely unfold for generations. But wehave begun. This informative presentation will offer usefulinsights into how you can manage your own brain formanifesting your potential.Charlotte A Tomaino, PhD, is a Clinical Neuropsychologistwhose career has been dedicated to the diagnosis andtreatment of brain function. Her teaching interests came from30 years of clinical observations which have focused on thepower of the human spirit to overcome the seeminglyimpossible through the effect of choice, grace and knowledgeabout how the brain expands in its amazing abilities. She is afull time clinician in private practice in White Plains,New York. nswny@verizon.net, www.nswny.com CEUSponsored by Edie Bennett, Oneness Jackson HoleGet your body moving… take a movement class!Mike Biles, MAJackson, WYFINDING LOVE ANDCONNECTION HERE AND NOWSUNDAY, 11AM, Timberline IWhether it’s the troubled economy, work problems, relationshipdifficulties or just too many things on your to-do list, modernlife has put many of us in a state of chronic anxiety. We seeklove and peace, but too often encounter fear and distress. Theproblem is we haven’t been taught the proper skills to lovinglyand peacefully relate to a seemingly chaotic world. In this presentation,learn practical skills to help experience inner calmalmost immediately. Participants will learn how to managenegative thoughts, transform painful emotions, and dramaticallydecrease everyday anxiety in five easy steps. Difficult situationsare learning opportunities for personal and spiritual growth.Mike Biles has a Master’s degree in Spiritual Psychology, and isthe author of the book, Spiritual Prescription for TransformingRelationships. He integrates universal spirituality with groundedpracticality. Mike’s work includes spiritual growth counseling,personal-professional coaching and substance abuse intervention.Private consultations available: 512-771-8172, mikebiles@aol.com,www.mikebiles.comDiana StoboWest Linn, ORGET NAKED FAST: A GUIDETO STRIPPING AWAY THE FOODSTHAT WEIGH YOU DOWNSUNDAY, 11AM, Timberline IIIWhether you want to lose weight, gain energy or feel and lookyounger, Diana will describe the benefits of “NakedNourishment,” and guide you into stripping away the foodsthat weigh you down. Diana’s simple and accessible approachto incorporating live foods into your diet, makes gettinghealthy fun. She brings the topic of live food to life through herabundant energy and humor, as she expresses details of herown journey into health, vibrance and beauty.Diana Stobo recently launched a nationwide campaign Strivefor Live!, Empowering Others to Eat for Health, Vibrance andBeauty. Author of Get Naked Fast, Stripping Away the Foods thatWeigh You Down, Diana is an expert of her own body. Once riddledwith disease, discomfort and excess weight, Diana delved intoyears of studying nutrition, the human body and using herselfas an example in order to articulate the cause and effect of certainfoods. As a trained culinary artist, she is able to bring asensational flare to the raw food movement, making easy, deliciousand accessible foods that can heal your body withoutchanging your life. dstobo@pacbell.net, www.dianastobo.comWWW.TETONWELLNESS.ORG 307.733.9355 21 JACKSON, WYOMING PLEASE RECYCLE

PRESENTATIONS - Sunday, October 3Presentations 90 minutesBracoZagreb, CroatiaBRACO:GAZE OF LIGHTSUNDAY, 1 - 6PM, Grand Room(group gazing sessions offered hourly)For 15 years, thousands of people from all over Europe havetraveled to Zagreb, Croatia to experience and be healed bylooking in to the gaze of a kind and gentle man who goes bythe name Braco (pronounced Braht-zoh). The healings areunexplainable, yet undeniable. Documentation has been collectedrecounting stories of those who have been remarkablytransformed by standing before Braco’s silent gaze. The energyemanating through his gaze is so powerful that manyexperience transformation whether they are physically present,held in thought by a loved one, or depicted in a photograph.After a brief introduction by a BracoAmerica representative,Braco will “make the gaze”. Taking part in these group gazingsessions is a special opportunity that is not to be missed. Noone under the age of 18, or anyone who is past their firsttrimester of pregnancy will be permitted in the gazing session.There have been over 80 DVD’s produced about Braco, aswell as countless books, newspaper and magazine articles.Braco gave up speaking in public more that 8 years ago, butmiraculous stories continue to unfold through his silentgazing sessions. For a mini tour, go to BracoAmerica.com,his official American website. BracoAmerica@gmail.com,www.BracoAmerica.comThere will be an additional day of gazing sessions with Braco onMonday, October 4th. Go to BracoAmerica.com for moreinformation and tickets for the Monday sessions.Sponsored by Deidre Bainbridge & Connie KemmererDavid PondOlympia, WATHE ASTROLOGY OF 2010 ANDBEYOND: WE ARE THE PEOPLEWE’VE BEEN WAITING FORSUNDAY, 2PM, <strong>Teton</strong> RoomThe astrological cycles that we are currently experiencing aresome of the most intense astrological patterns imaginable.There is much talk about the Mayan Calendar and 2012, butastrologically this is the year that the shift begins. This is nota fear talk about how to side step the issues and avoidchange: this is the astrology of initiating change to live closerto our true purpose. David will cover the major influencesthat are affecting us and the planet, and spend time on howto best align with these coming times and get on with ourcollective awakening.David Pond is an internationally recognized astrologer,author, speaker and workshop leader. He has been apracticing astrologer since 1975 and has a Master of Sciencedegree in Experimental Metaphysics from CentralWashington University. Recently his best-selling book,Chakras for Beginners, has been made into an audio book.Other books include: Astrology and Relationships; The Pursuitof Happiness; Western Seeker, Eastern Paths; Mapping YourRomantic Relationships; and The Metaphysical Handbook.Private consultations available: 206-962-1792,dpond@reflectingpond.com, www.reflectingpond.comMichael FitzsimmonsOmaha, NEGETTING BACK INTO RHYTHM:DISCOVER HEALINGTHROUGH MUSICSUNDAY, 2PM, Timberline IMusic created spontaneously in a small group setting withsimple instruments, (often by those who have never playedan instrument before), is a powerful and liberatingexperience. In this interactive, hands-on presentation,participants will learn about the healing power of rhythm;and will have the opportunity to make their own handmadedrum, which can be taken home. This fun, joyfulpresentation will help release stress, remove boundaries,enable non-verbal communication and build teamwork.This program is not about teaching participants to becomemusicians. It is about helping attendees integratemusic/rhythm/drumming into their personal andprofessional development. Come discover the power of healingthrough music!Michael Fitzsimmons is a percussionist, an award-winningcomposer and a performing and recording artist withDancing Man Music. Michael has recorded five albums.His most recent recording Water Flows Over Me was votedone of New Age Reporter’s best releases of 2006. Skin on Skin(2002) garnered him a Nebraska Arts Council FellowshipAward. www.DancingManMusic.com,Michael@DancingManMusic.comSponsored by <strong>Teton</strong> <strong>Wellness</strong> <strong>Institute</strong>Get your body moving…take a movement class!WWW.TETONWELLNESS.ORG 307.733.9355 22 JACKSON, WYOMING PLEASE RECYCLE

www.serenitysalonjacksonhole.comBalance in Structure & Function = FreedomDedicated to the Teachings of Ida P. RolfRN, LAc, Dipl Ac, and CHwww.WilsonAcupuncture.comNo physicianreferralrequiredcall or email to registerPRESENTATIONS - Sunday, October 3Presentations 90 minutesWendy MilletMenlo Park, CAFIND YOUR LEADERSHIP STRIDE:WITH OR WITHOUT HORSESSUNDAY, 2PM, Timberline IIIHorses are attuned to energy and mirror what is goingaround us. This presentation offers a unique and transformativeapproach for participants to learn about themselvesthrough interaction with these graceful animals. Throughusing video clips and interactive techniques that are applicableto all, learn how working with horses can help increaseself-esteem, improve decision-making, problem-solving andgoal setting skills. Working with equines – even if you don’thave direct access to them - can also help build authenticconnections and enhance a sense of connection and purposein life. Come find your leadership stride through this horseguidededucational presentation.Wendy Millet combines her background in non-profit andbusiness management, outdoor education, alternative healingand horses into a unique perspective. She holds a literaturedegree from Harvard and serves on the board of severalconservation and horse-related organizations. wendy@gallopventures.com,www.gallopventures.comMichel Dorsey& Pam WoodsonJackson, WYEVERYDAY PILATESFOR EVERYONESUNDAY, 2PM, Rafferty RoomExperience a Pilates mat class presented in a group format.Emphasis will be on proper breathing techniques and skillsdevoted to strengthening core muscle groups. Continuedpractice of this method can improve core strength and balance,increase flexibility, prevent injury and enhance sportsperformance. Joseph H. Pilates was the originator of thismethod. His intention was for each individual to do a shortworkout every day in order to move through daily life withgrace, strength and ease. This class is appropriate for all skilllevels. Bring your own yoga mat to class.Michele Dorsey and Pam Woodson own The Pilates Place,LLC, which has been serving the community of Jackson Holefor 10 years. Both Michele and Pam earned their PilatesTeacher Certifications through the Pilates Center of Boulder,CO. Michele received her GYROTONIC ® certification fromSan Francisco GYROTONIC ®. Private consultations available:307-732-2292, pilatesplace@bresnan.net,www.pilatesplacejh.comOn <strong>Wellness</strong>..."Healing is not forcing the sun to shine,but letting go of that which blocks the light."- Stephen and Ondrea LevineWELLNESS COMMUNITYYour Specialistto Balance and HealAngela TongAcupuncture, Yoga& Herbal HealingAngela@tetonyoga.com307-690-4201Sacred Spaces, LLCNURTURE YOUR NATURE...through your internal & external environments“Mary Wendell” LamptonIntuitive Counselor307.413.3669 • mwlampton@silverstar.comThe Serenity Salon• Hair• Waxing• TanningSereena Marie Reeser307.732.2887988 S. Hwy 89 (next to Napa)Ticia SheetsCertified Rolf Structural IntegrationCMT307.413.8080Office locations in Wilson & Victorwww.mountainsomatics.comGreenEarth Cleaning®Good for youGood for your clothesGood for our planetFULL SERVICE DELIVERYMovieworks Plaza @ 870 Hwy. 89 • 307-734-0424 • M-F 7am-6pm / Sat 9am-2pmWestbank Plaza @ 4685 N. Pines Dr • 307-734-2664 • M-F 9am-5pmMassage in the comfortof your home...Deep Tissue/SportsNeuromuscularSwedishThaiHot StonePrenatal307-690-1003on-sitewellness.comWilson Acupuncture& Healing Arts CenterPrivate & CommunityAcupunctureMarcia A. MaleIn the Aspens • 307-734-0808Basic Series 7/19 - 8/23(Last of the summer) with Erin O'BrienMondays nights at 7:15pm307.690.1350 150 E. Hansen Jackson, WYProfessional andindividualized treatmentsfor surgical and nonsurgicalorthopedics,women's health andproviders of customorthotics. Make FourPines Physical Therapyyour first choice for yourrehabilitation needs.Norene ChristensenPT, DSC, OCSJeff ShirleyPT, DPT307.733.55771090 S Hwy 89MORE BAD ADVICE:If this marriage doesn’t work out,you can always get a divorce.GOOD ADVICE:Premarital education lowers thelikelihood of divorce by 30%.Call Erica J. Burns for herpremarital seminar.Erica J. Burns, Licensed Counselor(307) 734-5352 or (208) 456-3086Grand<strong>Teton</strong>MobileSpaWe put the Ahh in Spa(307) 413-9530Grand<strong>Teton</strong>MobileSpa.comSafe & Effective All-Natural Cleaners!Tissues & Towels madefrom 100% Recycled PaperGet it by the Case or TruckloadVacuums & Bags - Floor & Furniture - Brooms & Dusters - Spa & Pool - Windows355 N. Glenwood, Jackson • 307-733-2638 • M-F 8am-5:30pm / Sat 9am-noonPROVIDING HEALTH ORWELLNESS SERVICESTHE JACKSON HOLECOMMUNITY.Find the <strong>Wellness</strong> Communityin the pages ofTO BOOK YOUR AD SPACECONTACT JEN AT 307.732.0299SHARON T. WALLSLicensed Marriage & Family TherapistSpecializing in working with adolescents,couples, family, parenting issuesand eating disorders.307.734.4449(All phone calls are confidential)Laura Garrard, CMT, NCTMBCertified Lymphatic Therapist ~ Reiki Master• Lymph Drainage Therapy• Inflammation Reduction• Scar Tissue Reduction• Detoxification• Increased Immune Response• Assistance in the Treatment of:Pre/Post-Surgery, Injury, ChronicIllnesses, Edemas, Lymphedema,Toxicity, and Pain430 S. Jackson St. at W. Karnswww.AttunedHealing.com ~ 307-690-5308WWW.TETONWELLNESS.ORG 307.733.9355 23 JACKSON, WYOMING PLEASE RECYCLE

PRESENTATIONS - Sunday, October 3Presentations 90 minutesVirginia Farley, MELP& Nancy Shea, PhDMoretown, VT; Jackson, WYGIFTS OF UNCERTAINTYFOR A CHANGED EARTHSUNDAY, 4PM, <strong>Teton</strong> RoomThis is a time of unprecedented change and uncertainty.Environmental systems are unraveling, along with societiesand economies. How do we process “life as we know it”changes such as climate change and oil disasters bothpersonally and within our communities? Drawing on thework of Joanna Macy and other ecologists and philosophers,we will share our stories and develop ways to fosterresilience while maintaining positive action. Joanna Macysays, “Uncertainty can free us from constantly taking ouremotional temperature as to how optimistic or pessimisticwe are”. Participants will explore and experience gifts ofuncertainly such as presence, intention, befriending, pain,solidarity and knowledge of time.Virginia Farley obtained her Masters of Environmental Lawand Policy (MELP), at Vermont Law School, and has workedin the conservation and leadership field for over 25 years forland trusts, environmental organizations, and public landmanagement agencies. She has studied with Joanna Macy,and has taught workshops and courses at many institutionsincluding The Murie Center, Vermont Law School andUniversity of Vermont.Nancy Shea, PhD is a philosopher, teacher and nature guide.She has 20 years of study and training as a group leader,facilitator, conflict mediator and life coach. For 17 years inJackson Hole she has been in administration and executiveleadership at the <strong>Teton</strong> Science School and The MurieCenter. Nancy created True Nature Life EnhancementServices to continue her commitment to creative culturalchange. Private consultations available:nhshea@bresnan.net, www.truenatureconsulting.comJudson RothschildBeverly Hills, CADECODING THE CYCLEOF PANIC AND ANXIETYSUNDAY, 4PM, Timberline IThe true test of character is how we deal with the unexpected.Are you tired of living a life of fear and panic? Are you aparticipant in a mindful blame game or spend a lot of timethinking about the past or the future? Are you a success inyour professional life, but privately feel you have lost a positiveself-image and experience a sense of depression and selfdoubt?Join Judson on a remarkable journey as he helps participantsre-educate the mind and body. Learn to let go ofthe fear, gloom and doom, and reconnect with your soul’strue purpose in life – one of hope, health and prosperity.Judson Rothschild is a Lifestyle Consultant, a successful interiordesigner and furniture manufacturer, as well as anauthor of the upcoming book, Snap Out of It! A Quick Guideto Panic and Anxiety. Based on his 20 year experience withpanic and anxiety, Judson encourages his clients and readersto empower themselves through education by teaching asimple process that transitions one from a lifestyle of panicand anxiety to one of empowerment and peace. Privateconsultations available: 310-710-3160,Judson@SnapOutOfIt.tv, www.SnapOutOfIt.tvToni Rivera, DCSanta Fe, NMTHE LISTENINGTOUCHSUNDAY, 4PM, Timberline IIIWe all want to be heard. It allows us to feel accepted anddefined as a unique human being. Being listened tothrough touch promotes access to inner knowledge and toreceive direct information from the body, which is the keeperof innermost wisdom. By practicing listening touch weenhance our intuition in the process. In this experientialpresentation participants will explore the magic of listeningtouch in order to enhance both personal and professionalwell-being.Toni Luisa Rivera, Doctor of Chiropractic and Senior Faultyof the Rubenfeld Synergy Training <strong>Institute</strong>, has been in privatepractice for 25 years. Her workshops, nationwide andin Puerto Rico, are known for increasing professional competencyand personal self-awareness. Her private practice isin Santa Fe, New Mexico. Private consultations available:505-603-6194, drtoni@cnsp.com, www.teachtouchtalk.com<strong>Teton</strong> <strong>Wellness</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> & <strong>Teton</strong> <strong>Wellness</strong> Festival DisclaimerThe content and information presented at the <strong>Teton</strong><strong>Wellness</strong> Festival is not intended as a substitute for professionalmedical help, advice, diagnosis or treatment but is to be usedonly as an aid in understanding current trends in field ofhealthcare and wellness. A physician should always beconsulted for any health problem or medical condition. The<strong>Teton</strong> <strong>Wellness</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> does not endorse or validate the contentand/or programs presented by the speakers, exhibitors andhands-on practitioners.The content constitutes the views, opinions and or beliefs ofthe presenters and not necessarily the views, opinions, and /orbeliefs of the <strong>Teton</strong> <strong>Wellness</strong> <strong>Institute</strong>.The <strong>Teton</strong> <strong>Wellness</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> (TWI) is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization and the <strong>Teton</strong> <strong>Wellness</strong> Festival is aneducational program developed by TWI.WWW.TETONWELLNESS.ORG 307.733.9355 24 JACKSON, WYOMING PLEASE RECYCLE

Hands-OnLOUNGEJill ReneeBeacon for LightworkersBoise, IDChanneler, Intuitive and Healing Facilitator, Jill Reneeprovides intuitive readings specializing in aspects of your souljourney including gifts you brought with you, life lessons youcame to experience, and gifts or talents you came to sharewith others. By connecting with spirit guides and the angelicrealms, Jill shares their insights and wisdom on whateveraspects they consider important for you at this time. Arecorded CD of your session is provided.www.beacon4lightworkers.com,jill@beacon4lightworkers.comNova Lee FarwornTarot ReaderHailey, IDNova Lee Farworn is an intuitive reader who utilizes theoracle of tarot to help people empower themselves. She willhelp guide you to understand, heal and find clarification foryour life’s journey. Come reconnect with your own innerlight! Private and phone readings available. 208-788-0911Marcy BlassIntrinsic Health CenterTwin Falls, IDMarcy Blass, RN is a Reconnective Healing Practitioner and alsooffers Reiki and Jin Shin Jyutsu sessions. Reconnective Healingaccesses a new, more comprehensive spectrum of healing thatnot only includes, but also expands beyond any and all knownforms of “energy” healing. Jin Shin Jyutsu is practiced by placingfingertips on designated pathways to restore and harmonize anenergy “flow.” Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reductionand relaxation that also promotes healing.www.intrinsichealth.org, mblass@intrinsichealth.orgKristin WathenInner WisdomIdaho Falls, IDYour angels are meant to love, protect and offer you guidance.Kristin is a trance channeler, available for those who wish to bein verbal contact with their own angels. She allows the angels tospeak “through” her for your own personal conversation. Yourangles can show you repetitive patterns and offer insight andguidance. Learn how many angels are with you and gain a betterunderstanding of their energies. Kristin is Certified MedicalIntuitive, Theta Healing Instructor and Practitioner, DNA andCore/Belief Reprogrammer and Instructor with over 15 yearsexperience.www.inerwisdm.com, kristin4578@yahoo.comHANDS-ON LOUNGEIS FREE TO THE PUBLICSATURDAY & SUNDAY10am - 6pmWWW.TETONWELLNESS.ORG 307.733.9355 25 JACKSON, WYOMING PLEASE RECYCLE

FestivalMARKETPLACEAzara CreationsAzaraSt. Ignatius, MTAzara Creations offers the finest selection of rare andmagnificent Gemstone pendants, necklaces, earrings andmore! There is always a magical healing stonetransformation awaiting you!azaracreations@gmail.comDidi ThunderDidi ThunderWilson, WYDidi has lived and worked in the Himalayas for more than twoof the past three decades. Her objective has been to introducehigh quality, intrinsically beautiful crafts to the western market.She personally selects area rugs, hand-woven and hand-paintedcashmere, hand-cast bronze, painted furniture and a variety ofother traditional crafts. Didi buys directly from family-ownedrug mills, cottage industries and women’s income-raisingprojects whenever possible.www.didithunder.com, didi@wyoming.comVista 360Candra DayJackson WYHandicrafts and wearable art from Kyrgyzstan in Central Asiamade of silk and pure organic wool as part of a mountain tomountain collaborative. Great hats, rugs, scarves, embroideredwall hangings, dolls and much more will be available.www.vista360.org, canday@wyoming.comWillow CreekHome FurnishingsRosanna MitchellJackson WYWillow Creek Home Furnishings will be featuring their SatyaJewelry line. Satya Jewelry is a unique and elegant yogainspired line in both silver and gold with semi-precious stones.www.willowcreekhf.comrosanna@willowcreekhf.comTHE FESTIVAL MARKETPLACE IS FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLICWWW.TETONWELLNESS.ORG 307.733.9355 26 JACKSON, WYOMING PLEASE RECYCLE

Zen State ArtworksSherry BechtoldPhilipsburg, MTBeaded window hangings featuring antique African tradebeads, gemstone beads and Swarovski leaded glass crystalprisms. sb46mt@yahoo.comAwaken Divine Energywith TitanyaTitanya DahlinBig Bear City, CATitanya will be featuring Energy Medicine Study Charts, HealingCrystals & Magnets, DVD’s and many more fun healing tools.Life Color Readings with interpretation also available. Sign upat Titanya’s exhibit table during the festival.www.AwakenDivineEnergy.comGia <strong>Wellness</strong>Sue Gronberg &Babs Melka, Pharm DSue Gronberg & Babs MelkaJackson, WYWith GIA <strong>Wellness</strong> 21st Century BioEnergetic products wepromote wellness in a wireless world. These inspired wellnesssolutions significantly reduce the harmful effects fromelectromagnetic radiation in our environment. On displayand for purchase will be inspired products that provide acomprehensive layered approach to more optimal health.GIA <strong>Wellness</strong>’s suite of products with patented & proprietarytechnology, make it possible for families to safeguardthemselves from the invisible threat of electromagneticpollution without compromising their modern lifestyles.www.giawellness.comroadrunnerrx@rocketmail.com & emfsafe@gmail.comTHE FESTIVAL MARKETPLACE IS OPEN SAT & SUN 10am - 6pmWWW.TETONWELLNESS.ORG 307.733.9355 27 JACKSON, WYOMING PLEASE RECYCLE

Schedule a session …PrivateCONSULTATIONSMike Biles, MASpiritual Awareness and Relationship Growth512-771-8172, mikebiles@aol.comRonelle CoburnLife Purpose Hand Analysis971-255-1272ronelle@ronellecoburn.comTitanya DahlinLife Color ReadingsAppointments made on site at <strong>Teton</strong><strong>Wellness</strong> Festival exhibit tableAwakenDivinEnergy.comMichele Dorsey& Pam WoodsonPilates or GYROTONIC® ExerciseThe Pilates Place, 307-732-2292pilatesplace@bresnan.netElisabeth ManningReadings, Healings on Blocks toCreation/Manifestation415-306-3079elisabeth@consciousconception.netDavid PondAstrology206-962-1792dpond@reflectingpond.comToni Rivera, DCRubenfeld Synergy Method505-603-6194drtoni@cnsp.comJudson RothschildPanic and Anxiety Consultant310-710-3160judson@SnapOutOfIt.tvSherrill Sellman, NDWomen’s Health, Hormones,Moods & Weight918-720-4865drsellman@whatwomenmustknow.comNancy Shea, PhDLife Coaching307-690-1730nhshea@bresnan.netSpencer Sherman, MBA, CFPFinances707-829-6190spencer@abacuswealth.comLauren TellerBusiness Development617-230-7692lauren@silverlininghandbags.comMIKE BILESRONELLE COBURN TITANYA DAHLIN MICHELE DORSEY PAM WOODSON ELISABETH MANNING DAVID PONDTONI RIVERA JUDSON ROTHSCHILD SHERRILL SELLMAN NANCY SHEA SPENCER SHERMAN LAUREN TELLERCONTACT PRACTITIONERS DIRECTLYFOR APPOINTMENTS AND RATESWWW.TETONWELLNESS.ORG 307.733.9355 28 JACKSON, WYOMING PLEASE RECYCLE

Banking doesn’thave to be stressful.Sarah Kline from Yoga Today, customer since 2005.Our local ownership,management, anddecision making willNamaste.We answer tono one but you.www.bojh.com307.733.8064

PO Box 8785Jackson, WY 83002Jackson HoleDestination <strong>Wellness</strong>September 25 - October 3, 2010Experience the healing and inspirational power of this place we call Jackson Hole. Rejuvenate the health andwellness of the mind, body, spirit, and earth. This event features the <strong>Teton</strong> <strong>Wellness</strong> Festival, along with a richdiversity of events, programs, facilities, services, and products.For a schedule of events, please call 307-733-3316or visit www.jacksonholechamber.comPhoto by Dunker Photography

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