4 - 2010 - Archive copies of DX MAGAZINE - worldwide dx club

4 - 2010 - Archive copies of DX MAGAZINE - worldwide dx club 4 - 2010 - Archive copies of DX MAGAZINE - worldwide dx club

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301602.0 0750 222 G Scotland Premier,Shetland English Song event 1303 MFSHORTWAVE BANDFrequency UTC SIO ITU Radio Station Language Programme Details Date Rep.5930.0 0104 533 SVK Radio Slovakia Int English Sunday Listeners Tribune 2903 RL5940.0 1910 111 ZMB CVC English Our primier God 1403 MF5975.0 0300 111 RRW Voice of South Sudan English Bloodshed after attack 1503 MF6010.0 0236 543 CAN Radio Sweden ,Sackville English Radio Sweden today 3003 RL6045.0 0320 111 KEN Voice of Kenya English Nairobi slums 1503 MF6050.0 0440 111 NIG Radio Nigeria English Empty oilfields 1503 MF6050.0 0450 221 BEN TWR English Our Jesus Africa’s God 1503 MF6100.0 0005 453 CAN Radio Canada Int English Maple leaf mailbag 2903 RL6110.0 1730 111 AZE Radio Azerbaijan English Peace troops 1403 MF7196.0 0350 111 UGA Radio Uganda English Kampala airport 1503 MF7200.0 1825 221 SDN Radio Omdurman English Sudan Africa tour 1403 MF7245.0 1755 111 TJK Radio Tajikistan English Israel 1403 MF7250.0 1750 111 BGD Voice of Islam English Mohammad is holy God 1403 MF7335.0 0007 453 ROU Radio Romania Int English Inside Romania 2903 RL7345.0 0107 443 CZE Radio Prague English Mailbox 29-3 RL7425.0 0149 453 ALB Radio Tirana English News from Albania 3103 RL9440.0 2233 453 CZE Radio Prague English One On One 2903 RL9485.0 1605 443 D DW Radio via Trincomale English World in Progress 2803 RL9495.0 0129 433 IRN Voice of Justice English Heard ID jingle 3003 RL9495.0 2031 453 MDG Radio Sweden, Malagasy English Radio Sweden today 3003 RL9515.0 1522 543 CAN Radio Canada Int English Maple leaf mailbag 2803 RL9535.0 1900 222 THA Radio Thailand German Siam & Holy cats 1403 MF9560.0 1650 111 ETH Voice of Ethopia English Bombing Asmara 1403 MF9580.0 0008 554 ROU Radio Romania Int English Radio News reel 3003 RL9645.0 0343 453 ROU Radio Romania Int English All that jazz 2903 RL9650.0 1220 121 CAN KBS World English Korean export to N. Am. 1803 MF9655.0 1729 352 POL Polish Radio via Austria English Piano music heard 3003 RL9675.0 0029 543 SRB Int Radio Serbia English 0030, News read 3003 RL9700.0 0257 553 BUL Radio Bulgaria English Folk studio 2903 RL9780.0 1815 111 YEM Radio Saana English Yemen monument rescue 1403 MF9780.0 1230 111 ALS KNLS English Alaska highway to Jesus 1803 MF9790.0 0025 553 CZE Radio Prague English Talking point 3103 RL9840.0 1740 111 UAE Voice of South Sudan English UN troops and bloodshed 1403 MF9485.0 1559 443 USA Voice of America English Science Special english 3003 RL9860.0 0049 433 ALB Radio Tirana English English program 3103 RL9955.0 0102 352 USA WRMI Maimi FL English Happy Station 0104 RL9975.0 1425 443 GUM KTWR English QRM 9980 khz 2903 RL11700.0 2332 453 BUL Radio Bulgaria English Magazine Economy 3003 RL11735.0 1710 111 TZA Radio Tanzania English Airport closed 1403 MF11735.0 1724 453 ROU Radio Romania Int English Listeners letterbox 2803 RL11775.0 1250 111 AIA Carribean Beacon English God and Hope station 1803 MF11795.0 1905 453 D DW Radio via Rampisham English Maple leaf mailbag 2803 RL11840.0 2319 554 CAN China Radio Int Sackville English PM Beijing hour 2903 RL11865.0 2002 453 D DW Radio via Sines English Inspired minds 2903 RL11880.0 2029 433 ROU Radio Romania Int English Inside Romania 2803 RL11970.0 2001 453 F Radio Netherlands,Issodun English Earth beat eat insects 2803 RL12040.0 1932 453 RUS Voice of Russia English Treasure store 2803 RL13640.0 1845 453 ALB Radio Tirana English This is Radio Tirana 2903 RL

13755.0 1429 453 ALB Radio Tirana English Culture, sports roundup. 2903 RL13835.0 1459 533 USA EWTN/WEWN AL English Woman of Grace Live 2903 RL13840.0 1619 453 F R. Taiwan Int via Issodun English Chinese to go 2903 RL15190.0 1640 111 EQG Radio Africa English Nigerian Bloodshed 1403 MF15190.0 1800 111 PHL Radio Philipinas English Philarmonic Orchestra 1403 MF15400.0 1240 222 AUS HCJB English Believe in Jesus 1803 MF15475.0 0315 111 CLN Sri Lanka BC English Sri Lanka war bloodshed 1503 MF15640.0 2129 453 D DW Radio via Kigali English Sports report 2803 RL15690.0 1659 352 F R. Taiwan Int via France English Very weak signal 2803 RL17735.0 1803 353 CAN Radio Canada Int English Maple leaf mailbag 2803 RL21695.0 1310 333 LYB Voice of Africa English News from Arab World 1803 MF************************************************************************************Thanks a lot to our club members for your contributions:MF : Michael Frese, Osnabrueck, Germany. Grundig Yatchboy 400 with telescopic aerial.RAD : Richard A.D’Angelo, Wyomissing, PA, USA. Ten-Tec RX-340, Drake R-8B, Eton E1, Lowe HF-150 with Alpha Delta DX Sloper, Datong FL3.RL : Richard Lemke, St. Albert, Alberta, Canada. JRC NRD-535 HF Antenna random long wires in the trees.************************************************************************************Here are the loggings from Richard A. D’Angelo of Wyomissing, Pennsylvania, USA:4775 SWAZILAND, Trans World Radio – Manzini, 0415-0447 Mar 3, German language program with man preaching and choir vocals. Woman withID and e-mail address at 0429. Instrumental music lead-in to English program at 0430. ID now as ”TWR” or ”TWR Radio”. Into Through theBible program. Audible once again with WWCR moving to 4840. Fair.4800 MEXICO, Radio Transcontinental de America – XERTA, 0445-0521 Mar 2, soft vocals and instrumental music with Spanish talk by a man andlater a woman announcer. No ID noted. Poor signal and much CODAR slop.4840 USA, WWCR, 0418-0440 Mar 2, noted in English language with Alex Jones program, ads and interview with anti-abortion advocate. Newfrequency, ex-4775. Strong signal.4960 SAO TOME, Voice of America – Pinheira, 0449-0506 Mar 10, book discussion in English with VOA News ID. At 0458 This Day in Historyfeature. At 0500 ID followed by an announcement that following program is in Hausa. A woman opened next program with ID and newsin Hausa. Fair.4976 UGANDA, UBC Radio, 0421-0447 Feb 17, soft easy listening vocals followed by a discussion in English by two men. ID by a woman announcerat 0440 as ”UBC Radio” (I miss ”Radio Uganda” IDs). Local music featured followed by more talks. Poor to fair.4990 SURINAME, Radio Apintie, 0446-0526 Mar 5, program of soft easy listening English lyric pop vocals, ads and some talk in Dutch by a womanannouncer. Jingle ID at 0510. Fair signal.5915 ZAMBIA, CVC - One Africa, *0356-0422 Feb 17, open carrier with sudden opening at 0359 with various announcers reading snippets of listenermail praising ”One Africa” programming. Religious vocals at 0400 followed by a series of IDs for ”One Africa” and promotionalannouncements. After more music, a man gave a religious talk. Good signal.6180 INDIA, All India Radio – Bengaluru, 2110-2140 Feb 20, man announcer with General Overseas Service ID followed by program previews inEnglish mentioning transmission ended at 2230 GMT. Into a program of Hindustani classical vocals. ID at 2130 followed by another musicprogram. Fair to good.6297.1 CLANDESTINE (Western Sahara), National Radio of Saharui Republic, 2140-2216 Mar 13, discussion program to 2152 when local vocals wereheard. Music fanfare, ID at 2159 followed by man and woman with announcements. Time pips at 2200 followed by another ID and newsby a man announcer. Fair. More music programming at 2209.7385 CLANDESTINE (Sudan), Miraya FM via Rimavska Sobota, Slovakia, *0259-0343 Feb 28, opening with instrumental music, man announcerwith ID and announcements in Arabic. Into news read by a man. Music fanfare at 0310 ending news. ID into discussion between a manand woman. Poor to fair; very noisy conditions.9330 SYRIA, Radio Damascus, 2216-2241 Mar 9, Spanish program with long talk feature by a woman announcer followed female vocal selection.Poor to fair. //12085 was fair.9580 GABON, African No. 1, 2243-2259* Mar 9, discussion program with a woman and two men in French language. Program ended at 2258followed by a woman announcer with several IDs, frequency announcements and closedown. Fair.9580 PHILIPPINES , Voice of America – Tinang, *2300-2304 Mar 9, opening of English program with a man announcer giving station ID followedby the news. Poor to fair.9760 CYPRUS, Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation, 2236-2245* Feb 27, man and woman with discussion in Greek language. Program closed with31

301602.0 0750 222 G Scotland Premier,Shetland English Song event 1303 MFSHORTWAVE BANDFrequency UTC SIO ITU Radio Station Language Programme Details Date Rep.5930.0 0104 533 SVK Radio Slovakia Int English Sunday Listeners Tribune 2903 RL5940.0 1910 111 ZMB CVC English Our primier God 1403 MF5975.0 0300 111 RRW Voice <strong>of</strong> South Sudan English Bloodshed after attack 1503 MF6010.0 0236 543 CAN Radio Sweden ,Sackville English Radio Sweden today 3003 RL6045.0 0320 111 KEN Voice <strong>of</strong> Kenya English Nairobi slums 1503 MF6050.0 0440 111 NIG Radio Nigeria English Empty oilfields 1503 MF6050.0 0450 221 BEN TWR English Our Jesus Africa’s God 1503 MF6100.0 0005 453 CAN Radio Canada Int English Maple leaf mailbag 2903 RL6110.0 1730 111 AZE Radio Azerbaijan English Peace troops 1403 MF7196.0 0350 111 UGA Radio Uganda English Kampala airport 1503 MF7200.0 1825 221 SDN Radio Omdurman English Sudan Africa tour 1403 MF7245.0 1755 111 TJK Radio Tajikistan English Israel 1403 MF7250.0 1750 111 BGD Voice <strong>of</strong> Islam English Mohammad is holy God 1403 MF7335.0 0007 453 ROU Radio Romania Int English Inside Romania 2903 RL7345.0 0107 443 CZE Radio Prague English Mailbox 29-3 RL7425.0 0149 453 ALB Radio Tirana English News from Albania 3103 RL9440.0 2233 453 CZE Radio Prague English One On One 2903 RL9485.0 1605 443 D DW Radio via Trincomale English World in Progress 2803 RL9495.0 0129 433 IRN Voice <strong>of</strong> Justice English Heard ID jingle 3003 RL9495.0 2031 453 MDG Radio Sweden, Malagasy English Radio Sweden today 3003 RL9515.0 1522 543 CAN Radio Canada Int English Maple leaf mailbag 2803 RL9535.0 1900 222 THA Radio Thailand German Siam & Holy cats 1403 MF9560.0 1650 111 ETH Voice <strong>of</strong> Ethopia English Bombing Asmara 1403 MF9580.0 0008 554 ROU Radio Romania Int English Radio News reel 3003 RL9645.0 0343 453 ROU Radio Romania Int English All that jazz 2903 RL9650.0 1220 121 CAN KBS World English Korean export to N. Am. 1803 MF9655.0 1729 352 POL Polish Radio via Austria English Piano music heard 3003 RL9675.0 0029 543 SRB Int Radio Serbia English 0030, News read 3003 RL9700.0 0257 553 BUL Radio Bulgaria English Folk studio 2903 RL9780.0 1815 111 YEM Radio Saana English Yemen monument rescue 1403 MF9780.0 1230 111 ALS KNLS English Alaska highway to Jesus 1803 MF9790.0 0025 553 CZE Radio Prague English Talking point 3103 RL9840.0 1740 111 UAE Voice <strong>of</strong> South Sudan English UN troops and bloodshed 1403 MF9485.0 1559 443 USA Voice <strong>of</strong> America English Science Special english 3003 RL9860.0 0049 433 ALB Radio Tirana English English program 3103 RL9955.0 0102 352 USA WRMI Maimi FL English Happy Station 0104 RL9975.0 1425 443 GUM KTWR English QRM 9980 khz 2903 RL11700.0 2332 453 BUL Radio Bulgaria English Magazine Economy 3003 RL11735.0 1710 111 TZA Radio Tanzania English Airport closed 1403 MF11735.0 1724 453 ROU Radio Romania Int English Listeners letterbox 2803 RL11775.0 1250 111 AIA Carribean Beacon English God and Hope station 1803 MF11795.0 1905 453 D DW Radio via Rampisham English Maple leaf mailbag 2803 RL11840.0 2319 554 CAN China Radio Int Sackville English PM Beijing hour 2903 RL11865.0 2002 453 D DW Radio via Sines English Inspired minds 2903 RL11880.0 2029 433 ROU Radio Romania Int English Inside Romania 2803 RL11970.0 2001 453 F Radio Netherlands,Issodun English Earth beat eat insects 2803 RL12040.0 1932 453 RUS Voice <strong>of</strong> Russia English Treasure store 2803 RL13640.0 1845 453 ALB Radio Tirana English This is Radio Tirana 2903 RL

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