4 - 2010 - Archive copies of DX MAGAZINE - worldwide dx club

4 - 2010 - Archive copies of DX MAGAZINE - worldwide dx club 4 - 2010 - Archive copies of DX MAGAZINE - worldwide dx club

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161000 Korean (PBS) 7200 9345 NECHN1100 Chinese 7200 9345 CHN1100 French 6185 9850 SEAs1100 French 6285 9335 CAm, SAm1100 Japanese 621 3250 6070 7580 9650 J1200 Japanese 621 3250 6070 7580 9650 J1200 Korean (KCBS) 6185 9850 SEAs1200 Korean (KCBS) 6285 9335 CAm, SAm1200 Korean (PBS) 7200 9345 NECHN1300 Chinese 6185 9850 SEAs1300 English 7570 12015 WEu1300 English 9335 11710 NAm1300 Korean (PBS) 6285 9325 Eu1400 French 7570 12015 WEu1400 French 9335 11710 NAm1400 Korean (KCBS) 6185 9850 SEAs1400 Russian 6285 9325 Eu1500 Arabic 9990 11545 ME, NAf1500 English 7570 12015 WEu1500 English 9335 11710 NAm1500 Russian 6285 9325 Eu1600 English 9990 11545 ME, NAf1600 French 7570 12015 WEu1600 French 9335 11710 NAm1600 German 6285 9325 WEu1700 Arabic 9990 11545 ME, NAf1700 Korean (KCBS) 7570 12015 WEu1700 Korean (KCBS) 9335 11710 NAm1700 Russian 6285 9325 Eu1800 English 7570 12015 WEu1800 French 7210 11910 SAf1800 French 9975 11535 ME, NAf1800 German 6285 9325 WEu1900 English 7210 11910 SAf1900 English 9975 11535 ME, NAf1900 German 6285 9325 WEu1900 Spanish 7570 12015 WEu2000 French 7570 12015 WEu2000 Korean (KCBS) 6285 9325 WEu2000 Korean (KCBS) 7210 11910 SAf2000 Korean (KCBS) 9975 11535 ME, NAf2100 Chinese 7235 9345 NECHN2100 Chinese 9975 11535 CHN2100 English 7570 12015 WEu2100 Japanese 621 3250 7580 9650 J2200 Chinese 7235 9345 NECHN2200 Chinese 9975 11535 CHN2200 Japanese 621 3250 7580 9650 J2200 Spanish 7570 12015 WEu2300 Japanese 621 3250 7580 9650 J2300 Korean (KCBS) 7235 9345 NECHN2300 Korean (KCBS) 7570 12015 WEu2300 Korean (KCBS) 9975 11535 CHNAll times in UTC, all frequencies in kHz , subject to change at short notice. Programmes last 47 to 57 minutes*. Databased on announcements and schedules of the Voice of Korea and own monitoring.KCBS Korean Central Broadcasting Station (Choson Jungang Pangsong) PBS Pyongyang Broadcasting Station(Pyongyang Pangsong) (Arnulf Piontek-D, wwdxc March 28)KOREA D.P.R. [non] - Broadcast for North Korea:Voice of Martyrs6240 1600-1700 Korean 100 65 Tashkent UZB VOM a10Radio Free Chosun7470 1500-1530 Korean 100 70 Dushanbe-Yangiyul TJK RFC a10

177490 2000-2100 Korean 200 65 Tashkent UZB RFC a1011560 1200-1300 Korean 300 65 Yerevan-Gavar ARM RFC a1012085 1230-1300 Korean 100 65 Tashkent UZB RFC a10Radio Free North Korea7490 1300-1400 Korean 100 70 Dushanbe-Yangiyul TJK FNK a107490 1400-1500 Korean 100 70 Dushanbe-Yangiyul TJK FNK a107530 1900-2000 Korean 300 65 Yerevan-Gavar ARM FNK a107530 2000-2100 Korean 300 65 Yerevan-Gavar ARM FNK a1012155 1100-1200 Korean 100 70 Dushanbe-Yangiyul TJK FNK a10North Korea Reform Radio7590 1500-1600 Korean 100 65 Tashkent UZB NKRR a10Open Radio North Korea7510 2100-2200 Korean 300 65 Yerevan-Gavar ARM ORNK a1011570 1400-1500 Korean 100 65 Tashkent UZB ORNK a10Furusato no Kaze9780 1600-1630 Japanese 250 45 Tainan TWN JCI a109950 1333-1357 Japanese 100 2 Taipei TWN JCI a109960 1430-1500 Japanese 100 345 Koror PLW JCI T8WH4 a10Nippon no Kaze "il bon ue baram"9880 1300-1330 Korean 100 2 Taipei TWN JCI a109965 1530-1600 Korean 100 345 Koror PLW JCI T8WH4 a109975 1500-1530 Korean 100 345 Koror PLW JCI T8WH4 a10Voice of Wilderness11680 1300-1400 Korean 300 65 Yerevan-Gavar ARM CMI a10(monitored on March 28 by Hiroshi) (Sei-ichi Hasegawa-JPN NDXC, dxld Apr 1)LAOS - 7145, Lao National R., Vientiane, 1324-1359*, March 21. domestic news in English (two Lao students wonfirst prize at a regional event held in Malaysia for the SEAMEO Search for Young Scientists Competition, with thetheme “sustainable solutions for the local communityâ€?, etc.); 1354 into FM programming in Laotian; poor toalmost fair (Ron Howard, Asilomar Beach, CA, Etón E1, dxldyg via WOR 1505, DXLD)7145.01, 1351-1359'30*, Lao National Radio, Vientiane, 21/03, English, YL talk and music at least â€" too weak forclear ID or more exact details under local noise and SSB QRM.(Mikhail Timofeyev, North-East part of the St. Petersburg city, Russia, Icom R75, 15 meters outdoor long wire,HCDX via WOR 1505, DXLD)LIBYA - Summer A-10 of LJBC - Voice of Africa:Swahili1200-1357 on 17725 SAB 500 kW / 180 deg to NEAf1200-1357 on 21695 SAB 500 kW / 130 deg to ECAfEnglish [same as in B-09; are the others, too? -- gh]1400-1557 on 17725 SAB 500 kW / 180 deg to NEAf1400-1557 on 21695 SAB 500 kW / 130 deg to ECAfFrench1600-1657 on 15660 SAB 500 kW / 230 deg to WNAf1600-1657 on 17725 SAB 500 kW / 180 deg to NEAf1700-1757 on 11995 SAB 500 kW / 230 deg to WNAf1700-1757 on 15215 SAB 500 kW / 180 deg to NEAfHausa1800-1857 on 11995 SAB 500 kW / 230 deg to WNAf1800-1857 on 15215 SAB 500 kW / 180 deg to NEAf1900-1957 on 11600 SAB 500 kW / 180 deg to NEAf1900-1957 on 11995 SAB 500 kW / 230 deg to WNAf(DX Mix News, Bulgaria, 22 March via DXLD)LITHUANIA - Summer A-10 of Sitkunai Relays:

161000 Korean (PBS) 7200 9345 NECHN1100 Chinese 7200 9345 CHN1100 French 6185 9850 SEAs1100 French 6285 9335 CAm, SAm1100 Japanese 621 3250 6070 7580 9650 J1200 Japanese 621 3250 6070 7580 9650 J1200 Korean (KCBS) 6185 9850 SEAs1200 Korean (KCBS) 6285 9335 CAm, SAm1200 Korean (PBS) 7200 9345 NECHN1300 Chinese 6185 9850 SEAs1300 English 7570 12015 WEu1300 English 9335 11710 NAm1300 Korean (PBS) 6285 9325 Eu1400 French 7570 12015 WEu1400 French 9335 11710 NAm1400 Korean (KCBS) 6185 9850 SEAs1400 Russian 6285 9325 Eu1500 Arabic 9990 11545 ME, NAf1500 English 7570 12015 WEu1500 English 9335 11710 NAm1500 Russian 6285 9325 Eu1600 English 9990 11545 ME, NAf1600 French 7570 12015 WEu1600 French 9335 11710 NAm1600 German 6285 9325 WEu1700 Arabic 9990 11545 ME, NAf1700 Korean (KCBS) 7570 12015 WEu1700 Korean (KCBS) 9335 11710 NAm1700 Russian 6285 9325 Eu1800 English 7570 12015 WEu1800 French 7210 11910 SAf1800 French 9975 11535 ME, NAf1800 German 6285 9325 WEu1900 English 7210 11910 SAf1900 English 9975 11535 ME, NAf1900 German 6285 9325 WEu1900 Spanish 7570 12015 WEu2000 French 7570 12015 WEu2000 Korean (KCBS) 6285 9325 WEu2000 Korean (KCBS) 7210 11910 SAf2000 Korean (KCBS) 9975 11535 ME, NAf2100 Chinese 7235 9345 NECHN2100 Chinese 9975 11535 CHN2100 English 7570 12015 WEu2100 Japanese 621 3250 7580 9650 J2200 Chinese 7235 9345 NECHN2200 Chinese 9975 11535 CHN2200 Japanese 621 3250 7580 9650 J2200 Spanish 7570 12015 WEu2300 Japanese 621 3250 7580 9650 J2300 Korean (KCBS) 7235 9345 NECHN2300 Korean (KCBS) 7570 12015 WEu2300 Korean (KCBS) 9975 11535 CHNAll times in UTC, all frequencies in kHz , subject to change at short notice. Programmes last 47 to 57 minutes*. Databased on announcements and schedules <strong>of</strong> the Voice <strong>of</strong> Korea and own monitoring.KCBS Korean Central Broadcasting Station (Choson Jungang Pangsong) PBS Pyongyang Broadcasting Station(Pyongyang Pangsong) (Arnulf Piontek-D, ww<strong>dx</strong>c March 28)KOREA D.P.R. [non] - Broadcast for North Korea:Voice <strong>of</strong> Martyrs6240 1600-1700 Korean 100 65 Tashkent UZB VOM a10Radio Free Chosun7470 1500-1530 Korean 100 70 Dushanbe-Yangiyul TJK RFC a10

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