B68 Bargains - Oxbow Books

B68 Bargains - Oxbow Books B68 Bargains - Oxbow Books

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iv<strong>Bargains</strong> and Good Deals!Near EastOne Hundred Years of American Archaeology in theMiddle East edited by Douglas Clark and VictorMatthews. These essays provide a useful synthesis ofthe results of North American excavations in the MiddleEast region over the past century, and their implicationsfor historical and anthropological research. 256p b/willus (ASOR 2003) Pb was £22.95 now £6.95ASOR Annual 53 edited by William G. Dever. Thisvolume reports on excavations at Sardis, 1992 and 1993,on two Late Roman Wells at Sardis, on the site of Idalionin Cyprus and on early town development and watermanagement in the Jordan Valley. 154p, b/w illus (ASOR53, 1996) Hb was £60.00 now £6.95Shechem I: The Middle Bronze IIB Pottery by Dan P.Cole. This volume reports on, and catalogues, thepottery from the Middle Bronze IIB period (c.1750-1650BC) recovered during excavations of Tell Balatah,otherwise known as Schechem. The material is alsocontrasted with pottery found elsewhere, on the coastand in the Jordan Valley. 203p, b/w figs, fold-outs (ASOR1984) Hb was £55.00 now £9.95Recent Excavations in Israel: Studies in Iron AgeArchaeology edited by Seymour Gitin and William G.Dever. Nine papers which discuss the impact of recentexcavations on our knowledge of Iron Age Israel. 152pb/w illus (ASOR Annual 49, Eisenbrauns 1989) Hb was£40.00 now £9.95Uncovering Ancient Stones edited by Lewis M. Hopfe.This volume contains nineteen essays on Old Testamentarchaeology and Biblical studies collected in memoryof H. Neil Richardson. 270p (Eisenbrauns 1994) Hb was£45.00 now £9.95Ki Baruch Hu: Ancient Near Eastern, Biblical andJudaic Studies in Honor of Baruch A. Levine. A hugefestschrift comprising 41 essays exploring mainlytextual perspectives on Ancient Near Eastern andJewish history and religious practice. 675p (Eisenbrauns1999) Hb was £69.50 now £9.95The City of Ugarit at Tell Ras Sharma by MargueriteYon. In this volume, Marguerite Yon, the principalinvestigator since the early 1970s in behalf of the Frencharchaeological team, brings us up-to-date on the 70-year-long excavation of the site. 179p col illus(Eisenbrauns 2006) Hb was £35.00 now £9.95Ancient Architecture by Seton Lloyd. This book tracesthe earliest history of architecture at its birthplace inthe ancient Middle East and ancient Egypt, and coversarcheological sites, temples, tombs, and earlydwellings. The text is accompanied by over 250photographs and plans. 192p b/w and col illus (Electa1972, repr. 2004) Pb was £19.95 now £7.95Art of the First Cities: The Third Millennium BC fromthe Mediterranean to the Indus edited by Joan Aruz.This large volume accompanies an exhibition held atthe Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York in 2003,celebrating the artistic achievements of the periodduring which the first cities emerged in Mesopotamia.The impressive list of international contributors presentthematic studies of the major cities of Mesopotamia andtheir artistic and literary legacy, as well as placing theobjects from the exhibition in a social and historicalcontext. 539p, 712 illus (535 in col), maps (MetropolitanMuseum of Art 2003) Pb was £45.00 now £14.95Near EastAegean PrehistoryBeyond Babylon: Art Trade and Diplomacy in theSecond Millennium BC edited by Joan Aruz, KimBenzel and Jean M. Evans. An enormous book,published to accompany an exhibition at theMetroplitan Museum of Art, which draws togetheran array of specialists to provide a detailed picture ofcultural contacts across Egypt, the Near East and theAegean in the middle to late Bronze Age. 524p col illust/out (Metropolitan Museum 2008) Pb £45.00 now £14.95The Excavation of Bethel (1934-1960) by James L.Kelso. The final report on extensive excavations at theBiblical city of Bethel, revealing occupation from theChalcolithic to the Byzantine age, with a particularfocus on the ceramic finds. 128p, 121 b/w pls (Annualof the American Schools of Oriental Research 1968) Hbwas £25.00 now £6.95Assyrian Stone Vessels and Related Material in theBritish Museum by Ann Searight, Julian Reade andIrving Finkel. This catalogue contains more than 600complete or fragmentary stone vessels kept in theBritish Museum. Most were excavated at Nineveh andother major sites in northern Iraq and Syria. 192p, 67illus, 1 map (<strong>Oxbow</strong> <strong>Books</strong> 2008) Hb was £65.00 now£14.95The Troad: An Archaeological and TopographicalStudy by J.M. Cook. A study of the Troad based onthe author’s fieldwork between 1960 and 1969. Usingancient sources, accounts of more recent travellers,maps and archaeological surveys, Cook presents anaccount of patterns of habitation in the area fromancient times to the present day. 443p, illus (OxfordUP 1973, rep 1999) Hb was £19.99 now £9.95Engendering Aphrodite: Women and Society inAncient Cyprus edited by Diane Bolger and NancySerwint. Papers focusing on issues of gender andsociety in ancient Cyprus from the Neolithic to Romanperiods. 350p (ASOR 2002) Hb was £70.00 now £9.95Archaeology Meets Science: BiomolecularInvestigations in Bronze Age Greece edited byYannis Tzedakis, Holley Martlew and Martin K. Jones.Using organic residue and stable isotope analysisthese studies analyse the food and drink consumedby ordinary people in Bronze Age Greece. 320p(<strong>Oxbow</strong> <strong>Books</strong> 2008) Hb was £60.00 now £19.95Escaping the Labyrinth: The Cretan Neolithic inContext edited by V Isaakidou and P Tomkins.Thirteen papers explore two aspects of the CretanNeolithic: the results of recent re-analysis of a rangeof bodies of material from J.D. Evans’ excavations atEN-FN Knossos; and new insights into the Cretan Lateand Final Neolithic and the contentious belatedcolonisation of the rest of the island. 240p, 80 b/w illus(<strong>Oxbow</strong> <strong>Books</strong> 2008) Pb was £24.00 now £10.00Travelling Heroes by Robin Lane Fox. This grippingbook describes how the Greeks of the eighth centuryBC travelled east and west around the Mediterranean,and how these extraordinary journeys shaped theirideas of their gods and heroes, rejecting the idea thattheir mythology was essentially a Near Easternimport. 514p b/w and col pls (Allen Lane 2008, Pb 2009)Hb was £30.00 now £7.95

<strong>Bargains</strong> and Good Deals!vReadings from Classical Rhetoric edited by PatriciaP. Matsen, Philip Rollinson and Marion Sousa. Thisreader contains a selection of extracts designed to givea detailed overview of ancient rhetoric, its theory andpractice, and its centrality to Classical thought. The24 authors range from Homer to Augustine. 382p(Southern Illinois UP 1990) Hb was £33.95 now £9.95The Woman and the Lyre: Women Writers in Classicaland Rome by Jane McIntosh Snyder. In this overviewof women writes of antiquity Snyder shows that wehave far more evidence for for female literaryendeavour than might be thought, analysing works bysuch authors as Myrtis, Korinna, Leonton, Theano,Hortensia and Egeria among many others, alongsidethe more famous Sappho. 199p (Southern Illinois UP1989) Pb was £21.95 now £6.95Soldiers & Ghosts: A History of Battle in ClassicalAntiquity by J.E. Lendon. This study of militarychanges across Greece focuses on war as experiencedby Lendon emphasises the role of discipline, heroism,patriotism, military obedience, loyalty, andrecollection and emulation of a heroic past in thehistory of warfare and discusses how both Greeks andRomans built on the ‘ghosts of tradition’, the culturaltraditions and heroes of the past. 468p (Yale UP 2005)Hb was £19.95 now £9.95Ancient Greek Terracottas by C. F. Vafopoulou-Richardson. This introductory study, based on theAshmolean’s collection, illustrates many statuettesand reliefs and discusses their dignificance in Greekculture. 56p, 50 b/w and 12 colour illus (AshmoleanMuseum 1991) Pb was £7.99 now £3.95The Sanctuary of Apollo Hypoakraios and ImperialAthens by Peter E. Nulton. The Cave Sanctuary ofApollo on the North Slope of the Acropolis at Athenswas investigated in 1896-97 and produced a richcollection of inscriptions relating to the cult. Theseinscriptions are published in full for the first time inthis work. 96p, illustrated (Brown UP 2003) Pb was £29.00now £7.95Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: Joslyn Art MuseumOmaha, Fasc 1 (USA Fasc 21) by Ann Steiner. 50p foldoutpls (Getty 1986) Hb was £50.00 now £14.95Games and Sanctuaries in Ancient Greece by PanosValavanis. This huge and fully illustrated volumecelebrates the unique place that sport occupied inGreek religion and culture. Valavanis’ scholarlynarrative focuses on the archaeological and historicalevidence for the four panhellenic games - Olympia,Delphi, Isthmia and Nemea - and the Panathenaicgames held in Athens. 447p col illus (Getty 2004) Hbwas £50.00 now £19.95Colony and Mother City in Ancient Greece by A.J.Graham. An investigation of the special relationshipbetween Greek colonies and their mother citiesbetween the 8th and 4th centuries BC, based onarchaeological, epigraphic and literary evidence.Graham initially examines the ideology behind thefounding of colonies before discussing specific cities,including Thasos, Miletus, Corinth and Athens. 259p(Manchestyer UP 1964, rep 1999) Hb was £9.99 now £4.95Classical WorldGreeceThe Greeks and Greek Love by James Davidson. Thisbook aims to totally rewrite the dominant theoriesabout homosexuality in ancient Greece. Sir Ken Dovercomes in for particular criticism, as Davidson arguesthat his characterization of a distinction betweenerastes and eromenos, and consequent obsession withsodomy, specifically the humiliation involved in beingpenetrated is just plain wrong. Instead he rehabilitatesthe idea that homosexual relationships in ancientGreece were romantic and loving, not merely part of aritualised power game. 634p b/w illus (Weidenfeld andNicholson 2007, Pb 2008) Pb was £16.99 now £6.95Excavations at Tocra 1963-1965: The Archaic DepositsI by John Boardman and John Hayes. A full account ofthe excavations and an illustrated description of thefinds, including a large amount of pottery. 170p, 105 b/w pls, text figs (British School at Athens, Thames andHudson 1966) Hb was £25.00 now £9.95Greek Architecture by Roland Martin. This surveytakes the reader through the history of Greekarchitecture from Minoan Crete to the Hellenistic era.Straightforward, readable text is placed side-by-sidewith large photographs and drawings. 201p b/w andcol illus (Electa 1972, repr. 2003) Pb was £19.95 now £7.95Dionysius I: War-Lord of Sicily by Brian Caven. Arevisionist account of Dionysius, portraying him notas a stock tyrant-figure but as a romantic crusader,determined to liberate Sicily from the Carthaginiansand surpass in glory the greatest of Sicilian militaryheroes, Gelon of Syracuse. 272p b/w illus (Yale UP 1990)Hb was £25.00 now £9.95Aris & Phillips Classical TextsEach Comprises the Greek text with facing Englishtranslation, an introduction and commentary.Were £40.00 now £9.95 each!Aristophanes: Knights edited by Alan SommersteinAristotle: On Sleep and Dreams edited by DavidGallopEuripides: Children of Heracles edited by WilliamAllanEuripides: Heracles edited by Shirley A. BarlowEuripides: Iphigenia in Tauris edited by M.J. CroppEuripides: Phoenician Women edited by E. CraikGreek Orators II: Dinarchus and Hyperides editedby Ian WorthingtonGreek Orators IV: Andocides edited by M. EdwardsHomer: Iliad VIII and IX edited by C.H. WilsonPindar: Selected Odes edited by Stephen InstonePlato: Statesman edited by C.J. RowePlutarch: The Malice of Herodotus edited by A.J.BowenPlutarch: Themistocles edited by J.L. MarrSophocles: Antigone edited by A.L. BrownThucydides: History, Book II edited by P.J. RhodesThucydides: History, Book IV - V.24 edited by P.J.RhodesXenophon and Arrian on Hunting edited by A.A.Phillips and M.M. WillcockXenophon: Symposium edited by A.J. BowenGreeceGreek LiteratureClassical World

viii<strong>Bargains</strong> and Good Deals!Greek LiteratureRomeOedipus: The Meaning of a Masculine Life byThomas Van Nortwick. This study reads Sophocles’Oedipus plays as a drammatization of the masculinelife-cycle, the events of Oedipus’s life mirroring thestruggle for meaning in different stages of the agingprocess. 185p (Oklahoma UP 1998) Hb was £15.95 now£5.95The External Evidence for Interpolation in Homerby G.M. Boling. A painstaking reconstruction of theearliest texts of the Iliad and the Odyssey based onthe identification and elimination of interpolations andan understanding of the traditions of earlyinterpolators and editors. 259p (Oxford UP 1925, rep1998) Hb was £12.99 now £5.95The War That Killed Achilles by Caroline Alexander.This book explores and retells the Illiad through theprism of its overriding subject - that of war. CarolineAlexander looks at what the Iliad has to say aboutmany of the issues and ambiguities surroundingwarfare, at what constitutes heroism, loyalty andjustice, honour and glory, as well as the horrors of war.296p (Viking 2009) Hb was £20.00 now £5.95The Army of the Roman Republic: The SecondCentury BC, Polybius and the Camps at Numantia,Spain by Mike Dobson. The main source ofarchaeological evidence for Late Roman Republicancamps is a complex of installations around the Iberiancity of Numantia in Spain, excavated by AdolfSchulten in the early 1900s. This book reassessesSchulten and concludes that much of his interpretationis questionable. Radically different alternativereconstructions making use of recent fieldwork arepresented for several of the sites. 436p, 282 illus (<strong>Oxbow</strong><strong>Books</strong> 2008) Hb was £40.00 now £15.00TRAC 2007 edited by Corisande Fenwick, MeredithWiggins and Dave Wythe. Sessions includedDeveloping Identity in Roman Studies?; Thearchaeology of ethnic conflict: Race, equality andpower in the Roman world; Roman Archaeologies inContext; The Archaeological Potential of Londiniumand Experiencing the Sacred. 128p, b/w illus (<strong>Oxbow</strong><strong>Books</strong> 2008) Pb was £28.00 now £6.95The Mystery of the Portland Vase by Robin Brooks.This wonderful book charts the history of the vase in aseries of nineteen ‘fragments’, from its discovery in1582 and journey through Europe via a series ofcolourful owners, to its current location in the BritishMuseum and restoration after being smashed in 1845.241p b/w pls (Duckworth 2004) Pb was £9.99 now £3.95The Empress Zenobia: Palmyra’s Rebel Queen by PatSouthern. This book is a valiant attempt at sorting truthfrom legend about Zenobia, the third-century ADqueen of Palmyra, who proclaimed herself empress,conquered Egypt and defied the authority of Rome.214p (Continuum <strong>Books</strong> 2009) Hb was £25.00 now £9.95Restorer of the World: The Roman Emperor Aurelianby John F. White. A traditionalist popular history ofthe third century Danubian Emperors, focusing on themilitary victories of Aurelian, and his achievement inre-uniting the empire. 196p b/w maps and pls (Spellmount2005, Pb 2007) Pb was £12.99 now £4.95RomeLatin LiteratureLooking at Laughter: Humor, Power andTransgression in Roman Visual Culture, 100 BC - AD250 by John R. Clarke. In this engaging study John R.Clarke asks what the Romans found funny, and why.As the title would suggest, he focuses on the evidenceto be found in Roman art and material culture,including graffitti, although literary sources of courseprovide a framework for the study. 321p col and b/willus (California UP 2007) Hb was £37.95 now £14.95Rubicon: The Triumph and Tragedy of the RomanRepublic by Tom Holland. Holland’s gripping andbest-selling narrative history of the fall of the RomanRepublic. 430p, 38 col and b/w pls (Little Brown 2003, Pb2004) Pb was £10.99 now £4.95Fasti Sacerdotum: A Prosopography of Pagan, Jewishand Christian Religious Officials in the City of Rome,300 BC to AD 499 by Jorg Rupke, biographies ofChristian officials by Anne Glock. After introductoryessays on the documentary sources for the variousGreek, Roman, Oriental, Jewish, and Christian cultsin question, there are yearly lists of religious officeholdersof various kinds, followed by 4,000 biographiesof individuals who fulfilled ritual, organizational, ordoctrinal roles. 1106p (Oxford UP 2008) Hb was £325.00now £49.95The Ash Chests and Other Funerary Reliefs byGlenys Davies. A comprehensive catalogue of the 1stand 2nd century AD Roman marble ash chests fromthe collection of Henry Blundell, now in Liverpool,comprising fifty four ash chests, forty six separate lids,two cinerary vases, two grave altars, six gravestonesand some fragments. 186p, 116pls. (Von Zabern 2007)Hb was £69.00 now £19.95Farewell Britannia: A Family Saga of Roman Britainby Simon Young. Simon Young has invented a multigenerationalfamily, to tell the dramatic story of 400years of Roman rule in Britain. The narrator is writingthis ‘family history’ in 430 AD, and chooses 14 of themost interesting, but not always the most admirable,of his ancestors to narrate bothbig events and everydaylife. 286p (Weidenfeld & Nicholson 2007) Hb was £16.99now £6.95The Vigour of Prophecy: A Study of Virgil’s Aeneidby Elisabeth Henry. This study looks at themultilayering of time in the Aeneid, and how memoryand premonition are used by Vergil in constructing hisnarrative, representing wider concerns about Rome’shistory and destiny. 227p (Southern Illinois UP 1989)Hb was £26.50 now £6.95Propertius: Modernist Poet of Antiquity by D.Thomas Benediktson. An examination of Propertiusin light of modernist literary techniques, especiallyinternal monologue or stream of consciousness andimagism. 176p (Southern Illinois University Press 1989)Hb was £26.50 now £6.95When the Lamp is Shattered: Desire and Narrativein Catullus by Micaela Janan. This study draws onpostmodern and feminist theory to re-examineconcepts of desire, gender and sexuality in Catullus,grounding the conflicting standpoints of the narratorin the social upheavals of the late republic. 204p(Southern Illinois UP 1994) Hb was £35.50 now £9.95

<strong>Bargains</strong> and Good Deals!ixChichester Excavations - Buy all 8 volumes foronly £24.95Chichester Excavations 1 by Alec Down. Begins withan essay on the origin of Chichester by Barry Cunliffe;provides a gazetteer of Roman sites within the city andreports on Roman and Medieval excavations. 172p withfigs, 16 pls. (Phillimore 1971) Hb was £24.00 now £4.95Chichester Excavations 2 by Alec Down. Reports onexcavations of Roman, Medieval and Later sites in thecity, including the Eastgate Bastion; includes agazetteer of Saxon and medieval sites and finds fromthe city. 162p with figures, 33 pls. (Phillimore 1974) Hbwas £24.00 now £4.95Chichester Excavations 3 by Alec Down. Reports onexcavations and Roman finds from the NW quadrantof the Roman town; on two Medieval pottery kilns;gazetteer of post-Medieval sites; discussion ofChichester's early occupation. 373p with figs, 20 pls.(Phillimore 1977) Hb was £36.00 now £4.95Chichester Excavations 4 by Alec Down. A fullaccount of the excavation of three Roman villas. Plansand photos of excavations, reconstructions ofbuildings, illustration of finds: mosaics, pottery,objects. 202p, 20pls. (Philimore 1979) Hb was £24.00 now£4.95Chichester Excavations 5 by Alec Down. Reports onexcavations of Roman and Medieval sites in the city,with specialist accounts of the finds. 298p with figs andpls. (Phillimore 1981) Hb was £36.00 now £4.95Chichester Excavations 6 by Alec Down. Excavationsaround the town between 1978 and 1982 produceevidence for: early Bronze Age, late Iron Age (pre-Conquest amphorae), massive defensive ditch of timeof Cogidubnius, evidence for Leg II Aug in AD 43, etc..301p with figs (Phillimore, 1989) Hb was £36.00 now £4.95Chichester Excavations 7 by Alec Down and MartinWelch. The Apple Down excavations produced anAnglo-Saxon cemetery of some 200 graves,inhumations and cremations, from the early 6thcentury to the late 7th. 252p with figs and photos.(Phillimore 1990) Hb was £40.00 now £4.95Chichester Excavations 8 by Alec Down and JohnMagilton. Excavations within the historic centre ofChichester between 1982 and 1991. Important findsincluded the first lead coffins from the Roman periodfound in the city, and a Roman mosaic from St. Peter's,North Street. 260p with text figs and 23 plates. (Phillimore1993) Hb was £40.00 now £4.95Excavations at Barrow Hills, Radley, Oxfordshire,1983-85, Volume 2: The Romano-British Cemeteryand Anglo-Saxon Settlement by R.A. Chambers andE. McAdam. The Romano-British cemetery consistedof 69 burials dating to the 3rd and 4th centuries; bothinhumations and cremations were found. The Anglo-Saxon settlement was composed of post-builtstructures, sunken-featured buildings, twoinhumations, pits, debris dumped into the prehistoricbarrow ditches and various other features, dated byfinds evidence to the 4th-early 7th centuries. 280p b/willus (Oxford Archaeology 2006) Hb was £24.99 now £7.50Roman BritainRoman BritainAris & Phillips Classical TextsEach Comprises the Latin text with facing Englishtranslation, an introduction and commentary.Were £40.00 now £9.95 each!Caesar: Civil War, I & II edited by J.M. CarterCicero: On Stoic Good and Evil edited by M.R. WrightLivy: Book 37 edited by P.G. WalshLivy: Book 38 edited by P.G. WalshLivy: Book 40 edited by P.G. WalshLucretius: De Rerum Natura III edited by MichaelBrownOvid: Metamorphoses IX-XII edited by D.E. HillPlautus: Bacchides edited by J.A. BarsbyPropertius I edited by Robert J. BakerSeneca: Four Dialogues by C.D.N. CostaSuetonius: Lives of Galba, Otho and Vitellius editedby D.C.A. ShotterTacitus: Annals V and VI edited by Ronald MartinTerence: The Eunuch edited by A.J. BrothersThe Treasures of Coptic Art in the Coptic Museumand Churches of Old Cairo by Gawdat Gabra andMarianne Eaton-Krauss. Over a hundred of thetreasures of the Coptic Museum (Cairo), are displayedin beautiful photographs alongside text providing adescription of Coptic art and civilisation. Alsoincluded are photographs of the surrounding churches.240p, 150 col pls (Yale UP 2005) Hb was £51.50 now£17.95The Treasures of the Monastery of Saint Catherineby Corinna Rossi. The text gives an account of thehistory of the Sinai monastery, and its art andarchitecture, as well as of recent investigations anddiscoveries, whilst the stunning photography reallysteals the show. 208p col illus (American University inCairo Press 2006) Hb was £30.00 now £9.95The Color of Ivory: Polychromy on Byzantine Ivoriesby Carolyn L. Connor. This study shows that Byzantineivory carvings, often assumed to have beenmonochromatic, were orginally brightly coloured inhues of red, blue, green and gold. Connor’s argumentsare based on scientific analysis of ivory objects suchas boxes, plaques and book covers, which revealedtraces of paint. 129p, 11 colour and 8 b/w plates (PrincetonUP 1998) Hb was £82.00 now £24.95Arts of the City Victorious: Islamic Art andArchitecture in Fatimid North Africa by Jonathan M.Bloom. The Fatimids ruled in North Africa and Egyptfrom 909-1171 and produced some distinctive andspectacular art and architecture, which this lavishlyillustrated book synthesises into an impressivelydetailed one volume study. 236p col illus (AmericanUniversity in Cairo Press 2007) Hb was £45.00 now £14.95Oswald: Northumbrian King to European Saintedited by Clare Stancliffe and Eric Cambridge. Theseeleven new essays place Oswald’s reign in its 7thcenturycontext and trace the growth of his cult fromits Anglo-Saxon origins to the broader European andlater medieval world. 301p b/w pls (Paul Watkins 1995)Pb was £14.95 now £7.95Latin Literature Late Antiquity and ByzantiumIslamic Anglo-Saxon

<strong>Bargains</strong> and Good Deals!xiThe Loss of Normandy, 1189-1204 by MauricePowicke. A detailed study of the years leading up toJohn’s loss of the dukedom in 1204, looking inparticular at institutional and financial factors. 424pmaps (Manchester UP 1913, 2nd ed 1960, Sandpiper reprint1999) Hb was £14.99 now £6.95Suicide in the Middle Ages, Volume I: The ViolentAgainst Themselves by Alexander Murray. This firstvolume demonstrates how the historian can elucidateinstances of medieval suicide, using chronicles, legalrecords and religious sources, and portrays numerousindividual cases, from drunken wives and religiousmelancholics, to criminals and those disappointed inlove. 485p (Oxford UP 1998, Pb 2008) Pb was £28.00 now£9.95The Rusted Hauberk: Feudal Ideas of Order andTheir Decline edited by Liam O. Purdon and Cindy L.Vitto. These essays look at medieval conceptions of thedecline of the feudal ideal, exploring the relationshipbetween the expressed ideals of the feudal age andactually custom and practice. 338p (University Press ofFlorida 1994) Hb was £51.95 now £9.95Downfall of the Crusader Kingdom: The Battle ofHattin and the Loss of Jerusalem by W.B. Bartlett. Thisis an enjoyable romp through the politics and quarrelsof the Kingdom of Jerusalem in the later 12th century.The narrative is brisk and the plots and counter-plots,with larger than life characters like Reynald ofChatillon, Gerard of Ridfort and Saladin are portrayedwith obvious relish. 272p col pls (Sutton 2007, Pb 2010)Pb was £12.99 now £4.95The Fourth Crusade and the Sack of Constantinopleby Jonathan Phillips. A vivid, well-researched historyof the Fourth Crusade which was diverted toConstantinople. Phillips looks at the motives of thecrusaders, the logistics of the operation and the reasonsbehind the rerouting of the Crusade, as well as thetwists and turns of Byzantine political events. 374p b/w pls (Penguin 2004, Pb 2005) Pb was £9.99 now £4.95Lopes: The English in Portugal, 1383-87 translated byDerek W Lomax and R J Oakley. Portuguese text andfacing English translation of Joao Lopes’ importantC14th chronicle detailing English intervention inPortugal during the Hundred Years War. 402p (Arisand Phillips 1988) Hb was £35.00 now £9.95The Ancient Enemy by Malcolm Vale. Dr. Vale narratesthe history of relations between England and Francefrom the dawn of the Angevin Empire under Henry II,to the disasters of John’s reign, and traces the course ofthe Hundred years war, extending his account downto 1558 and the loss of Calais. He also looks at the waysin which national identities were formed over thecourse of these centuries and the continuing symbolismof medieval events for the present-day nations. 174p b/w pls (Hambledon 2007) Hb was £65.00 now £9.95The Last Crusaders by Barnaby Rogerson. Thisnarrative charts the titanic struggle between HapsburgledChristendom and the Ottoman empire in thefifteenth and sixteenth centuries. It focuses on the greatnaval campaigns and the ferocious struggle todominate the North African shore. 481p b/w illus (Abacus2009) Pb was £14.99 now £5.95Medieval EuropeThe Likeness of Venice: A Life of Doge FrancescoFoscari 1373-1457 by Dennis Romano. This substantialstudy traces the career of Francesco Foscari, Doge from1423-57, setting the turbulent events of his time inoffice against the backdrop of wider Europeanpolitical, economic and social changes, and examiningtheir impact on the Venetian political system. 468p b/w and col pls (Yale UP 2007) Hb was £25.00 now £9.95The Raven King: Matthias Corvinus and the Fate ofHis Lost Library by Marcus Tanner. MatthiasCorvinus, King of Hungary from 1443-90 enjoyed oneof the most dazzling careers of the fifteenth century. Itis as a lover of learning that he is principallyremembered, assembling one of the largest librariesin Europe, and it is on this aspect of his kingship whichthis biographical account particularly focuses, lookingat the status conferred by knowledge, and the role ofthe entourage of his Italian wife Beatrice in promotingthe library’s acquisition. 263p b/w pls (Yale UP 2008)Hb was £20.00 now £9.95Marian Representations in the Miracle Tales ofThirteenth Century Spain and France by David A.Flory. A study of the large corpus of tales, songs, poems,plays and sermons dedicated to the miraculous eventsattributed to St Mary. Chapters discuss genredefinition, the intended audience and the differencebetween religious and secular methods of presentingsimilar material. 156p (Catholic University of AmericaPress 2000) Hb was £47.50 now £9.95The Medieval Mystical Tradition in England V editedby Marion Glasscoe. Twelve studies of Medievalmysticism by scholars working in diverse fields ... the1992 symposium. 221p (D S Brewer 1992) Hb was £45.00now £9.95The Bianchi of 1399: Popular Devotion in LateMedieval Italy by Daniel E. Bornstein. A detailedstudy of the wave of popular devotion which sweptItaly from the Alps to Rome in 1399. Dubbed “Bianchibecause of their white robes, men women and childrenfrom city and countryside joined in pious processions,listened to sermons, sang hymns, observed dietaryrestrictions and prayed for peace and mercy. 232p(Cornell UP 1993) Hb was £37.95 now £12.95Ludgershall Castle: Excavations by Peter Addyman1964-1972 edited by Peter Ellis. A report on theexcavation of a medieval royal castle and huntinglodge in east Wiltshire which was constructed in the12th-century, on top of a prehistoric hillfort, and wasgreatly expanded by Henry III in the mid 13th century.268p, b/w illus, microfiche (Wiltshire Archaeology 2000)Pb was £24.50 now £9.95The Medieval Park: New Perspectives edited byRobert Liddiard. This well-illustrated book offers areappraisal of the park by a new generation oflandscape researchers, who use a diversity ofapproaches to assess its economy, ecology and socialrole. 256p, 69 illus, 35 in col (Windgather Press 2007) Pbwas £25.00 now £9.95Medieval EuropeMedieval ReligionMedieval Archaeology

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