INTERIM REPORT - Mental Health Research Institute

INTERIM REPORT - Mental Health Research Institute

INTERIM REPORT - Mental Health Research Institute


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The <strong>Mental</strong> <strong>Health</strong><strong>Research</strong> <strong>Institute</strong><strong>INTERIM</strong><strong>REPORT</strong>09

VISIONTo be a global leader in research that improves the lives of people affected by mental illnessincluding psychotic illness (schizophrenia and depression) and neurodegenerative diseases(dementia and Alzheimer’s disease).MISSION• To undertake sustainable, highest quality, basic neuroscience, clinical and public health research• To promote understanding of and investment in research through advocacy• To educate clinicians and researchers• To provide expert commentary on the scientific basis of mental illness including psychoticillness (schizophrenia and depression) and neurodegenerative diseases (dementia andAlzheimer’s disease).STRUCTUREThe <strong>Institute</strong> is a company limited by guarantee governed by a Board which is legally responsiblefor ensuring that the <strong>Institute</strong>’s work is directed towards its stated objectives. This Boardcomprises the Deans from the Medical Faculties of Monash University and The Universityof Melbourne, the <strong>Institute</strong>’s Executive Director, and up to 12 other voluntary members.The <strong>Institute</strong> is formally affiliated with The University of Melbourne, Monash University andMelbourne <strong>Health</strong>.

Executive Director’s Report 2Abbreviated Audited Financial Statements 4Publications 16Donations 26CONTENTS© <strong>Mental</strong> <strong>Health</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Institute</strong>.This work is copyright. Apart from use permitted under the Copyright Act 1963, no part may be reproduced by any process withoutprior written permission from the <strong>Mental</strong> <strong>Health</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Institute</strong>. Requests and enquiries concerning rights should be addressedto r.johnstone@mhri.edu.au1

During <strong>Mental</strong> <strong>Health</strong> Week, seminars gave the generalpublic the opportunity to hear the latest on Alzheimer’sdisease and depression directly from our researchers.One in Five continued to support our researchactivities through various events including the annualExtremely Long Lunch held at Fitzroy Town Hall whichraised $55,000 through ticket sales, sponsorship and ahighly charged auction.Once again, we thank everyone for their ongoingfinancial support including the Victorian Governmentrepresented by its Department of Innovation, Industryand Regional Development, who provide OperationalInfrastructure Support for the ongoing operation ofthe <strong>Institute</strong>.We look forward to updating you on our activitiesduring 2010 when our next annual report is publishedaround the same time next year.Colin L. Masters MDOur horizonsare looking broaderand brighter thanever before.3

<strong>INTERIM</strong><strong>REPORT</strong>2009Abbreviated AuditedFinancial Statementsfor the 6 months ended 31 December 2009The concise financial report is an extract from the full financial report for the period ended 31 December 2009. The fullfinancial report is a general purpose financial report that has been prepared in accordance with Accounting Standards,including Australian Accounting Interpretations and other authoritative pronouncements of the Australian AccountingStandards Board and the requirements of the Corporations Act 2001. The financial statements and disclosures inthe concise financial report have been derived from the 31 December 2009 Financial Report of The <strong>Mental</strong> <strong>Health</strong><strong>Research</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> of Victoria. A copy of the full financial report and auditor’s report will be sent to any member, freeof charge, upon request, and is available on the <strong>Institute</strong>’s website. A concise financial report cannot be expected toprovide as full an understanding of the financial performance, financial position and financing and investing activitiesof the <strong>Institute</strong> as the full financial report. The discussion and analysis is provided to assist members in understandingthe concise financial report. The discussion and analysis is based on The <strong>Mental</strong> <strong>Health</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> of Victoria’sfinancial statements and the information contained in the concise financial report has been derived from the full31 December 2009 Financial Report of The <strong>Mental</strong> <strong>Health</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> of Victoria.The <strong>Institute</strong> has changed its financial reporting period from a balance date at 30 June to end the financial reportingperiod at 31 December. The Directors anticipate the revised financial reporting period will align the financial reportsfor the period with the operational outcomes. The financial period covered by this financial report is for the six monthsbeginning on 1 July 2009 and ending on 31 December 2009 to facilitate this change. ASIC has granted an instrumentof relief under s340(1) of the Corporations Act 2001 allowing the change in reporting period.4

Abbreviated Audited Financial Statementsfor the 6 months ended 31 December 2009DIRECTORS' <strong>REPORT</strong>The Directors present this report on The <strong>Mental</strong> <strong>Health</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> of Victoria for the financial period ended 31 December 2009.The names and qualifications of each person who has been a Director during the year and to date of this report are:Dr Sandra Hacker AO, MBBS, DPM, FRANZCP, FAICD - ChairMr Trevor Clark OAM, ACIS, FAMI, FAICD, CPM - Deputy ChairmanMr Rob Gerrand, BA, FAMI, FAICDLaureate Professor Colin Masters, BMedSc(Hons), MBBS, MD, Hon DLitt WAust, FRCPath, FRCPA, FAA, FTSE - Executive DirectorProfessor James Angus, BSc, PhD, FAAProfessor Steve Wesselingh, MBBS, FRACP, PhDDr Gad Trevaks AM, MBBS, FRACP, FRACMA, Dip HA, FCHSE - resigned 16 November 2009Ms Katarina Klaric, BA, LLB, LLMMs Jennifer Labourne, BBus, FCPAProfessor Ingrid Winship, MBChB, MD, FRACP, FACDMr Andrew Stripp, MSc (Clin Psychol), BBSc (Hons) - appointed 27 July 2009The Directors have been in office since the start of the financial year to the date of this report unless otherwise stated.The following person held the position of entity company secretary at the end of the financial year:Ms Lisa Keam, Chief Operating Officer and Company Secretary.5

Abbreviated Audited Financial Statementsfor the 6 months ended 31 December 2009During the financial period, 13 meetings of directors (including committees) were held. Attendances were:Committee MeetingsDirectors Meetings IntellectualProperty &CommercialisationCommitteeDevelopmentCouncilAudit & RiskManagementCunninghamDax AdvisoryCommitteeEligible Attended Eligible Attended Eligible Attended Eligible Attended Eligible AttendedDr S. Hacker 2 2 2 1 2 2Mr T. Clark 2 2 6 6Prof C. Masters 2 2 1 0 2 2Mr R. Gerrand 2 2 6 6 2 2Dr G. Trevaks 2 2 1 1Prof J. Angus 2 2Ms K. Klaric 2 1 1 1 2 2Ms J. Labourne 2 0 2 2Prof S. Wesselingh 2 0Prof I. Winship 2 2Mr A. Stripp 2 2No Board Member has received or has become entitled to receive any benefit from the <strong>Institute</strong>, apart fromProfessor Colin Masters, who received remuneration in respect of his employment as Executive Director.6

Abbreviated Audited Financial Statementsfor the 6 months ended 31 December 2009DIRECTORS' <strong>REPORT</strong>The principal activities of the <strong>Institute</strong> during the 6 month period related to scientific research into mental illnesses. No significant changesin the nature of the <strong>Institute</strong>'s activity occurred during the financial period.The total comprehensive deficit of the <strong>Institute</strong> for the 6 months to December after depreciation and before transfers to reserves was($533,709) (2009 Financial Year, $632,216 Deficit).No dividends were paid or declared since the start of the financial period. No recommendation for payment of dividends has been made.A review of operations of the <strong>Institute</strong> during the 6 month period and the results of those operations found that total revenue increasedby $149,407 compared to the 6 months from July 2008 - December 2008.No matters or circumstances have arisen since the end of the financial period which significantly affected or may significantly affect theoperations of the <strong>Institute</strong>, the results of those operations, or the state of affairs of the <strong>Institute</strong> in future years.The <strong>Institute</strong>'s operations are not regulated by any significant environmental regulation under a law of the Commonwealth or of aState or Territory.The <strong>Institute</strong> has paid an annual premium of $15,938 to insure the directors against liabilities for costs and expenses incurred by them indefending any legal proceedings arising out of their conduct while acting in the capacity of director, other than conduct involving a wilfulbreach of duty in relation to the <strong>Institute</strong>.No person has applied for leave of court to bring proceedings on behalf of the <strong>Institute</strong> or intervene in any proceedings to which the<strong>Institute</strong> is a party for the purpose of taking responsibility on behalf of the <strong>Institute</strong> for all or any part of those proceedings.The <strong>Institute</strong> was not a party to any such proceedings during the period.The lead auditor's independence declaration for the period has been received and can be found on page 15.Signed in accordance with a resolution of the Board of Directors:S. Hacker AOChairDated 29 March 20107

Abbreviated Audited Financial Statementsfor the 6 months ended 31 December 2009Review of OperationSWe have increased our combined ARC/NHMRC Income in 2009 by 19%. In the period there have been no material changes to ourassets and liabilities. The total comprehensive deficit for the period after depreciation and revaluation of financial assets was ($533,709).We won competitive research contracts and continue to expand our collaborations with other research organisations taking advantageof our translational capabilities. We had reduced general donations, interest and dividends due to the prevailing macro-economicconditions, but have had and continue to receive tremendous support from donors, in particular through bequests and foundations.8

Abbreviated Audited Financial Statementsfor the 6 months ended 31 December 2009STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE 6 MONTHS ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2009NOTE6 Months to31 Dec 2009$12 Months to30 Jun 2009$REVENUERevenue from operating activities:Grants 5 3,373,315 7,179,606Contract research fees 8 1,251,819 1,538,612Public support 7 598,569 1,586,865Interest 9 116,923 359,898Dividends 10 3,160 9,899Other revenue 480,158 520,884TOTAL REVENUE 5,823,944 11,195,764EXPENDITURESalaries and on costs 3,642,464 7,023,981Scientific equipment purchases 30,763 52,540Scientific consumables 865,375 1,803,784Scientific support 715,355 853,802Depreciation 3 418,188 702,610Infrastructure expenses 685,508 1,391,263Provision for doubtful debts - -TOTAL EXPENDITURE 6,357,653 11,827,980NET SURPLUS / (DEFICIT) FOR PERIOD (533,709) (632,216)OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOMENet change in market value of investmentsrecognised directly in equity28,194 (4,613)TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE SURPLUS (DEFICIT) FOR PERIOD (505,515) (636,829)9

Abbreviated Audited Financial Statementsfor the 6 months ended 31 December 2009BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31 DECEMBER 200910NOTE 31 Dec 2009$30 Jun 2009$ASSETSCURRENT ASSETSCash and cash equivalents 4 373,166 597,504Trade and other receivables 5 769,660 641,934Financial assets 6 4,545,126 4,898,250TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 5,687,952 6,137,688NON-CURRENT ASSETSFinancial assets 6 163,622 131,837Property, plant and equipment 7 2,726,515 3,051,631Cunningham Dax relocation account 6,11 3,132,430 3,061,115MHRI accommodation relocation account 6,11 10,047,226 9,837,788TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS 16,069,793 16,082,371TOTAL ASSETS 21,757,745 22,220,059CURRENT LIABILITIESTrade and other payables 8 647,833 646,415Unexpended project grants 9 223,876 453,958Provisions for employee benefits 10 858,806 851,968TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 1,730,515 1,952,341NON-CURRENT LIABILITIESProvisions for employee benefits 10 69,076 65,730Cunningham Dax relocation account 11 3,132,430 3,061,115MHRI accommodation relocation account 11 10,047,226 9,837,788TOTAL NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES 13,248,732 12,964,633TOTAL LIABILITIES 14,979,247 14,916,974NET ASSETS 6,778,498 7,303,086EQUITY<strong>Research</strong> funds 2,799,402 2,818,475Capital reserves 5,713,141 5,713,141Unrealised gain on investment reserve 2 66,068 37,874Accumulated deficit (1,800,113) (1,266,404)TOTAL EQUITY 6,778,498 7,303,086

Abbreviated Audited Financial Statementsfor the 6 months ended 31 December 2009CASH FLOW STATEMENT FOR THE 6 months ended 31 december 2009NOTE6 Months to31 Dec 2009$12 Months to30 Jun 2009$Inflows/(Outflows) Inflows/(Outflows)CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIESGrants received 3,486,419 8,069,529Public support received 598,569 1,586,865Interest received 242,962 1,057,801Dividends received 3,160 6,488Contract research fees received 1,075,228 1,449,323Other revenue received 523,798 565,772Payments to suppliers and employees (6,389,364) (11,963,483)Payments for scientific equipment (21,571) (57,794)Net cash provided by operating activities (480,799) 714,501CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIESFixed asset purchases (93,072) (905,058)Net sale/(purchase) of investments 349,533 (774,576)Net cash used by investing activities 256,461 (1,679,634)Net (decrease)/increase in cash held (224,338) (965,133)Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the financial period 597,504 1,562,637Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the financial period 373,166 597,50411

Abbreviated Audited Financial Statementsfor the 6 months ended 31 December 2009STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY AS AT 31ST DECEMBER 2009<strong>Research</strong> Funds Reserves Unrealised gainon InvestmentReserveAccumulatedDeficit/SurplusTotal$ $ $ $ $Balance 1st July 2009 2,818,475 5,713,141 37,874 (1,266,404) 7,303,086Net deficit for period - - - (533,709) (533,709)Other comprehensive income - - 28,194 - 28,194Transfers to/from reserves (19,073) - - - (19,073)Balance at 31st December20092,799,402 5,713,141 66,068 (1,800,113) 6,778,498Balance 1st July 2008 4,018,025 5,713,141 42,487 (633,738) 9,139,915Net deficit for period - - - (632,216) (632,216)Other comprehensive income - - (4,613) - (4,613)Transfers to/from reserves (1,199,550) - - (450) (1,200,000)Balance at 30th June 2009 2,818,475 5,713,141 37,874 (1,266,404) 7,303,08612

Notes to the Financial Statements (abbreviated)for the 6 months ended 31 December 20091. The financial report is a general purpose financial report that has been prepared in accordance with Accounting Standards, includingAustralian Accounting Interpretations and other authoritative pronouncements of the Australian Accounting Standards Board andthe requirements of the Corporations Act 2001.2. The financial report has been prepared on an accruals basis and is based on historical cost convention and except where stated,does not take account of current valuations of non-current assets. The exemption to this are financial assets (shares) which are heldfor sale and valued at fair market value, being the closing bid price at balance date.3. Buildings and non-scientific plant and equipment are shown as fixed assets in the Balance Sheet and depreciated on a straight linebasis over the expected useful life of the asset from the time the asset is held ready for use.4. The <strong>Institute</strong> has been endorsed as an income tax exempt charitable entity and a deductible gift recipient under provisions of theIncome Tax Assessment Act 1997. Donations of $2 or more made to the <strong>Institute</strong> are tax deductible.5. Grant funding is recognised as income as the obligations under the funding agreement have been met.6. Unexpended Grants relating to specific projects are shown as a Current Liability in the Balance Sheet.7. Donations are brought to account as revenue when they are received.8. Revenue from the rendering of a service is recognised upon the delivery of the service.9. Interest revenue is recognised on a proportional basis taking into account the interest rates applicable to the financial assets.10. Dividend revenue is recognised when the right to receive a dividend has been established.11. The Company is limited by guarantee. If the company is wound up, the Constitution states that each member is required tocontribute a maximum of $25 each towards meeting any outstanding obligations of the company. At 31 December 2009, thenumber of members was 31.12. The <strong>Institute</strong> is in receipt of an $8,000,000 grant from the Victorian government which is held in trust. The <strong>Institute</strong> is also holdingfunds which are held in trust for the relocation of the Cunningham Dax gallery to the Parkville medical precinct.13. The Directors evaluate estimates and judgements incorporated into the financial report based on historical knowledge and bestavailable current information. Estimates assume a reasonable expectation of future events and are based on current trends andeconomic data, obtained both externally and within the <strong>Institute</strong>.14. The <strong>Institute</strong> has applied the relief available to it under ASIC Class Order 98/100 and accordingly, amounts in the financial report andDirectors' report have been rounded off to the nearest dollar.13

Independent Auditor’s Report to the Members of the<strong>Mental</strong> <strong>Health</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> of VictoriaReport on the financial reportThe accompanying concise financial report of The <strong>Mental</strong> <strong>Health</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> of Victoria comprises the balance sheet as at31 December 2009, the statement of comprehensive income, statement of changes in equity and cash flow statement for the 6 monthperiod then ended and related notes, derived from the audited financial report of The <strong>Mental</strong> <strong>Health</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> of Victoria forthe 6 month period ended 31 December 2009 and the discussion and analysis. The concise financial report does not contain all thedisclosures required by the Australian Accounting Standards.Directors’ ResponsibilityThe Directors are responsible for the preparation and presentation of the concise financial report in accordance with Accounting StandardAASB 1039 Concise Financial Reports and the Corporations Act 2001. This responsibility includes establishing and maintaining internalcontrol relevant to the preparation of the concise financial report; selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies; and makingaccounting estimates that are reasonable in the circumstances.Auditor’s ResponsibilityOur responsibility is to express an opinion on the concise financial report based on our audit procedures. We have conducted anindependent audit, in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards, of the financial report of The <strong>Mental</strong> <strong>Health</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> ofVictoria for the 6 month period ended 31 December 2009.Our audit report on the financial report for the period was signed on 29th March 2010 and was not subject to any modification. TheAustralian Auditing Standards require that we comply with relevant ethical requirements relating to audit engagements and plan andperform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial report for the year is free from material misstatement.Our procedures in respect of the concise financial report included testing that the information in the concise financial report is derivedfrom, and is consistent with, the financial report for the year, and examination on a test basis, of evidence supporting the amounts,discussion and analysis, and other disclosures which were not directly derived from the financial report for the period. These procedureshave been undertaken to form an opinion whether, in all material respects, the concise financial report complies with AccountingStandard AASB 1039 Concise Financial Reports and whether the discussion and analysis complies with the requirements laid down inAASB 1039 Concise Financial Reports.We believe the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.IndependenceIn conducting our audit, we have complied with the independence requirements of the Corporations Act 2001.Audit OpinionIn our opinion, the concise financial report, including discussion and analysis of The <strong>Mental</strong> <strong>Health</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> of Victoria for the6 month period ended 31 December 2009 complies with Accounting Standard AASB 1039 Concise Financial Reports.UHY Haines NortonChartered AccountantsJoella F GouldPartnerSigned 29 March 2010MelbourneLiability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation14

Auditor’s Independence DeclarationTO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE MENTAL HEALTH RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF VICTORIAI declare that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, during the period ended 31 December 2009, there have been;(i) no contraventions of the auditor independence requirements as set out in the Corporations Act 2001 in relation to the audit; and(ii) no contraventions of any applicable code of professional conduct in relation to the audit.Joella F GouldPartnerLiability limited by a scheme approved under Professsional Standards Legislation15

<strong>INTERIM</strong><strong>REPORT</strong>2009Publications1 January - 31 December 2009(NB: excludes epublications ahead of print)Abbott IJ, Change CC, Skinner MJ, Street A, Perry G, McLeanC, Wright EJ, Cameron PU: Development and managementof systemic lupus erythematosus in an HIV infected manwith hepatitis C and B co-infection following interferontherapy: a case report. Journal of Medical Case Reports2009, 3:7289.Abramov E, Dolev I, Fogel H, Ciccotosto GD, Ruff E, SlutskyI: Amyloid-beta as a positive endogenous regulator ofrelease probability at hippocampal synapses. NatureNeuroscience 2009, 2:567-76. [IF: 4.164, Cit: 1]Adams W, Ayton S, van den Buuse M: Serotonergic lesionsof the dorsal hippocampus differentially modulatelocomotor hyperactivity induced by drugs of abuse in rats:implications for schizophrenia. Psychopharmacology 2009,206(4):665-676. [IF: 3.676, Cit: 0]Adlard PA, James SA, Bush AI, Masters CL: ß-amyloid as amolecular therapeutic target in Alzheimer’s disease. Drugsof Today 2009, 45(4):293-304. [IF: 1.206, Cit: 0]Ames D: International Psychogeriatrics comes of age.International Psychogeriatrics 2009, 21(1):1-4. [IF: 2.098, Cit:0]Bates KA, Verdile G, Li Q-X, Ames D, Hudson P, MastersCL, Martins RN: Clearance mechanisms of Alzheimer’samyloid-ß peptide: implications for therapeutic designand diagnostic tests. Molecular Psychiatry 2009,14(5):469-486. [See also Erratum. Molecular Psychiatry2009, 14:1144.] [IF: 12.537, Cit: 4]Bellingham SA, Coleman LA, Masters CL, Camakaris J, HillAF: Regulation of prion gene expression by transcriptionfactors SP1 and metal transcription factor-1. Journal ofBiological Chemistry 2009, 284(2):1291-1301. [IF: 5.520, Cit: 5]Benazzi F, Berk M, Frye MA, Wang W, Barraco A, Tohen M:Olanzapine/fluoxetine combination for the treatmentof mixed depression in bipolar I disorder: a post hocanalysis. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 2009, 79(10):1424-31.[IF: 5.053, Cit: 2]Berk M: Neuroprogression: Pathways to progressivebrain changes in bipolar disorder. International Journalof Neuropsychopharmacology 2009, 12(4):441-445.[IF: 4.378, Cit: 4]Berk M: Sleep and depression; theory and practice.Australian Family Physician 2009, 38(5):302-4. [IF: -, Cit: 1]Berk M, Dodd S, Williams L, Jacka F, Pasco J: Vitamin D:is it relevant to psychiatry? Acta Neuropsychiatrica 2009,21(4):205-206. [IF: 1.380, Cit: 0]Berk M, Conus P, Lucas N, Vázquez-Barquero JL and MacNeilC Philippe Conus, Michael Berk, José Luis Vázquez-Barquero:Preventive strategies in bipolar disorders: Identifyingtargets for early intervention. In: The Recognition andManagement of Early Psychosis, edited by Jackson HJ,McGorry, PD. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,UK, 2009.Berk M, Gama CS, Sundram S, Hustig H, Koopowitz L, D’SouzaR, Malloy H, Rowland C, Monkhouse A, Monkhouse A, Bole F,Sathiyamoorthy S, Piskulic D, Dodd S: Mirtazapine add-ontherapy in the treatment of schizophrenia with atypicalantipsychotics: A double-blind, randomised, placebocontrolledclinical trial. Human Psychopharmacology -Clinical and Experimental 2009, 24(3):233-238. [IF: 2.080 Cit: 2]Berk M, Jeavons S, Dean OM, Dodd S, Moss K, Gama CS,Malhi G: Nail-Biting Stuff? The effect of N-acetyl cysteineon nail-biting. CNS Spectrums 2009, 14(7):357-360.[IF: 1.974, Cit: 0]16

Berk M, Malhi GS, Hallam K, Gama CS, Dodd S, AndreazzaAC, Frey BN, Kapczinski F: Early intervention in bipolardisorders: Clinical, biochemical and neuroimagingimperatives. Journal of Affective Disorders 2009, 114(1-3):1-13.[IF:3.271, Cit: 2]Berk M, Parker G: The elephant on the couch: Side-effectsof psychotherapy. The Australian and New Zealand Journal ofPsychiatry 2009, 43(9):787-794. [IF: 2.318, Cit: 3]Bernardo M, Dodd S, Gama CS, Copolov DL, Dean O, Lu K,Jeavons S, Schapkaitz I, Anderson-Hunt M, Bush AI, Berk M:Effects of N-acetylcysteine on substance use in bipolardisorder: A randomized placebo controlled clinical trial.Acta Neuropsychiatrica 2009, 21(5):239-245. [IF: 1.380, Cit: 0]Bharadwaj PR, Dubey AK, Masters CL, Martins RN, MacreadieIG: Aß aggregation and possible implications in Alzheimer’sdisease pathogenesis. Journal of Cellular and MolecularMedicine 2009, 13(3):412-421. [IF: 5.114, Cit: 5]Biffin F, Tahtalian S, Filia K, Fitzgerald PB, De Castella AR,Filia S, Berk M, Dodd S, Berk L, Callaly P, Kulkarni J: Theimpact of age at onset of Bipolar I Disorder on functioningand clinical presentation. Acta Neuropsychiatrica 2009,21(4):191-196. [IF:1.380, Cit: 0]Biran Y, Masters CL, Barnham KJ, Bush AI, Adlard PA:Pharmacotherapeutic targets in Alzheimer’s disease.Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine 2009, 13(1):61-86.[IF: 5.114, Cit: 1]Boer S, Berk M, Dean B: Levels of neuregulin 1 and 3proteins in Brodmann's area 46 from subjects withschizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Neuroscience Letters2009, 466(1):27–29. [IF:2.200, Cit: 0]Bourgeat P, Chételat G, Villemagne VL, Fripp J, Raniga P, PikeK, Acosta O, Szoeke C, Ourselin S, Ames D, Ellis KA, MartinsRN, Masters CL, Rowe CC, Salvado O, on behalf of the AIBL<strong>Research</strong> Group: Aß burden in the temporal neocortex isrelated to hippocampal atrophy in non-demented elderly.Neurology 2009, 74(2):121-127. [IF: 7.043, Cit: 0]Brazier MW, Wall VA, Brazier BW, Masters CL, Collins SJ:Therapeutic interventions ameliorating prion disease.Expert Review Anti-Infective Therapy 2009, 7(1):83-105.Bryant C, Jackson H, Ames D: Depression and anxiety inmedically unwell older adults: prevalence and short-termcourse. International Psychogeriatrics 2009, 21(4):754-763.[IF: 2.098, Cit: 0]Callaly T, Berk M, Dodd S: Suicidality - the challenge forpublic mental health services. Acta Neuropsychiatrica 2009,21(1):41-43. [IF:1.380, Cit: 0]Cannata DJ, Finkelstein DI, Gantois I, Teper Y, Drago J,West JM: Altered fast- and slow-twitch muscle fibrecharacteristics in female mice with a (S248F) knock-inmutation of the brain neuronal nicotinic acetylcholinereceptor. Journal of Muscle <strong>Research</strong> and Cell Motility 2009,30(1-2):73-83. [IF: 2.000, Cit: 0]Castle DJ, Berk L, Lauder S, Berk M, Murray G: Psychosocialinterventions for bipolar disorder. Acta Neuropsychiatrica2009, 21(6):275-284. [IF:1.380, Cit: 0]Chang C, McLean C, Vujovic O, Short M, Lyon S, Storey E,Lewin S: Fatal acute varicella-zoster virus haemorrhagicmeningomyelitis with necrotising vasculitis in anHIV-infected patient. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2009,48(3):372-373. [IF: 8.266, Cit: 2]Chavez C, Gogos A, Jones ME, van den Buuse M:Psychotropic drug-induced locomotor hyperactivityand prepulse inhibition regulation in male and femalearomatase knockout (ArKO) mice: role of dopamineD1 and D2 receptors and dopamine transporters.Psychopharmacology 2009, 206(2):267-279. [IF: 3.676, Cit: 0]Choy KHC, de Visser Y, van den Buuse M: ‘Twohit’ neonatal and young-adult stress attenuatesdopaminergic modulation of prepulse inhibition withoutaltering dopamine receptor density. British Journal ofPharmacology 2009, 156(2):388-396. [IF: 4.902, Cit: 2]Clarke NF, Domasetovska A, Waddell L, Kornberg A, McLeanC, North KN: Cap disease due to mutation of the betatropomyosin gene (TPM2). Neuromuscular Disorders 2009,19(5):348-351. [IF: 3.004, Cit: 0]Coleman BM, Nisbet RM, Han S, Cappai R, Hatters DM,Hill AF: Conformational detection of prion protein withbiarsenical labeling and FlAsH fluorescence. Biochemicaland Biophysical <strong>Research</strong> Communications 2009,380(3):564-568. [IF: 2.648, Cit: 0]Conus P, Berk M, Schäfer I: Trauma and psychosis: Someaspects of a complex relationship. Intervention insight.Acta Neuropsychiatrica 2009, 21(3):148-150. [IF: 1.380, Cit: 0]Coulson C, Ng F, Dodd S, Geertsema M, Berk M: Client-reportedreasons for non-engagement in drug and alcohol treatment.Drug and Alcohol Review 2009, 28(4):372-378.17

18Crompton KE, Forsythe JS, Horne MK, Finkelstein DI, KnottRB: Molecular level and microstructural characterisationof thermally sensitive chitosan hydrogels. Soft Matter 2009,5(23):4704-4711. [IF: 4.586, Cit: 0]Crouch PJ, Tew DJ, Du T, Nguyen DN, Caragounis A, FilizG, Blake RE, Trounce IA, Soon CPW, Laughton K, Perez KA,Li Q-X, Cherny RA, Masters CL, Barnham KJ, White AR:Restored degradation of the Alzheimer’s amyloid-ß peptideby targeting amyloid formation. Journal of Neurochemistry2009, 108(5):1198-1207. [IF: 4.500, Cit: 5]Crouch PJ, Hung LW, Adlard PA, Cortes M, Lal V, Filiz G, PerezKA, Nurjono M, Caragounis A, Du T, Laughton K, Volitakis I,Bush AI, Li Q-X, Masters CL, Cappai R, Cherny RA, DonnellyPS, White AR, Barnham KJ: Increasing Cu bioavailabilityinhibits Aß oligomers and tau phosphorylation. Proceedingsof the National Academy of Sciences of the United States ofAmerica 2009, 106(2):381-386. [IF: 9.380, Cit: 9]Crowther N, Murugasu A, Sabto J, McLean CA: Late acuteantibody mediated rejection 16 years post cadaveric renaltransplantation precipitated by recurrent varicella infection.Nephrology 2009, 14(5):533-534. [IF:1.215, Cit: 0]D’Arcy CE, Ryan M, McLean CA: Juvenile polymyositis orpediatric muscular dystrophy: a detailed re-analysis of 13cases. Histopathology 2009, 55(4):452-462. [IF: 4.131, Cit: 0]Dean, B: Is schizophrenia the price of human centralnervous system complexity? The Australian and New ZealandJournal of Psychiatry 2009, 43(1):3-24. [IF: 2.318, Cit: 2]Dean, B: Evolution of the human CNS cholinergic system:has this resulted in the emergence of psychiatric disease?The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 2009,43(11):1016-1028. [IF: 2.318, Cit: 0]Dean, B: Letter to the Editor (Comment) Interpreting thesignificance of decreased cortical serotonin 2A receptorsin schizophrenia. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology &Biological Psychiatry 2009, 33(8):1583-1584. [IF: 2.638, Cit: 0]Dean B, Boer S, Gibbons A, Money T, Scarr E: Recentadvances in postmortem pathology and neurochemistryin schizophrenia. Current Opinion in Psychiatry 2009,22(2):154-160. [IF: 3.744, Cit:1]Dean O, Bush AI, Berk M, Copolov DL, van den Buuse M:Glutathione depletion in the brain disrupts short-termspatial memory in the Y-maze in rats and mice. BehaviouralBrain <strong>Research</strong> 2009, 198(1):258-262. [IF: 3.171, Cit: 3]Dean OM, van den Buuse M, Bush AI, Copolov DL, Ng F, DoddS, Berk M: A role for glutathione in the pathophysiology ofbipolar disorder and schizophrenia? Animal models andrelevance to clinical practice. Current Medicinal Chemistry2009, 16(23):2965-2976. [IF:4.823, Cit: 0]de Lucena D, Fernandes B, Berk M, Dodd S, Medeiros DW, PedriniM, Kunz M, Gomes F, Giglio L, Lobato MI, Belmonte-de-Abreu P,Gama CS: Improvement of schizophrenia negative and positivesymptoms with memantine as add-on therapy to clozapine: Adouble-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Journal ofClinical Psychiatry 2009, 79(10):1416-1423. [IF: 5.053, Cit: 1]Dodd S, Besag FMC: Lessons from contaminated heparin(Editorial). Current Drug Safety 2009, 4(1):1.Dodd S, Williams L, Jacka F, Pasco J, Bjerkeset O, Berk M:Reliability of the Mood Disorder Questionnaire: comparisonwith the Structured Clinical Interview for the DSM-IV-TR ina population sample. The Australian and New Zealand Journalof Psychiatry 2009, 43(6):526-530. [IF: 2.318, Cit: 0]Drew SC, Masters CL, Barnham KJ: Alanine-2 carbonyl is anoxygen ligand in Cu2+ coordination of Alzheimer’s diseaseamyloid-ß peptide – relevance to N-terminally truncatedforms. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2009,131(25):8760-8761. [IF: 8.091, Cit: 5]Drew SC, Noble CJ, Masters CL, Hanson GR, Barnham KJ:Pleomorphic copper coordination by Alzheimer’s diseaseamyloid-ß peptide. Journal of the American Chemical Society2009, 131(3):1195-1207. [IF: 8.091, Cit: 12]Drew SC, Tew DJ, Masters CL, Cappai R, Barnham KJ:Copper coordination by familial mutants of Parkinson’sdisease-associated alpha-synuclein. Applied MagneticResonance 2009, 36(2-4):223-229. [IF: 0.748, Cit: 0]Dutescu RM, Li Q-X, Crowston J, Masters CL, Baird PN,Culvenor JG: Amyloid precursor protein processing andretinal pathology in mouse models of Alzheimer’s disease.Graefes Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology2009, 247(9):1213-1221. [IF: 1.770, Cit: 0]Ellis KA, Bush AI, Darby D, De Fazio D, Foster J, HudsonP, Lautenschlager NT, Lenzo N, Martins RN, Maruff P,Masters C, Milner A, Pike K, Rowe C, Savage G, SzoekeC, Taddei K, Villemagne V, Woodward M, Ames D, the AIBL<strong>Research</strong> Group: The Australian Imaging, Biomarkersand Lifestyle (AIBL) Study of aging: methodology andbaseline characteristics of 1112 individuals recruited fora longitudinal study of Alzheimer’s disease. InternationalPsychogeriatrics 2009, 21(4):672-687. [IF: 2.098, Cit: 3]

Ellis JR, Nathan PJ, Villemagne VL, Mulligan RS, Ellis KA,Tochon-Danguy HJ, Chan JG, O'Keefe GJ, Bradley J, SavageG, Rowe CC: The relationship between nicotinic receptorsand cognitive functioning in healthy aging: An in vivopositron emission tomography (PET) study with 2-[(18)F]fluoro-A-85380. Synapse 2009, 63(9):752-763. [IF: 2.577, Cit: 0]Ellis JR, Nathan PJ, Villemagne VL, Mulligan RS, SaunderT, Young K, Smith CL, Welch J, Woodward M, Wesnes KA,Savage G, Rowe CC: Galantamine-induced improvementsin cognitive function are not related to alterations inalpha4beta2 nicotinic receptors in early Alzheimer'sdisease as measured in vivo by 2-[18F]Fluoro-A85380 PET.Psychopharmacology 2009, 202:79-91. [IF: 3.676, Cit:1]Evered LA, Silbert BS, Scott DA, Maruff P, Laughton KM,Volitakis I, Cowie T, Cherny RA, Masters CL, Li Q-X: Plasmaamyloid ß42 and amyloid ß40 levels are associated withearly cognitive dysfunction after cardiac surgery. Annals ofThoracic Surgery 2009, 88(5):1426-1432. [IF: 2.689, Cit: 1]Fink G (Ed): Stress Science: Neuroendocrinology. Elsevier:Imprint Academic Press, Oxford/San Diego pp829, 2009.ISBN - 13: 978-0-12-375066-2.Fink G (Ed): Stress Consequences: <strong>Mental</strong>, Neuropsychologicaland Socioeconomic. Elsevier: Imprint Academic Press, Oxford/SanDiego pp780, 2009. ISBN - 13: 978-0-12-375174-4.Fodero-Tavoletti MT, Cappai R, McLean CA, Pike KE, AdlardPA, Cowie T, Connor AR, Masters CL, Rowe CC, VillemagneVL: Amyloid imaging in Alzheimer’s disease and otherdementias. Brain Imaging and Behavior 2009, 3(3):246-261.Fodero-Tavoletti MT, Mulligan RS, Okamura N, Furumoto S,Rowe CC, Kudo Y, Masters CL, Cappai R, Yanai K, VillemagneVL: In vitro characterisation of BF227 binding to alphasynuclein/LewyBodies. European Journal of Pharmacology2009, 617(1-3):54-58. [IF:2.787, Cit:1]Fodero-Tavoletti MT, Rowe CC, McLean CA, Leone L, Li Q-X,Masters CL, Cappai R, Villemagne VL: Characterization ofPiB binding to white matter in Alzheimer disease and otherdementias. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 2009, 50(2):198-204.[IF: 6.662, Cit: 6]Fornito A, Yucel M, Dean B, Wood SJ, Pantelis C: Anatomicalabnormalities of the anterior cingulate cortex inschizophrenia: Bridging the gap between neuroimaging andneuropathology. Schizophrenia Bulletin 2009, 35(5):973-993.[IF: 6.592, Cit: 5]Fuh J-L, Cummings Jl, Ames D: Top cited papers inInternational Psychogeriatrics: 6b. Behavioral disordersand caregivers’ reactions in Taiwanese patients withAlzheimer’s disease. International Psychogeriatrics 2009,21(6):1031-1036. [IF: 2.098, Cit: 0]George JL, Mok S, Moses D, Wilkins S, Bush AI, Cherny RA,Finkelstein DI: Targeting the progression of Parkinson'sdisease. Current Neuropharmacology 2009, 7(1):9-36.[IF: 1.151, Cit: 0]Gibbons AS, Scarr E, McLean C, Sundram S, Dean B:Decreased muscarinic receptor binding in the frontalcortex of bipolar disorder and major depressive disordersubjects. Journal of Affective Disorders 2009, 116(3):184-191.[IF: 3.271, Cit: 3]Gibbons AS, Thomas EA, Dean B: Regional and durationof illness differences in the alteration of NCAM-180mRNA expression within the cortex of subjects withschizophrenia. Schizophrenia <strong>Research</strong> 2009, 112(1-3):65-71.[IF: 4.174, Cit: 0]Gogos A, van den Buuse M, Rossell S: Gender differencesin prepulse inhibition in bipolar disorder: men havereduced PPI, women have increased PPI. InternationalJournal of Neuropsychopharmacology 2009, 12(9):1249-1259.[IF: 4.378, Cit: 1]Goldfarb LG, Vladimirtsev VA, Platanov FA, Lee HS, McLeanCA, Masters CL: Viliuisk encephalomyelitis in EasternSiberia – analysis of 390 cases. Folia Neuropathologica 2009,47(2):171-181. [IF: 1.095, Cit: 0]Grasso G, Bush AI, D'Agata R, Rizzarelli E, Spoto G: Enzymesolid-state support assays: a surface plasmon resonanceand mass spectrometry coupled study of immobilizedinsulin degrading enzyme. European Biophysics Journal withBiophysics Letters 2009, 38(4):407-414. [IF: 2.409, Cit: 0]Gray L, McOmish CE, Scarr E, Dean B, Hannan AJ:Sensitivity to MK-801 in phospholipase C-ß1 knockoutmice reveals a specific NMDA receptor deficit. InternationalJournal of Neuropsychopharmacology 2009, 12(7):917-928.[IF: 4.378, Cit: 0]Gray LJ, van den Buuse M, Scarr E, Dean B, Hannan AJ:Clozapine reverses schizophrenia-related behaviorsin the metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 knockoutmouse: association with N-methyl-D-asparticacid receptor upregulation. International Journal ofNeuropsychopharmacology 2009, 12(1):45-60. [IF: 4.378, Cit: 11]19

20Grünblatt E, Monoranu CM, Apfelbacher M, Keller D, MichelTM, Alafuzoff I, Ferrer I, Al-Saraj S, Keyvani K, Schmitt A,Falkai P, Schittenhelm J, McLean C, Halliday GM, Harper C,Deckert J, Roggendorf W, Riederer P: Tryptophan is a markerof human postmortem brain tissue quality. Journal ofNeurochemistry 2009, 110(5):1400-1408. [IF: 4.500, Cit: 0]Grunze H, Vieta E, Goodwin GM, Bowden C, Licht RW,Moller HJ, Kasper S: The World Federation of Societiesof Biological Psychiatry (WFSBP) guidelines for thebiological treatment of bipolar disorders: update 2009 onthe treatment of acute mania. World Journal of BiologicalPsychiatry 2009, 10(2):85-116. [IF: 3.582, Cit: 7]Gundlach AL, Ma S, Sang Q, Shen PJ, Piccenna L, SedaghatK, Smith CM, Bathgate RAD, Lawrence AJ, Tregear GW,Wade JD, Finkelstein DI, Bonaventure P, Liu CL, LovenbergTW, Sutton SW: Relaxin Family Peptides and Receptorsin Mammalian Brain Anatomical Insights and DiverseFunctional Possibilities. In: Relaxin and Related Peptides:Fifth International Conference, edited by BryantGreenwood GD,Bagnell CA, Bathgate RAD. Annals of the New York Academyof Sciences 2009, 1160:226-235. [IF: 2.303, Cit: 1]Haigh CL, Drew SC, Boland MP, Masters CL, Barnham KJ,Lawson VA, Collins SJ: Dominant roles of the polybasicproline motif and copper in PrP23-89 mediated stressprotection response. Journal of Cell Science 2009,122(10):1518-1528. [IF: 6.247, Cit: 0]Haigh CL, Lewis V, Vella LJ, Masters CL, Hill AF, Lawson VA,Collins SJ: PrPC related signal transduction is influenced bycopper, membrane integrity and the alpha cleavage site.Cell <strong>Research</strong> 2009, 19(9):1062-1078. [IF:4.535, Cit: 1]Han L, Ames D: Top cited papers in InternationalPsychogeriatrics: 6c. Tracking cognitive decline inAlzheimer’s disease using the Mini-mental StateExamination: a meta anlaysis (“Mini” is not necessarilytrivial!). International Psychogeriatrics 2009, 21(6):1037-1040.[IF: 2.098, Cit: 0]Haigh CL, Drew SC, Boland M, Masters CL, Barnham KJ,Lawson VA, Collins SJ: Dominant roles of the polybasicproline motif and copper in PrP23-89-mediated stressprotection response. Journal of Cell Science 2009,122(10):1518-1528. [IF: 6.247, Cit: 0]Hallam KT, Smith DI, Berk M: Differences betweensubjective and objective assessments of the utility ofelectroconvulsive therapy in patients with bipolar andunipolar depression. Journal of Affective Disorders 2009,112(1-3):212-218. [IF: 3.271, Cit: 5]Harch S, Whitford H, McLean C: Failure of medical therapyin Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. Is there an alternativediagnosis? Chest 2009, 135(6):1462-1469. [IF: -, Cit: 2]Hare D, Reedy B, Grimm R, Wilkins S, Volitakis I, George JL,Cherny RA, Bush AI, Finkelstein DI, Doble P: Quantitativeelemental bio-imaging of Mn, Fe, Cu and Zn in6-hydroxydopamine induced Parkinsonism mouse models.Metallomics 2009, 1(1):53-58. [IF: -, Cit: 6]Hill RA, Boon WC: Estrogens, brain and behavior:Lessonsfrom mouse models. Seminars in Reproductive Medicine2009, 27(3):218-228. [IF: 3.512, Cit: 1]Hill RA, Boon WC: Estrogen Deficient Mouse Models in theStudy of Brain Injury and Disease, Transgenic and MutantTools to Model Brain Disorders. Neuromethods, Vol 44.Humana Press, New Jersey, USA, 2009.Hill RA, Chua HK, Jones ME, Simpson ER, Boon WC:Estrogen deficiency results in apoptosis in the frontalcortex of adult female aromatase knockout mice. Molecularand Cellular Neuroscience 2009, 41(1):1-7. [IF: 3.934, Cit: 0]Hung YH, Robb EL, Volitakis I, Ho M, Evin G, Li Q-X,Culvenor JG, Masters CL, Cherny RA, Bush AI: Paradoxicalcondensation of copper with elevated beta-amyloid inlipid rafts under cellular copper deficiency conditions:implications for Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of BiologicalChemistry 2009, 284(33):21899-21907. [IF: 5.520, Cit: 1]Jacka FN, Mykletun A, Berk M: Examining the role ofnutrition in mental health: Issues and rationale. Letter to theEditor. The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry2009, 43(10):976-977. [IF: 2.318, Cit: 0]Jacka FN, Overland S, Stewart R, Tell GS, Bjelland I, MykletunA: Association between magnesium intake and depressionand anxiety in community-dwelling adults: the Hordaland<strong>Health</strong> Study. The Australian and New Zealand Journal ofPsychiatry 2009, 43(1):45-52. [IF: 2.318, Cit: 5]Jones A, Benson A, Griffiths S, Berk M, Dodd S: “Mind andBody”: A lifestyle programme for people on antipsychoticmedication. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 2009,15(2):276-280. [IF:1.843, Cit: 0]Joshua N, Gogos A, Rossell S: Executive functioning inschizophrenia: a thorough examination of performanceon the Hayling Sentence Completion Test compared topsychiatric and non-psychiatric controls. Schizophrenia<strong>Research</strong> 2009, 114(1-3):84-90. [IF: 6.592, Cit: 1]

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22Malhi GS, Adams D, Lampe L, Paton M, OConnor N, Newton LA,Walter G, Taylor A, Porter R, Mulder RT, Berk M: Clinical practicerecommendations for bipolar disorder. Acta PsychiatricaScandinavica 2009, 119(Suppl 439):27-46. [IF: 3.525, Cit: 6]Malhi GS, Adams D, Porter R, Wignall A, Lampe L, OConnorN, Paton M, Newton LA, Walter G, Taylor A, Berk M, MulderRT: Clinical practice recommendations for depression.Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 2009, 119(Suppl 439):8-26.[IF: 3.525, Cit: 4]Marotta R, Reardon K, McKelvie PA, Chiotis M, Chin J, CookM, Collins SJ: Association of MELAS m.3243A>G mutationwith myositis and superiority of urine over muscle,blood and hair for mutation detection. Journal of ClinicalNeuroscience 2009, 16(9):1223-1225. [IF: 1.190, Cit: 0]Maynard CJ, Cappai R, Volitakis I, Laughton KM, Masters CL,Bush AI, Li Q-X: Chronic exposure to high levels of zinc orcopper has little effect on brain metal homeostasis or Aßaccumulation in transgenic APP-C100 mice. Cellular andMolecular Neurobiology 2009, 29(5):757-767. [IF: 1.333, Cit: 0]McColl G, Roberts BR, Gunn AP, Perez KA, Tew DJ, MastersCL, Barnham KJ, Cherny RA, Bush AI: The Caenorhabditiselegans Aß1-42 model of Alzheimer’s diseasepredominantly expresses Aß3-42. Journal of BiologicalChemistry 2009, 284(34):22697-22702. [IF: 5.520, Cit: 2]McGorry PD, Nelson B, Amminger GP, Bechdolf A, FranceySM, Berger G, Riecher-Rössler A, Klosterkötter J, RuhrmannS, Schultze-Lutter F, Nordentoft M, Hickie I, McGuire P,Berk M, Chen EYH, Keshavan MS, Yung AR: Interventionin individuals at ultra high risk for psychosis: A reviewand future directions. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 2009,70(9):1206-1212. [IF:5.053, Cit: 0]McKeith I, Ames D: Top cited papers in InternationalPsychogeriatrics: 1. Long-term use of rivastigmine inpatients with dementia with Lewy bodies: an open label trial.International Psychogeriatrics 2009, 21:5-6. [IF: 2.098, Cit: 0]Meissner B, Kallenberg K, Sanchez-Juan P, Collie D,Summers DM, Almonti S, Collins SJ, Smith P, Cras P, JansenGH, Brandel J-P, Coulthart MB, Roberts H, Van EverbroeckB, Galanaud D, Mellina V, Will RG, Zerr I: MRI lesion profilesin sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Neurology 2009,72(93):1994-2001. [IF: 7.043, Cit: 2]Minniti AN, Rebolledo DL, Grez PM, Fadic R, Aldunate R,Volitakis I, Cherny RA, Opazo C, Masters C, Bush AI, InestrosaNC: Intracellular amyloid formation in muscle cells ofAß-transgenic Caenorhabditis elegans: determinantsand physiological role in copper detoxification. MolecularNeurodegeneration 2009, 4(1):2. [IF: -, Cit: 1]Mok SS, Bush AI: Therapeutics of Alzheimer’s diseasebased on metal bioavailability. In: “Micronutrients and Brain<strong>Health</strong>”. Edited by Packer, L. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL USA.2009:117-132.Monoranu CM, Apfelbacher M, Grunblatt E, Puppe B,Alafuzoff I, Ferrer I, Al-Saraj S. Keyvani K, Schmitt, A, FlakaiP, Schiienhelm J, Halliday G, Kril J, Harper C, McLean C,Riederer P, Roggendorf W: pH measurement as qualitycontrol on human post-mortem brain tissue: A study of theBrainNet Europe Consortium. Neuropathology and AppliedNeurobiology 2009, 35(3):329-337. [IF: 3.660, Cit: 2]Munro KM, Perreau VM: Current and future applications oftranscriptomics for discovery in CNS disease and injury.Neurosignals 2009, 17(4):311-327. [IF: 2.273, Cit: 0]Narayan S, Head SR, Gilmartin TJ, Dean B, Thomas EA.Evidence for disruption of sphingolipid metabolism inschizophrenia. Journal of Neuroscience <strong>Research</strong> 2009,87(1):278-288. [IF: 3.086, Cit: 3]Ng F, Mammen OK, Wilting I, Sachs GS, Ferrier IN, Cassidy F,Beaulieu S, Yatham LN, Berk M: The International Societyfor Bipolar Disorders (ISBD) consensus guidelines for thesafety monitoring of bipolar disorder treatments. BipolarDisorders 2009, 11(6):559-595. [IF:3.959 , Cit: 3]Nisbet DR, Crompton KE, Horne MK, Finkelstein DI, ForsytheJS: Neural tissue engineering of the CNS using hydrogels -A review (vol 5, pg 293, 2003). Journal of Biomedical Materials<strong>Research</strong> Part B-Applied Biomaterial 2009, 88B(1):304-304.[IF: 2.030, Cit: 0]Nisbet DR, Forsythe JS, Shen W, Finkelstein DI, Horne MK: Areview of the cellular response on electrospun nanofibersfor tissue engineering. Journal of Biomaterials Applications2009, 24(1):7-29. [IF: 1.635, Cit: 1]Nisbet DR, Moses D, Gengenbach TR, Forsythe JS, FinkelsteinDI, Horne MK: Enhancing neurite outgrowth from primaryneurones and neural stem cells using thermoresponsivehydrogel scaffolds for the repair of spinal cord injury.Journal of Biomedical Materials <strong>Research</strong> Part A 2009,89A(1):24-35. [IF: 2.706, Cit: 2]Nisbet DR, Rodda AE, Finkelstein DI, Horne MK, Forsythe JS,Shen W: Surface and bulk characterisation of electrospunmembranes: problems and improvements. Colloids andSurfaces B-Biointerfaces 2009, 71(1):1-12. [IF: 2.593, Cit:1]

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24Scarr E, Dean B: Role of the cholinergic system in thepathology and treatment of schizophrenia. Expert Review ofNeurotherapeutics 2009, 9(1):73-86.Sedaghat K, Finkelstein DI, Gundlach AL: Effect of unilaterallesion of the nigrostriatal dopamine pathway on survivaland neurochemistry of parafascicular nucleus neurons inthe rat – evaluation of time-course and LGR8 expression.Brain <strong>Research</strong> 2009, 1271:83-94. [IF: 2.494, Cit: 0]Sensi SL, Paoletti P, Bush AI, Sekler I: Zinc in the physiologyand pathology of the CNS. Nature Reviews Neuroscience2009, 10(11):780-792. [IF: 25.940, Cit: 0]Smidt K, Jessen N, Petersen AB, Larsen A, MagnussonN, Jeppesen JB, Stoltenberg M, Culvenor JG, TsatsanisA, Brock B, Schmitz O, Wogensen L, Bush AI, Rungby J:SLC30A3 responds to glucose- and zinc variations inbeta-cells and is critical for insulin production and in vivoglucose-metabolism during beta-cell stress. PLoS One2009, 4(5):e5684. [IF: -, Cit: 0]Sotthibundhu A, Li Q-X, Thangnipon W, Coulson EJ:Ab1-42 stimulates adult SVZ neurogenesis through thep75 neurotrophin receptor. Neurobiology of Aging 2009,30(12):1975-1985. [IF: 5.959, Cit: 2]Smith JP, Lal V, Bowser D, Cappai R, Masters CL, CiccotostoGD: Stimulus pattern dependence of the Alzheimer’sdisease amyloid-ß 42 peptide’s inhibition of long termpotentiation in mouse hippocampal slices. Brain <strong>Research</strong>2009, 1269:176-184. [IF: 2.494, Cit: 1]Stafford L, Berk M, Jackson HJ: Are illness perceptionsabout coronary artery disease predictive of depression andquality of life outcomes? Journal of Psychosomatic <strong>Research</strong>2009, 66(3):211-220. [IF: 2.540, Cit: 1]Stafford L, Jackson HJ, Berk M: Cognitive-Personality styleas vulnerability to depression in patients with coronaryartery disease: Roles of sociotropy and autonomy.Psychosomatic Medicine 2009, 71(1):63-69. [IF: 3.460, Cit: 1]Strozyk D, Launer LJ, Adlard PA, Cherny RA, TsatsanisA, Volitakis I, Blennow K, Petrovitch H, White LR, BushAI: Zinc and copper modulate Alzheimer Aß levels inhuman cerebrospinal fluid. Neurobiology of Aging 2009,30(7):1069-1077. [IF: 5.959, Cit: 7]Tang B, Chang W-L, Lanigan CM, Dean B, Sutcliffe JG,Thomas EA: Normal human aging and early-stageschizophrenia share common molecular profiles. Aging Cell2009, 8(3):339-342. [IF: 7.791, Cit: 1]Taylor AM, Berchtold NC, Perreau VM, Tu CH, et al: AxonalmRNA in uninjured and regenerating cortical mammalianaxons. Journal of Neuroscience 2009, 29(15):4697-4707.[IF: 7.452, Cit: 8]The Australia and New Zealand Multiple Sclerosis GeneticsConsortium (ANZgene). Study design and managementcommittee: Melanie Bahlo, D. R. B., Simon Broadley,Matthew A Brown, Simon J Foote, Lyn Griffiths, Trevor JKilpatrick, Jeanette Lechner-Scott, Pablo Moscato, VictoriaM Perreau, Justin P Rubio, Rodney J Scott, Jim Stankovich,Graeme J Stewart, Bruce V Taylor, James Wiley (Chair)Sample processing, data handling and genotyping: MatthewA Brown, David R Booth, Glynnis Clarke, Mathew B Cox,Peter A Csurhes, Patrick Danoy, Karen Drysdale, JudithField, Simon J Foote, Judith M Greer, Lyn R Griffiths, PreethiGuru, Johanna Hadler, Ella Hoban, Cathy J Jensen, Laura JJohnson, Ruth McCallum, Marilyn Merriman, Tony Merriman,Karen Pryce, Rodney J Scott, Graeme J Stewart, Lotfi Tajouri,Ella J Wilkins, Justin P Rubio. Data analysis: Melanie Bahlo,Matthew A Brown, Brian L Browning, Sharon R Browning,Devindri Perera, Justin P Rubio, Jim Stankovich (Chiefanalyst). Phenotyping: Simon Broadley, Helmut Butzkueven,William M Carroll, Caron Chapman, Allan G Kermode,Mark Marriott, Deborah Mason, Robert N Heard, Michael PPender, Mark Slee, Niall Tubridy, Jeanette Lechner-Scott,Bruce V Taylor, Ernest Willoughby, Trevor J Kilpatrick (Chair):Genome-wide association study identifies new multiplesclerosis susceptibility loci on chromosomes 12 and 20.Nature Genetics 2009, 41(7):824-828. [IF: 30.259, Cit: 9]Tinsley RB, Bye CR, Parish CL, Tziotis-Vais A, George S,Culvenor JG, Li Q-X, Masters CL, Finkelstein DI, Horne MK:Dopamine D-2 receptor knockout mice develop features ofParkinson disease. Annals of Neurology 2009, 66(4):472-484.[IF: 9.935, Cit: 2]Tohen M, Frank E, Bowden CL, Colom F, Ghaemi SN, YathamLN, Malhi GS, Calabrese JR, Nolen WA, Vieta E, Kapczinski F,Goodwin GM, Suppes T, Sachs GS, Chengappa KR, GrunzeH, Mitchell PB, Kanba S, Berk M: The International Societyfor Bipolar Disorders (ISBD) Task Force report on thenomenclature of course and outcome in bipolar disorders.Bipolar Disorders 2009, 11(5):453-473. [IF: 3.959, Cit: 1]Udawela M, Scarr E, Dean B: Prefrontal cholinergicreceptors: Their role in the pathology of schizophrenia. In:Prefrontal Cortex: Roles, Interventions and Traumas. Edited byLoGrasso L, Morretti, G. 2009:49-74. Nova Biomedical Books,Hauppauge, NY, USA. ISBN: 978-1-60692-415-0Unützer J, Ames D: Top cited papers in InternationalPsychogeriatrics: 2. Quality adjusted life years in older

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<strong>INTERIM</strong><strong>REPORT</strong>2009Donations1 July - 31 December 200926IN-KIND SUPPORTBlock ArcadeBriner SignsCAMCARE Charity Christmas Card ShopMr Alf CaruanaDepartment of Human Services, <strong>Mental</strong><strong>Health</strong> BranchDepartment of Innovation, Industry &Regional DevelopmentGerrand & AssociatesGroup Exercise TherapyMiddletons LawyersMonash UniversityMr Ross OakleyOne in Five Association IncRoyal Yacht Club of VictoriaThe AgeThe University of MelbourneWhybin/TWBAWardlaw FamilyWoods FamilyDonations: $50,000 – 199,999Alan (AGL) Shaw Charitable TrustMr & Mrs Reg & Judy DixonMr JF Kearney AM QC & Mrs M A KearneyPerpetual Private ClientsDonations: $10,000 – 49,999Australian Rotary <strong>Health</strong>ANZ Executors & Trustee Co LtdBesen Family FoundationBethlehem Griffiths <strong>Research</strong> FoundationThe Greatorex Foundation Pty LtdMr Geoffrey N Handbury AOThe Marian & E.H. Flack TrustMenzies FoundationOmni Footwear Pty LtdOne in Five Association IncReece Australia LtdDonations: $2000 – 9,999AnonymousCity of MelbourneHart Charities Pty LtdHCA Leadership Programs Pty LtdMrs Louise LampardEstate of Rachel M DrakeMallee Family Care IncPenfold MotorsProfessor H & Dr E TaylorUrbis Pty LtdDonationS: $200 – 1,999Mrs Hilda ArblasterMr Darren BakerMr Paul BartlettThe Hon William R BaxterMr David BennettMr Dimitrios BeroukasMr & Ms Cam & Jules BertalliMr G R BlairMs Beth BrownMrs M J BuggMs Marnie BullerMrs Ellen M BurtMiss E M ButtJ CallThe Hon S P & Mrs J J CharlesMr Derek K ClaptonMrs Christine CloughMr & Ms Jan & Michael CodyDr & Mrs Geoffrey & Joan ConronMr & Mrs BB & SH CoolingMrs Heather CoombesMs Barbara CooperMrs Anne CowanMs Helen CowanMr Jim DingwallMr Hugh DixsonMs Felicity DruceMr Craig EidridgeMr Z EltonMr Dan EntwistleMr James O Fairfax AOMr Ian FitzgeraldMr & Ms Frank & Barb FordMs Christina FoxMs Jill FraserDr A K FrydayMr Ben FultonMrs J A GabbMrs Sylvia Gelman AM MBEJustice Alan Goldberg AOMs Rosemary GrahameMrs Alice HalaszMr Richard HammerJerome HaoustMr & Mrs A P HodgesMs Nancy HuntMr & Ms Robin & April HuxleyMr Jack JenkinsMr Malcolm S KennedyMs Mary KirsnerMs Daphne KreskasMs Sarah LaneMr D W & Mrs W I LeslieGill LethleaMr James LewMs Clare LindopMr Ambrose LinkeDr & Mrs Ben LochtenbergMs Rosemary B S MacindoeMr Prue McBeath

Mr Simon McKeonMr Richard McKinnonMr Campbell McLarenDr Graham McMahonLibby McNaughtonMr Darren MilneMiss J MorganMr Gerry MoriartyMr John Nixon-SmithMr Stephen O'ConnorMs Meg O'HanlonMichael & Lyn O'SullivanMs Rosemary PanelliMr David PatonMrs Margaret Poh Kam ChanMrs Jean PotterMr & Mrs V J PriceMr Denis RalphMs Judy RebeccaMr & Mrs P & E RybaMs Bryley SadlerMr J Sharkey AMMiss P SmartMr Matthew SmithDr Sylvia SolinskiMr Robert StinsonMr & Ms Barry & Barbara StrongMr & Mrs Gs & LC TahijaMr Rowan TatchellMr Robin TaylorMr Robert C ThrowerDr Diana TolhurstMr Vin TozerDr David TyrwhittMiss Tania VisentiniMrs Kathy WallaceMr Glyn WallensMrs M WalshDr Peter J WebsterMs Rachela H WestMr Luke WestmoreMr John V WilkinsMrs Margaret WilsonMs Karina WoolrichDonations: $2 – 199Mrs Helen AblettMr W J AbsalomMs Sharon AceretMr Richard AcumMrs Renie AdgemisMs Gabrielle AitkenMs Zoe AitkenMr Ally AkbarzadehMr Matthew AlfawwalMr Grant AllanMs Kate AllenDr Glenys AlsopMr Lucian AnceschiMr Erik AndressonMrs Rebecca AndrewsMs Louise AnkersMrs Judith AnketellMs Yvonne AnthonyMs Betty AppletonMrs A M ArbuckleMr Craig ArcherMr Daniel ArcherMr Duncan ArmourMr Walter ArmstrongMrs Ronaldine ArnoldMs Barbara AshtonMr D M AstonMrs Annie AustinMrs Soujanya AyachitulaMr Andrew BadcoeMrs Doreen V BaileyMs Zandi BakerMs Iranganie BandaranayakeMs Lisa BarbazzaMs Sofie BarlisMr David BarrettMr Adrian BassoMr & Mrs J L BathMs Veronica BatrosMrs Janelle BatstoneMs Holly BeasleyMrs Sofia BehtossandiMs Kerrie BellMrs Diana F BenefieldMr Dean BenjaminMr Frank BenjaminMr Albert BentataMs Kerry-Ann BentonMiss Candice BestMr Mark BezemerMrs V BicknellMrs Belinda BignoldMs Jocelyn BignoldMs Johanna BignoldMr & Mrs C & I BillinghurstMs Margaret BirchDr Ian BirchallMrs Annette BirdMr & Mrs R D G & M J BirrellDr Ruth BirrellMr & Mrs Robert & Patricia BishMr Ric BlandMr & Mrs J Blaney-MurphyMr Emilio BlasettiMs Lolita BobbinMr Ed BobeffMr Aaron BoddyMiss Ciara BolandMiss Natalie BossongMs C BourkeMs & Mr Loretto & Ray BradyMrs Mindy BrakeMs Joan BrayMs Amy BrennanDr Aoife BrickMs Vanessa BridgesMr M BrownMs Rebecca BrownMs Rosie BrownMrs Linda BruceMrs Leanne BruhnMrs Pearl BruhnMrs Brooke BubnerMr Ashley BuchananMs Irene BuchananMrs Huong BuiMr A B Bunnett OAMMs Fiona BurnesMs Georgia BurnsMr Jeff ButlerMs Di CallejaLibby & Nick CallinanMr Andrew CameronMrs B M CampbellMrs Glenda CampbellMs Janice CampioneMr Adrian CantwellMs Elizabeth CareyMr Paul CareyMiss Andria CarniatoMiss Kate CarollMiss Tamie CastrisiosMrs B K CatesMrs Jocelyn Cato27

28Mrs Susie CayMr Neil ChadwickMr Roy ChadwickMr Anthony E ChalonerMrs P A ChastonMs Mary ChesterMr Les ChinMr K ChrysostomMs Lindsay CirilloMr E A CizekMs Marcelle ClarebroughMr Robbie ClarkMs Dale ClarkeMs Heather ClayClayton Bowls Club IncMs Lucy CleeveMr & Mrs J L & E S ClelandMs Anna ClothierMr F J CoatesMr L E CoburnMr Daniel CochraneMs Alison CollettMrs Robyn CollierMr & Mrs A CollinsMrs Julie CollinsMs Sarah CollinsMr F J ColwellMr Ian ColwellMs Claire ConlonMr Tony CookMr V A CookeMrs Margaret CooperMs Lorraine CopleyMr Dean CorkeDr June CorryMrs Kate CoryndonMr Kevin J CosgraveMrs N CostelloMr Bill CottonMr David CottonMr Jon CottonMr Richard CottonMrs Andree CouttsMs Katrina CoxMr Michael CraigMiss Jamie- Lee CrawfordMrs Heather CrossMrs Pamela CrosthwaiteMr Bede CrowleyMs Martina CrowleyMs Sharon CullenMr Peter CummiskeyMr & Ms C J CurtainMrs Sally CurtainMr Mick DafniMrs D DannockMs Robyn DaviesMs Carol DawsonMrs Maree DeanMr Abaran DeepMrs S DeevesMr Bill DenholmDr Emma DeSilvaMr & Mrs DimanopoulosMs Tara DinesMs Joan DingliMr Leigh DixonMrs Michelle DolanMrs June DonaldMs Bert DonaldsonMs Emma DonaldsonMr Ivor DonaldsonMr Richard DonaldsonMs Sue DonaldsonKerrie DonkerMr George D'OnofrioMs Shirley DoomernikMr Bruce DowdingMs Linda DrovedelicMr Andrew DuguidMs Leonie DunnachieMs Emily DuntMs Julia DwyerMrs Jennifer DyTiapcoMr Jeff EaganMrs Val EarlMr Warwick EarlMr & Mrs D & I J EddlestonMr Mark EdmondsMr Martin EdwardsMr Michael EdwardsMrs Barbara ElliottMr Tim ElliottMr Kenneth EllisonMs Joanne EltringhamMr & Mrs L EnderbyMr & Mrs G ErmerMs Kate EvendenMr Richard EverettMs Angelina EynonMiss Cassandra EyresMrs P A FaggMrs Michelle FairlieMs P K FalcinellaMrs Debbie FalzonMr Jim FalzonMr & Mrs M & Y FaneliMs Shay FarbotkoMr & Ms T & D FarquharsonMr Karl FarragherMr K FarrellMs Maree FarrowMs Melanie FashamMs Carryl FennerMs Danielle FerraroMr Duncan FikkersProfessor George FinkMs Deborah FlanaganMs Alison FlynnMs Ann ForehanMrs Wilma ForemanMs Tracy FortuneMrs Kay FossMr George FotakisMrs Lyn FrancisDr George FreedMr Reginald FreemanMs Caroline FreemantleMrs Valmae FreilichMr Michael FrenchMr Fred FrohlichMs Cathy FromiaMrs Margaret FultonMr Stewart FultonMrs Susanne E GaborMrs Gloria GabrianaMs Anna GanzMrs Joan GarnhamMr Christopher GarrityMr Andrew GaukrogerMr R GehrigMs Sonia GeorgesMr Tulio GiansanteMr & Mrs D S & V I GibbMiss Belinda GibsonMs Kay GibsonMr Raymond GilbertMs Simone GillMr Gary R GilsonMr Paul Gladwell

Ms Alena GlaisterMr David GlassonMrs Kel GleesonMr Gavin GlozierMrs Ainsley GoldMrs Pearl GoldmanMr & Mrs J GoodallMr & Mrs R R GoodesMrs Doreen Gordon-KirkbyMrs Sue GormanMr R N GotchMs Georgia GoudMr David GowansMrs M R GradyMs E M GrahamMiss Lucy GrahamMs Maryanne GraingerMrs M L GrayMr Ernest GreenMr Nick GreensladeMs Cheryl GriffinMr Craig GroganMrs Sally GrolmanMr Alastair GumleyMs Hazel GunnMiss Sandy HablethwaiteMrs Edna HackletonMs Ivy HallMs Kerry HallMs Kristy HallMrs Wyn HallMr Ben HallettMs April HalliwellMrs Shirley HallowsMs Lisa HammondMs Carolyn HannafordMs Pauline HannonMs Sue HarbottleMr & Ms D & M HardmanMrs Julia HareMrs E HarmanMr Anthony HarrisMrs Lynette HarrisMr & Mrs Pat & Liz HarrisMr & Mrs Peter & Elaine HarrisMr Andrew HarrisonMrs Margaret A HawksworthMr Marty HayesDr Carrie HaywardMs Fiona HealyMr Paul HealyMs Sarah HearnMrs Elizabeth HedgerMrs Rosemary HeideMs Elizabeth M HeinzeMrs J HelmerMr & Mrs J & V HenleyMr Brent HenricksMiss Rebecca HenryMr Demien HenseMr & Mrs S HerdMr Paul HermanMs Pauline HernonMs Meg HewittDr Ian HewsonMs Amanda HibbertMr Paul Thomas HicksMs Sarah HicksMrs Barbara HigginsMr Kim HildebrandtMs Margaret HillMs Margaret HiltonMr Nick HindhaughMr James HinesMs Jane HingstonMrs Donna HinkleyMs W E HirstMiss Deanne HoareMrs Jean HofmaierMr Andy HoistethMr Michael HoldwayMs Jenny HolmesMs Nanette HomeMs Judith HopeMr Mark HoppeMs Leonie HortonMr Greg HoskingMr & Mrs W J HoskingMiss Alana HouseMiss Jodie HouseMs Nadine HouseMrs Helen HowardMiss Rachel HowdenMrs J F HowellMiss Ceara HowleyMs Leara HowleyMr Mark HowleyMrs T HowseMs Kate HugginsMr L HughesMiss L HughesMs Miranda HuntMr Eric HunterMr B HurstMr Michael HutchisonMr James HuttonDr Agim HymerMrs Sally IvesMr & Mrs A S JacksonMrs D M JacksonMrs H E JacksonMrs Marie JacksonMs Sharryn Jackson MPDr Brian D JamesMs Louise JamesThuse JamesMs Lelani JayasingheMs Diane JenkinsMr Tony JennettMr Chris JensenMs Margot JensenMs Sophie JensenMrs Winifred JensenDr Bradley JoblinMr Ferella JohnsMr Andrew JohnstonMr Christian JohnstonMs Roxy JohnstonMs Sarah JohnstonMr Ross J JohnstoneMr Karl JokabsenMs Eunice JolliffeMr Duncan JonesMr Matt JonesMs Pamela JonesMr Darren JordonMr John JoryMr Robert KaighinMrs Rachel Kalman OAMMs Linda KarafiliMrs Nichola KarafilliMs Valentina KarafiliMrs Anna KaraglorgelMr Andrew KaraviasMr Nathan KarrickMs Vicky KassidasMs Helen KeanMs Maree KeatingMr & Mrs D KeirMs Jennifer Kelso29

30Mr Jarrod KenizavMrs Michelle KennaMs Nola KennedyMs Irene KennyMr & Ms Bryan & June Cohen-KeonMs Anna KerrisonMs Shirley KhooMr Robert KidaMr Robert KiddMrs Jane KidmanMrs Jenny KingMs Cora KiplingMrs Joyce KirkMr A J Kirkham AMMr Ian KluckowMr David KneenMr Jarad KohlarMr P Kolliner OAMMr Andrew KoniuszkoMr & Mrs A KonlisMr Harry KontoposMs Liz KoschitzkeMr & Mrs H & B KoskyMr & Ms Les & Mary KoulisDr Jerzy KrupinskiMr Richard KuaMiss Petra KudarMr G KuranMr Ergun KursunMs Magenta KuzbickiMr Phil LallyMr Simon LallyMr Peter LalorMrs Kathy LandonMr John Landy AC CVO MBEMr Adam LaneMr R LaniniMrs Rita LavaleMr & Ms George & Eileen LawsonMr & Mrs J & B Le BoeufMs Kate LeadickMr Daniel LearMr & Ms Noel & Jan LearyMrs Narelle LeaverMr John LechteMrs Frances LeddickMiss Kate LeddickMr & Mrs RR & PA LeeMs Judith LeeMiss Stephanie LeeMs Mary LeesMs Anna LemishMr Peter LemonMrs Christine LeonardDr David LeonardMs Trish LeoniMiss Melissa LeopoldMr Lewis LesterDr Carrie LethborgMr & Ms Gerry & Judy LewisMr Mark LewisMiss Catherine LeydenMr Stephen LibreriMs Anyes LindopMr Clive LindopMrs Maggie LindopMrs Katherine LindsayMiss Kate LiscombeMrs V LohMs Nichola LowmanMr & Ms Ken & Helen LoyallMrs Joan LucasMs Fiona LudbrookMrs J A LuntMrs M LynchMr Martin LynchDr Stephen LynnDr Bernard LyonsMrs Lingna MaMr Craig MackeyMr Vijaya MackieMs Joan MaclaganMackay Consolidated Industries Pty LtdMrs Sarah MacRaildMr Seth MaddenMr Andrew MadisenMrs Susan MahchehrehMs Georgina MahonyMr Chris MakridisB MalcolmMr Ray ManleyMr Andrew ManningMr ManosMs Judy ManroMr Jared MansfieldMrs Sally MansonMr Andrew MansourMrs M D MarchMr Andrew MarksMs Lara MarmionMs Jess MarshMrs Joy L MarshMr Christopher MarshallMr Scott MartinMiss Jennifer MaschmannMrs Carla MasonMrs Carmel MastwykMs Anne MatthewsMs Christine MatthewsMrs F M MatthewsMrs Kellie MatthewsMr Marc MatthewsMs Mariana MatthewsMs Maria MayMrs Lois McBurneyMr & Mrs Peter & Gwen McCarthyMrs J McCauleyMiss Karina McCullochMs Louise McDadeMr Ian McDemottMr Paul McDonaldMiss Kate McFaddenMiss Ursula McFaddenMr Daryl McintyreMr & Mrs Doug & Jan McIverMr Adrian MckenzieMs Laura McKenzieMs Roslyn McKnightMr John McLeishMr Rodney McLeishMiss Tania McLeishMr Peter McMahonDr Ruth McMahonMs Theresa McManusMr Adam McmasterMr David McNamaraMr Tim McNamaraMr Hugh MedcalfMrs Janice MedwayMr & Ms Ron & Margot MeldrumMiss Katerina MercuryMiss Nadia MertensMr & Mrs C& N MetayasMr Nick MetayasMr & Mrs P & S MetayasMr John MichauxMiss Brooke MickanMr & Mrs D & C MifsusMr James MillarMrs Rachael Millen

Mr Trevor MillerMr John MillionMrs Fay MillsMr Rowan MillsMr John D MilneMr Steve MiltonMr J MirMiss Tatiana MiroshnikoffMs Kerry MoloeyMr Tom Molomby CBEMr James MoodyMr D B MooreMs Gaye MooreMr Stephen MooreMr Alexander MorganMs Anna MorganMr & Mrs G A & C R MorganMr Greg MorganMs E M MorleyMr & Mrs Tony & Sue MorrisonMrs Susan MorrowMr Benjamin MountainDr B J & Mrs M P MoylanDr Liz MullinsMrs Penelope MullnerMr Harvey MundayMr A MusolinoMs Angela MyersMrs Atida NaphtaliMr Adam NevilleMr Heath NevilleMr Kevin NevrousMr Adam NewellMr Thong NguyMs Kathryn NichollMs Kylie NichollsMrs Rhoda NichollsMs Mary NicholsMs Sandra NockMr Brendan NortonMs Lidia NowaraMs Sue NultyMs Jenny OakleyMs & Mr Linda & Greg O'ConnellMr & Mrs John & Nina O'ConnorMs Pat O'ConnorMs Anne O'DonovanMs Libby O'FarrellMrs Liz O'FarrellMr Phillip OffenhauserMr Brian O'FlynnDr Janine O'FlynnMr Simon O'HalloranMrs S OhlMs Tricia O'KeefeMr Mark OlivierMs Dianne OlstonMrs Linda O'MullaneMs Shelley O'ReilleyMiss Sharon O'SullivanMs Elizabeth OswaldMs Alessandra PageMr Taki PakavakisMrs Jane PallotMs Jenny PapaziMrs Kamala ParamanathanMrs Rebecca ParkerMrs Trish ParkerMrs Kim ParryMr Joel ParsonsMrs Rebecca PateMr James PatersonMr Stuart PatersonMs Asher PatuloupoiloiMrs Anne PauchnikMr Peter PayneMr & Mrs PazourosMs Catherine PeachMr J PeakeMr Scott PearsonMrs Leigh PeckhamMs Michele PepplerMrs Tamara PerceyMr S PerelsteinMr Graham PermezelMrs Susan PettitMr Peter PeytonMr Denis PhilipatosMs Daniella PhillipsMrs Catherine PhilpsMiss Lucy PiccoliMs Michelle PickerMr Kevin PictonMrs Lisa PietschmannMs Susan PikeMs Jan PinneriMs Maria PisanMrs Shirley PitmanMs Joan PodriguezMr A PolglaseMr Robert PollockMr Andrew PolsonMr & Ms Richard & Alison Richard PooleMr Chris PotterMs Jane PotterMr Jonathan PotterMr Phillip PotterMs June PottsMiss Alison PoulianakisMr Peter Di Mano PoulosMrs Joan PoultonMr Royston PowellMrs Helen PowerMr Chris PoynterMr Ian PrattSenator Louise PrattMrs Sarah PridayMs Diana PrimaveraMr F L PrinceMr & Mrs M F PritchardMrs S PullenMr Sean PulvermanMr Alister PurbrickMr Clint PurkissMiss Sue PykeMr & Ms Robert & Therese RalphMr Alan RamsayMrs Martha RandMr Rohan RandallMrs A B RasmussenMiss Katie RasmussenMs Michelle RasmussenMr Ryan RasmussenMr Stanley RasmussenMr Tim RasmussenMs Catherine M RayMr Stuart RaynerMr David ReidMr & Mrs F ReinkeMs Laura RestucciaMs Carolyn ReynoldsMr Chris RichardsonMs Helen RichardsonMs Chantel RitcheMr & Mrs A & J RobertsonMr Hunter RobertsonMiss Alesha RobinsonMs Elly RobinsonMr Chris RoddaMs Betty Rogers31

32Mr D W RogersMr Vince RogersMs Kitty RohanMr Trevor RootesMrs Barbara RoseMs Jodie RoseMs Judith RoseMs Abbey RoweMs Lorraine RoweMrs Margaret RoweMr Matt RoweMrs Patricia D RoweMrs Alison RowellMrs Sandra RowlandsMrs Margaret RoystonW M RussellMs Elviva RyanMs Morgana RyanMrs Sarah RydingMiss Pat SadlerMr Terry SalmonMr Michael SameMr Greg SanchezMrs Susan SaturMiss Fiona ScanlonMs Mary S SchembriMr & Mrs Peter & Deb SchembriProfessor Graeme Schofield OBEMs Lisa ScholesMrs Wendy ScottMr Robert SennittMrs S SewardMr & Ms John & Pamela ShannonMrs Jaya SharmanMs Karen SharmanMr Ian ShawMs Yvonne ShawMiss Janette ShegogMr Andrew ShentonSenator Nick SherryMr & Ms A & L ShipsidesMiss Emma ShorterMr & Mrs M & J SimmonsMiss Trudy SimmonsMrs M A SincockMrs Freda SkeltonMr Oliver SkeltonMs Lynne SladeMs Sandra SloaneMs Justine Sloane-LeesMr Andy SmartMr Dave SmithMs Eliza SmithMr & Mrs G M SmithMr & Mrs Mike & Maria SmithMs Robyn SmithMrs Valda SmithMr Warren SmithMr & Mrs Brian SnapeMs Caroline SnellSocial Firms Australia LtdMr F B SommervelleMs Mavis SorensenMs Wendy StaalMr John StackMr Daryll StalkerMrs Fay StalkerMs Jane StalkerMr & Ms Ray & Judy StalkerMr John StanningMr Anthony StarkMr & Mrs Phillip & Genny SteerDr P StephensonMs Bille StevicMr & Ms AA & PP StittMr & Mrs A G & J StorenMs Caroline StormMrs Margaret StratfordN. G StreatMr Nicolas StreetonMr Stephen StuartMrs Helen StubsMr & Mrs Anthony SullivanMs Sue SunderlandMs Rene SuttonMr Jeremy SyMr Andrew SymeMr Stephen SymonsMs Audrey SynnottMs Penny SzatmaryMr Stephen SzentalMs Kristy TamMs Vivian TamMr Andrew TanMr Angelo TarantoMiss Sasha TattMiss Brooke TaylorMrs Cheryl TaylorMr Colin TaylorMr Philip TaylorMr Richard TaylorMr Kevin TechMs Pam TeeuwsenMs Mary TempleMr Vic TestolinThe Patchwork TreeMr W G ThomMr Neil ThomasMr Christopher ThomsonMs Karlene ThompsonMs Shalon ThompsonMr & Mrs A ThomsonMr Dougal ThomsonMiss Emma ThornettMiss Alex ThrelfallMrs G G ThriftMr Thomas ThurlowMiss Kyahn TimmsMiss Chelsea ToddMrs Marjorie ToddMiss Aimie TooMr M ToyMrs E TrevenaMr & Mrs J & E TrevertonMr Simon TrilsbachMr & Mrs Andrew TrimbleMrs Pamela TroodeMs Maria TrufittMr Peter TsanteeskisMrs Eventhia TsatsolmousMr Vince TudiniMs Danni TurchiafelliMrs Paula TuttMiss Liz VaggMs Christine VallenceMs Sally van DoornMs Anne VarleyMrs Kyriakou VasilliMr Kow VassiliadisMs Teresita ViskovichMs Tanya VuMrs Dione WadeMs Claire WalkerMr Gerard WallMr Christopher WallaceMs Liisa WallaceMr Greg WalshMr Mark WalterMr Dale WaltersMr Dylan Ward

Mr Ralph Ward-Ambler AMMr Simon WardlawMr Timothy J WardlawMr George WardleMs Elizabeth WarrellMrs Simone WarrellMrs Dorothy WarrenMiss A D WatsonMrs Natalie WatsonMrs W E WatsonMr Graham WattMrs Norma WattMs Carolyn WavishMr Ian WavishMr Neil M WestawayMs Christina WestmoreMs Bev WeverMr Bevan WhiteMrs Brenda WhiteheadMiss Gemma WhiteheadMr Ian WiggMs Carol WillenbergMs Angela WilliamsMrs Brenda WilliamsMs Leanne WilliamsMr Mark WilliamsMr Michael WilliamsMiss Annie WilsonMs Beth WilsonMs Donna WilsonMr P WilsonMiss Doris L WisniewskiMrs June WithefordMr Tony WojciechowskiDr John WoodwardMs L WorthingtonMr Scar WrightMr Stuart WrightMrs Anne WyburnMiss Paula XiberrasMrs Laura YamamotoMr Ted YangMs Sook Ching YapMr & Mrs L & E YoannidisMr Ben YuenMr George ZachariasMr Chris ZegersDr Robin ZeidlerMr llir ZenkuMiss Meggie Zhang33

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