WORK: Vol.1-No.51 - Tools for Working Wood

WORK: Vol.1-No.51 - Tools for Working Wood

WORK: Vol.1-No.51 - Tools for Working Wood


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••-•I812••SHOP.[Wo1·k- Mart.h 8 I{• tpreiJariDg spoolfl.cations, which must be written induplicate ~n the properly authorised <strong>for</strong>ms, andaeoompanie(l by th~ stamped application <strong>for</strong>m. Ityou merely protect a Bha;>e or desi~n, it is probablethat you n1ay rcqwre protection under theDesigns Act, and not under the Patent Act. Shouldyou obtain Provisional Protection under the P atentA ct, it stands ~ood <strong>for</strong> nine months from the dat~of the applioauon, when the complete patent mustbe applied <strong>for</strong> which will remain in <strong>for</strong>ce <strong>for</strong> fourteenyti(U8. l'be protection <strong>for</strong> o. design is onlygiven <strong>for</strong> a period of five rears.-R. & C.Bronslng »"labfng Tackle. - BRO~Z.tNG(Leeds).- I am sorry you have been k ept w~1tmg,but your Jet,ter in51uiring about ~he b~on3m~ . offishing tackle, etc., must ha>O llUSCarrled: rhesuQject l1as, however , been brO\lgh t <strong>for</strong>ward m th~seoolumr.s in answer to other correspondents. Chl?ndeot antimony applied to perfectly cl~n a~d polishedbrasswork will produce a charmmg v1olet s~elcolour, which I consider most suita ble <strong>for</strong> fishmgreels. rod mountings, etc., but '~hether the makersof such articles, or the conno1sseu1-s nmong thefishing comm unity, w ould approve., is an~ther ~l.a t­ter. 'Try it, however, be<strong>for</strong>e you dec1de. I hebrass should be tllrned up quite bright in the lathe,or" dipped" in the usual way, then heated m od er·a tely, and the chloride of antimony liquor a ppliedwith a rag until the work i.SI eYenly coloured. when itshould be polished \Vith ll perfectly dry soft clothand lacquered with cl~ . e.. colourless-lacquer.-0Plf' EX.Wbeel Gea.ri.ng.-G. R. (Dm·ham).-The datayou gh·e nre altogether insufficient. T o desi~u thewheds it is .necessary to know the a mount of <strong>for</strong>ceto be transn1itted in order to determine the sizes ofthe wheel teeth, and of t he driving chains nndother parts. The ratios of the diameters of wheelsto get the desired increase of speed will be asunder :-.Assuming the '!heel, of which the c irCUf!l·ference is to run at 40 ID!Ies a n hour, to be 6 feet mdiameter. i t w ill make 200 r e'l"olutions a minutenearly. There must be a pinion on t he shaftgeared to a wheel 5 times its diameter on thenext shaft, which must carry a pinion gearedto a wheel 4 times its diameter, carrying a pin!on2~ times its diameter fixed on the shaft, wluchis to revol ve 4 times a minute. If you let rueknow the class ot machinery, if the size of thefi.rst or last wheel is settled, and the po,ver to betransmitted, I can gi\'e you definite in<strong>for</strong>mationfrom which you can work. Four revolutions aminute is r emarkably slow <strong>for</strong> any kind of machine,except, perhaps, a water wheeL-F. C.Magnetiaf.Dg SteeL- FLAX SPINNER (Lonutor1).-In your <strong>for</strong>mer letter, sent m e in July last., youasked <strong>for</strong> ~<strong>for</strong>matio!l r especting the means .to beemployed m d evelopmg the greatest power ln anelectro-magnet. From your letter just to band, Igather that yo u wanted something different stlto·g ether . Why, then, make a mystery of your realwants, and enjoin me to sccrecy1 T here is uoeecrct about magnetising h orseshoe mn~;nets. ~rremagnetising them when they have lost the1rm agnetism. You won't get a patent <strong>for</strong> the process.Make a. pair of hollow bobbins, with holes in themto fit the legs of the magnet. To dc\·clop thegreatest power "i n the magnet, wind on thc:>eenough No. 20 cotton-covered wire to make 'thewhole three times ,the diameter of the hollow core.\Vind one bobbin from right to left, and tl!e otherin the contrary direction. Connect the two togetherwhen on the legs ot the magne t, and sendthrough them the strongest current at your command.The current from your 10 'Valker cells inseries will d evelop considerable power in the smallsteel magnets. See also replies to C. E. B. E. (EbbwVale), V. R. (Li1Jerpool), and ANXIOUS (Liverpool).I do n ot <strong>for</strong>get to answer the letters of correspondents.Every letter received has m y prompt andcarerul consideration, but my replies cannot getinto print as soon as you expect tbem.-G. E. B.Maguetto Bxploder.-A. C.-I do not know theoondiLions necessary to etfect the explosion of benzineYapour by means of a. magnetic exploder, socannot tell you how to make the instrument. Ihope to give an illustrated descl"iption of a. smallm~netic dynamo in a future number of \\"OJm:.a nd this may possibly suit your purpose, a~ it willmake o. wire white hot, nnd gi ,·e sparks. I cannotgi\·e vou uuy idea. here iu a few words h ow ton.ukc' the machine. so must ask you to wait untllic.xpluin it in detaiL-G. E. il.Shocking Coil.-J. B. P. (b·thlinaborou{lh).­Have YfJil not lll·ard thnt •· e\·crythiug comes tot ll••'ln w hQ wait ?.. Thl' Limited" (the word "limited •· con,·eyJng thesum~ in<strong>for</strong>mation here ns the wor~ •· merchants;;in your case), or •· Eastmans, .Amen can ~utcbers.a. company which has a shop m almost e' ery 18.11(8town in the kingdvm.-H. L. B.Photographic Sl\des <strong>for</strong> the Maglo Lantena.- J OH:\ BL"LL asks the following question.s :-"Howto make photographic slides <strong>for</strong> the magtc ,!ant~rn,and can they be made out of the P!ates1 Now,l\Ir. Eclitor. I do not want to de>elop mto a~wierin nw old n~;e, but will you allow me to ~)JUS aword in protest agn!nst such Yague quesuoi?s1 ~tis a common fault w1L!l persons to ask queso~s;:sucb a way that one 1s. at a perfect loss to '{;inwhat is w anted. I behc>e that the art of .as. ~ques tions is one that few understand. ~hetr ~anis palpable enou~h to themsc)\·e~! .but mt~;~ t~hanl not the power or are unw1lm~ to e C retrouble to place the idea-the word p1ct_u~e-r:.~inthe mind of another. Now, I um not w_rlllng · \utan unfriendly S(Jirit, or through cnpl!O~lsdess.d tothat our mutes in the ·' Shop" '::nay b_e lO u~etiiUestate their wants clearlr. as 1 ~ w1ll Ba' e muc don the part of tho::e who de ~u·e to he_lp the~~· ~f\'cry often much space in \\'OKK-Whi ~h.ts cl ~ustgreater ,·alue. Now to refer to the que::.tJOn. t ke apresume a. g reat deal: first, that J , B. ~aum:k e ancgath·e. etc. 'Io take a traospa_rc~Cl. ~wood tube. 5 ft. l~ng and 3i square dn sll~: r~~~:;ment. Half an Inch from one en g to <strong>for</strong>m asmnll angle pieces ~n the corners, 5 ~t l:"t1le pictureledge <strong>for</strong> the negative to rest on,~ hte on this,side towards the end .. No'~ layfa "~'*C;t Pb with thebut separated from 1t by ru o an.l~c. fasten thisprepared surface towards tbe.cal nega.ti~~s that Jll&Ym its place by any mecham md . light-proof,snf'Cgest itself. S~etng thda tJ~ethC: tu~e towards abring it into the light, anre must benorth light if possible.. Length of fi:gO:Conds; dedeterminedby experiment-saY v tJuessed UJ,eYelop in the usual war. If I. ba\'e no distiD~right answer, please usk aga!lld, ~n

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