Spring 1998 - Norman Rockwell Museum

Spring 1998 - Norman Rockwell Museum

Spring 1998 - Norman Rockwell Museum


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For AdultsSaturdays, April 4, 25 and May 169:30 to 11 :30amART HISTORY SERIESAn American Story:Three Centuries of Art &- CultureJoin Maureen Johnson Hickey, EdD in thisfascinating look at the content and style ofAmerican art. Three illustrated talks will explore theAmerican search for self-image, and the art thatbecame a vital part of the process of growth.Session 1: The Colonists, the Formation of aRepublican Image, and Our Great Land of UbertySession 2: The Draw of Europe and Its Influenceon Late 19th-Century and Early 20th-CenturyAmericanMSession 3: Post War ModemA related bus trip to the Metropolitan <strong>Museum</strong> ofArt and the Whitney <strong>Museum</strong> of American Art isoffered for an additional fee. See May 20th listing.Educator/art historian Maureen Johnson Hickey,EdD. is director of the Berkshire Art Gallery and ArtCenter in Great Barrington, MA. $45, $l1O members.Sunday, AprilS, 3pmGALLERY TALKIn Celebration of <strong>Spring</strong>Throughouttheir careers, <strong>Norman</strong> <strong>Rockwell</strong> andJ.e. Leyendecker were called upon to createseasonal illustrations for the country's leadingpublications. Enjoy these visual celebrations of theend of winter, with museum guide GeorgeChurch. Free with museum admission.Sunday, April 19, 3pmGALLERY TALKArt by DesignHow did <strong>Norman</strong> <strong>Rockwell</strong> approach picturemaking? Experience the power of design as artist/graphic designer AI Hollworth takes an in-depthlook at the artistic process and how artists createstrong images. Free with museum admission.Saturday, April 25, 8am to 5pmSPECIAL Bus TRIP<strong>Rockwell</strong>: The Westchester YearsEnjoy this special jaunt to Westchester Countywhere <strong>Norman</strong> <strong>Rockwell</strong> lived and worked for overtwo decades. Journalist/educator Barbara Daviswill begin the day with a discussion about thearea's thriving community of illustrators during the1920s and 305, which included J.C. Leyendecker,Coles Phillips and Frederic Remington and others.After a scrumptious lunch, a tour of the area willexplore Mamaroneck and New Rochelle sites ofsignificance during <strong>Rockwell</strong>'s years there, such ashis homes, studios and places of inspiration.$55, $45 members.Poet Davyne Verstandlg, May 10Saturdays, April 25, May 2 and 9lOam to lpmART WORKSHOP SERIESPainting 1011102Explore the painting process from start to finish withMelinda Georgeson. Students working in oils or otherpainting medium of choice wilileam basicprinciples of color harmony and composition, aswell as approaches to visual problem-soMng andself-critique.lntended to inform beginners whilemotivating intermediate students, indMdual andgroup discussions will offer positive perspectivesfor growth.Melinda Georgeson's vibrant still-life paintingsare included in numerous private collections. Anartist and educator for over fifteen years, she iscurrently the Manager of Youth Services at the<strong>Norman</strong> <strong>Rockwell</strong> <strong>Museum</strong>. $80, $70 members.Saturday, May 2, llam to 5pmSPECIAL FESTIVALBerkshire County Day:An Illustration CelebrationJoin us for this special festival of tours, discussions,demonstrations, music and art activities thatcelebrate the work of American illustrators.Free for all who live or work in Berkshire County.Sunday, May 3, 3pmGALLERY TALKIn High Style: The Art ofJ. C. LeyendeckerEnjoy this in-depth look at the original works ofone of the most celebrated artists of America'sGolden Age of Illustration. With museum guideMary England. Free with museum admission.Saturday, May 9, 9am to 4pmEDUCATORS' SEMINARTeaching and Learning through ImagesImages reach us at our most essential humanlevel. evoking layers of meaning through whichwe may gain an understanding ofthe world, its\J1history, and our relationship to it. Explore thelanguage of art and the messages it conveyswith noted artists, writers, historians andeducators. Through lecture, discussion andhands-on sessions, educators will come awaywith creative ideas about teaching with imagesacross the curriculum. PDPs are available.$65, $55 members.Sunday, May 10, llamMOTHER'S DAY! POETRY & BRUNCHMothers &- Children: Bearers of thePast, Dreamers of the FutureCelebrate mothers and their children through thepoetry of renowned writers from world cultures.R:let /performer Davyne Verstandig's multimediapresentation will offer insights into the language ofthe heart through the works of such writers as AliceWalker, Adrienne Rich, June Jordan, Julia Alvarezand others. Enjoy this feast for body and soul.Davyne Verstandig is an award-winning poet andplaywright who has performed widely at suchvenues as The R:let's House and the 92nd streetyin New York City. A professor of literature at theUniversity of Connecticut her published booksinclude Provisions and Pieces of the Whole.$15, $12 members.Saturday, May 16, llam to 2pmTIlE BUSINESS OF ARTThe Illustrator and the Art DirectorTake an insightful look at the functional demandsof visual problem solving and its relationship toexpressive content from an art director'sperspective. Lucy Bartholomay will discuss herdecision-making process when commissioningillustration artfor publication. The professionalportfolio, effective presentation, opportunitiesin the field of illustration and innovative ways topromote your work will be addressed. Bringyour current portfolio and a bag lunch! We'llprovide beverages and dessert.Narman <strong>Rockwell</strong>'s Lord Kitchener Rood studio In New Rochelle. New York. Photographer unidentified.Lucy Bartholomay is the deputy manager ofdesign at the Boston Globe, where she has beenan art director for 18 years. $35, $30 members.Sunday, May 17, 3pmGALLERY TALKTough Choices: The Artist and theDecision-Making Process<strong>Norman</strong> <strong>Rockwell</strong> was a gifted "director" whocarefully manipulated the narrative and artisticelements in each illustration until a sense ofbelievability had been achieved. Explore the artist'srigorous creative and technical process withmuseum guide Robert Leahey, and examine someof the critical choices he made to enhance theimpact of his imagery.Free with museum admission.Wednesday, May 20, 7am to 4pmSPECIAL Bus TRIPNew York Excursion:The American ExperienceImmerse yourself in the American art experience!This special excursion will highlight images that havedescribed and defined our national experience. Arthistorian/educator Maureen Johnson Hickey, EdDwill offer tours of the 18th and 19th centuryAmerican collection atthe Metropolitan<strong>Museum</strong> of Art, and, after lunch. the early 20thcentury works at the Whitney <strong>Museum</strong> ofAmerican Art. $65, $60 members.Saturday, June 6, llamMEMBERS OPENING BRUNCHChanges and Challenges:<strong>Rockwell</strong> in the 1930sJoin us for a members' brunch in celebration ofthe opening of an exciting exhibition featuringoriginal <strong>Rockwell</strong> images from the 1930s.<strong>Museum</strong> curator Maureen Hart Hennessey willoffer insights about this transitional decade in<strong>Rockwell</strong>'s life. Free for members, $10 guests.Saturday, June 6, 12pm to 5pmOPENING FESTIVALThe 1930s:AnAmerican CelebrationThis opening of Changes and Challenges:<strong>Rockwell</strong> in the 1930s will explore the art,history, music and dance of the decadethrough tours, discussions, performancesand art activities. At 2pm, journalist StuartMurray will present a talk entitled <strong>Norman</strong><strong>Rockwell</strong> at Home in Vermont: The ArlingtonYears, 1939-53, based upon his recentbook of the same name.Free with museum admission.Saturday, June 6, 7pmTHE BLUE SKIES CLUB DANCESave the Date!Relive (or discover for the first time!) the BigBand sound of the 19305. Dance the LindyHop and dine under a tent on the museumterrace. Happy Days are here again at TheBlue Skies Club! Look for your invitation inthe mail. or call 413-298-4120.Sunday, June 7, 3pmGALLERyT ALKBerkshire VistasStroll the museum's scenic landscape withAssistant Manager of Visitor Services AbigailDiamant who will share the history ofLinwood House, our very own Berkshirecottage, and discuss the sculpture of Peter<strong>Rockwell</strong>. Free with museum admission.Sunday, June 21, llamFATHERS DAY! TALK & BRUNCHThrough the Looking Glass:The American Father in 20thCentury IllustrationProud patriarch, suburban seNant or rebelwith a cause? Enjoy this lively look the manysides of dad in 20th-century illustration art,that reveal much about the prevalentideals and attitudes of the times. ProfessorJan Cohn will share both serious andhumorous portrayals by such artists as<strong>Norman</strong> <strong>Rockwell</strong>. Constantin Alajalov,Stefan Dohanos and John Falter amongothers. Food for thought!Jan Cohn, Ph.D. is the G. Keith FunstenProfessor of American Literature andAmerican Studies atTrinity College inConnecticut. She is the author of Covers ofthe Saturday Evening Post: Seventy Years ofOutstanding Illustration from America'sFavorite Magazine. $15, $12 members.Sunday, June 21, 3pmGALLERY TALKRiverwalk!Enjoy the great outdoors! Abigail Diamant,Assistant Manager of Visitor Services, willguide you along the Riverwalk, our scenicpathway along the Housatonic River. Alongthe way, take in the breathtaking Berkshireviews, and learn more about the outdoorsculpture of Peter <strong>Rockwell</strong>. Free withmuseum admission.ExhibitionsThrough May 25, <strong>1998</strong>J. C. LEYENDECKER:A RETROSPECTIVEThe first retrospective exhibition of originalworksbyJ.e. Leyendecker(1874-1951), one ofthe most well-known and admired illustrators ofAmerica'sgolden age of illustration.Through June 21,<strong>1998</strong>MAKING PICTURESAn interactive exhibition that encouragesvisitors of all ages to increase their observationand perceptual skills through the study of<strong>Norman</strong> <strong>Rockwell</strong>'s images.June 6 through October 25, <strong>1998</strong>CHANGES AND ClIALLENGES:ROCKWELL IN TIlE 1930sAn exhibition of original oil paintings, drawingsand magazine tear sheets that highlights animportant and transitional decade in <strong>Norman</strong><strong>Rockwell</strong>'s personal and professional life.Permanent ExhibitsMy ADVENTIJRESAS AN lLLUSTMrORMIRROR ON AMERICAMy BEST STUDIO YET

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