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PVC Cling Film fromLINPAC PackagingIs Safe!And here’s why….

PVC cling film from LINPACPackaging is safe and here’s why .......The materials LINPAC use to manufacture its range ofPVC cling films are authorised and listed in EU Regulation10/2011 concerning plastic materials for food contact.LINPAC Packaging complies with all relevant EU plasticsregulations as well as local legislation.LINPAC pledged more than 20 years ago to never usecontroversial phthalate plasticisers.Toxicologists and legislative authorities across Europeagree that plasticisers used in LINPAC PVC foodpackaging pose no danger to public health or theenvironment. Migration is at levels consideredtotally safe and falls well within EUregulations.

LINPAC – Committed To Product StewardshipLINPAC Packaging takes its corporate, social andenvironmental product stewardship responsibilitiesvery seriously and believes that concerns about healthand environmental effects related to the manufacture,use and disposal of PVC film packaging result inmisunderstandings of the scientific data, which are fullyexplained in this leaflet.• PVC packaging plays a valid and valuable role inmodern society. It is a versatile material, with excellenttechnical and commercial performance, reducingfood waste through protection of foodstuffs across theworld providing great benefit to society.• LINPAC Packaging strives continuously to meet allenvironmental and food safety demands wherever itoperates in the world and welcomes the opportunity todiscuss the safe production and use of PVC with anyconcerned parties.• LINPAC Packaging manufactures PVC film accordingto EU regulation 1935/2004/EC, plastics regulation(EU)10/2011 and uses only materials which are listedin that regulation as suitable for food contact use.• LINPAC Packaging employs the required disciplinesof good manufacturing practice (GMP) in its facilitiesto maintain clean and hygienic conditions and preventcontamination. This ensures LINPAC is in completecompliance with EU GMP Regulation 2023/2006at all times.These disciplines are established andmaintained via our Policies and Procedures ofOperation in the plant.• Our products are routinely tested to ensurecompliance with the local and national regulations andthe company works with several institutes and industryassociations, including EPFMA (The EuropeanPolyvinyl Film Manufacturers Association) to ensurecompliance to current and emerging legislation.• LINPAC produces a range of PVC cling films in linewith the EPFMA Quality Charter and designed withtheir end use in mind.Please ensure that your choice of cling filmmanufacturer also adheres to these strictguidelines.

Why are there concerns about the use ofPVC cling films?Misunderstanding of the scientific data has centred on twokey concerns:ChlorinePVC resin is based from 57% salt origin and 43% oil. Saltcontains the element chlorine, which has the ability toreact with many other chemicals and in some instances,can produce a hazardous material as a result. Examplesinclude dioxins and pcbs. However, chlorine is just as ofteninert and harmless as salt, or indeed essential, as in thehydrochloric acid we have in our stomachs to break downour food. In the case of PVC, chlorine has been chemicallytransformed to VCM (vinyl chloride monomer) and thenpolymerised into a completely inert polymer (PVC) withvery low content of residual monomer (less than 1 ppm).For this reason, it is considered perfectly safe for foodcontact by all regulatory authorities around the world.The use of plasticisers in plastic film applicationsTo make plastic films stretchy and clingy, materials calledplasticizers must be added to the film formulation. Theseplasticizers, in some cases, have been known to migrateinto food in extremely low quantities. Therefore, eventhough migration is minute, great care is taken in theirselection and use.Why are there concerns about the use ofplasticisers in PVC cling films?LINPAC Packaging takesits product stewardshipresponsibilities veryseriously. The materialsLINPAC uses to manufactureits range of PVC cling filmsare authorised and listedin EU Regulation 10/2011concerning plastic materialsfor food contact. LINPACPackaging complies withall relevant EU plasticsregulations as well as locallegislation. LINPAC pledgedmore than 20 years ago tonever use controversialphthalate plasticisers.• PVC cling film has been used for over 30 years inEurope and during this period it has become one ofthe safest and most widely used materials for wrappingfood for professional and private purposes.• Whatever material is chosen for packaging food,there is always some transfer of the constituents ofthe packaging material to the foodstuffs, but this is inminute quantities.• Over the years, a considerable amount of researchhas been carried out to determine whether there is anyconcern of migration of constituents of PVC Cling filmsinto food including the plasticisers used.• Tests conducted in the UK, France, Germany and TheNetherlands show that the average DEHA intake (themost widely used type of plasticiser in PVC Cling filmproduction) is 6-20 times below the limits proposed bythe EU Scientific Committee for Food, the latter alreadyincluding large margins of safety.

• As an example of its impact, a 70kg adult human would have to eat 500kg of cheese that had beenwrapped in plastic film containing DEHA every day of their life to reach the observable level found inanimal testing.• There have also been claims that DEHA is an endocrine disrupting material. There is no validatedscientific evidence to support this claim.• In summary, PVC Packaging materials are not toxic and the plasticisers used in PVC packaging filmsare absolutely harmless to human health.Are there any applications where DEHA is not suitable and if so, whatshould be used instead?In Europe, there are very strict regulations governing the quantity of additives that are allowed to migrateinto foodstuffs. Responsible manufacturers like LINPAC therefore produce a range of cling films each for aspecific application (meat, cheese, butter…etc).All cling films must comply with strict EU scientifically based migration limits. When DEHA is used inthese films, it will be used in conjunction with other plasticisers and the proportion varies according to thedestined application for the film.Should migration of the plasticiser be of significant concern, for example in high fat content foodstuffssuch as lard, butter, cheese or meat, then polymeric plasticisers are used. These have a higher molecularweight than DEHA and therefore have a much lower rate of migration.How do consumers know which film to use for which type of food?• Cling film manufacturers mark their products with clear indications of suitability for use by food type.• They are also marked to show whether the film can be used in a microwave oven and/or for storingfrozen food.• Please note PVC cling films cannot be used in conventional ovens as the high temperatures cause thefilm to melt.Toxicologists andlegislative authoritiesacross Europe agreethat plasticisers usedin LINPAC PVC foodpackaging pose nodanger to public healthor the environmentand that the migrationis at levels which areconsidered totally safeby health authoritiesand fall well withinthe European UnionRegulations

STRETCH FILM SOLUTIONSFILM TYPE NAME APPLICATIONSPVC FilmsPolyolefin FilmsVLMF FilmsLINwrap LINaltaLINwrap Zenium and LINwrapPremiumCast FilmsMultiLINOptiLINLINfirstDesigned for household and catering use, for allfoodstuffs except pure fatDesigned for manual wrapping of cheeseDesigned for machine wrapping of protein, dairy,bakery and fruit and produce rangesDesigned to work with Digi and Ishida wrappingmachines and suitable for all food productsManual wrapping of all food productsMachine wrapping of all food products -designed for ‘elevator type machines’Machine wrapping of all food products -designed for linear, flowpack type machinesAPPLICATION VLMF LINALTA ZENIUM PREMIUM CAST MULTILIN OPTILIN LINFIRSTRAW RED MEAT • • • • • • •RAW LIGHTPOULTRY• • • • • • •SAUSAGES • • • • • • •SLICED COOKEDMEAT• • • • • • •RAW FISH • • • • • • •COOKED FISH • • • • • • •SMOKED FISH • • • • • • •PRAWNS PEELEDOR COOKED• • • • • • •CHEESE • • • • • • •FROZEN FOOD • • • • • • • •FRUIT & PRODUCE • • • • • • • •The VLMF film range is suitable for wrapping all foodstuffs except pure fat (oil for example) and is easilyrecognisable due to its unusual pink colour.Please note that the Zenium film range for protein wrapping is suitable for all foodstuffs with the exceptionof butter, margarine, pure fat or food preserved in an oily medium.

For more information on the use of LINPAC PVC Cling Films, please visit www.linpac.com, contactyour local sales representative or email us at info@linpac.comAre the materials your current supplier uses to manufacture itsrange of PVC cling films authorised and listed in EU regulation10/2011? LINPAC Packaging’s are!Does your current supplier comply with all relevant EUplastics regulations? LINPAC Packaging does!Does your current supplier use controversial phthalateplasticisers? LINPAC Packaging doesn’t!Do the plasticisers used by your current supplier pose a dangerto public health or the environment? LINPAC Packaging’sdoesn’t!LINPAC Packaging PontivyParc d’Activites de Kerguilloten56920 Noyal-Pontivy FranceT: +33 (0)2 97 28 70 70E: webenquiry.fr@linpacpackaging.comIssue:1 January 2015

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