User Guide - Eurotherm Ltda

User Guide - Eurotherm Ltda

User Guide - Eurotherm Ltda


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nanodac RECORDER/CONTROLLER: USER GUIDE6.5.1 Creating A Watch List (Cont.)DATA SET CREATION (Cont.)Individual data values can now be edited by typing directly into the grid cells. Data values can be left blankor cleared, in which case, no values will be written for those parameters at download. Data values are clearedby deleting all the characters in the cell then either moving to a different cell or typing .The set is called ‘Set 1’ by default, but it can be renamed by either by using the ‘Rename data set...’ item inthe Recipe or context menus, or by using the short cut +.New, empty data sets can be added using one of the following:1. Clicking on the ‘Create a new empty data set’ toolbar icon.2. Selecting ‘New Data Set’ in the Recipe or context menus3. Using the short cut +Once created, the data sets are edited as described above.Finally, once all the required data sets have been created, edited and saved, they can be downloaded theinstrument, one at a time, using the Download tool, the ‘Download Values’ item in the Recipe or contextmenus, or the short cut +.6.5.2 Watch Recipe toolbar iconsCreate a new watch/recipe list. Creates a new list by clearing out all parameters and data sets from an openwindow. If the current list has not been saved, confirmation is requested. Short cut +Open an existing watch/recipe file. If the current list or data set has not been saved, confirmation is requested.A file dialogue box then opens allowing the user to select a file to be opened. Short cut +Save the current watch/recipe list. Allows the current set to be saved to a user specified location. Short cut+.Download the selected data set to the device. Short cut +Insert item ahead of selected item. Short cut .Remove recipe parameter. Short cut +.Move selected item. Up arrow moves selected parameter up the list; down arrow move the selected parameterdown the list.Create a new empty data set. Short cut +.Delete an empty data set. Short cut +Capture current values into a data set. Fills the selected data set with values. Short cut +.Clear the selected data set. Removes values from the selected data set. Short cut +.Open OPC Scope. Opens a separate utility that allows trending, data logging and Dynamic Data Exchange6.5.3 Watch/Recipe Context MenuThe Watch/Recipe Context menu items have the same functions as described above for toolbar items.HA030554Issue 7 Nov 12Page 275

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