Welcome! Wamkelekile! Win a mini-library worth R25 000 ... - Nal'ibali

Welcome! Wamkelekile! Win a mini-library worth R25 000 ... - Nal'ibali

Welcome! Wamkelekile! Win a mini-library worth R25 000 ... - Nal'ibali


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Edition 1<strong>Welcome</strong>!Nal’ibali means “Here’s the story” in isiXhosa. It is also thename of a new national reading-for-enjoyment initiative that getsall of us in South Africa – young and old – passionate about telling andreading stories in all our languages.We invite you to join us in each Nal’ibali supplement as we haveloads of fun and interesting times with stories together. Each week,you will find stories to share with the children in your life and tips andinformation about how to do this. At least one story will be a speciallyproduced children’s story in English and isiXhosa for you to fold, cut andmake into a <strong>mini</strong>-book! Then there are puzzles, activity ideas, poems,riddles, competitions and much more to explore.We’d also like you to share the exciting things that you and other SouthAfricans are doing with stories and books by writing to Nal’ibali atPO Box 1654, Saxonwold 2132 or sending an email to info@nalibali.orgSo watch out for the next Nal’ibali supplement and join us on a storyadventure! It starts with a story…English and XhosaStop!If you aren’t going to use this supplement,please give it to someone who will!Deliver it to a school, community centre,<strong>library</strong> or someone you know.<strong>Win</strong> a <strong>mini</strong>-<strong>library</strong><strong>worth</strong> <strong>R25</strong> <strong>000</strong>!We have five <strong>mini</strong>-libraries to give away to help start or grow yourreading club or school’s book collection. Find out more in your nextNal’ibali reading-for-enjoyment supplement.<strong>Win</strong>a ilayibhrariencinane exabisaama-<strong>R25</strong> <strong>000</strong>!Siphisa ngeelayibhrari ezincinane ezintlanu ukuze sincede siqaliseokanye sikhulise iklabhu yakho yokufunda okanye iincwadizesikolo. Fumana iinkcukacha kwihlelo elilandelayo lokufundelaulonwabo elithi Nal’ibali.Nal’ibali is a national reading-for-enjoyment initiative to get people inSouth Africa – children and adults – passionate about telling and readingstories. For more information, visit www.nalibali.orgI Nal’ibali linyathelo lelizwe lokufundela ulonwabo lokwenza abantu eMzantsiAfrika – abantwana nabantu abadala – bakuthakazelele ukubalisa nokufundaamabali. Ukuze ufumane inkcazelo ebanzi, ndwendwela ku www.nalibali.orgwww.nalibali.orgJosh<strong>Wamkelekile</strong>!Ingaba xa usiva kusithiwa “Nal’ibali” uziva ukhumbula ibalielonwabisayo eliza kubaliswa? Ikwaligama lenyathelo elitshalelizwe lokufundela ulonwabo elenza ukuba sonke eMzantsi Afrika– abatsha nabadala – sibenomdla wokubalisa nokufunda amabalingazo zonke iilwimi.Siyakumema ubenathi kwihlelo ngalinye leNal’ibali njengokosinexesha elininzi esilichitha sizonwabisa kunye ngamabali. Kwihlelongalinye uza kufumana amabali onokuwabalisela abantwanaabasebo<strong>mini</strong> bakho kunye namacebo nenkcazelo yokubaungakwenza njani oku. Ibali elinye liza kuba libali elikhethekileyoelilungiselelwe abantwana ngesiNgesi nangesiXhosa ukuzeulisonge, ulisike ze wenze iincwadana ezincinane ezimbini!Kukwakho namaqashiso, iimbono zemidlalo, imibongo, iintsomi,ukhuphiswano neminye imiba e<strong>mini</strong>nzi ongayiphonononga kwihlelongalinye leveki.Meet ... Neo, Gogo, Afrika, Bella and Mbali.Dibana ... noNeo, uGogo, u-Afrika, uBella noMbali.Singathanda ukuba usibalisele ngezinto ezichulumancisayoozenzayo wena nabanye abantu baseMzantsi Afrika ngamabalineencwadi ngokusibhalela kwa: Nal’ibali, PO Box 1654, Saxonwold2132 okanye uthumele i-meyile ku-info@nalibali.orgNgoko ke jonga ihlelo elilandelayo leNal’ibali usijoyine xa sihlolaamabali! Konke kuqala ngebali…Yima!Ukuba awuyisayi kulusebenzisaolu shicilelo, nceda ulunike omnyeumntu oya kulusebenzisa! Luseesikolweni, kwiziko, ilayibhrari,labahlali okanye umntu.Sparking children's potential through storytelling and readingUkuvuselela isakhono sabantwana ngokubabalisela amabali nokubafundelaThis supplement is available in the following Avusa newspapers: The Times in the Western Cape, Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal; The Daily Dispatch and The Herald in the Eastern Cape during term times.

It all starts with a story!When did you last share a story? Was it this morning, whenyou told a neighbour about what happened yesterday in thecheck-out queue at the supermarket? Was it yesterday, whenyour daughter brought home a history project about the firstdemocratic election in South Africa and asked you what you didon that day? Was it last weekend, when you and your friendsspent the afternoon talking about your memories of primaryschool? Was it yesterday evening, when you read to your son atbedtime? Yes, we share stories in lots of different ways all of thetime. In fact, sharing stories is as natural to human beings aseating and sleeping!It doesn’t matter how old we are, we all use storiesto explore our lives – past and present – and ourpossible futures. Other stories allow us to learn aboutthe lives of our family and friends. Telling and readingstories provides a safe space to experience andmake sense of the ups and downs of life.Then there are those storiesthat transport us into thelives of people we’ve neverknown, who come fromlong ago and places faraway. And there are thosestories that carry us away toimaginary worlds where reallife fades and fantasy takesover. We might all enjoydifferent stories but we allshare and explore them forthe same reason: they arejust so satisfying!NeoSo, sharing stories with your children is fun and powerful! And did you know that ithas lots of other benefits too? Here are some of them:Stories help your children develop their imagination and creativity.Stories help your children to develop their language and thinking, especiallywhen they hear or read them in their home languages.Stories provide your children with examples of how people meet thechallenges that face them.It’s never too early to start – 75% of what children will learn in their lifetime islearnt by the age of two! So, whether your baby is chewing on a board bookor your toddler wants you to tell the same story over and over again, yourchildren are gaining essential knowledge about language and stories thatwill also benefit them later as they learn to read.children each day can expose them tohome are the things most likely to helpmake your children successfullearners at school.Bellastorytelling and readingexperiences at home aremore likely to bemotivated to read.Listen,Noodle!Mamela,Noodle!NoodleKonke kuqala ngebali!Bekukusasa nje, ngoku ubuxelela ummelwane wakho ngentoebisenzeka emgceni wokuphuma kubhazabhaza wevenkile?Bekuyizolo, ngokuya intombi yakho ibize neprojekthi yembaliethetha ngonyulo lokuqala lwedemokhrasi e-Mzantsi Afrika,ekubuza ukuba wenza ntoni ngolo suku? Bekukule mpelavekiiphelileyo, ngokuya wena nabahlobo bakho benichitheimvakwe<strong>mini</strong> yonke nithetha ngeenkumbulo zenu zesikolosamabanga aphantsi? Bekuyizolo ngorhatya, ngoku ubufundelaunyana wakho ibali ngexesha lokulala? Ewe, sibaliselanaamabali ngeendlela ezininzi ezahlukeneyo ngalo lonke ixesha.Enyanisweni, ukubalisa amabali yinto eqhelekileyo ebantwininjengokutya nokulala!Akukhathaliseki nokuba sibadala kangakanani na, sonke sisebenzisa amabaliukuchaza ubomi bethu – bexesha elidlulileyo nobangoku – ndawonyenamaxesha azayo. Amanye amabali enza ukuba sifunde ngobomi beentsaphozethu nangabahlobo bethu. Ukubalisa nokufunda amabali kuhlahla indlelayamava nokwazi ngcono ngamahlandenyuka obomi.Kukwakho ke namanye amabali asiqhubela ebo<strong>mini</strong> babantu esingazangesabazi, abakudala nabavela kwiindawo ezikude. Kukho lawo amabaliasifudusela kwihlabathi leengcinga, apho bumkayo ubomi bokwenyani nalaphokulawula khona amaphupha aziingcinga kuphela. Sonke singonwabela amabaliawohlukeneyo, kodwa sonke siwabalisa kwaye siwaphonononge ngesizathuesifanayo. Kambe ke ayonelisa!Ngoko ke, ukubalisela abantwana bakho amabali kumnandi yaye kunamandla!Ubusazi ukuba oku kukwanenqwaba yezinye iinzuzo? Nazi ezinye zazo:Amabali anika abantwana bakho imizekelo yendlela abantu abaqubisanangayo neengxaki abajongene nazo.Akukho minyaka mincinane yokuqalisa – ama-75% ezinto abantwanaabaya kuzifunda ebo<strong>mini</strong> babo bazifunda beneminyaka emibini ubudala!Ngako oko, noba usana lwakho luhlafuna incwadi okanye imveku ifunauphinda-phinde ibali elinye kaninzi, abantwana bakho bafumana ulwazioluyimfuneko ngolwimi nangamabali ayakuthi abeyinzuzo kubo xabefunda ukufunda.Ukubaliselwa amabali nokufundelwa ekhaya zizinto ezingahlezincedeabantwana bakho babengabafundi abanempumelelo esikolweni.Abantwana abanamava okubaliselwa nokufunda okonwabisayobasethubeni elininzi lokuba bangakukhuthalela ukufunda.Create your own<strong>mini</strong>-book supplement.2. Fold it in half along the blackdotted line. Zenzele eyakhoincwadana encinane 2. Wasonge esiphakathini kumgcawamachaphaza amnyama. 4. Sika kwimigca yamachaphaza abomvu.Amabali anceda abantwana bakho ekuphuhleni kweengcinga nobuchulebokuvelisa.Amabali anceda abantwana bakho ekuphuhliseni iilwimi zabo nokucinga,ngakumbi xa beweva okanye bewafunda ngeelwimi zabo zasekhaya.2

Get story active!After you and your children have read Booksare friends, try out some of these ideas.For more storyactivities go to:www.nalibali.orgIf you have 10 minutes…Ukuze ufumaneiinkcukacha zamanye Look closely at the pictures in the story. Can yourchildren find and name the animals in the pictures?amabali, yiya ku:www.nalibali.orgYenza ibali linike umdla!Emva kokuba wena nabantwana bakho nifunde incwadi ethiIincwadi zingabahlobo, zama eminye yale mibono.Ukuba unemizuzu eli-10…Qwalasela nzulu kwimifanekiso esebalini. Abantwana bakho bangakwaziukukhangela kwaye bazibize ngamagama ezi zilwanyana zisemifanekisweni?Help your older children to find the letters from theirnames in the pictures.Nceda abantwana bakho abadala bakhangele ii-alfabhethi zamagama waboemifanekisweni.If you have 30 minutes…Ukuba unemizuzu engama-30…Let your children draw a picture of their favourite storycharacters. Let them tell you about their pictures.Cela abantwana bakho bazobe umfanekiso wabadlali bebali ababathandayo.Yithi bakuxelele ngemifanekiso yabo.Let your children look through the newspaper to find theletters of their names, cut them out and paste them on asheet of paper. Ask them to draw a picture of themselvesreading a book next to their name. Encourage them to tellyou what the book is about.If you have 1 hour…Visit a bookshop or <strong>library</strong> with your children. Spend time browsing throughthe books in the children’s section together. Let your children choose thebooks they want to and help them to read them, if they ask you to. Or,read some children’s books yourself – this will help you become familiarwith what children’s books are available so that later on you can help yourchildren decide which books to buy or borrow.Cela abantwana bakho bajonge kwiphephandaba ii-alfabhethi zamagamaabo, bazisike bazincamathelise ephepheni.Yithi mabazobe imifanekiso yaboebabonisa befunda incwadi ecaleni kwamagama abo.Ukuba uneyure e-1...Ndwendwela ivenkile yeencwadi okanye ilayibhrari nabantwana bakho.Chithani ixesha ninonke nijonga-jonga iincwadi kwicandelo labantwana.Abantwana mabakhethe iincwadi abazifunayo kwaye ubancede bazifunde,ukuba bakucela wenze njalo. Okanye funda ezinye iincwadi zabantwanangokwakho – loo nto iyakukunceda uziqhelanise neencwadi zabantwanaezikhoyo ukwenzela ukuba kwithuba elizayo ukwazi ukumnceda umntwanawakho enze isigqibo sokuba yeyiphina incwadi amakayithenge okanyeayiboleke.Illustration by Alzette PrinsImifanekiso ngu-Alzette PrinsWhat do you see?1. How many people are reading?2. How many books can you find?3. What are most people reading?4. Who is reading something different? What is it?5. In the speech bubble, write what you think the girl is saying.Ubona ntoni?1. Bangaphi abantu abafundayo?2. Zingaphi iincwadi ongazifumana?3. Yintoni abayifundayo abantu abaninzi?4. Ngubani ofunda into eyahlukileyo? Yintoni leyo?5. Kwiqampu lentetho, bhala into ocinga ukuba ithethwa yintombazana.Can you guess the answer to these riddles?1. What has so much to tell you but cannot speak?2. What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries?3. What goes up and down the stairs without moving?Ungathelekelela impendulo kula maqashiso?1. Yintoni enento eninzi yokuthetha kodwa ayikwazi ukuthetha?2. Yintoni ebamanzi ngokuya isoma?3. Yintoni ehla isenyuka izitepisi kodwa ingashukumi?Answers: Picture: 1. 6; 2. 11; 3. Books; 4. Person in blue pants is reading a newspaper. Riddles: 1. Book; 2. A towel; 3. A carpet.Iimpendulo: Umfanekiso: 1. 6; 2. 11; 3. Iincwadi; 4. Umntu onxibe ibhulukhwe ebhlowu ufunda iphephandaba. Amaqashiso: 1. Incwadi; 2. Itawuli; 3. Itapeti.3

Story cornerSefudi's SadnessSefudi likes towonder aboutthings, andbefore theSadness cameto settle in hisheart, he liked todraw. He didn’thave paper andpencils but he drew with sticks and reeds and pieces of coal. He drewon his hands. He drew on his legs. He drew on the stones outside. Heeven drew on the walls of his house when his father wasn’t looking.Before the Sadness came, there were many days that Sefudi’s motherwas so sick that she couldn’t get out of bed. Every day the sicknessstole more of the colour from her face and more of the flesh from herbones and more of the life out of her body. Until one day Sefudi heardthe saddest voice that ever-there-was. It was a voice made strangeby the sadness, but it was the voice of his father. The voice said, “Yourbeloved mother has gone.”After that the sunshine wentout of Sefudi’s heart and thesounds of laughter went out ofhis house and he didn’t wantto draw. Ever again. The achein his heart was MUCH biggerthan the ache in his tummywhen he had not eaten forthe whole day. His heartachewas so big that it took threeyears before the river of tearsstarted spilling out of him.Illustrations by Donvé LeeImifanekiso ngu-Donvé LeeOn that day Sefudi was lying in his bed staring out the window. Abig silvery moon was rising in the sky and a blanket of night wasspreading over the world around him. He was feeling sleepy and hewas wondering about something strange that a silly boy at schoolhad said. This boy, who always thought he knew everything, had said,“Whoever fetches and carries wood on a Sunday will be sent to live onthe moon forever”.Sefudi wondered if people could really live on the moon. He wasalways wondering about things and he wondered about this for along time until he fell asleep. While he slept he had a dream. In hisdream he saw a lady on the moon carrying a bundle of wood on herhead. In his dream he called out “LADY ON THE MOON, LADY ON THEMOON, IS MY MOTHER THERE WITH YOU? IF SHE IS, PLEASE SEND HERBACK TO ME.”Ithuba lokubalisaIintsizi zika-SefudiUSefudi uyathanda ukuthabatheka zizinto. Phambi kokuba iiNtsizizimfikele, wayethanda ukuzoba. Wayengenalo iphepha neepensilezokuzoba, wayesebenzisa izinti, iingcongolo kunye nomsizi wamalahleukuzoba. Wayezizoba izandla, azizobe imilenze, azobe nakumatyeayengaphandle kwikhaya lakhe. Wayede azobe nasezindongenizendlu yakokwabo akuba kude neliso likatata wakhe.Phambi kokuba zimfikele iiNtsizi, umama wakhe uSefudi kwakuselekulithuba egula kangangokuba wayengasakwazi nokuphakamaemandlalweni wakhe.Njengokuba iintsuku zazisiya zihamba, nempilo yakhe yayisiba nkenenkenengokuba nkene-nkene. Isigulo sakhe sasiyixhwitha inyamaemathanjeni akhe, nobomi emzimbeni wakhe. Kwathi ngenye i<strong>mini</strong>ehleli uSefudi, weva elona lizwi lakha lalusizi. Yayililizwi elavakalalingaqhelekanga, phofu lisenziwa lusizi, yayililizwi likatata wakhe.Lavakala elo lizwi lisithi, ”Umama wakho oyintandane usishiyile.”Emva koko, latshona e<strong>mini</strong> ilanga kuSefudi, ukuhleka nolonwabozaphela ekhayeni lakhe, waphelelwa ngumdla wokuzoba. Waphelanya. Intlungu entliziyweni yakhe yayinzimakunentlungu awayeyiva esiswinisakhe xa wayethe akafumanakutya i<strong>mini</strong> yonke.Intlungu entliziyweni yakheyayinzima kangangokubakwamthatha iminyakaemithathu yonke phambikokuba umlamboweenyembezi uqaleukuphuphuma emehlweni akhe.Ngayo le <strong>mini</strong> uSefudi wayengqengqile emandlalweni wakhe,ejonge nzo phandle ngefestile. Esibhaka-bhakeni kwakuvelainyanga enkulu ebusilivere, ingubo yobusuku yayisele iqalaukugubungela konke okumngqongileyo. Ubuthongo babusithisebe-sebe ngexesha ecinga into ebithethwe yenye inkwenkwanaesikolweni. Le nkwenkwana, nebisoloko izicingela njengeyonaihlakaniphileyo apho esikolweni yaye yathi kuye, “Umntu othiaye kutheza ngeCawe uya kuhlala enyangeni, umphelo.”USefudi wakhe wayicingisisa le nto, ‘Ingaba kuyinene ukuba abantubangahlala enyangeni?’ Wayethanda ukuthabatheka zizinto, azicingisisenzulu. Wayicingisisa nale into, de wabiwa bubuthongo, walala. Utheelele njalo, waphupha. Ephupheni lakhe umama othwele inyandayeenkuni. Ephupheni lakhe ukhwaze wathi, “MAMA OSENYANGENI,MAMA OSENYANGENI, INGABA NOWAM UMAMA ULAPHO KUNYENAWE NA? UKUBA ULAPHO, NCEDA UMBUYISELE KUM.”In your next Nal’ibalisupplement:Can’t wait until next week for more reading and story tips, tools andinspirational ideas? Visit www.nalibali.org or find us on Facebook:www.facebook.com/nalibaliFind uson Twitter:@nalibaliSifumanekuTwitter:@nalibaliKwihlelo elilandelayole<strong>Nal'ibali</strong>:Uyingxamele ngeyona ndlela iveki ezayo ukuze ufumane amanyeamacebo okufunda nawamabali kunye neembono ezichulumancisayo?Ndwendwela e www.nalibali.org okanye sifumane kwi-Facebook:www.facebook.com/nalibaliSupplement produced by The Project for the Study of Alternative Education in South Africa (PRAESA) and Avusa Education. Translations by Masihlangane Communications.4

Books are friendsIincwadi zingabahloboStory by Carole BlochRead the original story, Books are friends, published by Jacana Mediaand available in bookstores and on-line from www.jacana.co.za. Thisstory is also available in isiZulu, isiXhosa, Afrikaans, Siswati, Sepedi,Sesotho, Setswana, Xitsonga, Tshivenda and isiNdebele.to www.jacana.co.za.Funda ibali eliyintsusa elithi, Iincwadi zingabahlobo, elishicilelwe yi-JacanaMedia kwaye elifumaneka ezivenkileni zeencwadi nakwi on-line kuwww.jacana.co.za. Eli bali likwafumaneka nangesiZulu, i-Afrikaans, IsiSwati,IsiPedi, IsiSuthu IsiTswana, IsiTsonga, IsiVenda nangesiNdebele.I-Jacana ishicilela iincwadi zabafundi abaselula ngazo zonkeiilwimi ezivunyiweyo ezilishumi elinanye zaseMzantsi Afrika.Ukuze ufumane iinkcukacha ezigcweleyo ngeetayitile ze-Jacanayiya ku www.jacana.co.za.© Jacana Media (South African rights only) Tel: (011 628 3200)Nal’ibali is a national reading-for-enjoyment initiative to get peoplein South Africa – children and adults – passionate about telling andreading stories. For more information, visit www.nalibali.org.Ibali ngu-Carole BlochI Nal’ibali linyathelo lelizwe lokufundela ulonwabo lokwenza abantueMzantsi Afrika – abantwana nabantu abadala – bakuthakazeleleukubalisa nokufunda amabali. Ukuze ufumane inkcazelo ebanzi,ndwendwela ku www.nalibali.org.5

Nothing beats a good storybook!A storybook is a teacher, sharing ideasand giving you information.Ayikho into edlula incwadi yebali elimnandi!Incwadi yebali ingutitshala owabelanangezimvo ekunika nolwazi.346

Most of all, a storybook is a friend.With friends you smile and laugh, yousigh and cry, you sing and shout. It’sthe same with storybooks.If you feel sad or lonely, tired or sick, a goodstory, like a good friend, can help take yourmind off things.Ngaphezu kwako konke incwadi yebaliingumhlobo. Xa unabahlobo uyancuma, uhleke,uyakhumbula, ulile, uyacula ude ukhwaze.Kunjalo ke nangeencwadi zamabali.Ukuba uziva ulusizi okanye ulilolo, udiniweokanye ugula, ibali elimnandi, njengomhlobowenene, lingakunceda lisuse ingqondo yakhokwezo zinto.567

Reading a story together canbe lots of fun.A story is also excellentcompany when you justwant to be quietly alone.Ukulifunda kunyeibali kunganonwabisakakhulu.Ibali likwangumhloboobagqwesa bonke xaufuna ukuba wedwauthe cwaka.788

you can read it when you’re bigger.It may be that you have to grow into a book.You can ask someone to help you read it oryou can read it when you’re Bigger.But if you take care of them, books will live on andbe enjoyed by you, your friends and your family for along time. You will find out over and over again thatnothing beats a good story!Kungenzeka kuthi kanti kufuneka ukhuleleencwadini. Ungacela omnye umntu akuncediseuyifunde okanye ungayifunda xa seleumkhudlwana.Kodwa ukuba uyazikhathalela, iincwadi ziza kuhlalazikho yaye ziza konwatyelwa ixesha elide nguwe,nabahlobo bakho nosapho lwakho. Njalo uzakufumanisa ukuba akukho nto idlula ibali elimnandi!9109

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