Avalanche User Guide - Wavelink

Avalanche User Guide - Wavelink Avalanche User Guide - Wavelink


Chapter 10: Managing Mobile Devices 90Device Details summary information• Device Tabs. Provides access to the following tabs:• General. Provides general network and wireless information about the device.• Installed Software. Provides information about the software applications installed onthe device.• Packages. Lists all the packages currently available for the device and the status of eachpackage.• Properties. Lists the properties of the device and their values. This tab also allows youto add properties and values. For details about the tasks you can perform in theProperties tab, see Configuring Mobile Device Properties on page 92.• Applied Profiles. Lists the profiles that are applied.• Device Control. Provides options for updating the mobile device, sending textmessages, pinging the device, using Remote Control, and connecting to the SessionMonitor. For details, see the links below or Contacting the Mobile Device on page 95.• Priority of Matching Profiles. Lists the profiles applied on the device by priority.• History. Provides a history of Avalanche actions for the mobile device. This mayinclude actions such as changes to packages, edited properties, applying a profile,rebooting the device, or changes to the Enabler configuration by a device user. Thisinformation is only available for devices with 5.2 or newer Enablers that are configured

Chapter 10: Managing Mobile Devices 91to report the events. (This can be configured on the Reporting tab of the EnablerConfiguration Utility.)The following sections provide information on viewing a device's location or location history:• Locating a Mobile Device• Locating a Device using Cell Tower Information• Viewing Location HistoryLocating a Mobile DeviceYou can view the most recently reported location of a mobile device with GPS capabilities. Thedevice is displayed as an icon on the map. In order to use this option, you must have astatistics server running, and statistics reporting must be enabled.To view the location of a mobile device:• From the Mobile Device Inventory tab, right-click the device you want to view and clickLocate in the context menu.The Map View appears with the mobile device icon displaying the most recently reportedlocation of the device.Locating a Device using Cell Tower InformationWhen a device has GPRS capabilities, it can report the cell tower it is currently connected to.The Console can use this information to display an approximate location for the device on themap.NOTE: Avalanche uses geoservices.wavelink.com to retrieve information about thelocation of the cell towers. You must be able to access this Web site in order to use the LocateCell Tower function.To locate a device using cell tower information:1 Navigate to a location containing the device you want to locate.2 Right-click the name of the device and select Locate via Cell Tower from the contextmenu.An icon appears on the map displaying the location of the cell tower the device reported.Viewing Location HistoryView the recently reported locations of a mobile device with GPS capabilities. In order to usethis option, you must have a statistics server running and statistics reporting must be enabled.The statistics server only retains GPS information for the past 48 hours.

Chapter 10: Managing Mobile Devices 91to report the events. (This can be configured on the Reporting tab of the EnablerConfiguration Utility.)The following sections provide information on viewing a device's location or location history:• Locating a Mobile Device• Locating a Device using Cell Tower Information• Viewing Location HistoryLocating a Mobile DeviceYou can view the most recently reported location of a mobile device with GPS capabilities. Thedevice is displayed as an icon on the map. In order to use this option, you must have astatistics server running, and statistics reporting must be enabled.To view the location of a mobile device:• From the Mobile Device Inventory tab, right-click the device you want to view and clickLocate in the context menu.The Map View appears with the mobile device icon displaying the most recently reportedlocation of the device.Locating a Device using Cell Tower InformationWhen a device has GPRS capabilities, it can report the cell tower it is currently connected to.The Console can use this information to display an approximate location for the device on themap.NOTE: <strong>Avalanche</strong> uses geoservices.wavelink.com to retrieve information about thelocation of the cell towers. You must be able to access this Web site in order to use the LocateCell Tower function.To locate a device using cell tower information:1 Navigate to a location containing the device you want to locate.2 Right-click the name of the device and select Locate via Cell Tower from the contextmenu.An icon appears on the map displaying the location of the cell tower the device reported.Viewing Location HistoryView the recently reported locations of a mobile device with GPS capabilities. In order to usethis option, you must have a statistics server running and statistics reporting must be enabled.The statistics server only retains GPS information for the past 48 hours.

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