Avalanche User Guide - Wavelink

Avalanche User Guide - Wavelink Avalanche User Guide - Wavelink


Chapter 9: Managing Software Profiles 8410 The package files will begin extracting locally. When the extraction is complete, click Next.The Configure the Software Package screen appears. This dialog box allows you to enable thepackage immediately and displays any configuration tools available for the package.11 Click Finish to complete the package creation.Copying Software PackagesCopying software packages allows you to configure a software package just once and thencopy it into all the profiles that require that package.To copy a software package:1 From the Profiles list, select the profile from which you want to copy the package.2 In the Software Packages area, right-click the package you want to copy and select CopySoftware Package from the context menu.The Please select the target profile dialog box appears.3 Select the profile to which you want to copy the package from the drop-down list.4 Click OK.The package and its configuration are included in the target software profile.Configuring Software Packages with a UtilitySome software packages come with configuration utilities that allow you to configure optionsbefore the packages are installed on a mobile device. These utilities can be accessed from theAvalanche Console. Configuration options will differ based on the software package. Fordetails about configuring software packages, see the specific user guide for that product.To configure a software package:1 From the Profiles tab, select the software profile with the software package you want toconfigure.2 From the Software Packages area of the Software Profile tab, select the package and clickConfigure. (You can also right-click the package name and select Configure.)The Configure Software Package dialog box appears.3 From the available list, double-click the utility you want to use to configure the package.4 When the options are configured, click OK.The software package is ready for synchronization.

Chapter 9: Managing Software Profiles 85Configuring Software Packages for Delayed InstallationSoftware packages can be configured to install on a delayed basis. Delayed packages aredownloaded to the mobile device just like any other package, but do not get installed on thedevice until the configured activation time. For applicable devices, the downloaded packagesare stored in persistent storage and can survive a cold boot.To configure a software package for delayed installation:1 From the Profiles tab, select the software profile with the package you want to delay.2 Select the package from the Software Packages list and click Edit Package.The Edit Software Package dialog box appears.Delayed Package Activation area3 In the Delayed Package Activation area, enable the options as desired:• If you want to delay package activation until a specific date and time, enable the Delayactivation until option and click on the calendar button to select a date and time.• To further delay the package installation after it has been activated, configure the Delayactivation for __ minutes option.• If you want the package to be activated on the device during a certain time window,enable the Activation window option and configure the hours during which thepackage will activate.• If you want the device user to have the option to override the software packageinstallation at the activation time, enable the Allow user to activate on demandcheckbox. When this option is selected, the user will be able to install the package assoon as it is downloaded.4 Click Save.

Chapter 9: Managing Software Profiles 85Configuring Software Packages for Delayed InstallationSoftware packages can be configured to install on a delayed basis. Delayed packages aredownloaded to the mobile device just like any other package, but do not get installed on thedevice until the configured activation time. For applicable devices, the downloaded packagesare stored in persistent storage and can survive a cold boot.To configure a software package for delayed installation:1 From the Profiles tab, select the software profile with the package you want to delay.2 Select the package from the Software Packages list and click Edit Package.The Edit Software Package dialog box appears.Delayed Package Activation area3 In the Delayed Package Activation area, enable the options as desired:• If you want to delay package activation until a specific date and time, enable the Delayactivation until option and click on the calendar button to select a date and time.• To further delay the package installation after it has been activated, configure the Delayactivation for __ minutes option.• If you want the package to be activated on the device during a certain time window,enable the Activation window option and configure the hours during which thepackage will activate.• If you want the device user to have the option to override the software packageinstallation at the activation time, enable the Allow user to activate on demandcheckbox. When this option is selected, the user will be able to install the package assoon as it is downloaded.4 Click Save.

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