Avalanche User Guide - Wavelink

Avalanche User Guide - Wavelink Avalanche User Guide - Wavelink


Chapter 6: Managing Network Profiles 56WEP Key Rotation. WEP key rotation employs four keys which areautomatically rotated at specified intervals. Each time the keys are rotated,one key is replaced by a new, randomly generated key. The keys are alsostaggered, meaning that the key sent by an infrastructure device is differentthan the one sent by a mobile device. Because both infrastructure and mobiledevices know which keys are authorized, they can communicate securelywithout using a shared key.WEP key rotation settings are not recoverable. If the system hosting theServer becomes unavailable (for example, due to a hardware crash), you mustre-connect serially to each mobile device to ensure that WEP key settings arecorrectly synchronized.WPA (TKIP). WPA, or Wi-Fi Protected Access, uses Temporal Key IntegrityProtocol (TKIP) to encrypt information and change the encryption keys asthe system is used. WPA uses a larger key and a message integrity check tomake the encryption more secure than WEP. In addition, WPA is designed toshut down the network for 60 seconds when an attempt to break theencryption is detected. WPA availability is dependent on some hardwaretypes.WPA2 (AES). WPA2 is similar to WPA but meets even higher standards forencryption security. In WPA2, encryption, key management, and messageintegrity are handled by CCMP (Counter Mode with Cipher Block ChainingMessage Authentication Code Protocol) instead of TKIP. WPA2 availability isdependent on some hardware types.WPA2 Mixed Mode. WPA Mixed Mode allows you to use either AES orTKIP encryption, depending on what the device supports.CustomPropertiesThis option allows you to add custom properties to the devices that receivethis network profile. By clicking Edit/View, you can add, edit, and deleteproperties and their values.AuthenticationSettingsThe authentication types available depends on the encryption you select andwhat is supported by your Enabler and hardware. Authentication optionsinclude:EAP. Extensible Authentication Protocol. Avalanche supports five differentEAP methods:

Chapter 6: Managing Network Profiles 57PEAP/MS-CHAPv2. (Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol combinedwith Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol)PEAP/MS-CHAPv2 is available when you are using encryption. It uses apublic key certificate to establish a Transport Layer Security tunnel betweenthe client and the authentication server.PEAP/GTC. (Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol with GenericToken Card) PEAP/GTC is available when you are using encryption. It issimilar to PEAP/MS-CHAPv2, but uses an inner authentication protocolinstead of MS-CHAP.EAP_FAST/MS-CHAPv2.(Extensible Authentication Protocol - FlexibleAuthentication via Secure Tunneling combined with MS-CHAPv2)EAP-FAST uses protected access credentials and optional certificates toestablish a Transport Layer Security tunnel.EAP_FAST/GTC. (Extensible Authentication Protocol - FlexibleAuthentication via Secure Tunneling with Generic Token Card) EAP-FASTuses protected access credentials and optional certificates to establish aTransport Layer Security tunnel.TTLS/MS-CHAPv2. (Tunneled Transport Layer Security with MS-CHAPv2)TTLS uses public key infrastructure certificates (only on the server) toestablish a Transport Layer Security tunnel.Pre-Shared Key (PSK). PSK does not require an authentication server. Apreset authentication key (either a 8-63 character pass phrase or a 64character hex key) is shared to the devices on your network and allows themto communicate with each other.LEAP. (Lightweight Extensible Authentication Protocol) LEAP requires bothclient and server to authenticate and then creates a dynamic WEP key.To configure WLAN settings:1 From the Profiles tab, select the profile from the Profile List.2 Click Edit.3 In the Network Profile tab, enable the Manage WLAN option.4 In the Scheduled Settings region, select the date and time you want the settings to takeeffect from the drop-down list.• If you would like to add another start time for different settings to the list, click Addand select the date and time you want it to begin.

Chapter 6: Managing Network Profiles 56WEP Key Rotation. WEP key rotation employs four keys which areautomatically rotated at specified intervals. Each time the keys are rotated,one key is replaced by a new, randomly generated key. The keys are alsostaggered, meaning that the key sent by an infrastructure device is differentthan the one sent by a mobile device. Because both infrastructure and mobiledevices know which keys are authorized, they can communicate securelywithout using a shared key.WEP key rotation settings are not recoverable. If the system hosting theServer becomes unavailable (for example, due to a hardware crash), you mustre-connect serially to each mobile device to ensure that WEP key settings arecorrectly synchronized.WPA (TKIP). WPA, or Wi-Fi Protected Access, uses Temporal Key IntegrityProtocol (TKIP) to encrypt information and change the encryption keys asthe system is used. WPA uses a larger key and a message integrity check tomake the encryption more secure than WEP. In addition, WPA is designed toshut down the network for 60 seconds when an attempt to break theencryption is detected. WPA availability is dependent on some hardwaretypes.WPA2 (AES). WPA2 is similar to WPA but meets even higher standards forencryption security. In WPA2, encryption, key management, and messageintegrity are handled by CCMP (Counter Mode with Cipher Block ChainingMessage Authentication Code Protocol) instead of TKIP. WPA2 availability isdependent on some hardware types.WPA2 Mixed Mode. WPA Mixed Mode allows you to use either AES orTKIP encryption, depending on what the device supports.CustomPropertiesThis option allows you to add custom properties to the devices that receivethis network profile. By clicking Edit/View, you can add, edit, and deleteproperties and their values.AuthenticationSettingsThe authentication types available depends on the encryption you select andwhat is supported by your Enabler and hardware. Authentication optionsinclude:EAP. Extensible Authentication Protocol. <strong>Avalanche</strong> supports five differentEAP methods:

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