Avalanche User Guide - Wavelink

Avalanche User Guide - Wavelink Avalanche User Guide - Wavelink


Chapter 3: Avalanche Java Console 22• You cannot remove a profile while you are in Edit Mode. You must either save or cancel.You can then select the profile and click Remove Profile.• When working in software profiles, you do not need to be in Edit Mode to install orconfigure software packages. However, you must enter Edit Mode to configure any othersoftware package options.• You do not need to enter Edit Mode to view where profiles are applied.Changing Console PreferencesYou can customize features of the Avalanche Console from the Preferences dialog box. Thissection provides information about the following Console preferences tasks:• Customizing General Console Settings• Edit Lock Control• Specifying the Backup Location• Configuring Audit Logging• Viewing the Audit Log• Configuring E-mail Settings• Configuring HTTP Proxy SettingsCustomizing General Console SettingsAvalanche gives you the option to automatically check online for software updates each timeyou launch the Java Console. You also can configure Avalanche to send usage data toWavelink to improve service and usability. The Avalanche Console appearance can bemodified, including display size, position and default page view from the Preferences dialogbox. You can also configure how the Alert Browser manages alerts.To customize the general Console settings:1 Click Tools > Settings.The Settings dialog box appears.2 Select the General tab.3 In the Auto Update Settings area, configure whether Avalanche should check for updatesor upload usage information to Wavelink.4 In the Console Display Settings area, configure the width, height, and the frame positionsfor the Avalanche Console.

Chapter 3: Avalanche Java Console 235 In the Alert Browser Settings area, use the text boxes to configure how many days an alertremains in the Alert Browser, the maximum number of alerts that can appear in the AlertBrowser, and the maximum number of alerts to store.NOTE: Avalanche stores alerts in the enterprise database.6 Click Apply to save your changes.7 Click OK to close the Settings dialog box.The Avalanche Console updates to reflect your changes.Edit Lock ControlYou can configure two options for Edit Lock: how long before the Edit Lock times out andprompts the user, and how quickly after the prompt appears the Edit Lock is canceled.If a use is editing an item (such as a profile), he has a limited amount of time to make and savehis changes before the Edit Lock times out. When the Edit Lock times out, a prompt willappear asking if he wants to extend the Edit Lock. If he does not respond to the prompt, theEdit Lock will be canceled, changes will not be saved, and other users will be able to edit theitem. The Edit Lock Timeout is the amount of time he has before the prompt appears, and theTimeout Warning Tolerance is the amount of time between when the prompt appears andwhen the Edit Lock is canceled.To configure Edit Lock control:1 Click Tools > Settings.The Settings dialog box appears.2 Select the Enterprise Server tab.3 In the Edit Lock Control area, select Enable Edit Lock Control and set the Edit LockTimeout and Timeout Warning Tolerance.4 Click Apply to save the changes.5 Click OK to close the Settings dialog box.Specifying the Backup LocationYou can specify where you want to store any backups of Avalanche. The location must be aqualified path for the Enterprise Server. If you do not specify a path, the backups will bestored in the default location, C:\Program Files\Wavelink\AvalancheSE\backup.For information about backing up Avalanche, see Backing Up the System on page 176.To specify a location:1 Click Tools > Settings.

Chapter 3: <strong>Avalanche</strong> Java Console 22• You cannot remove a profile while you are in Edit Mode. You must either save or cancel.You can then select the profile and click Remove Profile.• When working in software profiles, you do not need to be in Edit Mode to install orconfigure software packages. However, you must enter Edit Mode to configure any othersoftware package options.• You do not need to enter Edit Mode to view where profiles are applied.Changing Console PreferencesYou can customize features of the <strong>Avalanche</strong> Console from the Preferences dialog box. Thissection provides information about the following Console preferences tasks:• Customizing General Console Settings• Edit Lock Control• Specifying the Backup Location• Configuring Audit Logging• Viewing the Audit Log• Configuring E-mail Settings• Configuring HTTP Proxy SettingsCustomizing General Console Settings<strong>Avalanche</strong> gives you the option to automatically check online for software updates each timeyou launch the Java Console. You also can configure <strong>Avalanche</strong> to send usage data to<strong>Wavelink</strong> to improve service and usability. The <strong>Avalanche</strong> Console appearance can bemodified, including display size, position and default page view from the Preferences dialogbox. You can also configure how the Alert Browser manages alerts.To customize the general Console settings:1 Click Tools > Settings.The Settings dialog box appears.2 Select the General tab.3 In the Auto Update Settings area, configure whether <strong>Avalanche</strong> should check for updatesor upload usage information to <strong>Wavelink</strong>.4 In the Console Display Settings area, configure the width, height, and the frame positionsfor the <strong>Avalanche</strong> Console.

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