Avalanche User Guide - Wavelink

Avalanche User Guide - Wavelink

Avalanche User Guide - Wavelink


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SSL Certificates for the Web Console 181What is your first and last name?[Unknown]: avaself.wavelink.comWhat is the name of your organizational unit?[Unknown]: EngineeringWhat is the name of your organization?[Unknown]: <strong>Wavelink</strong> CorporationWhat is the name of your City or Locality?[Unknown]: MidvaleWhat is the name of your State or Province?[Unknown]: UtahWhat is the two-letter country code for this unit?[Unknown]: USIs CN=avaself.wavelink.com, OU=Engineering, O=<strong>Wavelink</strong> Corporation,L=Midvale, ST=Utah, C=US correct?[no]: yesEnter key password for (RETURN if same as keystorepassword):Generating the Certificate Signing RequestOnce you have created the keystore, you can use the keytool.exe utility to generate a certificatesigning request (certreq.csr) file to send to a certificate authority.To generate a certificate signing request:1 From a command line, navigate to:[<strong>Avalanche</strong> installation directory]\JRE\Bin2 Use the command:keytool -certreq -keyalg RSA -alias amccert -file certreq.csr-keystore "[<strong>Avalanche</strong> installationdirectory]\JRE\bin\amckeystore.keystore"3 Enter your keystore password.When you apply to a certificate authority for an SSL web server certificate, you will need tosubmit the certreq.csr file. This file should be created in the[<strong>Avalanche</strong>installation directory]\JRE\bin folder.Importing an Intermediate CertificateWhen you acquire an intermediate certificate from your certificate authority, import it into thekeystore. You may need to copy the contents of the intermediate certificate to a text editor andsave the file as intermediateCA.cer. This file must be saved in the [<strong>Avalanche</strong>installation directory]\JRE\bin directory before you can import it.To import an intermediate certificate:1 From a command line, navigate to:[<strong>Avalanche</strong> installation directory]\JRE\bin

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