Avalanche User Guide - Wavelink

Avalanche User Guide - Wavelink Avalanche User Guide - Wavelink


Chapter 14: Managing Alert Profiles 162When a server location generates a warning or critical alert, the icon in the Map flashesyellow or red, based on the highest severity level in its alert list. The flashing stops whenyou acknowledge the alert in the Alert Browser. The icon returns to its base color when allwarnings and critical alerts for the server location have been cleared from the AlertBrowser.You can also save specific map views to simplify navigation.To save a map view:1 Position the map using the navigation arrows and zooming in on the relevant geographicarea.2 Click Save View.3 Type the name of the view in the Save Current View dialog box.4 Click OK.The view can be accessed by selecting it from the Go to View drop-down list. The viewwill only be available to users on the local machine.

Chapter 15: Using Selection Criteria 163Chapter 15: Using Selection CriteriaSelection criteria are sets of rules which you can apply to profiles or devices. The rules aregenerally device properties such as the model name or OS type. These criteria define whichmobile devices receive a profile or are added to a group. For example, set a profile so that it isonly applied to Hand Held 7400 devices by using the criterion:ModelName = HHP7400After the profile is enabled and applied to a location, it is distributed to devices in the locationthat meet the selection criterion.If you want to set criteria but only want to match part of the expression, use an asterisk (*) as awildcard to represent single or multiple characters. A hyphen (-) can be used to indicate arange of numbers. You can also use parentheses and boolean operators for flexiblecombination of multiple variables. These options can reduce the size and complexity ofselection criteria.NOTE: The database interfaces used by Avalanche put a length limit on SQL expressions.Selection criteria containing more than 150 expressions have a good chance of exceeding thelimits. Wavelink recommends limiting selection criteria to 20 selection variables or less.Additional selection criteria are typically built into each software package to restrict thedistribution of the package to devices that can use it. The built-in selection criteria associatedwith a software package are set by the package developer and cannot be modified after thepackage has been created.The selection criteria builder provides a list of operators and preset selection variables, and alsoallows you to add custom properties as selection variables. Use the selection criteria builder tobuild valid selection criteria.This section provides the following information:• Building Selection Criteria• Selection Variables• OperatorsBuilding Selection CriteriaYou can access the Selection Criteria Builder from several different places in the AvalancheConsole, including network profiles, software profiles, and mobile device groups. To access theSelection Criteria Builder, click the Selection Criteria button:

Chapter 15: Using Selection Criteria 163Chapter 15: Using Selection CriteriaSelection criteria are sets of rules which you can apply to profiles or devices. The rules aregenerally device properties such as the model name or OS type. These criteria define whichmobile devices receive a profile or are added to a group. For example, set a profile so that it isonly applied to Hand Held 7400 devices by using the criterion:ModelName = HHP7400After the profile is enabled and applied to a location, it is distributed to devices in the locationthat meet the selection criterion.If you want to set criteria but only want to match part of the expression, use an asterisk (*) as awildcard to represent single or multiple characters. A hyphen (-) can be used to indicate arange of numbers. You can also use parentheses and boolean operators for flexiblecombination of multiple variables. These options can reduce the size and complexity ofselection criteria.NOTE: The database interfaces used by <strong>Avalanche</strong> put a length limit on SQL expressions.Selection criteria containing more than 150 expressions have a good chance of exceeding thelimits. <strong>Wavelink</strong> recommends limiting selection criteria to 20 selection variables or less.Additional selection criteria are typically built into each software package to restrict thedistribution of the package to devices that can use it. The built-in selection criteria associatedwith a software package are set by the package developer and cannot be modified after thepackage has been created.The selection criteria builder provides a list of operators and preset selection variables, and alsoallows you to add custom properties as selection variables. Use the selection criteria builder tobuild valid selection criteria.This section provides the following information:• Building Selection Criteria• Selection Variables• OperatorsBuilding Selection CriteriaYou can access the Selection Criteria Builder from several different places in the <strong>Avalanche</strong>Console, including network profiles, software profiles, and mobile device groups. To access theSelection Criteria Builder, click the Selection Criteria button:

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