Avalanche User Guide - Wavelink

Avalanche User Guide - Wavelink Avalanche User Guide - Wavelink


Chapter 13: Managing Mobile Device Groups 1545 Click OK.The edited property appears in the list.6 Click OK to return to the Avalanche Console.To delete a mobile device group property:1 Right-click on a mobile device group and select Edit Device Properties.The Edit Mobile Device Group Properties dialog box appears.2 Select the property that you want to delete and click Delete Property.3 Confirm that you want to delete the property.The Pending Value column for the property displays the status of the property.4 Click OK to remove the property and return to the Avalanche Console.The property will be deleted after the next update.Additional Mobile Device Group FunctionsMobile device groups include other functions, allowing you to more efficiently manage yourmobile devices. These options are available by right-clicking the mobile device group andselecting the appropriate option.The additional options for mobile device groups are as follows:Enable/Disable Allows you to enable or disable the group. When the group is disabled, anyselection criteria using the group as a selection variable will return a “false”value.Update NowClone GroupAllows you to update all mobile devices within that group immediately.Clones the group and its settings.Remove Group Deletes the group from the Avalanche Console.

Chapter 14: Managing Alert Profiles 155Chapter 14: Managing Alert ProfilesManage alerts in Avalanche using alert profiles. An alert profile gives you options forconfiguring what network events generate an alert and who is notified when an alert isgenerated. A server going offline or a completed synchronization are examples of alert events.This section provides information about the following topics:• Creating and Configuring Alert Profiles• Alerts TabCreating and Configuring Alert ProfilesAlert profiles are configured with a list of events that will generate an alert. These profiles arethen deployed to the servers. When an event on the list occurs, an alert is sent to theAvalanche Console. If the profile is configured for forwarding the alert to e-mail recipients or aproxy, the Console forwards the alert.The Authorized Users button allows you to assign privileges for a profile to a user that doesnot have rights for that profile. This allows you to give a user permission for one specificprofile, rather than all profiles of a specific type. Users that already have permission for theprofile will not appear in the list of available users. For information about creating users andassigning permissions, see Managing User Accounts on page 35.The settings that can be configured for an alert profile include:ProfiledContactsEach alert profile can notify one or more e-mail addresses when specified eventsoccur. If you want the Avalanche Console to send notification by e-mail, you mustadd the e-mail address to the Email Recipients list for that profile. The entirecontact list will receive e-mails for all alerts generated by that profile.ProfiledProxiesProfiledAlertsThe Avalanche Console allows you to set one or more proxy hosts for an alertprofile. When you add a proxy to a profile, the Console automatically forwards allalerts for that profile to the IP address of the proxy, enabling you to integrateAvalanche with your existing network management tools.Avalanche provides a list of events that will generate alerts. You can choose eventsfrom this list when you create an alert profile.See the following sections for additional information on configuring alert profiles:• Adding E-Mail Contacts• Adding SNMP Proxies

Chapter 14: Managing Alert Profiles 155Chapter 14: Managing Alert ProfilesManage alerts in <strong>Avalanche</strong> using alert profiles. An alert profile gives you options forconfiguring what network events generate an alert and who is notified when an alert isgenerated. A server going offline or a completed synchronization are examples of alert events.This section provides information about the following topics:• Creating and Configuring Alert Profiles• Alerts TabCreating and Configuring Alert ProfilesAlert profiles are configured with a list of events that will generate an alert. These profiles arethen deployed to the servers. When an event on the list occurs, an alert is sent to the<strong>Avalanche</strong> Console. If the profile is configured for forwarding the alert to e-mail recipients or aproxy, the Console forwards the alert.The Authorized <strong>User</strong>s button allows you to assign privileges for a profile to a user that doesnot have rights for that profile. This allows you to give a user permission for one specificprofile, rather than all profiles of a specific type. <strong>User</strong>s that already have permission for theprofile will not appear in the list of available users. For information about creating users andassigning permissions, see Managing <strong>User</strong> Accounts on page 35.The settings that can be configured for an alert profile include:ProfiledContactsEach alert profile can notify one or more e-mail addresses when specified eventsoccur. If you want the <strong>Avalanche</strong> Console to send notification by e-mail, you mustadd the e-mail address to the Email Recipients list for that profile. The entirecontact list will receive e-mails for all alerts generated by that profile.ProfiledProxiesProfiledAlertsThe <strong>Avalanche</strong> Console allows you to set one or more proxy hosts for an alertprofile. When you add a proxy to a profile, the Console automatically forwards allalerts for that profile to the IP address of the proxy, enabling you to integrate<strong>Avalanche</strong> with your existing network management tools.<strong>Avalanche</strong> provides a list of events that will generate alerts. You can choose eventsfrom this list when you create an alert profile.See the following sections for additional information on configuring alert profiles:• Adding E-Mail Contacts• Adding SNMP Proxies

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