Avalanche User Guide - Wavelink

Avalanche User Guide - Wavelink Avalanche User Guide - Wavelink


Chapter 12: Managing Mobile Device Profiles 148The Add Geofence Area dialog box appears.5 Type a name for the area in the Name text box.6 If you want the area to be a home area, enable the Is a Home Area check box.7 Enter the start and end latitude and longitude for the geofence. The start point should bethe southwest corner of your area, and the end point should be the northeast.8 Click Select.The area is added to the list.Regional SettingsYou can set the region and time zone for your mobile devices from a mobile device profile.To change the regional settings of a mobile device profile:1 From the Profiles tab, select the profile from the Profile List.2 Click Edit.3 From the Advanced Settings tab, use the drop-down lists in the Regional Settings area toselect the region and time zone for your devices.• If you want to edit the time zone settings that load automatically when you select thetime zone from the drop-down list, click Edit Time Zone.• If you want to revert to the time zone settings used on the local computer, clickRefresh Time Zone.• If you want the devices to adjust for Daylight Savings time automatically, enable theAutomatically adjust clock for Daylight Savings Time option.4 Save your changes.Update RestrictionsFor more control over bandwidth usage, restrict device-to-server updates by using blackoutwindows. During a device-to-server blackout, the mobile devices are not allowed tocommunicate with a Mobile Device Server.To create a blackout window:1 From the Profiles tab, select a mobile device profile from the Profile List.2 Click Edit.3 From the Advanced Settings tab, click Add in the Update Restrictions area.The Add Exclusion Window dialog box appears.

Chapter 12: Managing Mobile Device Profiles 1494 Select the start and end time of the blackout window, and enable the boxes for the daysyou want the blackout to apply.NOTE: Blackout windows are scheduled using a 24-hour clock. If you create a windowwhere the start time is later than the end time, the window will continue to the end time onthe following day. For example, if you scheduled a window for 20:00 to 10:00 on Saturday, itwould run from Saturday 20:00 until Sunday 10:00.5 Click OK.6 Save your changes.

Chapter 12: Managing Mobile Device Profiles 1494 Select the start and end time of the blackout window, and enable the boxes for the daysyou want the blackout to apply.NOTE: Blackout windows are scheduled using a 24-hour clock. If you create a windowwhere the start time is later than the end time, the window will continue to the end time onthe following day. For example, if you scheduled a window for 20:00 to 10:00 on Saturday, itwould run from Saturday 20:00 until Sunday 10:00.5 Click OK.6 Save your changes.

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