Avalanche User Guide - Wavelink

Avalanche User Guide - Wavelink Avalanche User Guide - Wavelink


Chapter 12: Managing Mobile Device Profiles 146The task is added to the list in the Registry Settings area. The key will be removed whenthe profile is applied on the mobile device.8 Click Save to save your changes.To edit or remove a registry key value:1 From the Profiles tab, select the profile you want to configure.2 Click Edit.3 In the Registry Settings area, select the key for which you want to edit or remove a valueand click Add a new registry value.The Add Registry Value dialog box appears.4 Type the Name of the existing value in the text box.5 If you want to edit the Type or Data of the value, enter the appropriate information in theprovided boxes.6 If you are editing the value, select Add from the Action drop-down list. If you want toremove the value from the device, select Remove from the Action drop-down list.7 Click OK.The task is added to the list in the Registry Settings area. The value will be changed whenthe profile is applied on the mobile device.8 Click Save to save your changes.Configuring Mobile Device Profile Advanced SettingsYou can configure GPS reporting, geofence areas, time zone settings and update restrictionsfor your mobile devices from a mobile device profile. This section includes the followingtopics:• Location Based Services• Geofence Areas• Regional Settings• Update RestrictionsLocation Based ServicesLocation-based services allow you to manage GPS statistics collection when your mobiledevices have GPS capabilities and a phone. Configure the following options:

Chapter 12: Managing Mobile Device Profiles 147Enable locationbasedservicesReporting intervalReport locationusing cell towersReport locationusing GPSGPS acquisitiontimeoutPrompt user toinitiateGPS acquisitionNotify user after_ consecutiveGPS failuresEnables GPS reporting for devices using the selected mobile deviceprofile.Determines how often the device reports its GPS statistics to the MobileDevice Server.Uses information from nearby cell towers to establish the location of thedevice.Uses GPS coordinates to establish the location of the device.Determines how often the device checks its GPS coordinates.Prompts the mobile device user to ask if Avalanche should be allowed tocollect and report location-based data. This prompt will appear when theEnabler is launched.Provides a notification to the mobile device user after the device hasfailed to acquire GPS coordinates the specified number of times.To configure location-based services:1 From the Profiles tab, select the mobile device profile from the Profile List.2 Click Edit.3 In the Advanced Settings tab, enable the desired options in the Location Based Servicesarea.4 Save your changes.Geofence AreasA geofence is a virtual perimeter defined by GPS coordinates. When you configure a geofencearea and define it as the Home area, Avalanche can generate an alert when devices report aGPS position that is outside of the defined area.To configure a geofence area:1 From the Profiles tab, select the mobile device profile from the Profile List.2 Click Edit.3 In the Advanced Settings tab, ensure that Enable location-based services is enabled.4 Click Add in the Geofence Areas region.

Chapter 12: Managing Mobile Device Profiles 146The task is added to the list in the Registry Settings area. The key will be removed whenthe profile is applied on the mobile device.8 Click Save to save your changes.To edit or remove a registry key value:1 From the Profiles tab, select the profile you want to configure.2 Click Edit.3 In the Registry Settings area, select the key for which you want to edit or remove a valueand click Add a new registry value.The Add Registry Value dialog box appears.4 Type the Name of the existing value in the text box.5 If you want to edit the Type or Data of the value, enter the appropriate information in theprovided boxes.6 If you are editing the value, select Add from the Action drop-down list. If you want toremove the value from the device, select Remove from the Action drop-down list.7 Click OK.The task is added to the list in the Registry Settings area. The value will be changed whenthe profile is applied on the mobile device.8 Click Save to save your changes.Configuring Mobile Device Profile Advanced SettingsYou can configure GPS reporting, geofence areas, time zone settings and update restrictionsfor your mobile devices from a mobile device profile. This section includes the followingtopics:• Location Based Services• Geofence Areas• Regional Settings• Update RestrictionsLocation Based ServicesLocation-based services allow you to manage GPS statistics collection when your mobiledevices have GPS capabilities and a phone. Configure the following options:

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